I apologize in advance that my English is maybe bad.I just love this
I, as a big fan of the two original fallout, I must say that I'm a little disappointed. I am now playing for the past two weeks fOnline and miss some things like for example a real story with a end.Most of the quests are just boring travel. ::)
I really dont want to blame the Developers,they have also created a great concept.
But the game also only offers little opportunities for newcomers, in contrast to the people who have been since the beginning of this.
that's all I wanted to say right now,I hope you have appreciation.
I apologize in advance that my English is maybe bad.Every one felt this way at one point. You want to know why? Because we were all newcomers at one point as well. Trust me, you'll get over it.
I, as a big fan of the two original fallout, I must say that I'm a little disappointed. I am now playing for the past two weeks fOnline and miss some things like for example a real story with a end.Most of the quests are just boring travel. ::)
I really dont want to blame the Developers,they have also created a great concept.
But the game also only offers little opportunities for newcomers, in contrast to the people who have been since the beginning of this.
that's all I wanted to say right now,I hope you have appreciation.
Every one felt this way at one point. You want to know why? Because we were all newcomers at one point as well. Trust me, you'll get over it.
perhaps you've misunderstood something, I'm already done with the game and share only what I have found out till now.Exactly how long did you play?
the reason I want a wipe is because we want to bomb enclave(impossible now)No bombing enclave.
we want power armor back
No bombing enclave.what good does taking out pa does pa was a great change plus taking it out feels like it's stalker or something. pa was one of my favorite things in fallout it showed me that a true warrior gets the good stuff plus pa was not overpowered plus im not a pvper
No PA.
You want PA, goto TLAmk2.
Taking out PA was a great decision on 2238's part, and PA should be kept as is.
Wipe but only with new stuff and things to do.
Server reset shoud land a big mark on game progress.
what good does taking out pa does pa was a great change plus taking it out feels like it's stalker or something. pa was one of my favorite things in fallout it showed me that a true warrior gets the good stuff plus pa was not overpowered plus im not a pvperPower Armor was one of the most high tier equipment that anyone could get.And no one could except the vault dweller/chosen one
You are not,and you never will be.Deal with it.
New stuff and things to do are introduced gradually, when they are ready to put on public server.A wipe is required for balancing issues, however.
Just merge all changelogs from the last year and you will see how much was done.
Although a lot of it was bug fixing, but this is exactly the result of the "huge changelog" approach.
Either you can have a huge update (and tons of bugs) once in a year or regular updates.
You can't have both.
New stuff and things to do are introduced gradually, when they are ready to put on public server.
Just merge all changelogs from the last year and you will see how much was done.
Although a lot of it was bug fixing, but this is exactly the result of the "huge changelog" approach.
Either you can have a huge update (and tons of bugs) once in a year or regular updates.
You can't have both.
And hundreds brotherhood and enclave patrols in PA and APA you are meeting every day in encounters, so YES only Chosen One had this armor.wtf if the chosen one is he only one that can get the armor then fallout is ruined plus PA aint op
wtf if the chosen one is he only one that can get the armor then fallout is ruined plus PA aint opBecause you are just an ordinary wastelander.
Because you are just an ordinary wastelander.so your saying the ncr cant get PA because there not the chosen one wrong if a player can rape them solo I bet ncr chould rape them if wanted and take the armor
If PA was available then everyone would have 50+ of them.
And pvp would start to look like warhammer 40k.
so your saying the ncr cant get PA because there not the chosen one wrong if a player can rape them solo I bet ncr chould rape them if wanted"NCR can't get PA"<--- what? Who is ncr? What are you talking about?
"NCR can't get PA"<--- what? Who is ncr? What are you talking about?PA was rare in f1 and f2 because there was only 1 set of armor because we can load back and save in this we need more because replications which means your armor is gone forever to anyone who killed you
Anyway,when everyone has PA it stops being rare.Let me remind you that PA was extremely rare back in F1/2 and this is the exact reason why we can not have them.It would be super retarded and non canon.
