Well,the server is down for a long,long time everyday lately,maybe it has something to do with incoming wipe.That means my first season between you all,fellow wastelanders,has come to an end.So,you may say i am too emotional,but that 's it...i wanted to sincerely thank all of you.
Since my first day in ncr,when Azura taught me the basis,i felt this game,and the people here,were great.In any possible way.Even being great douchebags is a way to be great.
That day was epic and poetic,she helped me and robbed me a second later,teaching how hard life would have been from that day on.
So,thanks to my first faction mates,the old ''Maltese Falcons'',awesome RP project for as long as it lasted.I remember with a smile Lazlo,the caravan leader,Malice Song,the pacifist doctor,Cato the armorer,Aesoph...and all the others.People i would probably be proud to have as friends even in RL.
Then came a period of loneliness and pvp competition...and a new faction.With The Numbered,Onmi,and only god remember how many others,it was fun..thank you.
But another big thanks goes to Feervich,the khan who raped my base giving birth to TKs-Feervich-Rain-baserape-bug drama who let quite some people troll and have fun.(first of them all,me.)
Dramas!Dramas are the finest part of this game.Who cares about shitty mechanics...who cares about wipe.Drama is the game engine for me.
And in the end...''The syndacate'' guys...i m so sorry we had no time to build up properly...fuck real life

but,thank you anyway.Incoming wipe will be new chance.
So,thanks to everyone who gives his contribution to this game...RP,PK,Random pricks,APK guys,proxy cheaters,abusers and so on...Go on like that.I love and enjoy every second i play.
Last but not least,the DEV,and GM's.
Awesome job ignoring the players request,players are too stupid to decide for themselves what is best for fonline,just as people in real life do not deserve to decide for themselves what is best for them,and they need fake democracies and banks seigniorage..but that's another story.Ah,just joking,i really appreciate your job...
I might not be playing anymore,or i may just stay away for a while,that depends on real life shits....but...i really hope i can soon feel the wasteland feeling again..
Maybe i am too sensitive,or maybe i am just drunk.And sorry for bad english,hope i made myself clear anyway..
I will ALWAYS take a look at the gang issue section..Post MOAR DRAMAS please!