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Author Topic: Scrap PvP Stealing  (Read 21200 times)


  • Humanhunter
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Re: Scrap PvP Stealing
« Reply #30 on: March 01, 2011, 03:17:30 am »

just make one IP can have only 1 or 2 chars registrered
is the best and faster solution...
Current char: Oblivion, Oceansoul, Black Tears

Sorry for my bad english
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  • Drugged Childkiller
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Re: Scrap PvP Stealing
« Reply #31 on: March 01, 2011, 03:40:31 am »

just make one IP can have only 1 or 2 chars registrered
is the best and faster solution...

Proxies... Also i can change my IP by reseting my internet box.
When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk

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TTTLA, for Great Justice !
Re: Scrap PvP Stealing
« Reply #32 on: March 01, 2011, 06:03:45 am »

I like this, because the way stealing is now, OMG...  Sadly Lexx is right, most likely won't change, and far too many people bank on stealing and griefing, for enough of us to back a positive change.  My pvp Suggestion in sig, seems to be along this same train of thought.  Glad more than a few of us are trying to bring to light the way things are and how they're not working.
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Re: Scrap PvP Stealing
« Reply #33 on: March 01, 2011, 09:59:15 am »

5 happy players compared to 1 unhappy Rascal (thief) - which way should we go  ?

No they are not. For me , it seems like they are camping city 24/7. Not to mention there is often more than one thief.

You should read better, he's not the only unhappy thief.
Stealing is nerved enough.
I trade regularly in the Hub, Junktown, VC and to a lesser extend NCR and SF in the evenings (GMT +1, which are busy hours) and am hardly harassed by thieves.
The only bad incidents I had recently were with Greens and Blackcaty who are indeed not only stealing but also grieving and exploiting.

I think Stealing in general is kinda useless. Why?

Well experienced players know how to deal with thieves, and only newbies tend to be robbed, but they also tend to have only poor gear in their inventory. This makes PvP Stealing kinda useless for getting items, and only useful if you want to troll another person.

Now about PvE Stealing, you can actually get some items form it... but with the current Reputation system, well you can just kill the NPC and loot his corpse, without worrying about the consequences.

In other words, Stealing is just for trolling.

Stealing isn't useless, that's just your opinion.
As for stealing from newbies, that depends on the player. I know many thieves, including myself, who don't do that.
Stealing is regularly useful for getting good items. I got a bunch of rockets and caps yesterday, get ammo regularly (not a BoS member) and other stuff too. Whether or not that's useful or not depends on the characters you play and the faction you're in. Still even a stack of weak healing powders can be useful if it's a high number as you can than use it for trading.
Killing an npc results in -100 instead of -25 rep for a failed stealing. Also you can't be alone as someone else will have to loot the npc.
I've seen more trolls in the game who aren't thief than who are.

Also, once again I repeat, it sure was a good story, but how many thief players use their skill like that? Most thieves' stories would be something like "that n00b raged after I stole his 9mm" or "lawl that guy had to just leave the shop cos I was trolling him so he couldn't trade".

As someone said before, PvP stealing should be cancelled at least until a better stealing system is made.

If trolling is your argument, this whole game should be canceled. Every single skill which can be used in any kind of PvP is used for trolling.
As for the "he couldn't trade" trolling, sure some thieves do that (the Greens and Blackcaty make a good example). However there are plenty of none thief players who also do this.
Yesterday someone with a rocket launcher did that too me. I didn't know the guy, so he could be a thief with a broken rocket launcher or he could be a BG build. I wouldn't know.

Thieves say "I steal for the thrill."  Non-thieves say "thieves steal because they are trolling jerks who like to annoy others."  I say they are both right.  Trolling jerks who steal for the thrill of annoying others and getting free stuff.

Thieves do not steal in PVP towns.  Lest they die as they are no match for most builds in a fight and are in a bluesuit.

You're wrong here. Thieves say non-thieves are whiners who should pay more attention when playing.
I trade regularly and regularly someone pushes me away from the trader or pretends to use steal on me to scare me off. When I use steal on them they often start whining and demanding their stuff back. As far as I'm concerned, what goes around comes around.
Thieves steal in the town where players do their trading. The more players around, the more interesting for thieves. There are hardly any players around in unguarded towns, so why should thieves hang out there?

