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Author Topic: Few suggestions  (Read 1365 times)

Few suggestions
« on: September 23, 2011, 08:19:11 pm »

First of all, i really didnt have time to go through forums and check if those were already discussed and such, and i apologise in advance if they were.
Ive started to play very recently and i really like the atmosphere and most things and changes make sense.

One thing that bugs me is when i go to a trader and i see 83838 bbs or healing powders. Not really a problem, i just think that it would be cool if those traders used those items up or something.
alternatively, though i reckon it would be hard to code/implement, or would just ruin the games overall economic stability, there could be reduced prices based on demand, so, no farming in such a way. I figure that this would not be a very popular choice.

I also had a problem with NCR(i guess it applies to other cities as well), that i died few times by the hands of the guards because i forgot to holster my weapon. Not a problem in itself, its just that i didnt manage to react fast enough when the warning  was issued and got killed. It would be great if we could switch weapons on the run(thats the reason why i got killed, i was moving, and when i clicked to change hands, or even went to inventory i still didnt switch weapon.) so either if the delay before shot was a bit longer, or if it was scaled based on chars level, weapon drawn( i figure that the reason why it is in such a way is because of some previous abuses, where people managed to kill others before guards could react)

On that count, i also think that something should be done about stealing/other town abuses, but i believe zou alreadz know all about that and heard it ton of times. Just think it should be harder, not eliminated...



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Re: Few suggestions
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2011, 08:34:11 pm »

Everything you mentioned has already been discused. I'm not raging against you, but please use "Search" next time: if you notice more than ten threads about the same thing, it's either 1) not worth it posting about, or 2) already/will be taken care of.


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Re: Few suggestions
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2011, 10:06:30 pm »

One thing that bugs me is when i go to a trader and i see 83838 bbs or healing powders. Not really a problem, i just think that it would be cool if those traders used those items up or something.
alternatively, though i reckon it would be hard to code/implement, or would just ruin the games overall economic stability, there could be reduced prices based on demand, so, no farming in such a way. I figure that this would not be a very popular choice.
It's already implented partially. After a time (I think it was 6 real life hours) the merchants convert old items to caps.
I also had a problem with NCR(i guess it applies to other cities as well), that i died few times by the hands of the guards because i forgot to holster my weapon. Not a problem in itself, its just that i didnt manage to react fast enough when the warning  was issued and got killed. It would be great if we could switch weapons on the run(thats the reason why i got killed, i was moving, and when i clicked to change hands, or even went to inventory i still didnt switch weapon.) so either if the delay before shot was a bit longer, or if it was scaled based on chars level, weapon drawn( i figure that the reason why it is in such a way is because of some previous abuses, where people managed to kill others before guards could react)
The recently posted JovankaB's idea actually sounds like a pretty good solution to this. Click here to be taken to the thread.
I still can be reached over e-mail if you somehow need anything from me. Don't see a reason why you would, but if you do, e-mail remains the safest bet, as I do not visit this forum reliably anymore.
Re: Few suggestions
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2011, 02:23:55 am »

yah, sorry about not checking, at the moment i didnt have time/nerves to sift through, and wanted to rant before i forget. Also, haraldx, thanks for the link :)
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