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"Wasteland is harsh"
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Read first sentence, then maybe only part of topic, then vote.

Yes, this is the right step forward.
- 27 (45%)
No, it is not good enough or not needed.
- 7 (11.7%)
I have my own solution.
- 6 (10%)
I saw a pie in the sky!
- 20 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 58

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Author Topic: Idling system.  (Read 19898 times)

Re: Idling system.
« Reply #30 on: February 18, 2013, 11:48:27 pm »

You entering to city for fight or not? So where is problem? We took Redding in 11 people without sneaker. BBS attacked us, TNB attacked us and we dont care about fast relog so whats your problem guys, why you only whinning?

That is a very poor point of view.

Eh ... and again ...

It's not about organization, people get used to it or at least will, but it doesn't make it less true that such an annoyance could be relaxed.

Don't miss the point please, this system is obviously a great improvement in multiple aspects with its own flaws.


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Re: Idling system.
« Reply #31 on: February 18, 2013, 11:54:57 pm »

Please, do tell me what is the difference between now and how it would be after the suggestion in place, hmm?

The difference is you could have proxy windows with alts in main menu and login after you die for next wave.
Or not even window, just close FOnline, switch proxy setting and enter on another alt. It can be easily automated
with a cheat. Right now you can't do this, well you could try some tricks but they would be very inconvenient
and prone to a fail.

There is no reason to leave a loophole for cheaters.

Beside I think no jumping into existing combat 150s after login is actually good for gameplay.
You can't simply call your numerous friends through mumble to squash people with whom you just lost,
unless they actually are playing the game on PvP characters.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2013, 12:24:58 am by JovankaB »
Re: Idling system.
« Reply #32 on: February 19, 2013, 12:11:06 am »

Guys... I finally saw it, it was beautiful!

There were many of us, we all gathered around to watch the show, they danced around us before moving into the immense blue oblivion, almost like they were preparing to wear all that blue in such a "blue world", they danced around us for a few minutes before finally vanishing, by the point they started flying it took around 20 seconds for each to disappear in such beautiful and majestic way we've never seen before, it was like many happy and satisfied peasants riding their white pegasus towards a blue carnival...

Some even tried coming back, but they knew they couldn't stay idle, they HAD to go and wear all that blue proudly, they wouldn't accept such blasphemy as staying still, such beautiful creatures were made to fly, be free and procriate,

It lasted for a few minutes, waves of them came in short intervals of around 3-5 minutes before effortlessy diving right back into the Blue Universe only they know so well, I even took a screenshot of the beautiful creatures flying towards The Blue again:

« Last Edit: February 19, 2013, 12:12:39 am by Brujah »
Re: Idling system.
« Reply #33 on: February 19, 2013, 12:34:23 am »

The difference is now it is no different than finding proxies for each client, because players can still manage to multitask a window or two in order to cheat in nearby location of each town, honestly it is not hard, you just go into empty encounter and just re-enter in short period of time while fighting, totally manageable.

Not sure how proxies will change that, I don't how we went from.

Doesn't matter where, world map or unguarded location, proxies tend to have massive latency and generally unpractical to use, maybe only for sneakers and then it would render your ability to play normally without unexpected disturbances, lags, disconnections etc. etc. what is the main purpose why proxies cannot be used for waves. Currently the idling timer for a cheater is just the same inconvenience as for a clean player, but he doesn't need to keep them on world map.
The best thing a cheater can do now is to keep multilogs hidden somewhere in unguarded
locations, which I don't think is very effective except for sneakers.
The difference is you could have proxy windows with alts in main menu and login after you die for next wave.

Tell me do you see any point here? If not I have still multiple approaches on this subject, I just don't a big wall of text again so other players on the forum have an easier time comprehending.

Or not even window, just close FOnline, switch proxy setting and enter on another alt. It can be easily automated
with a cheat. Right now you can't do this, well you could try some tricks but they would be very inconvenient
and prone to a fail.

There is no reason to leave a loophole for cheaters.

What are you talking about, if it is a proxy you will pretty much never find it and no player will ever need to close the client or automate anything and proxy settings are set prior the battle and cheating can go either way of the suggestion, that is what you don't understand.

That is why I and other players want this initial timer to go away as it doesn't serve any effective solution, rather than just apply a simple annoyance.

I shouldn't ever had to make such a big deal if you could just reason with us.

Beside I think 150s of "no jumping into combat" is actually good for gameplay.
You can't just call your friends through mumble to squash people with whom you just lost.

I can't? But why I shouldn't, huh? Just because you think it should be like that and you alone should make the decision how the game should be? Do you have any sense of compromise, tell me do you?

