The best thing a cheater can do now is to keep multilogs hidden somewhere in unguarded
locations, which I don't think is very effective except for sneakers.
I will believe it when I see it.
Upon entering the game the idling timer was meant to prevent some sort of waves, if the player character would use a proxy
You really mastered making little point in lots of words...
Wrong, it was supposed to prevent fast relogging in PvP, period. You can scrap whole proxy from your arguments, because nobody will sit in game all day long and catch normal non-proxy fast reloggers. Even if there were people to do it, it's impossible to catch fast reloggers because... durr, one character is off, and how you want to prove anything now? Who will observe these characters if they were really supposed to PvP or not? You 180 seconds to react before [off] alt is gone. Or there would be lots of false positives and lots of butthurt on the forum "why my brother was banned".
So you can go back to drawing board.
I will say it again, because maybe you misunderstood. If there is ONLY ONE character in game with YOUR IP
and the IP of the character didn't change, you will not get the 2.5 minute Idling Timer if you logoff for a second.
Current system is just fine, obviously some players need more time to kick their fast relog addiction.
So better to have a system where they can't be used efficiently.
I will believe it when I see it.
You are ready to kill someone inside without being in the game.
But you can play right away after logging, you just can't enter already existing combat zone for 150 seconds.
If you really hate it that much, start TC timer in another town and wait for the other team.
PvP players brought this system upon themselves by abusing alts in PvP to the point of hillbilly ridiculousness.
Now you can't abuse PvP alts. You can't jump at someone in the first 150 seconds of play. I think it's good.There are two things , one is idling time and one is Predator mod over WM. They are good , but not together .
No I can't play, because it is the only reason I log into this game and so as many other players and all players that have voted positively to this suggestion will agree based on other point of views, so as I can have other one's you should respect just like me and everyone else, you are no different and were asking you to come forward at least one time. Ye, sure make own timer each time when you are the one to enter the city, brilliant solution.
There is basically a butthurt of people who have lots of useless PvP alts now and all they expectYes you are right devs wait when fast relog are broken ,then we all make new characters because without them this game was unplayable . Now all have useless characters and you laugh!
from the game is login, click town in 0s and shoot whatever is inside. I have idea for you: logoff
over Hinkley. Maybe casuals will take towns and won't be so butthurt about idling :D
Personally I voted the wrong option because it was unclear which one supported and which one was against your proposal :>
It's not about organization, people get used to it or at least will, but it doesn't make it less true that such an annoyance could be relaxed.
Don't miss the point please, this system is obviously a great improvement in multiple aspects with its own flaws.
There is 2-3x less alts in the game and what appears to be finally a fair PvP to me without alt abuse so the system works.
The idling timer once you enter the game first time is unnecessary and ineffective for the purpose it was made.
The poll is very confusing. Personally I thought that the question is about idling in general.
What does this have to do with the initial idling timer? Or you don't understand that it can work perfectly without it?
Hehe, you don't understand the system and you vote. Besides all my encouragement to fully understand the issue. ;DYour blathering is not a sufficient encouragement to understand an issue that quite frankly doesn't exist.
There are two things , one is idling time and one is Predator mod over WM. They are good , but not together .
Sometimes take all developers and make TC in city then write what is good...
Go to town, hide 20 people in some building and there you go....and enemy sneaker tells his team to strike idlers immediatelly so they cannot defend themselves. I was already thinking about this, but there is this issue. You can see it in Reno, waiting in town drives away your attention and you are vulnerable to external attacks while not available to strike back :/
...and enemy sneaker tells his team to strike idlers immediatelly so they cannot defend themselves. I was already thinking about this, but there is this issue. You can see it in Reno, waiting in town drives away your attention and you are vulnerable to external attacks while not available to strike back :/
Are you fucking kidding me? I made it crystal clear how to understand the basics of the topic, it is not my problem you had a hard time to understand your own system and I had to show the details for you."I saw a pie in the sky"
Where is problem to stay in town instead of WM? Noone force you to stay safely on WM and check preview every two seconds. Go to town, hide 20 people in some building and there you go.;D hide 20players , its imposible man . Maps are too small . Also enemies camp spawns with sneakers , imposible solution.
"I saw a pie in the sky"
Your blathering is not a sufficient encouragement to understand an issue that quite frankly doesn't exist.
I think I explained that it can be circumvented by logging off and logging on proxy client,
which is probably what teams full of cheaters like yours would do.
The only difference to what was before is that it would be nearly impossible to catch and ban you, because GM
would have 180 seconds do detect and ban a proxy fast relog (and no GM will do it).
The thing is, I managed to ban one proxy in FOnline over the years but I'm quite sure there
was many more of them.
