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Author Topic: Ghost Farm useful like never before  (Read 30085 times)

Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #30 on: October 17, 2011, 01:31:59 pm »

Good wichura,if help is needed,i remember i owe you more than a single one.
Just pm me and i will teach the kids the Holy Art of crippling Pro peekays hands with shitty weapons.
I have a couple leaders characters i do not use to lend,if mercs are needed.

Time to start farming brahmins,yeah. ;)
Indeed, perhaps one day we shall meet
Out in the country, or maybe on the street
Until that day here shall I wait
For death or for life, whichever my fate


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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #31 on: October 17, 2011, 01:39:38 pm »

I think this is an awesome idea.

Few ideas from my side:

Tweak for the bomber/guards issue = Dynamite is forbidden, Slags are afraid the cave could crumble, so everyone having dynamite in INV or hands gets shot by guards.

Griefer/Gankers = Same as already mentioned, Guards are hostile to non-member/friends - Guards need to be fast respawning, average high in numbers, well equiped (or just 1-shot godmode guards). This would also bring free stuff for the beginners and their mentors if someone enters the cave with evil intentions.

Level requirement: max lvl is 21 to enable mentors, mentors (as suggested by wichura - experienced, known for their friendly non-aggro non-troll behaviour, members of the 2238 community) decide when someone is experienced enough to set out in the harsh wasteland. New mentors could be decided/voted by the existing ones too. (Faction Terminal rights for the mentors suggested by Wichura could handle this)

I would love to see this ingame. Great opportunity to have the newb-area many people always suggested, that isnt run by game mechanics, but by real players actually. Mentor behaviour should be checked by GMs from time to time to prevent some people taking over the place.
Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #32 on: October 17, 2011, 02:23:49 pm »

+1 from me I like the idea especially if its expanded by what Andr3aZ said.
I don't think the scripting for this should be hard after all Vault city has a terminal too and as member you can check and see that it has quite a lot of member and settings.
Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #33 on: October 17, 2011, 02:47:52 pm »

this game just neeeeeeds that idea to be implemented. Now its extremly newbies-hostile. A lot of newcomers just ragequit after some time of constant "trying and dying" at the beginis where they know absolutely no game mechanics etc.
This idea has a chance to help this game more than u can imagine.

Its gona be a natural ingame "tutorial" phase for newcomers.


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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #34 on: October 17, 2011, 03:02:26 pm »

Well the suggestion is about to start a villie for newbies or noobs which cannot search a PVE or other team.
It would be basic place without pr0 high guns and etc.
Then If Slags-players will allow player inside they will have to face doors like on Hinkley - If they got bombs or loaded burst weapons - they might not enter. And the rules would be like inside the NCr - no weapons in hand - so KoS on the guys with it - simple and easy. There is nothing to abuse, we do not want next pr0 project with GM leader - because it could get more whines and so on.

Edit: There could be also guys selected from forums which got much game experience and are much time online to be "members-teachers" which could add new newbies to the underground.
About lockpicks - Containers would be unlockpickable like the black doors which were there for some time in Ghost Farm (if its able)
And about the trolling inside - there is an option in SDK to give nonPVP inside one location - why do not give it underground?
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 03:04:30 pm by Tomowolf »


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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #35 on: October 17, 2011, 03:10:04 pm »

Say no more, im in

The idea od RolePlay and helping newbies is something what im looking for

Meaby there should be an guard at entrace  [like at hinkley] wich checks your inventory [bombs lockpicks and smt else is not allowed]


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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #36 on: October 17, 2011, 03:57:02 pm »

And the rules would be like inside the NCr - no weapons in hand - so KoS on the guys with it - simple and easy. There is nothing to abuse, we do not want next pr0 project with GM leader - because it could get more whines and so on.
Hammer is considered a weapon by AI, so how do you want to allow people to dig rocks? Negative to this idea, mister.

It's not like "NCR with own mine wolololo" crap, with being unable to defend yourself from thieves, bombers and suicide bursters. However it's totaly free to come in after asking selected, trusted important members of Slags from 2238 community. Before searching for those we all need to know if this idea has any chances to be implemented.

Supervising GM could be useful, we are all just humans and we make mistakes. For example logs from different situations would help not to hurt innocent players due to random trolls.

One more important thing - no items storage on Ghost Farm! Idea is to help people find themselves in dangerous world and learn to be self sufficient, not feed vultures and lazy bastards. Items stashed in one public place, no matter how guarded, restricted and all, sooner or later gonna be stolen. Shared tent might be solution for keep common caps and basic tools, but I am qualified nurse and I know what I'm saying - it's a waste of time and also senseless to give people fish instead of fishing rod.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 04:12:15 pm by Wichura »
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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #37 on: October 17, 2011, 04:21:45 pm »

One more important thing - no items storage on Ghost Farm! Idea is to help people find themselves in dangerous world and learn to be self sufficient, not feed vultures and lazy bastards. Items stashed in one public place, no matter how guarded, restricted and all, sooner or later gonna be stolen. Shared tent might be solution for keep common caps and basic tools, but I am qualified nurse and I know what I'm saying - it's a waste of time and also senseless to give people fish instead of fishing rod.

Yes you got right - thats we do not need more containers for nubz but just only one for hammers etc.
But we could get some more containers in the room "nur fur memebers" Inside some room for other things like spears, simple guns etc.

The whole idea is to get some people in Northen towns and learn to play in teams/parties (party experiencing instead of solo boring powerleveling) and to farm in team.
Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #38 on: October 17, 2011, 06:16:22 pm »

Are the forcefields from F2 available? maybe they could be implemented in some way for a storage area that only important members could access so that tools, basic weapons and such could be stored safely, maybe even at the entrance so that banned items cannot pass through.