I have wrote so much on the topic and so as others why exactly the initial idling timer is unnecessary, but you keep pushing the same question and to be honest it makes me feel helpless against your stubborn mind that tells me that my and all other player voice on this topic, vote is meaningless except your own point of view.

This is utterly ridiculous, you want to decrease the impact on communicators because that is how players get in touch in order to play your game? Maybe you should look how much players there are even left from what it was long time ago.

Do you have any idea what are your even talking about? I have never seen anything like this anywhere, something like that just blows my mind wondering of how such nonsense can possibly exist ...

I try to be patient and reasonable, I really do, but this is just off the charts.

27 out of 7 players on average would either agree or be neutral with the change, but of course all votes on every single topic on the this forum as far as I am aware are never given a fuck about. Very nice.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2013, 12:39:38 am by T-888 »
Re: Idling system.
« Reply #34 on: February 19, 2013, 12:39:12 am »

The difference is you could have proxy windows with alts in main menu and login after you die for next wave.
Or not even window, just close FOnline, switch proxy setting and enter on another alt. It can be easily automated
with a cheat. Right now you can't do this, well you could try some tricks but they would be very inconvenient
and prone to a fail.

There is no reason to leave a loophole for cheaters.

Beside I think no jumping into existing combat 150s after login is actually good for gameplay.
You can't simply call your numerous friends through mumble to squash people with whom you just lost,
unless they actually are playing the game on PvP characters.

I could not say it better.


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Re: Idling system.
« Reply #35 on: February 19, 2013, 12:41:10 am »

I can't? But why I shouldn't, huh?

Because it promotes swarms who are always ready but not in the game (so basically perfectly safe) at the cost of people who are in the game and doing something in unguarded towns. If your character is in the state of readiness to attack and squash people in a few seconds, then you should be in the game IMO (and ideally in a place that isn't safe too) not in unreachable plane of voice speak.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2013, 01:06:37 am by JovankaB »
Re: Idling system.
« Reply #36 on: February 19, 2013, 01:07:39 am »

It is like this feeling that I have all the cards in my hand, but I'm unable to show you the right combination, or you are just unwilling to yield no matter what, I'm sorry I have to use such an arrogant choice of words, but it sounds like it seems.

I notice that I have to express the same thing what I have already said and I had heard you the first time making such statement and me giving you a reply.

... large "swarms" is a part of all politics that happen between factions in or out of the game, alliances even out sooner or later and they go with the flow of the game and anything that restricts the player in that regard is bad. You said it yourself, you want to keep the game's freedom, well guess what this is not exactly the right way.

Your statement is wrong at the very core of itself and not only that it is completely ineffective to the purpose you intend for it work, simply because it doesn't work like you think it should, so it will simply stay as an annoyance, because it will not achieve the desired goal.

Then again I heard someone saying that it is a positive effect that players are encouraged to be inside the city, but it is no different then being susceptible to any of kind of hostility you might encounter on world map, it will simply stay as an annoyance unfortunately.

Players get used to that annoyance, but it is not about getting used to it ... wait I see this is going to go to another circle, so the fourth time I believe in this topic.

It's not about organization, people get used to it or at least will, but it doesn't make it less true that such an annoyance could be relaxed.

Don't miss the point please, this system is obviously a great improvement in multiple aspects with its own flaws.

If your character is in the state of readiness to attack and squash people in a few seconds, then you should be in the game IMO (and ideally in a place that isn't safe too) not in unreachable plane of voice speak.

There is sadly nothing to be in for the game for a lot of players than to just jump in and check for action, I've explained this already, by the way you fail to deliver us features that would attract the players to more active game play.

Before you or anyone else will say it - yes, we sux in providing such content currently :S As you hit the right buttons

I still believe I push the right buttons.

Does it show a full house or only a pair? I've got loads of cards in either case, I'm seeking for compromise and understanding here, don't get me wrong.

« Last Edit: February 19, 2013, 01:13:36 am by T-888 »


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Re: Idling system.
« Reply #37 on: February 19, 2013, 01:15:02 am »

I will try the last time.

1. People logged off can't be scouted and are perfectly safe, although they could jump at you in a matter of seconds.
2. People logged off shouldn't be promoted over those who are in the game.

I can't really help you if you don't understand such simple things.
Can't break it into more simple sentences, sorry.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2013, 01:24:40 am by JovankaB »
Re: Idling system.
« Reply #38 on: February 19, 2013, 01:37:13 am »

1. People logged off can't be scouted and are perfectly safe, although they could jump at you in a matter of seconds.

So, that is an abuse that I am away in the university and I cannot play right away when I go home, because you want to fix .. uh me?

