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Author Topic: Random encounters  (Read 12897 times)

Re: Random encounters
« Reply #15 on: September 01, 2010, 06:11:11 am »

I dont know if it is just me, but i have been encountering almost zero brahmin around the "noob" area (NCR, Junktown, Hub) and this absolutly sucks for new players, as we cant even make tents. was it intentional, or am i just unlucky?
Yesterday i was looking for brahmins around NCR for half an hour, found nothing and eventually got killed by a group of players. Several minutes after this, my friend encountered "cows" just after he left NCR.
Later I`ve managed to gather all 10 hides in 15 minutes wandering solo through area near Hub.
Yes there is still chance to find brahmins around NCR. But maybe players should try looking around other cities, not only NCR.
Re: Random encounters
« Reply #16 on: September 01, 2010, 11:38:58 am »

The remnants of the Master's Army, really shouldn't be popping up near Boneyard.  I know the Cathedral was there but it was mostly full of humans, and in the lower sections only a few big guys.  Also it makes it near impossible to get through there and get any XP, you ever try going up against a rocket launcher to get kills on molerats and dogs.  Guess who's gonna kill them. 

San Fran, EXTREMELY difficult to travel around!!!  A friend and I were doing the train quest we're both 4th lvl, and he had 75% outdoorsman and we were getting encounters every 2 [tiny] dots. And the first was centaurs floaters and tough aliens, we managed to just barely get out, next was Mercs, who managed to 2 hit us from ACROSS the screen,  well out of our attack range with their one Energy Pistol.  From then on we respawned near San Fran, and hit EVERY encounter not a single one with the option to avoid.  And until we passed Vault 13 it was ALL Centaur, Floater, Aliens.  2 more deaths later respawning [you guessed it] San Fran, we made it to NCR.  I know the need for higher powered encounters but I really don't think they should be in the MAIN path between towns. 

There is NO chance for low level people to get anywhere with how slow the travel is, and with even 75% OD, being stuck in encounters more than 5 times in a square.  We couldn't even get the option to avoid RATS...
City Encounters:  269
Footlockers:  60
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Re: Random encounters
« Reply #17 on: September 01, 2010, 12:19:09 pm »

Tbh i didn't have any trouble finding the brahmin hides i needed but then again i hate populated cities so i farmed them near modoc.


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Re: Random encounters
« Reply #18 on: September 01, 2010, 01:12:24 pm »

The remnants of the Master's Army, really shouldn't be popping up near Boneyard.  I know the Cathedral was there but it was mostly full of humans, and in the lower sections only a few big guys.  Also it makes it near impossible to get through there and get any XP, you ever try going up against a rocket launcher to get kills on molerats and dogs.  Guess who's gonna kill them. 

Cathedral area is now full of mutants too. I explained a few posts ago:

As for where Masters stuff occurs, it comes from the Masters vault - I tried to have a logical spread of things - certain raider groups occur centred on an imagined raiders base for example. These groups are currently identical, but will change over time.

Mutants come from the Cathedral and go towards Mariposa in one direction and NCR (Where I imagine they are having a war with NCR - Hense the army encounter) and up to Lost Hills where they meet the BoS (I think I had some areas where BoS and Mutants overlapped :))

As for SF, there are plenty of areas where its pretty safe to be a level 4 guy. The entire map doesn't need to be built with them in mind.

The roll vs Outdoors might need to be looked at now that we have new difficulties in zones, but I doubt its far off.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: Random encounters
« Reply #19 on: September 01, 2010, 01:19:27 pm »

Hate to break it to you but we both took 2 different paths away from San Fran and it didn't matter they were ALL filled with higher power mobs.  And now with the seriously messed world map travel and the sheer amount of random encounters the chances of you falling into an encounter with other players is some much more.  And yeah you pop in and they get 2 if not more turns before you do, no matter your Perception or perks, and guess what you're dead.

