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Author Topic: Turn Based Combat - Action Points  (Read 5110 times)

Turn Based Combat - Action Points
« on: March 16, 2012, 11:00:00 pm »

Hi it's me again!

So, I was playing with a nice guy, levelling our characters and looting NPCs. Then I realized something. He shot 5 times in a round while I shot only once. He had some perks but that's beyond the point.

My problem is:

I have 8 AP.
When I shoot with my shotgun it costs me 5 AP. I have 3 AP left.
I don't want to move and I don't want to use those 3 AP for defense, but rather than that, I want to use them for shooting (but you can't because of the limitation of the Turn Based system). Now this is my idea:

I have only 3 AP left, so When I try to shoot again, the game first takes away my 3 left AP, pass to the next person (round), and when its my turn again, it will simply take away 2 more AP (that makes 3+2=5), and allows me to shoot on the very beggining of my second round. It blocks any other action from my part, I first have to take the shoot and then I will be left with 5 AP from my second round which I can use for the second (sum=third) shot (or whatever I want).

(If you don't have a target then the game simply takes you 2 AP and won't allow you to take that shoot. You continue your round.)

What I wrote is just a suggestion to what the problem is and what happend to me, mainly the loss of usefull AP.



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Re: Turn Based Combat - Action Points
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2012, 11:06:55 pm »

Or you could just take livewire and start using those points to your advantage....


  • just some canadian guy
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Re: Turn Based Combat - Action Points
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2012, 11:20:52 pm »

or he could just make a real turn based build.... really who has 8 ap for a turn based build ??? 12-14 ap +bonus move is what you want/need
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Re: Turn Based Combat - Action Points
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2012, 11:23:18 pm »

Yeah, about to say, my caravaneer crafter has ten attack ap and four move. Your doing something wrongz...
Re: Turn Based Combat - Action Points
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2012, 11:25:30 pm »

Fast shot, bonus rate of fire, jet, 10 AG. That's -2 AP per shot and +2 AP for a total of 4 shotgun shells per turn. You can't shoot shotgun 5 times.
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Hects Hakal

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Re: Turn Based Combat - Action Points
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2012, 03:41:15 am »

@Blahblah he didnt say that his frieand used shotgun


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Re: Turn Based Combat - Action Points
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2012, 07:35:55 am »

Yeah, about to say, my caravaneer crafter has ten attack ap and four move. Your doing something wrongz...

I though there is only one action move perk :P
Re: Turn Based Combat - Action Points
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2012, 12:13:07 pm »


You say turn based build, but It's not too good If you have to build a character just for to gain advantage in turn based combat. You see, those who build a "normal" character, they for one don't have a lot of action going on in their turn, but also the system doesn't allow them to use that little plus that they still have. Speaking of my 3 left AP that is my only little plus, and it goes to waste, because I don't have two more point to shoot (or in some case 1). When I realized the case, it hit me how primitive the system is.

Erm, no. My real point was that the system is somewhat old. It needs to be enchanted. Well, for the better I think.
And It would be closer to Real Time combat If you think about it. Because In RTc you don't wait for your AP to go back to 8 or 10 or 12, but you shoot in the moment it reaches 4,5,6 which is necessary for you to shoot. This is what this change would represent, the moment inbetween your two rounds.

« Last Edit: March 17, 2012, 03:52:48 pm by mrbrain30 »

Hects Hakal

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Re: Turn Based Combat - Action Points
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2012, 05:44:14 pm »

Normal builds are for noobs-you have to have uber perfect alt for everything if you want to do something


  • just some canadian guy
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Re: Turn Based Combat - Action Points
« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2012, 05:51:16 pm »


You say turn based build, but It's not too good If you have to build a character just for to gain advantage in turn based combat. You see, those who build a "normal" character, they for one don't have a lot of action going on in their turn, but also the system doesn't allow them to use that little plus that they still have. Speaking of my 3 left AP that is my only little plus, and it goes to waste, because I don't have two more point to shoot (or in some case 1). When I realized the case, it hit me how primitive the system is.

