Personaly i think this new system is a fail, personal example, i am standing on TS, while crafting, or farming, or just trolling forum. My PVP char are stuffed, and rdy for action (cause i am pretty maniac and organized) and a timer starts.
I take my car and it take me something like 15s to get rdy, rdy ? Holly shit idler.... Ok i wait 3min, Holly shit internet problem, conection drop, ok reconect and fucking 3 min more, ok fine we are rdy to enter, holly shit a friend wan't to join, ok waiting 3min for he gets rdy ! Everybody is rdy ? Ok enter, shit crashdump/or new freeze since update, damn i am in fight, my mates are fighting, and i got 3min again (i am trying to play since 12min now, 3 min of tc timer left

Ok so we are fighting, a TC in Fonline now is something like 5min of PVP, ok no alt the fight is finished... Go back to base, restuff, idler (5min) nobody in town anymore, Fonline playing is over, i spend 12min waiting, and fight 5min...
So lets switch to my crafter (i am still well organized and get a base near mariposa) damn i still have to fucking wait 3min WM, ok i enter i craft => 3 min, finish, i waited 3min to 3 min craft.
I wan't to farm ? Damn i still organized and my PVP is rdy but i need to wait 3 min again, ok farming, bastard NPC with m60 makes me 350 dmg for 30hex, hell yeah 3min again !
So fun ratio in TC is 0.4, fun ratio in craft 0 (yes i know crafting never been fun)
Waves of alts were just fun, Fonline is something like playing Fo2 with friends, i have my little collection of characters cause fallout is a relic and it's the kind of things we like to collection. My faction is organized and i have enought stuff for 3 mounth in 2 weeks, the only thing i have to do is stealing stimpacks... PVP is the only feature of this game, nothing for RP, no quests for loners, but holly shit PVP is even more boring than before !
Waves of alt make some fun 1hour fights, even if some players are no able to reach lvl 24 with 3 characters (i am still organized and lvling to 24 takes me something like 3-4 hours, let's say 6-8 hours for a noob). Damn i have one alt (done about 8 mounth ago), i played for 4 years and i have already done all quests more than 20 times (ho yes new lvl 2 char quest, 5 min and done). So my PVP is over, my crafter is over, and i don't need to craft.. what can i do ? Stand in NCR ?
Alt is just an excuse for ragequiter to ragequit involving something else than cowardnest, the problem in Fonline 2238 is that u have nothing more to do exept PVP, and now PVP is holly shit short and boring. Stop trying to change things in PVP, session started 1 years ago, players who have no alt ? Impossible, there is nothing interesting exept trying new builds !
Makes quest and feature for RP and economy and loners, let's hardcore gamers (someone playing fonline is casual player ? i don't think) be hardcore and have hardcore TC !
Personaly this idling timer can only be good if u come back to hold toilet camping TC, i played for 4 year, and it's the first time i found the game rly boring !