Once again, you're judging the lawyers and you talking about things you do not know.
Yes we have people living in your time zone but few are playing for different reasons (Desert Europe's project, other games, RL).
Manero, you're wrong, it was 4AM for me, 3AM for Crazy, but 9PM for Lemark, Slaz, Naerk and the other guys from Quebec... Most players start to play after work and diner you know, so around 9PM...
To talk about the screenshots:
- First of all, it's not written TTTLA but Children of Atom. It means TTTLA+Crazy88.
- On the screenshot of Manero, we are 14. There is 5 TTTLA...
To talk about that night:
- So our leader has arrived on Mumble and asked us if we wanted to do TC.
- Most of us were not very motivated because we all know that right now, TC is limited to kill the militia and to wait.
- Anyway we accepted, hoping that we would maybe have a good surprise and fight.
- The Crazy88, that you consider as our minions, wanted to play with the Reese's gang and Grims.
- Most of TTTLA did not agree for various reasons but said nothing cause we are not alone to decide even if you think something else.
- We did not want to play with them especially because we know we'll be troll for a another swarm. But we known also that cities would surely be empty so, why not, and we did it.
- We took Redding, and then the BHH asked us to take BH. We did it quickly, with a speacher...
- At that moment, some TTTLA went to bed because they did not want to continue to took empty cities.
- After two boring TC, The BHH / Reese suggested we contact the Section 8, and that they could join them do defend Den, and that we could attack Den, just for fun/fight.
What happened next? I do not know. At 5AM, addicted to 5 drugs, with 2 AP (not even able to take new drugs), I've left. And I do not know who took to the cities. But if there were TTTLA, they should certainly not be more than two, or three...
So, problems of ego? I do not think so...
But I know that we all hope that you ll find allies to attack us more often and that we ll have, all, good and big fights. Cause for small intensity fights, we all know where to meet