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Author Topic: Another protected town in the north  (Read 17290 times)


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Re: Another protected town in the north
« Reply #30 on: April 25, 2011, 03:50:18 pm »

Avv, not saying your idea is bad (I actually like it) but, have you noticed the fact that Klamath has no merchants or profession trainers at all?


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Re: Another protected town in the north
« Reply #31 on: April 25, 2011, 03:57:28 pm »

It's a matter of a few hours to add a few merchants, profession trainees and other kind of NPC's to the Klamath. Moreover, this city could become a protected one, which could be captured and this is at least interesting to test such featuret .  
« Last Edit: April 25, 2011, 04:00:04 pm by Graf »


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Re: Another protected town in the north
« Reply #32 on: April 25, 2011, 03:57:31 pm »

Town's doctor sells biomed gel. Part of the money from the bought gel goes to tc box. So basically all npc services that players buy give part of the caps in tc box. If the town is full of asshole pks, nobody will come there to buy anything but they surely will visit those towns that do protect their visitors.

So tc only unlocks the town, but to have profit players have to uphold it.
you can wait for people to trade and kill after, to get even bigger reward...

and if you get just part of the trade, i think its better to kill even before trade, to take full reward in caps not part of it.

And last but not least, as said before things like that gives fun for like 1% servers population, others just want fight for gang name and lulz.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2011, 04:00:50 pm by vedaras »


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Re: Another protected town in the north
« Reply #33 on: April 25, 2011, 04:00:10 pm »

Town's doctor sells biomed gel. Part of the money from the bought gel goes to tc box. So basically all npc services that players buy give part of the caps in tc box. If the town is full of asshole pks, nobody will come there to buy anything but they surely will visit those towns that do protect their visitors.
Good idea, but would need to be changed some. Even if it is unguarded, if there is a need to buy the particular item, then people will try to risk going into an unguarded town to get it. Just like getting caps in unguarded towns when the merchant restocks its caps.

If your suggestion makes it so that if there is more demand for an item, then the merchant will restock that item quicker, then it would work, because if it is protected, then more people will come in regularly.

However, with bio-med gel, you can only have dialogue-accessed, but unlimited buying, so that wouldn't work out. It would only work if the merchant has a limited number until they restock, and restocking time depends on demand.

Edit: Oh, and if the item is available in at least two towns so there can be competition, assuming the same gang doesn't own both.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2011, 04:02:49 pm by Dishonest Abe »
Error while opening cfg file: spawnnpc.cfg
Shit! Damn admins! Always ruining my fun! I guess I'll talk to them. WITH MY FISTS!!!! No seriously, I will write them a nice email or make a thread on the forums or something. Thanks!
Re: Another protected town in the north
« Reply #34 on: April 25, 2011, 04:16:36 pm »

In the second session, an ammount of stuff being traded in a faction guarded town was transfered to Town Control box. So what we were doing? Just killing people so we can grab same ammount of stuff + extra. The result of such actions could be one of following:

- the player came back to have his revenge and got killed again - more stuff,
- the player joined some organised force to fight with us - more fun, fight and stuff,
- the player went to another town where he could be killed anyway (no matter whether it is guarded or not)

It will be always better to just kill such player than not kill him. And if they make trading/using services more profitable, you can just use alts and exploit the shit out of it.

Btw: if you were able to buy an item in one or two specific player-guarded locations, it will be always more effective to just camp the place and make other teams unable to obtain the item than letting them buy it for a little reward in the locker. And as they can use new alts in attempts of buying the item, you'd have to kill them all.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2011, 04:20:10 pm by Kilgore »
Re: Another protected town in the north
« Reply #35 on: April 25, 2011, 04:23:17 pm »

Nah, no protected towns in North, Vault City is enough already. Guarded towns bring more bad than good, I would rather make all town unprotected.

Cannot agree more on that, guarded towns only brings out more trolls and immature players abusing guarded area, better promote player controlled towns like Redding.


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Re: Another protected town in the north
« Reply #36 on: April 25, 2011, 04:55:38 pm »

you can wait for people to trade and kill after, to get even bigger reward...

and if you get just part of the trade, i think its better to kill even before trade, to take full reward in caps not part of it.

In the end players wouldn't come there anymore if the town's controllers were such a robbers.

And last but not least, as said before things like that gives fun for like 1% servers population, others just want fight for gang name and lulz.

Actually mushroom, leader of rogues has said it'd be cool to uphold for example a casino. Nice Boat, leader of BBS suggested npc factions ruled by gms. TTTLA members wanted to uphold and build all kinds of settlements.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: Another protected town in the north
« Reply #37 on: April 25, 2011, 05:30:05 pm »

Actually mushroom, leader of rogues has said it'd be cool to uphold for example a casino.

MY GOD, that's how we do it! That's how we have ingame gambling! Gang-run casinos!

Alright, bear with me on this. Let's say you and the rest of your hypothetical knuckle-dragging gang take over a town that contains a Casino. You dump, say, $10000 into the Casino as a 'reserve' - the money that gets paid out when people win. People come in and gamble, and the odds are always in the Casino's favour. The odd person might make a lot of money, but most people will take a loss - which is why casinos are so lucrative. It's as much about the financial gains as being a town that can provide alternative entertainment.

The casino becomes popular, people have fun, the town has something interesting to offer. Everyone wins. Think like in the Theme Park/Rollercoaster Tycoon games.
Re: Another protected town in the north
« Reply #38 on: April 25, 2011, 05:45:49 pm »

You have to give players some reason why to play. So small chance, that they will won? Not enough.

