Uh no thanks. Heavy handed has shown us where stunning and knockdowning attacks take us - to the trollzone! It should be a rule of thumb to never take control off from players. They should never be dismobilized by another player or anything else for longer than brief moments. It works against npcs and is fun because npcs swarm you and you need to dismobilize them. But npcs don't have feelings so they can be threated as you want.
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Surgical Shotgun PrecisionRequirements: Small Guns 200, Doctor 150
That's far, far too big requirements. You don't need 200 SG with any shotgun and Doctor 150 is a lot even for pure doctor character.I would suggest Small guns 150% (maybe even less) and Repair 100% + doing some shotgun-related quest for flavor."You know everything about shotguns, you can shoot faster with them -1AP", terrible description, but something like that or Higher chance to cripple it's interesting too.
and possibly a small chance of crippling limbs with bursts (scatter damage doesn't only hit you in the tors).
What kind of characteristics can ammo have?Can it increase crit chance?Can it increase range?Can it increase cripple rate in crits?Can it make attacks cost less or more ap?Can it change the attack type of weapon?Can it bypass or reduce armor from certain range?It would help to have lots of characteristics in ammo, would allow variety.
They should never be dismobilized by another player or anything else for longer than brief moments.
The only thing what (bigger, bursting) shotguns need, is a knockback effect added to every burst (same way as slapping, no AP negated, but you need to raise up again), and possibly a small chance of crippling limbs with bursts (scatter damage doesn't only hit you in the torso).
Although the damage is decent, it doesn't compensates for the severely limited range enough to make it a useful weapon. Doing the same damage at 1 hex as at maximum range doesn't help either. Most people that use high end shotguns I think do it only for a goof and only against npcs.
Any action or inaction in a position of power will always grant you enemies
The only thing what (bigger, bursting) shotguns need, is a knockback effect added to every burst (same way as slapping, no AP negated, but you need to raise up again), and possibly a small chance of crippling limbs with bursts (scatter damage doesn't only hit you in the tors).
gr8 idea, nothing more is needed, btw why the dmg is always the same? 1 hex burst should have been stronger