People whine a lot about trolling and yes there's a lot of trolling going on.
But to say it's only thieves is plain lame and I could even argue that some people use these threads for trolling thieves.
The steal system is okay the way it is now. It has been nerved enough.
Someone comes standing next to you, at a trader or not, you walk away if you're smart. It might be a thief, it might also be a suicide burster. You can never be sure and basically can't trust anyone in this game.


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Re: Scrap PvP Stealing
« Reply #34 on: March 01, 2011, 10:22:37 am »

I play almost only PvP TC shit , used my thief for very short period but still that was one of the best if even not THE BEST moment in this game for me.

So you risked nothing and gained massive benefit. Doesn't sound very balanced.

Someone comes standing next to you, at a trader or not, you walk away if you're smart.

This sentence has been stated over and over. The answer is always the same: it's not good gameplay. People hate having to move away from harassing thieves. They don't like the system where the thieves propose a constant unmovable annoyance rather than occasional challenge.
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Re: Scrap PvP Stealing
« Reply #35 on: March 01, 2011, 11:04:03 am »

I was all for scraping thiefs... but now that I think about it, I would miss them.

Maybe if only shoping was safer (ticking timer, 300 radios, 100 mausers and try to find that one item you want while looking for thiefs) reputation had value and you could get your items from the dead thief (you used AP for bursting him so the next guy can take all while you wait) then it'd be ok to get robed from time to time.


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Re: Scrap PvP Stealing
« Reply #36 on: March 01, 2011, 01:06:50 pm »

u miss one important point - trolls gona be trolls.
scraping thiefs just gona make some part of this game DEAD. After that those Trolls just gona turn into suicide burster with buddies to pick up loot or turn into suicide bomber or what is a REAL problem now (in oposite to thief characters) -> they gona make em selfs idolized and shoot u for lulz and fun. Trolls gona always find their way to troll - its a state of mind.
Re: Scrap PvP Stealing
« Reply #37 on: March 01, 2011, 01:16:54 pm »

So you risked nothing and gained massive benefit. Doesn't sound very balanced.

There are many more ways to make your fortune in this game without risking anything.
Thieves can spend hours without making anything because people avoid them or shoot them when they failed.

This sentence has been stated over and over. The answer is always the same: it's not good gameplay. People hate having to move away from harassing thieves. They don't like the system where the thieves propose a constant unmovable annoyance rather than occasional challenge.

Your argument has been stated over and over again.
So I'll respond to it once more:
- not everyone uses steal, some simply use the animation to scare you away from the trader to free it so they can trade. Those are not thieves
- not everyone walking next to you when trading is a thief. There are also (sometimes idolized) bursters who's friends will loot you
Not to mention some are just standing next to you waiting in line.
Personally at traders I'm more afraid of bursters than of thieves. Thieves are easier to avoid than bullets.

they gona make em selfs idolized and shoot u for lulz and fun. Trolls gona always find their way to troll - its a state of mind.

This will be fixed according to devs.
You're right. This game is filled with trolls and grievers. It doesn't depend on pc, but on personality.
Remove steal and they find other ways to troll. Both at traders and elsewhere.


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Re: Scrap PvP Stealing
« Reply #38 on: March 01, 2011, 03:15:49 pm »

There are many more ways to make your fortune in this game without risking anything.

Like grinding. But when it comes to stealing, you're taking from players. In cases where players rob others there is always a risk for the robber to lose his gear aswell, it doesn't apply to thieving.

Thieves can spend hours without making anything because people avoid them or shoot them when they failed.

Yet why they do it?
Your argument has been stated over and over again.
So I'll respond to it once more:
- not everyone uses steal, some simply use the animation to scare you away from the trader to free it so they can trade. Those are not thieves
- not everyone walking next to you when trading is a thief. There are also (sometimes idolized) bursters who's friends will loot you
Not to mention some are just standing next to you waiting in line.
Personally at traders I'm more afraid of bursters than of thieves. Thieves are easier to avoid than bullets.

The point was people are tired of the methods used to avoid thieves. They want change to that. It's not about bursters because they are just exploit and can be dealt with aswell.