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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #39 on: October 17, 2011, 07:32:36 pm »

Incubator for PKs avengers?! ;)

 No, seriously. I like this idea from different reasons. From my VSB faction experience, i know how hard is to start and how usefull is every advice for new player. Also i think that idea that locations that are not populated (and were not) are good to populate. This current form could work. Also there exists relation between F2 location purpose and current project. Also i like concept, that empty location are "gifted" to players, if they fullfill some purpose.

 But i think Wichura, that you will experience hot moments. First era of VSB (Union of Atomic Workers), our base worked on concept, that evey czech or slovakian player, who wanted to be enlisted in faction, was added. This lead to situation, that we had cca 50-70 players in our base (and their ALTS!) during first era. Thievery was normal behave from many members. We created alts only to store our stuff, until the core of our players bought new base. So be prepared for this bahaviour and dont expect that every newbie has good character, because his character is not ruined by 2238 experience.

 So again, i like your idea, but i have few little suggestions:

 1) Add another room that could be locked somehow. You will need it to store items.
 2) Think about mumble, because n.1 truth is, that if you talk with people, you can establish better relationship than if you only text to them.
 3) Add some resource, that could be harvested (crafted,..) only in your project location, resource that is at least quite usefull for players. Two reasons. Monopol for that resource will motivate your members to not behave like morons but (hopefully) ,they will behave little responsible, if they will know they can lost direct acces to that resources. Second reason is that "noPK pvp apez" will try to make bussiness connection rather than hostilities.
 4) Create your own radio channel and send me your channel number, i will listen it :)

 But on the other way. VSB and almost every gangs provides and provided help for newbies during all eras. So your project should have another purpose, that every major gangs fullfil automaticaly. I would also like granted and guarded public location for VSB gang somewhere in the wasteland, more steadily than Town Control (Like on Requiem, where long existind and active gangs has bases under or in public locations), but i know that VSB since first era was not contributing so much as you, Wichura, so we dont deserve this privilege (and even stupid graffiti) :/

 But still, i like and support your idea Wichura.
So long and THANKS for all the fish!


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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #40 on: October 17, 2011, 10:04:22 pm »

2) Think about mumble, because n.1 truth is, that if you talk with people, you can establish better relationship than if you only text to them.
Rather Radio/IRC

Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #41 on: October 17, 2011, 10:10:50 pm »

It definitely sounds like a good idea, but in my opinion it can be improved further:

To protect from making this place yet another battlefield: some level limit, that restricts high-level characters to enter.

How would the World/Guards know the level?
It is like the measuring board at an amusement park: "You must be this tall to go on this ride", but in this case it is "you must not be taller than this".
How would they know?

Quote from: ThePhoenix77
Are the forcefields from F2 available? maybe they could be implemented in some way for a storage area that only important members could access so that tools, basic weapons and such could be stored safely, maybe even at the entrance so that banned items cannot pass through.

Good idea.

Giving all guards max or magic perception to detect banned items is lame, but a forcefield that detects items that pass through would be a technology that the pre-war people would have developed for airport and other secure locations.

A special location might have a rebuilt device functional.

I wish there were bags, backpacks, etc. in Fonline.


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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #42 on: October 17, 2011, 10:25:55 pm »

Mumble, Tree Control, business connections ... Wait, what?

No. No no no. It's not yet another faction of well geared fellas with combat ape chars and so on. It's not the TTTLA, BBS, CS, DVD, HDMI or GTFO minions, recruits, fresh meat, whatever. We want to make something totally different from what was on 2238 so far - apolitical and independent community, not based on orders, ranks nor pew-pew focused l33t d00dz, these are already here.
If anyone joins the Slags and after some time decides to leave - go ahead. I repeat, I will be personaly proud seeing "my" former noobs having fun from playing with large, well known faction of pwnz0rs, no matter what or who they will be. If player didn't throw the game after a week, we won.

Communication - except IRC channel and maybe one thread on this forum, containing rules, nicknames of important members ("teachers"? "nurses"?) and announcements I don't see the point. Let me underline this - we don't want to create military organization there.

Again - no items keeping on Ghost Farm, so no lockers/forcefields/safety rooms are needed. We have to learn people how to get stuff, not how to beg and/or wait for someone else to bring it to them.
As for dynamite detection - sure, if it's possible, why not.

Unique resources mean a reason to fight for. Negative, it's not the idea to defend Unique Itanz Tower from waves of orks wanting to get them. It would be like starting a kindergarten in unguarded mine, simply unfair to rest of people, who may don't give a crap about what Brilliant MadMax Wannabes Project is running inside.
Ghost Farm has recources that can be found anywhere else, I think this is good.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 10:31:38 pm by Wichura »
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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #43 on: October 17, 2011, 10:43:48 pm »

Well, I'm up to help ya. Sounds like the thingies I'm doing since I gained some experience to share with the others.

About itanz, it's nothing to say more than you said on #SQ channel, Wichura. Even if you brings tons of so-called basic stuff there, all will be looted prolly by one lusty guy who will die with it on first encounters. So it's totally pointless to have some stuff there excpeting some basic tools like sledgies, knifes...

My proposition is to add an NPC who works like homesteader in bases. You know you gives him knife, he'll give you some fibers etc. etc.
Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #44 on: October 17, 2011, 10:48:25 pm »

how about move all those tutorial NPCs there - the ones that give quests like Emma in Boneyard
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 10:52:28 pm by ThePhoenix77 »

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