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Author Topic: Idling system.  (Read 19758 times)

Re: Idling system.
« Reply #90 on: February 21, 2013, 10:20:03 am »

Every whining post u make from now on concerning iddling system gona make my satisfaction even bigger.

Like I care, go take your satisfaction elsewhere clown.

I'm telling you to gtfo of this topic the third time if you don't have anything valuable to say. Hard to understand or somthing?

If you are 100% sure nothing above happened and you were off only a few seconds then it's a bug.
Let us know when something like that happens next time so we can check all chars in the game.

Have to test it with raw loss of internet connection, raw like cable out. :)
Re: Idling system.
« Reply #91 on: February 21, 2013, 03:03:33 pm »

I love how I state facts and T-888 cries bullshit.  If you didn't need this suggestion to do what you already do then why are you crying so hard throughout the whole thread?

Anyhow I did test it Rage, the only thing I couldn't get tested was if you logged out and back in on the Same character while the area is an active Combat Zone whether it gave you idler debuff, which if the system is working right shouldn't happen anyways unless you switch characters, or your IP changes.  As far as I can see it must have been a glitch because like I said I logged on and off several times on the same character without my idle refreshing to the 2.5 mins, I just wish I could have tested it in an active combat zone.
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Rage master

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Re: Idling system.
« Reply #92 on: February 21, 2013, 05:09:46 pm »

yes i was in active combat zone.
Re: Idling system.
« Reply #93 on: February 22, 2013, 05:34:05 am »

Ok Rage, I just tested it with the help of Boon, I killed him in Gecko, which turned the place into a Combat Zone, logged off, waited 30 seconds, logged back in on the Same character, no Idle timer or Debuff.  So you must have encountered a glitch, your IP changed via your router which can happen, or you perhaps were logged out long enough for your character to fully leave game, making it so when you re-entered your Idle timer reset.

My recommendation is to perform the same test with a friend, kill them in some corner of an unguarded town, log off, log back in after less than 2 minutes, and see the results, check your IP both times also.  Do this without another character logged into the game no matter where they are, as it will effect the test.  Because it is possible that it may randomly give the Idler debuff for however many seconds you have remaining of Idle timer from being logged out but still in game.  If that is the case, than this is one of the things that Jovanka was talking about needing fine tuning.  Because you shouldn't get hit with the debuff for being dc'd for a short period and coming back on the SAME character so long as IP didn't change and you didn't log in a different character in the meantime.  It's a possible glitch that logging off but not being gone long enough to leave game, the game still counts you as "Logging into a Combat Zone." and gives you the debuff.  I don't believe that is intended that way, again only for logging off and returning on with the SAME character.
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Re: Idling system.
« Reply #94 on: February 22, 2013, 07:48:28 am »

Ok Rage, I just tested it with the help of Boon, I killed him in Gecko, which turned the place into a Combat Zone, logged off, waited 30 seconds, logged back in on the Same character, no Idle timer or Debuff.  So you must have encountered a glitch

Actually no, he just didn't understand and thought character in game but [off] doesn't count so the case can be closed.
Re: Idling system.
« Reply #95 on: February 22, 2013, 09:56:22 am »

Wait so he was logged off but still in game, and that's how he got the Idler Debuff, or is he just referring to the fact the Idle timer increased for that few seconds?  Because like I said I logged out and back in without letting my character log completely out and I did not get Idler Debuff.  I only ask because if it's hitting people who are DC'd in an active combat zone only for a few seconds, that IMHO is not fair so long as they return to the game on the same character without switching characters in between, and their IP doesn't change.  (Cause we all know this game is far from DC proof.)
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Re: Idling system.
« Reply #96 on: February 22, 2013, 10:07:15 am »

Wait so he was logged off but still in game, and that's how he got the Idler Debuff

He had another character in game, but in the 3 minute [off] mode, which still counts as "character in game".

Rage master

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Re: Idling system.
« Reply #97 on: February 22, 2013, 10:57:47 am »

yes. but i think jov could fix that to avoid situation like theese
Re: Idling system.
« Reply #98 on: February 22, 2013, 12:27:15 pm »

Nope sorry, if you have 2 or more characters in the game even if they're in the 3 min log off window, that's kinda what the system is for so I can't help ya.  No more multi-alting in combat situations, pretty much sums it up.
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Re: Idling system.
« Reply #99 on: February 22, 2013, 01:38:50 pm »

dude u really dont get it. 10-15s for 1 char wont abuse anything. in 10s u cant do shit so stop talking about multilogging if u never used it in abuse way like i did. anyway 150s is way to much and sometimes we miss fights becasue our cz timer is still on and we cant enter town before tc timer end. please jov set max and begin cap to 90s.
Re: Idling system.
« Reply #100 on: February 22, 2013, 02:49:28 pm »

Don't have more than one of your Characters in the game at the same time, even if logged off but still in game, problem solved.  I've already tested that if you have a Single character log off and back on your totally ok.  The whole point of the system is to prevent multiple characters from the same person being used, along with fast logging to another fresh character.  If you don't do either of those things you're golden.
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Re: Idling system.
« Reply #101 on: February 22, 2013, 04:54:21 pm »

i am not defender of old fr system like t-cry. i like this feature because now smaller group can try pvp but 150s is too much.


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Re: Idling system.
« Reply #102 on: February 22, 2013, 05:01:03 pm »

Idling system is huge piece of shit.

Mike Crosser

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Re: Idling system.
« Reply #103 on: February 22, 2013, 06:06:14 pm »

Idling system is huge piece of shit.
BBS key fighting strategy has been nerfed,figured you'd hate it.

Rage master

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Re: Idling system.
« Reply #104 on: February 22, 2013, 07:24:12 pm »

Mike u are a guy who dont pvp and u think u know best how pvp should like. Thnx to people like u we had troll era with sd and ac trolls. Please better stay with ur beloved Ncr instead of good pvp solutions.
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