Players have played very much to make bases, make characters, logistics and made due to all sort of related organization problems throughout this session in order to be ready and just jump in the game and play whenever they feel like. There is effort below it, nobody should do anything else. No other game restricts one's ability to play once he has entered the game, don't then tell me that I am not restricted, because some part of the game is and don't ignore the larger principle like a lot of things you ignore, so you boil down to simple things that what you are more familiar with to just uphold your own sense of truth.

I don't understand why you don't understand the simple things, like why are you ignoring the vote itself and all other players that share similar opinion or simply is against the current system.

2. People logged off shouldn't be promoted over those who are in the game, in unsafe places (risking and visible).

They aren't promoted, what difference does it make while I'm inside the game prior or I just jump in as soon as I open the client, the difference is many players don't have a reason to stay in the game and it is yet another unnecessary restriction for players to deal with once they jump in it, like they would do in any other game to be honest.

This is just again you over against everyone else and your word is law how we should play the game, well guess what, it should be the other way around if you truly want to improve the game and make it a player friendly environment. New players suffer from your system the most and you don't give a fuck about them and you don't give a fuck about long time playing players that to whom you should really listen once in a while.

Point still stays, initial idling timer is not unnecessary, ineffective and simply an annoyance that should be removed, the vote speaks for itself just like I do for myself.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2013, 01:49:36 am by T-888 »


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Re: Idling system.
« Reply #39 on: February 19, 2013, 01:49:09 am »

Players have played very much to make bases, make characters, logistics and made due to all sort of related organization problems throughout this session in order to be ready and just jump in the game and play whenever they feel like.

So what? I think your success should be dependent on what you do inside town rather than how much you prepare. Excessive preparedness just benefits turbofarmers with too much time. Besides those cars and bases will always be useful, idling or not.

There is effort below it, nobody should do anything else. No other game restricts one's ability to play once he has entered the game,

Other games don't have worldmap. Because of worldmap and the way it works we can't have nice things.

They aren't promoted, what difference does it make while I'm inside the game prior or I just jump in as soon as I open the client, the difference is many players don't have a reason to stay in the game and it is yet another unnecessary restriction for players to deal with once they jump in it, like they would do in any other game to be honest.

But it's just 2 minutes. The enemies aren't going anywhere and if they are, then is it a big deal to lure them out?

New players suffer from your system the most and you don't give a fuck about them and you don't give a fuck about long time playing players that to whom you should really listen once in a while.

Actually new players take things as granted and adapt. Our previous waves were 10 times worse against new players than anything idle has to offer.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


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Re: Idling system.
« Reply #40 on: February 19, 2013, 01:51:51 am »

They aren't promoted

::) Of course they are, they can't be killed or seen and can idle on WM forever without any effort.
So now they can't enter combat zones immediately to kill people inside.

your word is law how we should play the game

Well, you will play it however you want.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2013, 01:58:18 am by JovankaB »
Re: Idling system.
« Reply #41 on: February 19, 2013, 02:18:14 am »

So what? I think your success should be dependent on what you do inside town rather than how much you prepare. Excessive preparedness just benefits turbofarmers with too much time. Besides those cars and bases will always be useful, idling or not.

True they will be useful, but still I don't understand why I have to wait more than I should upon entering game.

What will you do in a town once an enemy team takes it and you just have logged in the game, that is the game for me and I'm holding on some straws what keeps me here at all. Besides there is nothing to do in them at all.

You said it yourself and you know it.

Other games don't have worldmap. Because of worldmap and the way it works we can't have nice things.

I was like speechless for a moment.

Larger principle takes place, don't you see past the details? I open the game and I have to wait out some meaningless restriction that I think I have showed very clear how so.

This is completely bullshit.

But it's just 2 minutes. The enemies aren't going anywhere and if they are, then is it a big deal to lure them out?

I'm tired really to repeat myself over and over without a goal or purpose it seems.

That time can stack upon gathering players and waiting out individual player timers, I don't want to stare in some blank world map each time I jump in the game and wait for other players to do it even if my own timer has passed in order for me to enjoy a fight or two.

Actually new players take things as granted and adapt. Our previous waves were 10 times worse against new players than anything idle has to offer.

Fuck that, besides the whole point of this topic anyway, your statement is plausible, when new players start to fall in player traps over world map "starting" locations or something, well your not some oracle to predict what's going to happen.

::) Of course they are, they can't be killed or seen and can idle on WM forever without any effort.
So now they can't enter combat zones immediately to kill people inside.

