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"Wasteland is harsh"
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Author Topic: Scrap PvP Stealing  (Read 21263 times)

Re: Scrap PvP Stealing
« Reply #90 on: March 10, 2011, 01:30:40 pm »

Well, I think the bigger concern was getting pick pocketed by blue suits with nothing to lose.

I thought it was about the risk to lose special items.
Re: Scrap PvP Stealing
« Reply #91 on: March 10, 2011, 10:06:59 pm »

? you lost me, yeah THAT is a concern, to get pick pocketed by blue suite with nothing to lose who may choose to pick pocket a special item, those aren't mutually exclusive, wtf are you implying ? that you don't lose items on death at all if killed by another player?
Re: Scrap PvP Stealing
« Reply #92 on: March 11, 2011, 09:14:43 am »

I'm implying you can steal every single item from someone's inventory with exception of the stuff in the 3 slots on his body.
Which is the way it is now.
You have a special item, put it in your hands, but not the active slot.
That way no one, not even with awareness, knows you have it and no one can steal it.
There's no need to make specific items unstealable.


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Re: Scrap PvP Stealing
« Reply #93 on: March 14, 2011, 10:01:34 am »

I think it would okay if you could steal certain items under a certain value (in caps), and caps should not be available. I'm enitirely new to this whole game and I'm having an INCREDIBLY hard time getting anywhere or doing anything. I'll do the whole "shit shoveling" job for a bit and then the Brahmin take a bit of a break from their awesome bowel movements and so I decide to see if I can do anything else for a little while, by this time I have a good amount of caps (for a noob, I guess) and then I get destroyed and lose everything. So I guess really I'm talking about the loss of anything when you die, PvP or no. You SHOULD lose some stuff, as there should be a penalty for dying, along with being weak, but not EVERYTHING. Maybe half of anything that's a resource. Losing weapons is sad, especially if they're great weapons. Haha, of course I've only had the shovel and a sharpened pole...

Anyway, I'll stop this paragraph now since I'm starting to turn this into a whole new topic. :P
Re: Scrap PvP Stealing
« Reply #94 on: March 15, 2011, 11:42:22 am »

There's a limit to the amount of caps a thief can steal. It's based upon the skill and character build.

As for your hard time:
- get 10 hides and make a tent
- stop shit shoveling and start gathering junk. It's much more lucrative.
1 run with a 2 minute break results in 24 junk. You can make 6 batches of 50 BBs from that. That's 6*40 xp. 300 BBs do 1200 caps at most traders. You can also trade for drugs, weapons, ammo, etc. Or buy deteriorated mausers and use science on them. That gives you another 20 xp per mauser.
Re: Scrap PvP Stealing
« Reply #95 on: March 15, 2011, 10:21:46 pm »

I made a suggestion of "putting thieves in jail."

Their sprite does not actually get sent anywhere.  They just get docked 10% exp for getting busted.  If at max exp, they lose 10% of total in other words they get de-leveled to 20.  Then they get booted for 30 real-time minutes.

The "map" idea- every thief I see takes stuff, runs off map to their tent, comes back with nothing to lose.  If they got killed while stealing, and you could go to their tent and get a one-time only, take whatever you can carry from their tent.  Caps, armor, whatever.  Balances out the thieves no-loss for stealing.  Of course I guess that they could use a friend to empty out that tent to another place of storage on another toon.
Re: Scrap PvP Stealing
« Reply #96 on: March 16, 2011, 02:09:08 am »

I made a suggestion of "putting thieves in jail."

Their sprite does not actually get sent anywhere.  They just get docked 10% exp for getting busted.  If at max exp, they lose 10% of total in other words they get de-leveled to 20.  Then they get booted for 30 real-time minutes.

The "map" idea- every thief I see takes stuff, runs off map to their tent, comes back with nothing to lose.  If they got killed while stealing, and you could go to their tent and get a one-time only, take whatever you can carry from their tent.  Caps, armor, whatever.  Balances out the thieves no-loss for stealing.  Of course I guess that they could use a friend to empty out that tent to another place of storage on another toon.