Erm, no. My real point was that the system is somewhat old. It needs to be enchanted. Well, for the better I think.
And It would be closer to Real Time combat If you think about it. Because In RTc you don't wait for your AP to go back to 8 or 10 or 12, but you shoot in the moment it reaches 4,5,6 which is necessary for you to shoot. This is what this change would represent, the moment inbetween your two rounds.

no system is good as it is. if you cant make proper build thats your fault and only yours. really everyone knows that 8 ap in tb is useless 12 at the least  if you want a good tb build give yoz a pm he will give you good tips. also dont compare rt to tb. tb is supposed to be slow and have to think ahead not just shoot which is why tb builds are made so proper planning in tb combat can be made. also that ap you have left is not useless use it move it does not allways need to be used for fireing. 
you say this momment between turns. you really dont get the whole point of tb do you? there is no momment between turns ITS NOT RT. the whole point of tb is that you get your turn (no momment between here) and the other person gets there turn you should not get another chance to fire between then because you did not make a good build. tb are the most easy of all builds to make and if you cant make a good one so you can fire twice then ask for help.

Roaming the waste again.
Re: Turn Based Combat - Action Points
« Reply #10 on: March 17, 2012, 06:33:33 pm »

@Hects Hakal
"Normal builds are for noobs-you have to have uber perfect alt for everything if you want to do something"

So I have to make a lot of characters to do anything worthwhile in the game? Awesome.

Don't you get it? If we all make perfect characters the whole point of character creation is lost. What is really charming about the Fallout character system is that you can have a very massive amount of variety. Why would you chop down on this and say to everyone "only uber perfect characters worth anything". It's sad. (no offense)

I think after reading some of the tips here I could make a close perfect character. OR I could just ask one of my old friend who I played Fallout Tactics with. He made every each of his characters to be perfect, and what. They weren't even named! Soldier1, soldier2, soldier3, medic1... If you want to play in a world with perfect build people with no flaws, at the end everyone will have the same character!


"you say this momment between turns. you really dont get the whole point of tb do you? there is no momment between turns ITS NOT RT. the whole point of tb is that you get your turn (no momment between here) and the other person gets there turn you should not get another chance to fire between then because you did not make a good build."

I know what turn based combat is. I think it's you who don't know what possibilities turn based combat holds. What you wrote is a limited, simplyfied version of what turn based combat could really be.

Turn based combat is like what you said. It gives you time to think over your every action, so you could make a good choice. Why do you think I want to gain some kind of advantage over someone? This is for everyone, this is a small change in the system which would not decrease the value of a good character. You too would gain the abbility to act.

Almost forgot:

"Used it to move"

Thank you! And don't even try to say;

"Save it for AC so you won't be hit!"

« Last Edit: March 17, 2012, 06:41:05 pm by mrbrain30 »
Re: Turn Based Combat - Action Points
« Reply #11 on: March 17, 2012, 09:03:41 pm »

I have to agree with Falloutdude on this.  TB system won't change and shouldn't.  You get your turn with the points you have with no points carrying over to the next turn.  It's the same for everyone.  It all comes down to the build.  The way the character build system is, you have to make certain concessions.  If you want to be able to have x trait you have to give up y trait.  You can't have one character that does it all.  The SPECIAL won't allow it.  Thats why so many of us have multiple characters for multiple purposes.  We all find ways to work with the system that is place. 


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Re: Turn Based Combat - Action Points
« Reply #12 on: March 18, 2012, 04:02:41 am »

@Hects Hakal
"Normal builds are for noobs-you have to have uber perfect alt for everything if you want to do something"

So I have to make a lot of characters to do anything worthwhile in the game? Awesome.

Don't you get it? If we all make perfect characters the whole point of character creation is lost.

What you have to remember is the definition of "Perfect build".

In this game, the perfect build is the one the guy talking the loudest has.  Everyone elses build is "shit". 


I would like to see them stack, and be cumulative maybe, up to double your actual base AP.

So if you shoot once for 5 AP, and you have 3 left, you can skip.  So on your next turn you have 8+3 to use.  If you shoot once for 5 AP, 6 AP's roll over for 8+6.  This could go until you reach 16 AP, or double your base AP before perks.  So if you have 8 AP before all perks, but 10 after 2 action boys, it still counts as 8.  I think this would add a lot more strategy into shooting, moving, and planning ahead in battle.

Just a thought.


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Re: Turn Based Combat - Action Points
« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2012, 04:04:29 am »

Your suggestion would make dealing 3 big gun bursts or 3 headshots in one turn possible again, which is certain death for pretty much anyone. I don't like your suggestion.
Kill the men, rape the women, eat the children.


  • just some canadian guy
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Re: Turn Based Combat - Action Points
« Reply #14 on: March 18, 2012, 04:05:17 am »

Your suggestion would make dealing 3 big gun bursts or 3 headshots in one turn possible again, which is certain death for pretty much anyone. I don't like your suggestion.
yes i forgot to make this point too. 2 burst is hard to live but 3 even the most toughness pyscho ape is fucked.
Roaming the waste again.
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