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Author Topic: Idling system.  (Read 19761 times)


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Re: Idling system.
« Reply #75 on: February 21, 2013, 12:35:50 am »

It had to be funny watching all this relogs.
FOnline: Reloaded - Post apocalyptic mmorpg

Rage master

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Re: Idling system.
« Reply #76 on: February 21, 2013, 12:53:54 am »

jov problem with idlling start in bases, many people had to taxi,regear,heal their chars or just drop loot but when they go on wm they have idlling timer again. my suggestion is to set cap of iddling to max 2.5min and when u are in base/tent ur max idlling time would be 60-90s. 1-1.5min is enought to avoid fr waves, becasue fr waves are using 10s after ur death.

my second sugestion is when ur cliend was crashed or u just log off for 5s and u have idlling timer again. can u set one thing what would improve this feature. when u are loging in on same char (nick and ip) in less than 15s u dont have idlling penalty, ofc if u didnt have it before u log offed. that would avoid situation when ur client crashed and u are in the middle of fight and u cant do anything.


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Re: Idling system.
« Reply #77 on: February 21, 2013, 12:58:00 am »

my second sugestion is when ur cliend was crashed or u just log off for 5s and u have idlling timer again.

It only happens if you have another character logged in in the same time.
Solution is simple - stay on one character when you do PvP.

Restocking - yes, it is a bit of a problem.

Rage master

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Re: Idling system.
« Reply #78 on: February 21, 2013, 01:02:15 am »

It only happens if you have another character logged in in the same time.
Solution is simple - stay on one character when you do PvP.

Restocking - yes, it is a bit of a problem.

no, jov i am not dual logging since i was banned in bh few months ago. i was in one pvp char but i wanted to run fraps *crash and 2nd when i switched my resolution to full screen. and few times when i was going to doc myself on my 2nd alt (switching alts in less than 10s). and last one most offen - connection drop becasue of lag spike or bad network. giving us 15s of safe time to log on same char with out idlling penalty can only help us, and this wont ruin ur idea.

and i never crashed even if i was using 10 sandboxie clients at same time. and u cant use 2nd clinet on wm becasue u will fall in critter encounter.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2013, 01:03:47 am by Rage master »


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Re: Idling system.
« Reply #79 on: February 21, 2013, 01:04:38 am »

when i was going to doc myself on my 2nd alt (switching alts in less than 10s)

>_> Well, you relogged to another alt, didn't you? So what did you expect.
Stay on one character while you do PvP. It's really that simple.

I think you need to let go some things you got used to ;)

Rage master

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Re: Idling system.
« Reply #80 on: February 21, 2013, 01:12:44 am »

1. one time i reloged to doc my arm
2. i started fraps *it is crashing my clients
3. i switched my resolution
4. some of us were kicked becasue of bad network and lag spike
5. i had old habits to relog to looter
6. i switched my char to start tc window *i needed charisma
7. come on jov it isnt anything what will help fr waves but it can help to save people from simple mistakes.

if ur clined crashed in the middle of fight or on wm 2s before u enter town u are fucked. 15s is a time when u have a chance to enjoy pvp even if u had badluck. not everyone use multilogs to fight.
i really like this feature but it need few improvments.
Re: Idling system.
« Reply #81 on: February 21, 2013, 01:35:45 am »

Wtf don't you really get it man, IF your client crashes and you log back in, there will be no idling timer!

Rage master

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Re: Idling system.
« Reply #82 on: February 21, 2013, 01:49:58 am »

Wrong. There is. Maby i did something wrong but i had idlling timer.
Re: Idling system.
« Reply #83 on: February 21, 2013, 02:01:13 am »

Rage, If you log in on the SAME character your idle timer will only increase the small amount of time it took your computer to log you back in.  (Changelog, idle timer increases when your character is logged off but STILL in game)  So we're talking seconds.  Also there is an extremely slim chance that if you got disconnected because of your own net that it reset your IP when you reconnected which would also give you full timer.  If you switch to a doc and back well then you have full timer.  *I spent the last 10 minutes logging off and on the same character in world map, in combats and in base, my Idle timer only increased by the few seconds while I was offline but still in game every time, so it should not effect you if you get DC'd while doing stuff and relog on the same character*

As far as T-888's incredibly slanted logic, and your complaint about prep time: When moving to your base to gear up and drug up from wherever you were that lowers your Idle time, when entering your base you have 20 seconds of free time, after leaving your base and moving to whatever location you wanted to do combat in, that lowers your Idle time, if you get lucky and the area isn't a combat zone when you arrive then your Idle time does NOT matter at all because if it turns CZ while you're already inside it having Idle time does not effect you.  I'm sorry your crusade to be able to have a fresh insta-loggable combat ape ready and waiting at any moment isn't gonna work, we all see what you're trying to do.  The whole system is to prevent fresh characters from dropping into CZ's from a safe area.  Learn to do something for the 2.5 minutes and move on, if you can't, well this game may be too harsh for you.

