You won't have to defend yourself agains't bomber, as the bomber will stay right in front of the door.
You won't have to defend yourself agains't thieves as you don't bring valuable stuff. (no trader)
You won't have to defend yourself agains't troll as troll do not harm.
You won't have to worry about who's there as there is no reputation or citizenship.
Unless you want an abusable system, or a base for you own, seems the only way to have safe place to meet...
The problem is that a player driven faction is highly abusable, and can't be apolitic.Plus, we already have player driven faction dedicated to help the newcomer. It was WWP. It is BHH. It would be another faction tomorow.
Also (I know for some people every group of players is n00bz-to-pwn if they win or foking-proxy-cheaterz if they loose, but just try to imagine) the idea is totaly out of current or future PvP or Tree Control mechanics and stuff.
So we're just back to what I wrote earlier: you'll need immortal guards, and this is rather unusual in FOnline 2238. You could solve the thing by adding reinforcements (like in most guarded towns) but it does not exactly match the Slags background. Not saying your idea is bad, just pointing out some security flaws.
Tell that to the people that like to raid public locations :/
It's useless. Nobody is going through forums to find this thing out. Even automatic radio0 spam would not make this thing useful, because radio is still Fonline specific and unrelated to Fallout which will all potential players know.
For someone who want to keep trolls away, you should not behave like one. I won't quote all those "useless" "brilliant ideas" or "did you read?"I present my opinion about what i think should work.
A place that can be totally safe, shouldn't be safe only for members of your faction.Or call it a public base. It could be better, as anyone could have a chance to get one.
This should cover nearly entire map, though it will require quite some work to get done.
I just feel tired of repeating the same things over and over, especially when I've already wrote about them before.
For those who are concerned by security flaws , i think wasteland APK's will have something more to do they should be the reinforcements At least it would be nice for them to have more to do ? Right ?