You entering to city for fight or not? So where is problem? We took Redding in 11 people without sneaker. BBS attacked us, TNB attacked us and we dont care about fast relog so whats your problem guys, why you only whinning?
It's not about organization, people get used to it or at least will, but it doesn't make it less true that such an annoyance could be relaxed.
Don't miss the point please, this system is obviously a great improvement in multiple aspects with its own flaws.
Please, do tell me what is the difference between now and how it would be after the suggestion in place, hmm?
Doesn't matter where, world map or unguarded location, proxies tend to have massive latency and generally unpractical to use, maybe only for sneakers and then it would render your ability to play normally without unexpected disturbances, lags, disconnections etc. etc. what is the main purpose why proxies cannot be used for waves. Currently the idling timer for a cheater is just the same inconvenience as for a clean player, but he doesn't need to keep them on world map.
The best thing a cheater can do now is to keep multilogs hidden somewhere in unguarded
locations, which I don't think is very effective except for sneakers.
The difference is you could have proxy windows with alts in main menu and login after you die for next wave.
Or not even window, just close FOnline, switch proxy setting and enter on another alt. It can be easily automated
with a cheat. Right now you can't do this, well you could try some tricks but they would be very inconvenient
and prone to a fail.
There is no reason to leave a loophole for cheaters.
Beside I think 150s of "no jumping into combat" is actually good for gameplay.
You can't just call your friends through mumble to squash people with whom you just lost.
The difference is you could have proxy windows with alts in main menu and login after you die for next wave.
Or not even window, just close FOnline, switch proxy setting and enter on another alt. It can be easily automated
with a cheat. Right now you can't do this, well you could try some tricks but they would be very inconvenient
and prone to a fail.
There is no reason to leave a loophole for cheaters.
Beside I think no jumping into existing combat 150s after login is actually good for gameplay.
You can't simply call your numerous friends through mumble to squash people with whom you just lost,
unless they actually are playing the game on PvP characters.
I can't? But why I shouldn't, huh?
... large "swarms" is a part of all politics that happen between factions in or out of the game, alliances even out sooner or later and they go with the flow of the game and anything that restricts the player in that regard is bad. You said it yourself, you want to keep the game's freedom, well guess what this is not exactly the right way.
Then again I heard someone saying that it is a positive effect that players are encouraged to be inside the city, but it is no different then being susceptible to any of kind of hostility you might encounter on world map, it will simply stay as an annoyance unfortunately.
It's not about organization, people get used to it or at least will, but it doesn't make it less true that such an annoyance could be relaxed.
Don't miss the point please, this system is obviously a great improvement in multiple aspects with its own flaws.
If your character is in the state of readiness to attack and squash people in a few seconds, then you should be in the game IMO (and ideally in a place that isn't safe too) not in unreachable plane of voice speak.
Before you or anyone else will say it - yes, we sux in providing such content currently :S As you hit the right buttons
1. People logged off can't be scouted and are perfectly safe, although they could jump at you in a matter of seconds.
2. People logged off shouldn't be promoted over those who are in the game, in unsafe places (risking and visible).
Players have played very much to make bases, make characters, logistics and made due to all sort of related organization problems throughout this session in order to be ready and just jump in the game and play whenever they feel like.
There is effort below it, nobody should do anything else. No other game restricts one's ability to play once he has entered the game,
They aren't promoted, what difference does it make while I'm inside the game prior or I just jump in as soon as I open the client, the difference is many players don't have a reason to stay in the game and it is yet another unnecessary restriction for players to deal with once they jump in it, like they would do in any other game to be honest.
New players suffer from your system the most and you don't give a fuck about them and you don't give a fuck about long time playing players that to whom you should really listen once in a while.
They aren't promoted
your word is law how we should play the game
So what? I think your success should be dependent on what you do inside town rather than how much you prepare. Excessive preparedness just benefits turbofarmers with too much time. Besides those cars and bases will always be useful, idling or not.
Other games don't have worldmap. Because of worldmap and the way it works we can't have nice things.
But it's just 2 minutes. The enemies aren't going anywhere and if they are, then is it a big deal to lure them out?
Actually new players take things as granted and adapt. Our previous waves were 10 times worse against new players than anything idle has to offer.
::) Of course they are, they can't be killed or seen and can idle on WM forever without any effort.
So now they can't enter combat zones immediately to kill people inside.
Well, you will play it however you want.
Every post you made T-888 is all about how you play the game, and how the system effects you, and how you think it's wrong.
bring some semblance of balance back to pvp
the timer isn't there to stop cheaters, it's there to stop fast relog mobs.
Trokanis u have my vote.well spoken.devs please close this thread
- Anyone who enters a Combat Zone while having Idling Timer, becomes an Idler.
- Anyone who logs in inside a Combat Zone (if the character wasn't in game already), becomes an Idler.