"NCR can't get PA"<--- what? Who is ncr? What are you talking about?
(http://[size=14pt]And pvp would start to look like warhammer 40k.[/size])
wipe only after huge changelogYes.
change TC reward system, because noone needs 10000 ropes and 10000 flamer fuel.TC chest contents should depend on traders' activity in the particular city. No more ghost towns.
TC chest contents should depend on traders' activity in the particular city. No more ghost towns.Well, since traders want to buy only hi-tier items, which players are only willing to sell for caps, not trading for another item, this is crippled thinking, and it won't change anything, quests in cities and activities in cities are the mission for DEVs, not nerfing another thing, because all we will see in Northern Towns will be Apes starting TC and idling for reward.
Game needs more repeatable quests and quests in general.And more quests.
The faction who is controlling the city should take care of the city, not killing everything that moves. More players doing stuff in the city more reward to the faction controlling the city. I would like that.Why they can't kill everyone in the city?
Why they can't kill everyone in the city?Ive said nothing about making unable pvp in cities... I just say that a wealthier city (thats more activity) should give more wealth to the players who control the city. And in my opinion, killing players doesnt raise the activity in city, but thats just an opinion.
They're gangs, and it's post apo world, its up to gang what policy they gotta do, robbing people or helping them, but the first is easier, and more helpful for them.
The full PVP made that not viable in this game.
First more activities in town, then nerf TC, not the other way, or we gotta have 50 players waiting for another update for 2 years, and they'll die waiting.
Ive said nothing about making unable pvp in cities... I just say that a wealthier city (thats more activity) should give more wealth to the players who control the city. And in my opinion, killing players doesnt raise the activity in city, but thats just an opinion.Then the whole TC system needs to be reworked aaand activites needs to be added, because standing in Redding or BH is same as standing in NCR, but those first gives you free reward.
I also remember last season when the samartians took redding and didnt kill the bluesuits, that city was cool, it was like a 2nd ncr. Id like to see more tc factions doing something like that.
Ive said nothing about making unable pvp in cities... I just say that a wealthier city (thats more activity) should give more wealth to the players who control the city. And in my opinion, killing players doesnt raise the activity in city, but thats just an opinion.Yeah, I remember those ideas in Redding and Broken Hills. They lasted for a few weeks, because some other ape packs whined about "zey are getting itanz with no fight zats unfari!!111" and then regular pew pew came again.
I also remember last season when the samartians took redding and didnt kill the bluesuits, that city was cool, it was like a 2nd ncr. Id like to see more tc factions doing something like that.
As I said before, it isn't post-apo sims simulator, but a game, and you can do freely what you want in the game, raid the city, take rewards, fight with other gang for rewards, not for some noobs who will clean shit in city.
Just a matter of proper incentives.Make more NPCs trading various MISC stuff (like town inhabitans of Redding would have some ore/gold/materials etc),
If rewards will spawn only if someone will clean shit, shit will get cleaned.
I don't expect pr0 apes wanting to do it, so they probably would let any noob clean it for xp and the bit of caps.
Just a matter of proper incentives.;D ;D ;D
If rewards will spawn only if someone will clean shit, shit will get cleaned.
Of course enemy gang could try to prevent cleaning shit.
Shit might be the answer, the whole game could revolve around it.
only some significant changes can bring old players back.Why would we want old players back?
Why would we want old players back?Its beta, but we don't get any rewards for reporting exploits, so... guess why they were assholes and keep it for themselves, unlike there in other games there are rewards...
Most of them were assholes and whiners that exploited the shit out of everything.
Most of them were assholes and whiners that exploited the shit out of everything.
I know people don't want to admit this, but through the developers hard work and grinding, they finally got the server back to a state that a lot of us really enjoy playing.
Why they can't kill everyone in the city?You mixed up opressing with killing everything that moves. Slaves aren't very profitable when they are dead, are they?