Well, you will play it however you want.

I gave point to every and single sentence about every single thought, I argumented it maybe even better than anyone else could have done it and you still refuse to compromise.

When I start to play it as I want,  only maybe you'll understand some points of mine, besides don't want to touch the game knowing that there are people like you on the top of it.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2013, 02:27:47 am by T-888 »
Re: Idling system.
« Reply #42 on: February 19, 2013, 06:21:19 am »

Wow this whole thread is just wow.  So here's how it boils down boys and girls, from someone who sat here and read every post in this thread.  T-888 doesn't like the new system, he doesn't like that people don't see his point of view.  He feels what he says should be taken as gospel and since it's not we all must be stupid, ignorant, unimaginative, or self centered. 

Every post you made T-888 is all about how you play the game, and how the system effects you, and how you think it's wrong.  The idle timer ONLY comes into play during situations involving battle with other players in combat zones, and if that is the only thing you do, well we're talking only a few minutes.  Go ~combatmode rt, hang out on the map kill a few predators with your buddies and then you're good to go with whatever you want, you're freaking out over just a few minutes.  If you're camping a map waiting to jump some unsuspecting people this is the price you have to pay.  As far as I've seen the idler debuff only comes into play in combat zones, so you can still log straight in and jump someone in world map encounters. 

You can thank the dozens of multi-alt gangs, because it is THEIR fault that something needed to be implemented to bring some semblance of balance back to pvp.  You are upset because you have to wait on some meaningless restriction (btw in your opinion) well it's not a meaningless restriction as far as the game in concerned it has a purpose and it is currently needed.  The timer isn't there to stop cheaters, it's there to stop fast relog mobs.

You bombard people with ridiculously worded large posts laced with insults and doubletalk because you feel that no one seems to understand, and you've 'Explained it so clearly, people must be idiots' the point of view you're trying to convey.  I haven't yet seen you take a step back and see the other side of the coin for anything other than an obstacle in the path of what you want and feel.  Yet you demand, complain, and down right insult other people who don't see it your way.  You talk about keeping an open mind in your very first post, but every single following post shows you're completely closed to the idea of the idle timer being useful in any way.

This happened, it was needed, and if the price is a few mins of moving around on the world map or sitting in some ungaurded area, that's a small damn price.  I will now quote you and several dozen other people who have spoken about changes or things in the game that effect others when it doesn't suit your views on the game.  "The Wasteland is Harsh."  If the few minutes it takes to be combat ready is too much for you to handle, maybe it's time to make a quit thread and move on. 

I am very sorry to have to say this, but after reading so many of your posts and all of them being the same, trying to discuss things with you is like trying to have a deep discussion with a smart very young person.  You're smart enough to know what you want, and be able to loosely express it but if people don't see it your way you stamp your feet, jump around, throw things, and insult everyone like someone not getting the treat they want before dinner.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2013, 08:29:39 am by Trokanis »
City Encounters:  269
Footlockers:  60
Blueprints:  8
Car Wrecks:  3
Fuel CC:  0
Special Encounters:  0
Data collection start: 1-24-13
Re: Idling system.
« Reply #43 on: February 19, 2013, 09:53:22 am »

Every post you made T-888 is all about how you play the game, and how the system effects you, and how you think it's wrong. 

No, it is not about how I play, it is about how we play, I made a suggestion, made a vote for a reason which is something to account for because not everyone is willing to be so loud about it. I'm not the only one with such point of view and your not the one to come and tell me what I can and what I shouldn't do, either you can tell me that on the topic or get the fuck out. This is a forum and players come to discuss something.

bring some semblance of balance back to pvp

the timer isn't there to stop cheaters, it's there to stop fast relog mobs.

Last time, there are two idling timers, the one that exists when you go into game right away and one that initiates once you re-log. Do you understand what are you talking about, can you come to this topic with some relevant thought and understand the issue?

So, yes that first idling timer upon entering the game shouldn't be there as it is not almost responsible for just about anything relevant to the system.

I won't even read the rest of your post, it is always some irrelevant garbage off-topic about how bad I am or something, some newbie that has problems with mining iron ore will come and tell me what to do anyway and how I should play the game and something. ;D

Seems like a waste of breath anyway, so as any progress or improvement to the system or the game. Ignore all other players, this game is sure to be good. ;D
« Last Edit: February 19, 2013, 09:59:16 am by T-888 »


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Re: Idling system.
« Reply #44 on: February 19, 2013, 10:26:58 am »

Trokanis u have my vote.well spoken.devs please close this thread
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