- Idlers have 5% chance to hit other critters, can't sneak, steal and have 0 Armor Class. The same penalties apply to NPC followers.
- You stop being an Idler when your Idling Timer runs out or you leave the location.
Idling Timer
- Characters get 150 seconds of Idling Timer after logging in (if the character wasn't in game already or its IP changed).
- Idling Timer decreases on the World Map and in unguarded locations.
- Idling Timer is paused inside real time encounters and inside turn based encounters with opened combat.
- Idling Timer increases up to 150 seconds inside tents, bases, quest locations, guarded towns and turn based encounters with closed combat.
- Idling Timer also increases up to 150 seconds when character is offline (but still in game).
- If you don't spend any Action Points during your turn in turn based combat, Idling Timer increases by the amount of seconds of your turn.
- After entering tent or base you get 20 seconds of immunity from Idling Timer increase.
- After death you get 5 minute of immunity from Idling Timer increase.
Idler Warning
If you have the Idling Timer and you are within a distance of 2 squares from a Combat Zone location, this location will be displayed as a crossed orange circle. Anyone else (people who wouldn't become Idlers when entering this location) will see normal green circles. There is no warning before logging in inside Combat Zone.
Idlers have a visible tab informing them about their status.
Remember, having the Idling Timer doesn't mean you have any penalties, unless you willingly enter a Combat Zone (or login inside it, but you can be aware of this risk and not log off in dangerous places). If a location became a Combat Zone while you were inside already, it has no effect on you, even if you have the Idling Timer.
jov maby 150s is to much and maby 120s would be better? 150s is 3 random encouters on wm
The counter argument to your suggestion is simply that the feature does not interfere with the game play in a such a way that it out weighs it's usefulness.
Seriously 2 timers? You mean the idle timer that shows up in your pip-boy right after log in (whether for the first time, or logging a new character) that starts at 150 seconds? The very same idle timer that if you should enter a combat zone that is currently active gives you the Idler debuff, until you have been in either an unsafe town or on the world map for it's remaining duration?
But the fact that you choose to ignore what you don't like speaks volumes about anyone's chances of having a reasonable discussion with you.
If two clients are active with two characters, one each inside of the client ( Imagine a box ... just a joke ;D ), and on one of your client gets a disconnect or simply logs off and momentarily logs back in, you will receive idling timer because your IP address is already active and it could made so you would receive this idling debuff when your IP address was active in the past 3 minutes also. That would be equivalent to a mechanic that would disallow you to use multiple alts in combat, some tweaks here and there and the very first idling timer upon entering the game without any re-logging is not needed.
first idling timer upon entering the game without any re-logging is not needed.However it's purpose is to prevent people who are fresh logging in the first time of the day from being able to instantly jump into Combat Zone pvp. Because some unscrupulous people will just leave whatever combat alt they want waiting til the time is right to log in and since it's the first time they logged in they would be free to bypass the wait. You need one for the other, because there are ways to fool the system into thinking this is the first time that character has logged in, and is not just a relog. I love how you talk about 'talking slow' to people when it's clear you're not seeing the point, not being able to jump straight into combat from a fresh logged character is what the timer is for. Taking that away would essentially make the whole thing worthless. It does not matter if you relogged 30 characters or just logged in for the first time, you cannot go straight into Combat Zone pvp.
I will talk slow.....Well there's the proof of my point in the last part of my recent post about being able to have a reasonable discussion with you. Maybe someday try discussing things with people without constantly resorting to insults and demeaning comments just because you think you're smarter or better than everyone.
Go back to digging ores or whatever you can still do in this game. :)
So the problem here is you don't like the initial Idle timer.
You say it's not needed However it's purpose is to prevent people who are fresh logging in the first time of the day from being able to instantly jump into Combat Zone pvp. Because some unscrupulous people will just leave whatever combat alt they want waiting til the time is right to log in and since it's the first time they logged in they would be free to bypass the wait.
You need one for the other, because there are ways to fool the system into thinking this is the first time that character has logged in, and is not just a relog.
Trokanis ur wasting ur time and ur mind essence with him.he cant understand shit of what u r talking about.
Jov but why idllng timer increase in bases and safe cities? It is bullshit and i dont get it.
So you want to be able to log in and go straight into Combat Zone pvp?He wants a loophole so he could bypass the idling timer, but he got told by Jovanka and now he's just posting random nonsense with tears streaming down his cheeks.
So you want to be able to log in and go straight into Combat Zone pvp?
I see no reason to leave loopholes for cheaters
because a couple people want to have ability to jump at others anytime they want with combat character(s) logged off in a convenient place.
I think the game is better when you can't do it anyway.
The only immediate risk can come from people actually playing in the moment and risking something, not from a swarm safely waiting on mumble for any call for help.