They're gangs, and it's post apo world, its up to gang what policy they gotta do, robbing people or helping them, but the first is easier, and more helpful for them.
You mixed up opressing with killing everything that moves. Slaves aren't very profitable when they are dead, are they?Kill slaver after he got paid by Metzger - profitt?
Why would we want old players back?
Most of them were assholes and whiners that exploited the shit out of everything.
I know people don't want to admit this, but through the developers hard work and grinding, they finally got the server back to a state that a lot of us really enjoy playing. A wipe would ruin all that work, then everyone would just quit anyways. The developers see this and that's why they (hopefully) wont wipe the server. In my opinion, this session (after all updates) is comparable to the 2010 session
I know people don't want to admit this, but through the developers hard work and grinding, they finally got the server back to a state that a lot of us really enjoy playing. A wipe would ruin all that work, then everyone would just quit anyways. The developers see this and that's why they (hopefully) wont wipe the server. In my opinion, this session (after all updates) is comparable to the 2010 session.Everyone already *has* quit. TLA is the future. In TLA, shit is actually viable. PVP isn't ONLY laser snipers or minigunners. It's made me realize how shit a game 2238 is.
Now im not trying to start a war between wipe or not but I wanted a wipe that the devs take time and fix the game add things change things delete things but if I get all this nonsense about 2010 or blah I will close this topic if this goes to farWe got a secret mod here ;D.
wipe and fix the gameOh it all sounds fluffy, wonderful and all kinds of great... The truth is that it just doesn't work like that. It doesn't. Wipe does not equal awesomeness.
are you serious? point me at least 5 players who played in 2010 and they think current state is better then game in 2010.Frankly, the game is better than it was before. But its such a marginal shift towards a quality MMO, that it doesnt need mentioning. Basically, only perk rework is something new, interesting, other game aspects are so neglected.
I can honestly say I played back in 2010. The game was better. I came back this March to try again. Here is what's wrong...
1. No caps - run all over world map trying to find the right guy to buy your loot.
2. Blueprints - Really? How many alts do I really need to make to play this game?
3. Advanced workbench - Why is this necessary? Was not around back in the day and things were fun.
4. Aggressive Brahmin - This is a minor annoyance, but I'm not sure what this added to the game.
5. Needing a Perk to get Pelts - Minor annoyance, not sure why this is necessary either.
What's weird is that in the old days the devs wanted to reduce the use of alts, now they encourage it.
Get rid of this stuff and keep the improvements (Tent Management especially), THEN wipe the server.
I can honestly say I played back in 2010. The game was better. I came back this March to try again. Here is what's wrong...1.Caps are easily obtainable via quests, so please try explore the game before you ll whine about its features.
1. No caps - run all over world map trying to find the right guy to buy your loot.
2. Blueprints - Really? How many alts do I really need to make to play this game?
3. Advanced workbench - Why is this necessary? Was not around back in the day and things were fun.
4. Aggressive Brahmin - This is a minor annoyance, but I'm not sure what this added to the game.
5. Needing a Perk to get Pelts - Minor annoyance, not sure why this is necessary either.
What's weird is that in the old days the devs wanted to reduce the use of alts, now they encourage it.
Get rid of this stuff and keep the improvements (Tent Management especially), THEN wipe the server.
3. AWBs are on right places, the easiest one in mariposa, force players to interaction most, but there are still other AWBs which are 95% safe.
1.Caps are easily obtainable via quests, so please try explore the game before you ll whine about its features.
