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Author Topic: Redding  (Read 34350 times)

Re: Redding
« Reply #30 on: September 13, 2011, 10:49:21 pm »

I am too lazy to quote shit and stuff but WWP has given me something a troll that sticks for life.

1. Spot the potential " outlaw "
2. Destroy
3. Run to him
4. Say something cheesy like: " WWP is here , your blacklisted on the outlaw list "
5. Carry on your duties ;D

When tttla's talk about outlaws and RP i usually think , damn i wish i had some popcorn because it's interesting to read , it's like a never ending pile of garbage. :)

The game is simple for me it's combat environment as much as possible , follow orders , work as team , be efficient , pay attention and improve. Unfortunately for redding there is not much good PvP available in these days , so it had been placed as a target for a potential " hotzone " and there's was some kind of challenge ( strong militia ) that could give us tough , interesting fights but in the end we rape everything and most of fights seemed just a time waste , then some of us don't see the effort to try anymore so we borequit.

lazy to write my opinion so short version tsar town > wee wee pee

btw tsar should improve combat skills so you could uphold your own " projects " much better.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2011, 10:55:10 pm by T-888 »


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Re: Redding
« Reply #31 on: September 14, 2011, 02:43:26 am »

2 things....
lazy to write my opinion so short version tsar town > wee wee pee
Not trying to be rude or "you harr ignorant" but do you realize that > is greater than? ok but...

I've heard about glory days of WWP in Redding, what does WWB actually stand for?
« Last Edit: September 14, 2011, 09:44:34 pm by Josh »
When you hear people talking about the great leader of the Armeggedon Arms Co., there talking about me. On the flip side when you hear them laughing about the Plague who stood next to guard and died or something else like that, that would be my brother Ben.


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Re: Redding
« Reply #32 on: September 14, 2011, 03:08:12 pm »

I've about glory days of WWP in Redding, what does it actually stand for?
There wasn't any gloryhole days. All depends how much you were involved in this.
Re: Redding
« Reply #33 on: September 14, 2011, 03:27:49 pm »

2 things....Not trying to be rude or "you harr ignorant" but do you realize that > is greater than?
I've about glory days of WWP in Redding, what does it actually stand for?

I have my reasons why i compared it that way , i just think tsar did/still do? a better job with the city that's all. Won't say much but i can mention one of the reasons i think wwp failed is that they somehow attracted too much attention to redding it was bound to go down , they tried too much too hard , there was so much trolling and flaming about the wwp that it couldn't be ignored it was because of the mistakes.
Re: Redding
« Reply #34 on: September 29, 2011, 10:58:14 am »

Lock this thread end of discussion.
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Re: Redding
« Reply #35 on: September 29, 2011, 12:08:43 pm »

I have my reasons why i compared it that way , i just think tsar did/still do? a better job with the city that's all. Won't say much but i can mention one of the reasons i think wwp failed is that they somehow attracted too much attention to redding it was bound to go down , they tried too much too hard , there was so much trolling and flaming about the wwp that it couldn't be ignored it was because of the mistakes.

You mean we put too much effort in our project (WWP) that we made it fail ? We should have ran the town in old fashion way, just guarding mine area, filling militia with uber mercs, and tell people they were welcome ?
You know, it was not the purpose of our project, we wanted to make it a lively and interesting place, not a "NCR with HQ ressources". And I think we managed to do it, at least for some time.
People who have never done anything with their own two hands never make a mistake.
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Re: Redding
« Reply #36 on: September 29, 2011, 02:07:17 pm »

Simple you ummm what would be the appropriate word ..... oh yeah riveted to much attention to the city , it became a major target for your so called " outlaws " and trolls , your " outlaw " system didn't work only made more enemies than friends le walls of flame and burning rained down the forum , ehh i still sometimes use this line to troll people when i'm in the mood " you are blacklisted , don't mess with the WWP " it's just epic failure ;D it came down to even that some pissed off dow took your city once in a while ! For obvious reasons i mean were is the necessity to deal with 4 pk's with a 13 guy squad like that is an unnecessary attention , i mean how the fuck the city won't turn into a ultimate battlefield eventually tell me please ?

Then came the rogues and CS because the city was lively enough , and the place turned into a good , solid battlefield for a while , happy ending !

Think about it how can you make a peaceful and interesting place if it is a goddamn warzone every day ? I think the right approach would be a diplomatic one rather then , " for some justice that nobody gives a crap about ratatattat die outlaws " ;D

and hey i'm not even talking about some RP shit

People who have never done anything with their own two hands never make a mistake.

Hey btw if you and your butt buddies c88 wouldn't have gathered another swarm and attacked the city constantly , tsar wouldn't had any problems with the city other than 1 or 2 attacks from rogues. I guess their " outlaws " or some crap to you ? I see you as fanatic lunatics when you start discussing the matters about " for the justice " or " outlaws " , no offense mostly i don't give a fuck alright , but don't you think you over exaggerate sometimes ..... wait most of the time ?
« Last Edit: September 29, 2011, 02:29:53 pm by T-888 »


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Re: Redding
« Reply #37 on: September 29, 2011, 02:25:01 pm »

Lock this thread end of discussion.

I like how you posted after half a month of silence, bumping this thread thus most likely starting the discussion again.

Black Key

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Re: Redding
« Reply #38 on: September 29, 2011, 02:32:59 pm »

People who have never done anything with their own two hands never make a mistake.

... And after years, i think that those who make the most are those who most of the times speak the less, probably because they do not have time to chat. To find that out, you must meet them and open your eyes and your mind, not your big mouth to dump your prejudices.