As far as the Masters army. ok so they were created in Mariposa and sent to Cathedral one that was 70+ years ago, and 2 with the amount of them there, all they do is take away from players.  Should the whole map be geared towards low lvls?  No but something should be done to at least [Help] lower lvls be able to survive.  12 hours into game post wipe and I am only lvl 4 and have 1 pistol no caps and 15 rounds of ammo to my name.  I know others are doing better and some are doing worse.  There will always be a curve but at least before the wipe lowbies had a chance.  You didn't dare go out and play without a weapon and armor, now that doesn't even matter.
City Encounters:  269
Footlockers:  60
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Re: Random encounters
« Reply #20 on: September 01, 2010, 01:41:57 pm »

but something should be done to at least [Help] lower lvls be able to survive

We have, a large area of pretty easy encounters. Nothing is forcing you to go to SF, its dangerous there.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: Random encounters
« Reply #21 on: September 01, 2010, 02:09:37 pm »

Vault City Train quest, no other way to get the San Fran quest then to go there.  Now sure the quest isn't forced on players.  Just seems a little off to cut off some xp.  I do understand the time and effort behind programming things and planning them.  I do like a LOT of the stuff brought into the game.  I am just giving feedback.
City Encounters:  269
Footlockers:  60
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Re: Random encounters
« Reply #22 on: September 01, 2010, 07:03:34 pm »

I've done some farming near hub. I've hunted geckos and brahmins for exp and loot. Sometimes ghoul crazies fighting other encounters. It's good way to level up and gain wealth slowly but totally repetitive, unwastelandish and hasn't got anything to do with multiplayer.

Encounters need to be more linked to rest of the world. I'd even question the current encountering system. Why exactly do we have to travel back and forth the same squares to find some monsters to kill? What is it for anyone? Again I'd also question the way we have to fight random encounters. There's no reason to randomly force players to either click "no" in some window or run or fight monsters who do not serve any purpose.

So here are my suggestions for trying to solve these issues.
- Scrap all random encounters, yes all. No more random encountering. Travelling time is the only boundary you face while in worldmap.

- The world is filled with areas with varying size. These would be like "Hub borderlands" "Death Valley" and "San Fransisco ruins". These areas would be places where players get their gathering material, meet other players, faction patrols, animals and foes.
Player could choose to patrol these areas along with his npc faction's patrols. These patrols would attempt to eradicate robbers, enemy faction players and pest creatures. Player would be paid for each succesful patrol with money and reputation. Patrols would also provide cover for peaceful gatherers.
In the outer reaches of these hunting grounds where patrols do not visit more dangerous creatures would spawn, but also more interesting loot. Interesting loot would be only visible for people with certain skills, for example scientific person could be the only one to spot old nuclear shelter door. Only a good outdoorsman dude would spot tracks of some dangerous monster and then lure it out.

Problems with this would be excessive running (yes the constant running is silly), problems with PE and fov and powerbuilt pks hunting balanced builds. Also npc aggro is sometimes problematic. Npcs cannot be easily outrunned because they just keep following you no matter what and because the areas are large, patrols would get scrambled. In addition the largest of large areas would have to be really large or somehow randomly generate a new map when you enter a green grid to keep the feeling that you're in the middle of nowhere looking for lost tech to scavenge. It would be quite stupid if the place was teeming with groups of treasure hunters like it was goldrush in Klondike.

Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: Random encounters
« Reply #23 on: September 01, 2010, 07:22:57 pm »

Indeed, i agree that encounters should be reworked.
What if the system looked like that: All the mobs groups are being generated before players encounter them, they would have their AI and they would move on the map. There would be a limit for groups number, in example 50 molerat groups would be able to exist at a time. When a group is killed, it could respawn after some time just like players are now and move from a random place and then start their trip. The same way mobs and NPCs would encounter each other - meeting 2 groups fighting each other should be harder.
Players with high outdoorsman could track the group's heading direction. So they would be able to avoid the encounters - when they know the place the group is, they just move around it. If the player wanted to meet the group, he just walks there and is forced to encounter it after he gets close enough.
The more outdoorsman player has, the more accurate tracking is.