Also i would like to mention that people who do NOT support "wipe soon" are still here. I believe iam not alone. And i basicaly refuse to counteract every wipe whiner in every thread, so it might look like this Wipe is needed and wanted by players, but its not needed and most likely not even wanted, just those who want wipe are loud, thats all.
how many people are on average online? haven't played in years,was thinking of coming back
50 on workdays, 100 on weekends.ofc. http://www.riget.info/fonline/playerStats.php?r=month&s=1366689496&ts=0&ar=0&step=12
ofc. http://www.riget.info/fonline/playerStats.php?r=month&s=1366689496&ts=0&ar=0&step=12Way to tell him he is wrong by proving that he is right ::)
50 on workdays, 100 on weekends.
a wipe would be good, not just because it will bring players back, but because certain features have been ruined, if you wipe the server start fresh add the good updates into the game and delete the bad ones the bad features of the game(http://blog.tmcnet.com/blog/rich-tehrani/uploads/paper-clip.jpg)
Cool rant. Now let's get from bullshit to specifics.None whatsoever. The game is perfectly playable with a single character giving ol' Bessie the reach around when you're at the brahmin pen.
Which of the recent changes (let's say, in the last year) increased the need for alts?
None whatsoever. The game is perfectly playable with a single character giving ol' Bessie the reach around when you're at the brahmin pen.This. I am actually doing quite well in PvP with my lockpick alt. ;)
I will take the lack of upfront answer and hiding behind sarcasm as
"yes, you devs did not increase the need for alts in the last year".
Next question. Would you agree that the idler feature and removing profession limit,
reduced the need for alts, respectively in PvP and crafting? Please answer. If in your
opinion it didn't, please say why.
I would agree, but also, for exemple, why do we need to use an alt with high IQ to be able to get gear at hinkley?
I would agree, but also, for exemple, why do we need to use an alt with high IQ to be able to get gear at hinkley?
I guess long time ago someone thought it's a good idea. But this is old stuff (from 2010),The lack of certain stats can cripple a character for good.
if we change this as well, it will just add one more point to my argument that we reduce
alt requirements (and I think generally make the game better) not the other way around :P
Edit: After the next update IN requirement in Hinkley will be gone
I can go on and on with this but my clicky finger hurts.
iam glad you shared your feelings and emotions. Sometimes its realy necessary to release them, no matter what. But then people usualy calm down and overview things with detachment.
Cool rant. Now let's get from bullshit to specifics.
Which of the recent changes (let's say, in the last year) increased the need for alts?
iam glad you shared your feelings and emotions. Sometimes its realy necessary to release them, no matter what. But then people usualy calm down and overview things with detachment.
If you would be able to name wrong things, i would gladly read next textwall with a content.
Well maybe iam just dumb or ignorant. But could anybody try to explain me what would wipe change for:The arms race starts all over again...
B/PvP players
C/Overall server situation
Thanks in advance
The arms race starts all over again...A/Wipe would make all players become newcomers, so it might have some value for these, but in current situation newcomers arent distracted from game by any overarmed apes too. Only missing is PC interaction, becouse of lack of players. But whats the real reason of they absence? I have to say, as first its just TLAMK2, then its stupid rumours,gossips and whinings spread all over community, most of them based on another stupid rumours, gossips or whinings.
There are still things that need to be finished, nerfed, buffed before we can do wipe.
I didnt find a point for restarting arms race again, i see only deficit for anybody who used to play. No funnier TC, No more helpful situation for newcomers, Not easier farming/crafting/whatever, just instant loose of what you made to be able have fun, So why we need restart arms race once we are all well armed and looking for fight?
yes,true dope, but whats the real objective reason/s they left?
The arms race starts all over again...
in case of wipe it would be like a week to gather all stuff again, but whats the major diffrence? Do PVP apes desire to have 1 week of PVE fun before doing PVP again?
The arms race starts all over again...
There are still things that need to be finished, nerfed, buffed before we can do wipe.
Are we ever going to get the 2238 we want? Probably not.
Memento mori. Looks like everything has its end.
Some people seem to have forgotten that grind is a crucial part of every mmorpg.
When you think of it grind is the only think that keeps you going.
You grind your weapons,you grind your armor,you grind your drugs,you grind your alts,you grind your fun.
