Ghost Farm, small quiet place in the middle of Nowhere. It has almost all basic resources, workbench, still, some containers. And it's empty for most of the time.
We - the Orphanage - are pretty experienced in helping newcomers, hauling them around and so on. How about to start a kindergarten-like "faction", mixed NPC and player-driven one, called Slags? Except some helpful threads and Wikipedia (we all know how up-to-date it is) there is no interactive guide into Wasteland.
What's the deal? All generous people of good will, that want to help new guys, wander around hunting moo-mooz with or without them, have some time and patience to spare - are welcomed. Idea is to run the place by players for players (with a little help of AI guards to prevent trolls and apes), not yet another cave filled with item carpets. Only volunteers, MadMax Wannabes are wanted too. It won't be military faction, able to threat anyone, so fear not.
What needs to be done? Faction terminal down below Ghost Farm, to add people to "Slags" kindergarten. Add some guards, hostile to non-members or non-friends of Slags. Add entrance directly to underground level on preview window. Add exit grid leading to worldmap on underground level.
A picture made by one of my mates:

As you see, it's not much work to do.
Experienced trusted people of 2238 community could be set as important members of this faction, so they can invite/expel people there.
Thoughts? Ways to abuse? Anything?
Map with few simple modifications:
Few rules, gathered from discussion below:
combined faction NPC-player driven, named The Slags - AI guards, experienced players as important members able to add newcomers as friends of faction
AI guards hostile to non-members and non-friends - this prevents unwanted visitors, access is possible after being added to faction terminal
no items storage in the place - people should learn how to get stuff by their own and keep it in their private tents/hideouts
no quests or profession teachers - it's not fun to play whole game sitting tight underground
no unique resources, no HQ resources - these are located elsewhere in the world and have nothing to do with beginning stage of game
no level limit - player may leave Ghost Farm and Slags anytime, but if he wants to stay, he should be able to
apolitical and independent community - not an army, not TC oriented, PvE > PvP, not interested in making alliances with any force of outside world
Example of preview window:

Entering directly to Cave gonna be deadly for non-members or non-friends of the Slags.