it was acually the Spas-12 because it had amazing range and it was the strongest(i believed so)
uh, maybe you are refering to the SPAS-12 of COD BO, in MW there is no SPAS
or you could mean the first shotgun in MW wich has the best range of all the shotguns and most damage, tough it has a very little fire rate,if you fail your first bullet youre dead. also if you fight against the M1A1 an the enemy shots first youll be unable to properly aim due to the smoke and the movement caused for be hited 3 times in .4 secs.

about the shotgun problem:
We arent talking about lulz guys running to his enemy shoting like a hecks.
most of the time you need inteligence and tactic to kill youre enemy.
as example i remember my first time in Hinkley i get killed in P90 VS P90 by Rogue1 a lot of times because i burst him with my lvl16 triple burster (wich in that time was only anle to double bursting) at 10 hexes he resist the shots and then run to me to kill me with only one burst.
same way you can kill Minigunners with P90 at close distance, just make them waste his double burst at 10 or more hexes, and run to him for triple burst.
Of course this need at least 8End and Lifegiver, and 1Toughness at lest.
So shotguns will be able to do max damage at the half of his range, say 5-7hexes, and do properly good damage at 10-15hexes.
this way fighting against BG or P90 will be possible,
if the enemy hits you at more of 15 hexes he will not kill you and will end up without AP, you get close and burst.
if the enemy runs to you for 1hex burst, you will take him down before he gets enough close, empting your magazine shooting at 10hexes, or doing a funny instakill at 4hex.
of course that two ways are hard to do. you dont need a Tanker, but a tough character, also it dont takes in count crits, and of course triple bursters with BRoF can mess you bursting at 15hexes. but sounds nice for me.
also we need to think in the use of Sneaking for change of position or ambush the enemy. (and also ilike the idea of sneaking robes) and the Incendiary ammo AKA Dragon Breath sound good as an alternative way to attack certain armors and NPCs