If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
It has been compensated, by making it great damage. There are plenty of cramped places where range doesn't matter.
But they shouldn't. Bullets should spread, turning Pancor Jackhammer into a real shotgun instead of a simple modified FN FAL. Spread of bullets + Knockdown ability will turn FOnline's shotguns into real shotguns.
Well, if it worked the other way it would be a modified FN FAL, since they work like any other bursters. Going down the central channel is a shotgun only trait now. If it corresponds to real life or not it makes Shotguns low range but powerful, perfect for close combat in cramped conditions - what they should be.
well i think we can compar 2 small guns in here, sniper rifle and pancor jackhammer, both cost close to same 5k, and since sniper is damn deadly in long distance, jackhammer should be in close ^^
Considering it is the ( If I'm wrong here tell me what is ) most powerfull shotgun in game...... It should be stronger against armored and drugged up opponents, mostly because of the name 'Pancor JackHAMMER" its supposed to beat the shit out of anything.
Its comparable to an Avenger, not quite sure at what insane damage people would start considering it as "high" damage
almost always with right build.