We've all said it as many ways as we can, someone wanna tag in for me, I'm taking a break?
« Last Edit: February 21, 2013, 02:21:47 am by Trokanis »
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Re: Idling system.
« Reply #84 on: February 21, 2013, 07:10:46 am »

I saw what appeared to be relogging between proxy char and normal char in Redding today.
Triple1ght and Equalizer (IP was Latvian free proxy), rings a bell? Quite pathetic, but also
very visible.

I don't what your talking about, if you were so sure, then why didn't you ban me? It's a shared sneaker anyway, what if I told the guy to use a Latvian proxy because I knew the only way you could ban me and be wrong about it is if you were familiar with the characters, so what next time it might be not be a Latvian proxy or sneaker Equalizer in the battle, you will presume I don't cheat or nobody else?


With the last changes the most cheap tactics got a huge blow, it seems you
still try them but it's quite clumsy. I saw you struggling with those relogs, you had to switch
between them every 3 min. Would you disappear, you would get Idler status in TC, ouch.

Like I said, proxies tend to be unstable, disconnections, lags.

But other than that, struggling? Clumsy? Maybe I was just testing something, maybe I wasn't even playing on my character, besides that it is balls easy, because I got a timer on top of my screen to time it. Timing, anyone who has been half decent at some fast paced shooter FPS that revolves around "power-ups" will know how to keep track of 5 such 3 minutes timers without breaking a sweat and manage playing. It's called multitasking. ;D

Duct tape system.

But anyway, it's fast relog but only useful for scouting, really inconvenient, so not a big deal.
But with your suggestion you could relog to full raging PvP ape left on the world map and
attack people who killed you with the next wave. I think that's exactly what you want and you
won't get it.

Only for scouts? Is it?

Will see. :)

I don't need this suggestion to cheat and keep a ready combat character on the world map, even if that means multitasking it out from encounter once in while and there are more efficient ways how to store more of them without having to do that. Doesn't matter if it clumsy for you, me or the average Fat Joe, it is doable.

I'm sorry your crusade to be able to have a fresh insta-loggable combat ape ready and waiting at any moment isn't gonna work

... blyad.

I don't need that fucking suggestion to do it, are you weak minded or something? ;D

Wrong. There is. Maby i did something wrong but i had idlling timer.

It is bugged shit.

*I spent the last 10 minutes logging off and on the same character in world map, in combats and in base, my Idle timer only increased by the few seconds while I was offline but still in game every time, so it should not effect you if you get DC'd while doing stuff and relog on the same character*

« Last Edit: February 21, 2013, 07:12:54 am by T-888 »

Rage master

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Re: Idling system.
« Reply #85 on: February 21, 2013, 09:07:33 am »

I will make it simple. I was in redding on my gauss sniper and i opened fraps So my client crashed. When i log on again i had again 3min idlling timer on same character in redding.


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Re: Idling system.
« Reply #86 on: February 21, 2013, 09:19:20 am »

I will make it simple. I was in redding on my gauss sniper and i opened fraps So my client crashed. When i log on again i had again 3min idlling timer on same character in redding.

It's only possible if:
 - another player had a character with the same IP in the game
 - you had more than one character (including off) with the same IP in the game
 - IP of your character changed between crash / logging in (someone else logged on it or you changed Internet connection)
 - there is a bug

Maybe you have some character in no-logoff location. Like Sierra, Ares.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2013, 09:36:49 am by JovankaB »

Rage master

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Re: Idling system.
« Reply #87 on: February 21, 2013, 09:40:37 am »

no, i was playing on 1 client, and after this i posted my suggestion about 15s safe logging.


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Re: Idling system.
« Reply #88 on: February 21, 2013, 09:43:02 am »

Triple noob it seems we all are wasting our time here with u.Personally  im satisfied that u havent managed to make something out of this  and u not gona do it in the future either.Every whining post u make from now on concerning iddling system gona make my satisfaction even bigger.Im not gona lose my time with u from now on.  8)


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Re: Idling system.
« Reply #89 on: February 21, 2013, 10:04:36 am »

no, i was playing on 1 client, and after this i posted my suggestion about 15s safe logging.

If you are 100% sure nothing above happened and you were off only a few seconds then it's a bug.
Let us know when something like that happens next time so we can check all chars in the game.

The system needs some tweaks to make restocking easier if you were in unsafe locations long
enough. Beside it I think what we lack now is some effective tool to detect & blacklist proxy IPs.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2013, 10:28:30 am by JovankaB »
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