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Author Topic: Ghost Farm useful like never before  (Read 30376 times)


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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #75 on: October 30, 2011, 07:06:50 pm »

yes avusable after playing 2 -or more years after fo238 faws releasde u shit bricks nowh and say scukcy things.
You do not know what has been done by over the early of the  2238 now te know what to do to imprveo the 2238 but the devs are still dnun hy gut they got their ieasd to do but the true facts S HTEIR are afraid to do some imvpres "logic" tp the 238 and they do shits that it wil bye satyng ALIVE "FOR NOW" and it wont be stable I wish if developer team invite more people to the team.


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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #76 on: October 30, 2011, 08:37:57 pm »

You won't have to defend yourself agains't bomber, as the bomber will stay right in front of the door.
They will anyway, with instant dynamite-check. I wrote about it already.
You won't have to defend yourself agains't thieves as you don't bring valuable stuff. (no trader)
So if I want to give newcomer a hammer or 10 mm pistol, I am unable to do so there. I wrote about it already. Brilliant idea.
You won't have to defend yourself agains't troll as troll do not harm.
Sure, especially bored kids, spamming chat with //////////yourmomma///////////xd. Brilliant idea #2.
You won't have to worry about who's there as there is no reputation or citizenship.
You wrote something else before. And it's not dumb AI or game mechanics for decide who can be in or out the Slags, but people. Brilliant idea #3.
Unless you want an abusable system, or a base for you own, seems the only way to have safe place to meet...
Meet and what? "Let's go out, it's shitty dark cave here and I can't do single crap." Brilliant idea #4.
The problem is that a player driven faction is highly abusable, and can't be apolitic.
Plus, we already have player driven faction dedicated to help the newcomer. It was WWP. It is BHH. It would be another faction tomorow.
You are speaking about PvP-apes Tree Control business, which I never participated and I don't want to, neither the Slags would. Brilliant idea #5.

Anyway, no response from dev team brings me to conclusion it's only waste of time. Well, at least we tried.
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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #77 on: October 30, 2011, 09:14:08 pm »

You're still ignoring the guards problem ::) What if 20 pro-pvpers decide to camp the location and kill its guards?
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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #78 on: October 30, 2011, 09:22:56 pm »

You are still ignoring what I wrote above in this thread. That makes me sad.

First of all, Ghost Farm map needs changes, which I did already (first post). Preview needs to be done, I added a dull project of that (first post). Also AI guards have to have stats boosted and Kill-on-Sight everyone out of the Slags faction, so no "pro-apez" gonna camp the place. It won't be abusable at all, like Enclave or BoS bases aren't. Also (I know for some people every group of players is n00bz-to-pwn if they win or foking-proxy-cheaterz if they loose, but just try to imagine) the idea is totaly out of current or future PvP or Tree Control mechanics and stuff.
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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #79 on: October 30, 2011, 09:35:36 pm »

So we're just back to what I wrote earlier: you'll need immortal guards, and this is rather unusual in FOnline 2238. You could solve the thing by adding reinforcements (like in most guarded towns) but it does not exactly match the Slags background. Not saying your idea is bad, just pointing out some security flaws.

Also (I know for some people every group of players is n00bz-to-pwn if they win or foking-proxy-cheaterz if they loose, but just try to imagine) the idea is totaly out of current or future PvP or Tree Control mechanics and stuff.
Tell that to the people that like to raid public locations :/
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"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
- J.E. Sawyer


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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #80 on: October 30, 2011, 09:36:33 pm »

It's useless. Nobody is going through forums to find this thing out. Even automatic radio0 spam would not make this thing useful, because radio is still Fonline specific and unrelated to Fallout which will all potential players know.
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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #81 on: October 30, 2011, 09:57:57 pm »

So we're just back to what I wrote earlier: you'll need immortal guards, and this is rather unusual in FOnline 2238. You could solve the thing by adding reinforcements (like in most guarded towns) but it does not exactly match the Slags background. Not saying your idea is bad, just pointing out some security flaws.
So let it be usual at Ghost Farm. We need clear situation there that says "go pew-pew elsewhere, it's pointless there anyway".
Pointing out security flaws and ways of abusing is welcomed, this is the purpose of the thread as well.

Tell that to the people that like to raid public locations :/
I don't see many volunteers raiding Klamath, Junktown or SF mine, and these are all guarded.

It's useless. Nobody is going through forums to find this thing out. Even automatic radio0 spam would not make this thing useful, because radio is still Fonline specific and unrelated to Fallout which will all potential players know.
I'm afraid you are totally wrong sir. Our Orphanage runs for over year and a half now, we use forums, in-game chat and IRC to inform people what we are doing. It works and will work, have no fear.
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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #82 on: October 30, 2011, 10:19:14 pm »

Because you totally can't have any positive idea about people missing it.
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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #83 on: October 30, 2011, 10:44:04 pm »

For someone who want to keep trolls away, you should not behave like one. I won't quote all those "useless" "brilliant ideas" or "did you read?"

I present my opinion about what i think should work.