You're right. This game is filled with trolls and grievers. It doesn't depend on pc, but on personality.
Remove steal and they find other ways to troll. Both at traders and elsewhere.

So you admit players use steal like griefing?
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


  • Zmikundik
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Re: Scrap PvP Stealing
« Reply #39 on: March 01, 2011, 08:01:35 pm »

5 happy players compared to 1 unhappy Rascal (thief) - which way should we go  ?
You should read better, he's not the only unhappy thief.
Oh really ? It was just a comparison  ::)

- not everyone uses steal, some simply use the animation to scare you away from the trader to free it so they can trade. Those are not thieves
- not everyone walking next to you when trading is a thief. There are also (sometimes idolized) bursters who's friends will loot you
Not to mention some are just standing next to you waiting in line.
Personally at traders I'm more afraid of bursters than of thieves. Thieves are easier to avoid than bullets.
ad1 - If we cant recognize whether hes stealing or using reparir, theres always threat that you are going to be robbed
ad2 - Theres defense against that, not to mention I havent seen suicide bursters for a long time (Im not speaking about idolizing, its going to change soon)
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[19:41:06] <@JovankaB> einstein said we dont need name colorizing
Re: Scrap PvP Stealing
« Reply #40 on: March 01, 2011, 08:30:22 pm »

Like grinding. But when it comes to stealing, you're taking from players. In cases where players rob others there is always a risk for the robber to lose his gear aswell, it doesn't apply to thieving.

You're always at risk of losing your loot.
You're talking about the risk of losing a highly detoriorated smg from an encounter?
Yeah, that's a risk.

Yet why they do it?
The point was people are tired of the methods used to avoid thieves. They want change to that. It's not about bursters because they are just exploit and can be dealt with aswell.

That 1 succesful steal can make the day.
The mehod is the same. You start by standing next to someone.
It's hard to deal with bursters when you've just been killed.

So you admit players use steal like griefing?

No. I admit players pretend to use it for grieving.

ad1 - If we cant recognize whether hes stealing or using reparir, theres always threat that you are going to be robbed
ad2 - Theres defense against that, not to mention I havent seen suicide bursters for a long time (Im not speaking about idolizing, its going to change soon)

1. Solutions for that have been suggested in other threads.
2. What kind of defense is that? They run towards you while you're trading and burst you before you can walk away. I was attacked by a suicide burster 2 days ago. I wasn't speaking about idolized bursters either.
Re: Scrap PvP Stealing
« Reply #41 on: March 01, 2011, 08:30:54 pm »

Another alternative would be non-lethal weapons- tazers, shotguns with bag shot, needler with paralysis poison, sap, boxing gloves, (uuh... rocket launcher filled with pillows), paintgun that would mark their skin dayglo orange for about a week .  Say 30 minutes real time of getting benched might be appropriate.  If I were nasty, I'd suggest we cut a hand off reducing AG by 2.



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Re: Scrap PvP Stealing
« Reply #42 on: March 02, 2011, 12:08:33 am »

Use the search function.  There's a million posts about this already.
Re: Scrap PvP Stealing
« Reply #43 on: March 02, 2011, 03:32:48 am »

Majority of this game supports a "for da lulz" attitude.

Sucks but nothing to be done.  Instead, join the alt crowd and make everything yourself.  Other alternative is lulz crowd.
Re: Scrap PvP Stealing
« Reply #44 on: March 02, 2011, 05:22:04 am »

It just comes down to majority vs minority, Majority get their lulz and caps/gear from griefing others, stealing/shop shooting/bombing/farming bluesuits.  Minority are the people who face the previous actions thus supplying the Majority.  Choices, join the troll/grief crowd, or hide away from 89% of the game that you're trying to test/play.  And as Avv said, all gain no pain, you think anyone's gonna want that to change?  The Majority is so frightened of having to work for what they get now so easily. 

Stealing is soo bad, not just because of the exploiters in hub, but people everywhere.  The latest trick plant dynamite on someone, 2 possible outcomes, they don't notice and die, they do notice drop the bomb from their bags get shot by guards and die, either way you get their gear and nothing bad happens to you. 

Sure there are 'ways' of avoiding thieves, (oh shit someones near me, I just was trading with Sha, damn it /click away. Try again, here they come /click away.)  Yeah that has been great game play so far...
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