In this world we must feel like in the Mad Max movie. We must be surrounded by dangerous people: your neighbors willing to kill for an iguana-on-a-stick, the jet addict who needs caps to satisfy his addiction, this fanatical group ready to burn you if you do not agree with them, this armed group of raiders that puts into slavery and rapes all it finds, this man who seems too friendly to be honest and that will definitely follow you in your tent or rape your base ...

We must feel the fear, hatred and sadness to finally more apreciate the moment when we are surrounded by a few trusted people: our gang!

In a destroyed world without real futur, these gangs are trying to impose their vision of the future, or their lack of vision of the future. These gangs make war and kill those who barre their way.

And in this barbaric world, everyone is ready to do everything to survive the others (alliances against nature, betrayals, corruptions, ...).

So yes, we need to fear a base rape, a turnbase trap, an enemy raid, and therefore we need someone who does not think like us, and much better, someone who think just the opposite, and who try to destroy what we do.

If you do not want to be betrayed, if you do not want war, if you do not want to lose, try Tamagotchi. At least if something goes wrong, the only person who will be blamed, it will be you. And we wont have those useless, sensless, and endless discussions about the consistency of our behavior in the game.

Do you really think that someone who use to use drugs and to drink irradiated alcohol, who has been near to death a couple of times, who has been psychologically destroyed by years of violence in that world is always consistent ?

But yes, for sure, we need more respect, more people who feel confortable in their RP and who simply enjoy that world and that game like it is. And those who spent all their time to judge the ways the others play, those who do not appreciate each simple things that happen in that game should surely do something else...

Miss Key is a kind of post apocalyptic templar who believe in Law as templars believed in God. She dont need to prove that the Law exists, she dont need to show you the Law nor that she have to explain you the great and positive effects of the Law in the Wasteland. She's a fanatic who believe deeply in it, a bit fascist, totally addicted to all existing drugs, who will surely kill you on sight if you dont respect The Great Law.

So, thanks to hate us, thanks to fight, thanks to try to destroy us ! That's exactly, at the end, what we expect In Game. And don't forget, it's just pixels ;)

Sincerly yours, a young recruit of the Agency
« Last Edit: September 29, 2011, 03:25:31 pm by Black Key »
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Re: Redding
« Reply #39 on: September 29, 2011, 05:32:34 pm »

Simple you ummm what would be the appropriate word ..... oh yeah riveted to much attention to the city , it became a major target for your so called " outlaws " and trolls , your " outlaw " system didn't work only made more enemies than friends le walls of flame and burning rained down the forum , ehh i still sometimes use this line to troll people when i'm in the mood " you are blacklisted , don't mess with the WWP " it's just epic failure ;D it came down to even that some pissed off dow took your city once in a while ! For obvious reasons i mean were is the necessity to deal with 4 pk's with a 13 guy squad like that is an unnecessary attention , i mean how the fuck the city won't turn into a ultimate battlefield eventually tell me please ?

Then came the rogues and CS because the city was lively enough , and the place turned into a good , solid battlefield for a while , happy ending !

Think about it how can you make a peaceful and interesting place if it is a goddamn warzone every day ? I think the right approach would be a diplomatic one rather then , " for some justice that nobody gives a crap about ratatattat die outlaws " ;D

and hey i'm not even talking about some RP shit

Hey btw if you and your butt buddies c88 wouldn't have gathered another swarm and attacked the city constantly , tsar wouldn't had any problems with the city other than 1 or 2 attacks from rogues. I guess their " outlaws " or some crap to you ? I see you as fanatic lunatics when you start discussing the matters about " for the justice " or " outlaws " , no offense mostly i don't give a fuck alright , but don't you think you over exaggerate sometimes ..... wait most of the time ?
Oh my. Swarms, squads, warzones, battlefields (ultimate and solid, yeah!), RP shit - are you sure this is right game for you? I mean there are shooters much more simpler, without cooldowns, crafting and stuff, ever tried them?

I laugh a lot about "u r outlaw" trolling, performed by TTTLA (or whatever these "palladins" call themselves), but I can see the difference between Redding free for all, noobs, miners, apes, and Redding-warzone, where only the biggest proxy swarm survives. Guess which option I like more? :>
Nie biegaj za stadem.

Re: Redding
« Reply #40 on: September 29, 2011, 08:55:31 pm »

Oh my. Swarms, squads, warzones, battlefields (ultimate and solid, yeah!), RP shit - are you sure this is right game for you? I mean there are shooters much more simpler, without cooldowns, crafting and stuff, ever tried them?

So war is a part of this game , hence the war , war never changes ! So i guess this is the game for me , i am just not into roleplaying still i have no problems to do some minor roleplay if i wish to , but nothing so hardcore as redding at least not now , not yet , i think that was too obvious for me to point this out.

Anyway i play shooters and they are much more complicated then fonline.


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Re: Redding
« Reply #41 on: September 29, 2011, 10:43:44 pm »

i have no problems to do some minor roleplay if i wish to , but nothing so hardcore as redding

Re: Redding
« Reply #42 on: September 29, 2011, 11:04:19 pm »

Surf discussing roleplaying in fonline 2238.

It works both ways man.

hmm wait .... something doesn't add up i think the guy should be looking very closely into the screen if it is meant to be hardcore expression or whatever.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2011, 11:10:54 pm by T-888 »


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Re: Redding
« Reply #43 on: September 30, 2011, 12:16:02 am »

Surf discussing roleplaying in fonline 2238.

It works both ways man.

hmm wait .... something doesn't add up i think the guy should be looking very closely into the screen if it is meant to be hardcore expression or whatever.

Srsly what the fuck am I reading?


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Re: Redding
« Reply #44 on: September 30, 2011, 02:03:49 am »

Nice that your prime time is 1:00-2:00 AM when most of us is sleeping. Keep taking empty towns. I'm outlaw and I'm proud of it.
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