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"Wasteland is harsh"
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Author Topic: Npc's and their critical chance.  (Read 17620 times)

Re: Npc's and their critical chance.
« Reply #75 on: June 25, 2010, 03:58:15 am »

Update:  Crazies are now actually killable,

Their hp is now only 60, and afaik they don't do godly crits anymore.... Or is it just my trained mercs kill them so fast they dont have a chance?

Either way the toughness is now feasible.

I had 5 crazies almost kill a rocket mutant, I was lucky got out with 30/356 hp


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Re: Npc's and their critical chance.
« Reply #76 on: June 25, 2010, 04:04:15 am »

I had 5 crazies almost kill a rocket mutant, I was lucky got out with 30/356 hp
Yeah but thats a rocket mutant, its like blow one up costs 5-6 ap? reload 3 ap? blow another one, you shoulda used a minigun one, besides, mutants rnt the best to use on snipers...  A better tactic would be to use melee (HUMAN) mercs.
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Re: Npc's and their critical chance.
« Reply #77 on: June 25, 2010, 04:13:03 am »

Ghouls are still a lot harder now. I use my unarmed character to simply disarm them before that crazy ghoul bursts me for over 100 HP (with 2x toughness) with the Assault Rifle (non-critical shot). They still get a good 1-range burst critical and kill me every once in a while.

Ghoul Scavengers on the other hand are very funny. 12 will crowd around me and continue to try to attack me from all six directions for No-damage criticals, but then they cripple every single one of my limps and eyes, and i have 10 EN, so crippling should be at a minimum. Scavs are easy with anyone with Toughness though.
Error while opening cfg file: spawnnpc.cfg
Shit! Damn admins! Always ruining my fun! I guess I'll talk to them. WITH MY FISTS!!!! No seriously, I will write them a nice email or make a thread on the forums or something. Thanks!
Re: Npc's and their critical chance.
« Reply #78 on: June 25, 2010, 04:27:50 am »

Yeah but thats a rocket mutant, its like blow one up costs 5-6 ap? reload 3 ap? blow another one, you shoulda used a minigun one, besides, mutants rnt the best to use on snipers...  A better tactic would be to use melee (HUMAN) mercs.

I had just bought it in bh


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Re: Npc's and their critical chance.
« Reply #79 on: June 25, 2010, 04:35:16 am »

I had just bought it in bh
Ok so?
Fresh of the line isnt better....
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Re: Npc's and their critical chance.
« Reply #80 on: June 25, 2010, 04:36:49 am »

Ok so?
Fresh of the line isnt better....

Obviously I'm not going to go farming ghouls with a rocket merc, I had no intention of getting into that encounter.


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Re: Npc's and their critical chance.
« Reply #81 on: June 25, 2010, 04:39:25 am »

Obviously I'm not going to go farming ghouls with a rocket merc, I had no intention of getting into that encounter.
oh ok i get you now, but if so why not just run?
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Re: Npc's and their critical chance.
« Reply #82 on: June 27, 2010, 03:19:38 pm »

Ok, another one. Now I had 8Agi 8PE and 8L I encountered 2 raiders with 2 ARs. I got the first turn and left in the opposite direction but its nothing for them, they just burst the *** of you :D. Insta death encounters are griefing me a lot, and probably not only me

Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator
Re: Npc's and their critical chance.
« Reply #83 on: June 27, 2010, 04:10:30 pm »

when game was made specially being "solo wanderer" (with maybe one-few partners NPCs like K-9 and Lenny, etc). FOnline turned into massive faction warzone, and so devs always make updates to give some more challenge for factions, BUT solos.. they suffer even more.... faction rises, gets challenges more, solo people suffer much much more, and all that shit happens all over again into worse, and someday this game will have requirement & guide like "start char specifically to destroying things or healing your mates, then as soon as possible, join best faction you got chance with". omg. so i guess soon this game wont have solo wanderers, just huge factions with huge guns trying to take control of all towns... blah. if game would be free for all (no factions). completely nerfed all "teams/bases" off, i bet it would be hellava wasteland, just like the WASTELAND.... not some Iraq with US Army against Iraq terrorists shit.