How much bomber did you see at Hinkley ?
Can a bomber create magically a bomb in the area, all his dangerous stuff had been taken away, when entering the safe area ?
You still can give that damn 10 mm pistol to that noob, but outside the cave.
Inside, there is no way to camp and kill, as you can break the door, if the guards are dead.
Outside, you still can do it, but it is uneasy because of multiple spawn point, big map, and living guard, who would be away from their position if something bad happens.

The slag camp would be the only total safe place. The other areas (done and futures) would be less safe.

And i didn't say there would be nothing to do in the very safe area. Just that it would be safe AND open for everyone who behave correctly faction or not.

Personnally i remain skeptical with that player driven faction AND totally safe place.
If you want to occupy a place with your buddies there should be a minimal risk. (close area with weak guard, or open area with strong guards, like TC town)
A place that can be totally safe, shouldn't be safe only for members of your faction.
Or call it a public base. It could be better, as anyone could have a chance to get one.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2011, 10:47:43 pm by naossano »


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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #84 on: October 30, 2011, 11:11:50 pm »

It's OK if that is NPC faction. You wouldn't see PKs in Enclave base either. And honestly, this is how every faction should work, to help you do things, there shouldn't be a thing like "noob faction", instead all the NPC factions should be somewhat helpful to players. That should include at least: Vault City Citizenship, Enclave membership, Brotherhood of Steel membership, being a Khan, NCR related forces (be it rangers or regular army, who cares...), being a security for Water Traders and Followers of Apocalypse membership, being a slaver.

This should cover nearly entire map, though it will require quite some work to get done.
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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #85 on: October 31, 2011, 07:44:09 am »

For someone who want to keep trolls away, you should not behave like one. I won't quote all those "useless" "brilliant ideas" or "did you read?"

I present my opinion about what i think should work.
I just feel tired of repeating the same things over and over, especially when I've already wrote about them before.

I present my experience as Mother Theresa of Wastes and I know what would, and what would not work. Orphanage runs long enough to tell this, longer than most of "alliances" or many pew-pew gangs. Besides who forbids you to make an alt of "Mad Max Wannabe" type, get access to Slags and roleplay a nurse for a while? Newcomers need many teachers, also experienced PvPers, to show them how to defend and attack vs other players.

A place that can be totally safe, shouldn't be safe only for members of your faction.
Or call it a public base. It could be better, as anyone could have a chance to get one.
We need to make all faction bases visible and public then. It's not fair to have a safe place only for members of faction, isn't it?

But seriously - I don't want that "safe" place be the same as "boring" one. And having access is easy - you just need to ask to be added to faction terminal. Thieves, assholios and retards gonna be eliminated pretty fast, after reporting them to trusted members of the Slags, by screenshot for example. This is the reason to keep "uber" AI guards there too.

This should cover nearly entire map, though it will require quite some work to get done.
We are offering all NPC-faction mechanics driven and maintained by players, real people, using existing in-game solutions, expanded on empty public location. So far "helpfulness" of NPC factions limits to buy professions and leave immediately.

Sure the idea is not "falloutish" or consistent with Fallout lore. But whole Tree Control isn't as well, yet no one whines about it.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2011, 07:46:03 am by Wichura »
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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #86 on: October 31, 2011, 08:59:26 am »

I like this, nice idea.
Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #87 on: October 31, 2011, 12:07:11 pm »

I just feel tired of repeating the same things over and over, especially when I've already wrote about them before.

I hear you , this is common when you make good suggestion people don't read enough before they start participating in discussion , then you start telling all the same stuff over and over...

I already gave a green light from my side , should be implemented and see how this all goes , if something would be wrong fixes can be made sooner or later anyway. Some dumb speculations about " 20 pvp tree control apez " etc. etc. are not good enough excuses to not try.

There must be a choice for new players , to start playing the hard way or to join some ingame " community " for a short while to get a hang of this game. I haven't read anything better than this suggestion so i won't degrade it because some possible flaws.

For those who are concerned by security flaws , i think wasteland APK's will have something more to do they should be the reinforcements :) At least it would be nice for them to have more to do ? Right ?
« Last Edit: October 31, 2011, 12:18:32 pm by T-888 »


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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #88 on: October 31, 2011, 02:13:52 pm »

For those who are concerned by security flaws , i think wasteland APK's will have something more to do they should be the reinforcements :) At least it would be nice for them to have more to do ? Right ?
Exactly, for now APK mostly are doing something like: "we kill pk on TC, that's why we harr anti pk", so even Chosen Soldiers, Rogues, etc can call themself "APK"


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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #89 on: October 31, 2011, 04:22:28 pm »

Maybe some blindrats have not yet noticed, but all the people who ever wanted to really protect "weak" from malicious personas, were always raided back by groups of other people, who were never able find their own challenge.
In other words, protecting "noobs" from small groups of PKs will always attract big groups and make life of noobs as miserable as it was before. There is nothing what can players do with it, that's why it is good idea to allow NPC factions handle newcomers instead, and work on troll countermeasures (we all know that NPC factions as they are now are completely helpless vs bursts, dynamites or stealing for example).
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