But not only casino, brahmin ranch, slave-arena fighting, box, bars with fistfights and whores, farms, trade hub etc. Each could be supported by player faction, each could have some influence over global economy and NPC factions (players and their wares and towns supporting eg. NCR for rep bonus and some goods, guards etc. from NCR)
The best way how to make players to spend this time in bars, casinos, with whores etc. is to give them some bonus, something that character is "having a fun". There could be exp percentile bonus gain (eg. -10 for not having fun to 10 for having fun, spending time with dices, whores, looking at box etc.), but something like that is needed for 21 lvl. players.


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Re: Another protected town in the north
« Reply #39 on: April 25, 2011, 05:54:25 pm »

You seriously didn't expect that, especially from this particular person?

What an informative and relevant post... as usual Surf, it's nice seeing you making a valid point in a discussion. If you took the time to play the game instead of trying to look smart in the forums, you could've noticed that generally speaking the only people who remain on this server are the PvP crowd, and due to a number of TC-related issues their ranks are shrinking too. Why? Because there's nothing more left to do here. Adding another protected town is not going to change that - adding quests and RPG-related mechanics could. The game is pretty much empty, it sorely lacks any meaningful content aside from faction wars. As far as I'm concerned, you could place 100 guards in every friggin' city including Necropolis, but that'd basically kill the only long-term source of joy this game currently offers. Instead of barely 200 players, you'd be left with 50. But then again I bet that wouldn't have an impact on hunting radscorpions or making "closed events", so why would you care?

So we bring that "Mad Max wannabe" bullshit again? Let me guess what's next.

It's not bullshit. A Mad Max wannabe is not a player who wants to PvE or roleplay (I respect both PvE players and roleplayers) - it's a joybreaker and a crybaby. It's a person hating the fact that there are people who enjoy going PEW PEW at each other out there. The fact that going PEW PEW is the only reasonable and immediately available source of fun here at the moment doesn't change anything - a Mad Max wannabe wants to remove "meaningless PvP" because "it's not Fallout". Yeah, you could remove that, but you seem to be forgetting the fact that there's nothing you could put there instead. And that leads me to the point I'm trying to make here - fine, let's say we make Klamath or whatever a protected city, what are you going to do to make people go there? Put in some awesome NPCs or trading possibilities? But hey, there's a lot of towns down south that sorely lack content - and even when it's introduced anywhere people no longer give a damn after a week or so because the devs are incapable of supplying enough to keep them entertained that way. How about a few delicious quests? Who's gonna care, it's 30 real world minutes of march away from the NCR. To rephrase your suggestion, it's more or less like "hey, I've got an awesome idea, let's put another ghost town on the map, which city do you want to make uninteresting and devoid of any players guys?" Yeah, you could do that and make a few people enjoy pretending they're talking with the NPCs or sitting behind a table, but inevitably, as soon as the taste of novelty is no longer there they're going to get bored and leave or return to standing around in the NCR or their tent/hunting radscorpions/not logging in because there's no point. That's what you gain for implementing your suggestion. What do you lose? You make the PvP monkeys angry, because they lose a good map to play on. More people leave. Basically, you're suggesting taking another step in the act of servercide - how could any sane person who doesn't hate this server support that is beyond my understanding.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2011, 06:01:56 pm by Nice_Boat »
Re: Another protected town in the north
« Reply #40 on: April 25, 2011, 06:07:46 pm »

You have to give players some reason why to play. So small chance, that they will won? Not enough.

Not necessarily a small chance, but the odds can't be in the favour of the player else the casino won't be able to support itself.

I agree that other player-run (or at least sponsored) features would be nice, but I chose casinos because the locations already exist, and they don't strike me as something that complicated to script (that said, I view scripting as some kind of magical power). I would like an incentive for players to spend time in bars, too. Anything that encourages players to see each other as potential allies as well as enemies. Players cooperating is just as valuable as-oh no Nice boat is here
Re: Another protected town in the north
« Reply #41 on: April 25, 2011, 06:13:17 pm »

You have to read whole post:)
I said, that the small chance, that the player will won is not enought to make players play and lose moneys in casino. I proposed for status of each char, how is he relaxed. That could be solved like addiction with "you are not having enough fun, go and relax somewhere" with more or less severe disadvantages (eg. less exp. gain etc.)
Re: Another protected town in the north
« Reply #42 on: April 25, 2011, 06:15:45 pm »

Also, in response to the THE ENTIRE SERVER WILL DIE block of text - would the same thing happen if all towns were guarded, but there was a PvP zone that corresponded to every town on the map? So there's more PvP locations than ever before, more evenly spread across the map?

I don't think it would. The only thing that would happen is the reduction in loot from people getting caught in the Crossfire. More PvP locations in a wider area means a gang can't control as many - meaning smaller gangs get a chance to compete. More people would engage in TC/PvP. I think that's a good thing.


These external PvP locations are not only designed for combat, but also have a designated feature/resource. Capturing a location near Reno? Your gang now owns a Casino/Jet Production. Down toward the Boneyard? Small Gun Ammo production. All the way at Gecko? Energy cells. The Den? Your gang sells slaves. So on and so forth. Does that seem like an improvement on the system we have now?
« Last Edit: April 25, 2011, 06:44:16 pm by Badger »


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Re: Another protected town in the north
« Reply #43 on: April 25, 2011, 07:06:08 pm »

Sounds like a very nice ideas, Badger. Could you make a suggestion about it in the suggestion board?


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Re: Another protected town in the north
« Reply #44 on: April 25, 2011, 07:07:25 pm »

These external PvP locations are not only designed for combat, but also have a designated feature/resource. Capturing a location near Reno? Your gang now owns a Casino/Jet Production. Down toward the Boneyard? Small Gun Ammo production. All the way at Gecko? Energy cells. The Den? Your gang sells slaves. So on and so forth. Does that seem like an improvement on the system we have now?
Waaaaitt.... a minute......   Isn't this Domination in a nutshell??? :o
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.
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