Wasteland is harsh, but 10% xp loss, a 30 minutes ban and your tent raided is ridiculous. And who gets to raid the tent?
If that's the case, there should be a similar penalty to those who allow themselves being stolen from.
From level 21 to 20 means another perk at level 21? After all such a harsh penalty should require a compensation.
People don't stop gathering xp when they reach level 21. My thief alt is currently over 500k xp. Meaning it won't lose a level.
The tent idea not only makes no sense, after all how the hell would you know where it is? Besides that, bases and shared tents solve the issue completely.


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Re: Scrap PvP Stealing
« Reply #97 on: March 30, 2011, 04:38:51 am »

I made a suggestion of "putting thieves in jail."

Their sprite does not actually get sent anywhere.  They just get docked 10% exp for getting busted.  If at max exp, they lose 10% of total in other words they get de-leveled to 20.  Then they get booted for 30 real-time minutes.

The "map" idea- every thief I see takes stuff, runs off map to their tent, comes back with nothing to lose.  If they got killed while stealing, and you could go to their tent and get a one-time only, take whatever you can carry from their tent.  Caps, armor, whatever.  Balances out the thieves no-loss for stealing.  Of course I guess that they could use a friend to empty out that tent to another place of storage on another toon.

This is ridiculous. There needs to be some kind of incentive to keep thieving a viable part of the game. Re-working it would be nice though. Possibly make it so that a thief can't steal while he's weak - stealing involves dexterity. This will discourage thieves who go around stealing 'for lulz' because if they die, they'll have to wait 7-8 minutes before they can start stealing again. It's unlikely many of them will be able to put sufficient points into their doc skill to override this.
Maybe this has been said already, but there were seven damn pages I didn't feel like reading through.
Re: Scrap PvP Stealing
« Reply #98 on: March 30, 2011, 10:11:52 am »

Actually my thief alt would have enough points to put in doc.
It would simply mean tagging doc instead of FA and putting the points there instead.
Than again, my thief isn't a powerbuild.


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Re: Scrap PvP Stealing
« Reply #99 on: March 30, 2011, 01:33:04 pm »

Possibly make it so that a thief can't steal while he's weak

Thats possibly the first thing of worth this thread has thrown up :P
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: Scrap PvP Stealing
« Reply #100 on: April 02, 2011, 02:19:41 am »

Thats possibly the first thing of worth this thread has thrown up :P

Block skill use while weakened (except Doctor) is a good idea.

The other suggestions are standard MMO "fairness overrides".

I wish there were bags, backpacks, etc. in Fonline.
Re: Scrap PvP Stealing
« Reply #101 on: April 04, 2011, 04:15:05 am »

Block skill use while weakened (except Doctor) is a good idea.

The other suggestions are standard MMO "fairness overrides".

Heaven forbid some fairness in a game with other players.  :o  The stealing block while weakened isn't bad, but will not slow it down at all.  *Steal*  *get Caught, and killed*  *Return to town, /y 'need doc/fa* *Steal again*---  Basically will just add a few seconds more to the timer of people.  And slow down a little in less populated areas like mines, which who goes there anymore anyhow?!
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Re: Scrap PvP Stealing
« Reply #102 on: April 04, 2011, 04:20:48 am »

Doesn't matter, the block/weakened, how do we know if these thiefs are really weakened?  We don't, they could easily doc themselves and stay at -10-11-12 hp to make it look like so and seem like they're just tryin to grief you and BAM.  There goes 50% or more of your inventory. :P
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.
Re: Scrap PvP Stealing
« Reply #103 on: April 04, 2011, 09:48:57 am »

Heaven forbid some fairness in a game with other players.  :o  The stealing block while weakened isn't bad, but will not slow it down at all.  *Steal*  *get Caught, and killed*  *Return to town, /y 'need doc/fa* *Steal again*---  Basically will just add a few seconds more to the timer of people.  And slow down a little in less populated areas like mines, which who goes there anymore anyhow?!

Which is why protected status shouldn't be restored directly after dying.
Plenty of people go to mines: PK, crafters, players needing ammo, players needing caps, ...
Re: Scrap PvP Stealing
« Reply #104 on: April 04, 2011, 12:11:38 pm »

Which is why protected status shouldn't be restored directly after dying.
Plenty of people go to mines: PK, crafters, players needing ammo, players needing caps, ...

Agreed something like breaking the rules means you actually have to WAIT before going to the place where you broke the rules/'laws".  Aww such a dream.
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