This is ability that organizations with lots of combat alts and people online (but not in game) had, and now they don't, well boo-hoo. Welcome in harsh wasteland.
So you want to be able to log in and go straight into Combat Zone pvp?
He wants a loophole so he could bypass the idling timer, but he got told by Jovanka and now he's just posting random nonsense with tears streaming down his cheeks.
but this is bullcrap. u think everyone want to cheat. so if u want it maby set iddling cap? to 3mins?
Also you have immunity from increase for 20s after entering base and for 5 minutes after you die.
It matters only if you want to jump right away into already started combat with a character which was idling safely.
Not everyone wants to cheat, but if it is possible to cheat then sooner or later everyone does it and the rest quits.
Get some backbone and learn to play fair then.
I will cheat, because hey I can.Get some backbone and learn to play fair then.
Get some backbone and learn to play fair then.
sot can tell us how many characters they lost from permaban since this new update
2, one taxi and some anti troll character.
This all is totally off-topic, but yeah okay.
2, one taxi and some anti troll character.
I can see your both equally intelligent, please don't try to enlighten me with your garbage, because garbage doesn't shine and isn't very bright to begin with, just like you.
Either stay on topic or don't bother me.
dafuq is an anti troll?
Nobody is going to start suddenly start cheating after the suggestion, those who cheat, cheat now and will cheat then.
my second sugestion is when ur cliend was crashed or u just log off for 5s and u have idlling timer again.
It only happens if you have another character logged in in the same time.
Solution is simple - stay on one character when you do PvP.
Restocking - yes, it is a bit of a problem.
when i was going to doc myself on my 2nd alt (switching alts in less than 10s)
I saw what appeared to be relogging between proxy char and normal char in Redding today.
Triple1ght and Equalizer (IP was Latvian free proxy), rings a bell? Quite pathetic, but also
very visible.
With the last changes the most cheap tactics got a huge blow, it seems you
still try them but it's quite clumsy. I saw you struggling with those relogs, you had to switch
between them every 3 min. Would you disappear, you would get Idler status in TC, ouch.
But anyway, it's fast relog but only useful for scouting, really inconvenient, so not a big deal.
But with your suggestion you could relog to full raging PvP ape left on the world map and
attack people who killed you with the next wave. I think that's exactly what you want and you
won't get it.
I'm sorry your crusade to be able to have a fresh insta-loggable combat ape ready and waiting at any moment isn't gonna work
Wrong. There is. Maby i did something wrong but i had idlling timer.
*I spent the last 10 minutes logging off and on the same character in world map, in combats and in base, my Idle timer only increased by the few seconds while I was offline but still in game every time, so it should not effect you if you get DC'd while doing stuff and relog on the same character*
I will make it simple. I was in redding on my gauss sniper and i opened fraps So my client crashed. When i log on again i had again 3min idlling timer on same character in redding.
no, i was playing on 1 client, and after this i posted my suggestion about 15s safe logging.
Every whining post u make from now on concerning iddling system gona make my satisfaction even bigger.
If you are 100% sure nothing above happened and you were off only a few seconds then it's a bug.
Let us know when something like that happens next time so we can check all chars in the game.
Ok Rage, I just tested it with the help of Boon, I killed him in Gecko, which turned the place into a Combat Zone, logged off, waited 30 seconds, logged back in on the Same character, no Idle timer or Debuff. So you must have encountered a glitch
Wait so he was logged off but still in game, and that's how he got the Idler Debuff
Idling system is huge piece of shit.BBS key fighting strategy has been nerfed,figured you'd hate it.
BBS key fighting strategy has been nerfed,figured you'd hate it.
Mike u are a guy who dont pvp and u think u know best how pvp should like. Thnx to people like u we had troll era with sd and ac trolls. Please better stay with ur beloved Ncr instead of good pvp solutions.FYI i tried pvp,it sucked (used well made lvl 24 builds)
Blablabla i dont really care if there are fast relogs or not but idling system is freaking annoying and i wont support it. Blah... make explanations for fuckin noob what the hell is wrong with me hehe get lost.Ooohh the agony!
Bring back 3minutes/10 minutes cd for alts.Hell no!
Blablabla i dont really care if there are fast relogs or not but idling system is freaking annoying and i wont support it. Bring back 3minutes/10 minutes cd for alts.Hell no x 2.old system can be bypassed easier than this new one.
So tell me how I can kill players and loot their ss?:) magic or I just know how to pvp?;)**injects stimpak**
Ok I am done with u. Go and play in tb pve :)(
I love how I state facts and T-888 cries bullshit. If you didn't need this suggestion to do what you already do then why are you crying so hard throughout the whole thread?
dling system is freaking annoying and i wont support it
Hell no x 2.old system can be bypassed easier than this new one.