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Re: Random encounters
« Reply #24 on: September 01, 2010, 11:27:11 pm »

I've grown to learn that the current set-up has... made more multiplayer encounters.

As it is, slow speed on World, right?  This is making(forcing?) many people to localize in an area, which in a way is a good thing.  I see the vendors actually being used, with stock changing quite a bit.  I've also seen many encounters with players in it near the cities.  With the slow speed, city locations are like a vaccuum, keeping the players nearer to the center.  Walking out of ncr... its pretty easy to walk and find someone else.  Sadly, most of my encounters have ended for the worse considering other player interaction.  Which is good, in a way.  Will know whom to shoot in the near future...
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Re: Random encounters
« Reply #25 on: September 02, 2010, 01:20:35 am »

There are too many encounters at a time, I mean, you geting encounte ever 2 dots is ludicrous, the Wasteland IS A WASTELAND, NOTA GOD DAMN FARMLAND BUBBLING WITH MILLIONS OF PEOPLE.  I'm just saying encounters are way too common now, it doesn' realy seem like the wasteland now....

And Gatling, thats actually a bad thing, it doesn't make any sense to be happening in a "Wasteland"  Although I do like the new encounters.

What I'm trying to say is with player and npc encounters happening so much more often, its not very memorable anymore.  Or falloutish..
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.
Re: Random encounters
« Reply #26 on: September 02, 2010, 01:26:37 am »

yeah, how is there enough vegitation to sustain the hundreds of mauraders i encounter every mapsquare?
You just killed the nice deranged chick from the juice bar that i was gonna score with someday maybe!
Re: Random encounters
« Reply #27 on: September 02, 2010, 02:34:47 am »

YAY we get to know who we need to shoot.  Later when.. we. actually get.. gear.. we can KEEP.  Cool.....  And yay more people in towns.  So that we can know who to avoid when we get pick pocketed by 4 diff people in NCR while waiting for EVERY merchant to talk to cause they are all full.  And travel in the wasteland, Yay now 2 lowbies can team up and PK people walking to Hub, Junktown, NCR.
City Encounters:  269
Footlockers:  60
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Re: Random encounters
« Reply #28 on: September 02, 2010, 10:00:12 am »

There are too many encounters at a time, I mean, you geting encounte ever 2 dots is ludicrous, the Wasteland IS A WASTELAND, NOTA GOD DAMN FARMLAND BUBBLING WITH MILLIONS OF PEOPLE.  I'm just saying encounters are way too common now, it doesn' realy seem like the wasteland now....

And Gatling, thats actually a bad thing, it doesn't make any sense to be happening in a "Wasteland"  Although I do like the new encounters.

What I'm trying to say is with player and npc encounters happening so much more often, its not very memorable anymore.  Or falloutish..

As for speed, at 20% outdoors I was moving 1 square per 25 seconds. Outdoors at 50% its about 12 seconds. This would correspond to 1 encounter per square or 2 squares. Obviously this will increase as the skill goes higher.

It is no bad thing to require a) decent outdoors b) a decent outdoors on your group leader c) a car and (if I ever remember to get this done) d) increasing dog's outdoors so buying a dog merc gives you the ability to move round. Even a boost for outdoors given by the motion sensor is an option.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: Random encounters
« Reply #29 on: September 02, 2010, 11:20:16 am »

Just got 3 Encounters in the SAME few dots of the SAME square.  All with the same pc's in it and got killed.  All forced, no chance to avoid with OD.  Is that supposed to be effected by the 50% 12 seconds 1 encounter?  Or are pc encounters on a different table?
« Last Edit: September 02, 2010, 11:43:33 am by Trokanis »
City Encounters:  269
Footlockers:  60
Blueprints:  8
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Fuel CC:  0
Special Encounters:  0
Data collection start: 1-24-13
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