i know people still would stick together, but it wouldnt be so easy anymore. oh and namecolorizing to make unable to work ^^ then it would be such a hell.
Re: Npc's and their critical chance.
« Reply #84 on: June 27, 2010, 10:17:55 pm »

hey people, these npcs in the wastes are getting lil tuff il agree but its things like sharpened spears getting criticials on a level 18 player with brotherhood armour on that makes the anger rise! These raiders with spears can barely hit me for more then 5 hp but they can easily cripple my arms, legs or eyes.... that is pretty messed up.... the other day I got into a fight with abunch of raiders right, i was geared up to the max, got my arm crippled then knocked out about 5 times in a row by a chick with a mohawk and a sharpened spear... I eventually got up and killed the raiders taking about 50 hp in total from the fight + a cripple limp.... Is it just me or did that situation make completely no sense? I am wearing the best armour you can craft and I get my arm crippled by a chick with a spear? come on... that's retarded... Its one thing that npc's get lucky with guns sure thats realistic but if your wearing some bad-ass armour that bullets can barely penetrate then why the heck should a spear be way more effective on that armour then bullets?

Low level melee items that the npc's wield shouldn't cause so many critical hits, bullets on the other hand should, expecially those 5mm AP rounds. Rippers are well a diferent story lol. I got hit by a ripper taking 114 damage to my brthr armour  and blinding me, it was a big lol cuz it left me with 24 hp but i survived and got myself some rippers but that was intense and left me wondering should rippers do that much damage? Or should Npc's do that much damage? 

So my whole point is to lower the amount of critical chances the shitty npcs have at crippling your character who has the best armour in the game...
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Re: Npc's and their critical chance.
« Reply #85 on: June 27, 2010, 10:54:14 pm »

:/, I haven't been experiencing this problem much anymore but I guess the reports still stand to the earlier conclusion.
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Re: Npc's and their critical chance.
« Reply #86 on: June 27, 2010, 11:01:56 pm »

got single shotted by an AR ghoul for 187 hp. no screenshot cos i ragequit too fast
Quote from: LittleDragon
I play this game purely to kill such people that think they can play the game safely and never get killed. You expect fun from this game? No fun. Gonna find you and kill you, and shit on your dead body. I'm going online to find more noobs :D
Re: Npc's and their critical chance.
« Reply #87 on: June 28, 2010, 04:47:06 am »

Haha i had interesting encounter also, i had brotherhood armor and 4 mercs with me all in good gear (3 snipers 1 super sledge) and
i was killed by bandits in cave. Think the one who critted me had like combat shotgun, and single shot critted me for 66 dmg and knocked me out.
After that one bandit with ripper got close to me also and couple rounds later i died.

During past 2 days ive lost like 100k i bet, but ohh well no matter. When i dont get unlucky and get critted to death i can pretty much farm anything
except BoS and Enclave patrols (remnants are bit tough also, mostly a matter of taking down the rocket mutie.
Re: Npc's and their critical chance.
« Reply #88 on: June 28, 2010, 10:25:49 pm »

Haha i had interesting encounter also, i had brotherhood armor and 4 mercs with me all in good gear (3 snipers 1 super sledge) and
i was killed by bandits in cave. Think the one who critted me had like combat shotgun, and single shot critted me for 66 dmg and knocked me out.
After that one bandit with ripper got close to me also and couple rounds later i died.

During past 2 days ive lost like 100k i bet, but ohh well no matter. When i dont get unlucky and get critted to death i can pretty much farm anything
except BoS and Enclave patrols (remnants are bit tough also, mostly a matter of taking down the rocket mutie.

lol isn't the wasteland harsh ?    this happened to me yesterday too lol i was killing people in reno with my crappy armour and guns on, got a hefty amount of loot too. went to my tent but got into an encounter, they werent hostile but there was a cave, so i run thru it with real time combat on (forgetting that its on). dont find anything until i get to the very end of the cave, much to my surprise theres a red condom on the ground, wow i thought, an empty cave with a condom in it... hmm normally that means theres people here... well thank god im in turn based... so all of a sudden i piss my pants when i realize i forgot to heal myself and switch combat to turn based. two raiders come running at me armed with combat shotguns... i kill the first one only to be killed by the next one, big lol... they didnt seem to do THAT much damage in general but their criticals are still pretty painful... maybe lower their luck by 1-2 ? or critical chance by ... 2%
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Re: Npc's and their critical chance.
« Reply #89 on: June 29, 2010, 10:00:08 am »

As for me, the range is the biggest problem, I play turn based and even if I have higher sequence than raiders/rogues I cant escape with bluesuit, its almost everytime instakill and dont tell me to wear armors to mine... thats silly, also, even marauders near populous NCR will burst you and the distance seems not to bother them, they do about 50-60 dmg per one with 10mm, well now having higher sequence than them I survive more often but those ARs are insane... 2 rogues with ARs = instakill (low tier armors).

And of course Im not hunting them :p
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