I spent all the time I spent crafting ammo doing actual, real-life work I'd be able to afford lifetime subscription to every single modern mmo and a monthly supply of cocaine and hookers.
Then why aren't you? Get your lazy sunlight deprived body out of the house for once, and get a job. Your so busy complaining about this free to playgameBETA game, and you could be out having a life. Grow up.
Sometimes i wonder if you want bring devs to a point where they say "fuck this shit!" and take down 2238 for good so they can spend time on more grateful tasks.
And i don't want you to succeed.
Oh, and you care for 2238 so dearly? Where would it be without your ranting, Boat? What a contribution! Go on, amuse me with your reply!I find it hilarious that you won't even bother with discussing facts and using logical argumentation... but then again you'd have to stop patting the devs on their backs to do that, so I sort of understand that your position is pretty difficult right now. Doesn't mean you have to resort to low-level trolling though.
Fonline can definitely be called a beta game. The game changes a lot with every update, even important aspects of the game, trying to balance/fix gameplay features, this is obviously what a beta is about. The very early phases of test are called Alpha, and those are mostly closed (even though there are open and closed alphas, as there are open and closed betas and we're in Open Beta).If the game is a beta, please answer the following:
I, particularly, wouldn't mind a Wipe. Even if I had stuff, I'm not te one who gets attached to stuff (especially virtual, in-game stuff). I'd rather have a better server.How exactly would it be better and how does your opinion relate to my argument? I didn't say that everyone would leave, I said there'd be people leaving after the wipe and I've explained why do I think so. It's hard discussing shit when the other side doesn't even bother with reading the arguments of the person they "disagree" with.
But if there are barely 50-100 players right now (in peaks), imagine after wipe?The wipe would cause yet another ragequit and I already explained why. This is not going to go like the previous wipes, because there's no PvP community to boost the numbers. You had this thing happen on a smaller scale at the beginning of this session, as a number of people left because setting up your logistics was too hard. It's not going to get any easier with less people playing on your team, so a wipe without making everything easy to get will simply prove detrimental to the health of the game.
You guys have left and want the game to be in ruins, this is pointless.If we wanted the game to be in ruins, we'd just stfu and gtfo and watch the ship sink from a safe distance.
Go play your freaking russian server, TLA or something. Wipe hasn't done much good until now and it probably won't.Now you're just contradicting yourself and to make it worse you add TLA into the equation. The only way in which TLA is relevant to this stuff is that the people who quit are making TLA their home server and right now every single mistake is going to prove more costly as you won't be getting those guys back. Your answer to that problem is to do something reckless and dangerous, but whatever, I've almost lost hope this is going to end well anyway.
Most people that left never wanted fonline:2238 in the first place, they just played it because it was the only option they knew or the closer. These guys always wanted PvP, Mass PvP and EASY PVP, no Roleplay aspects, no PvE aspects, and no other aspects at all. They just want some PvP with the Fallout 2 engine (and they got it in their russian server).PvP is the only thing that 2238 does better than TLA, I don't know where the hell are you getting your ideas about that server from but I'd suggest playing it for a few hours before making more comments like this one. Besides you basically just claimed that most of the regulars who used to play on 2238 didn't really like 2238 to begin with. That's like... wow dude, I don't even know what to say.
Devs are constantly working in the game and I don't know what's behind their changes, probably players plus their own common sense. What most players want is not what's the best for the game,Wait, so the devs are making the game for the players, but what players want is not what's the best for the game? What'd be best for the game than? 20 players in peak hours? You aren't making any sense.
they're not making PROFIT from this game, it's FREE, so they might as well just do whatever they want.First of all, their profits and losses are their own business and I see no reason for any player to care about that. And yeah, they're free to do whatever they want just like any other devteam/company is free to do whatever the hell it wants, it doesn't change the fact that it will have to face the consequences of its mistakes. Making the game free doesn't change the fact that when you fuck up, you get burned.
They could've been just listening to the suggestions they think or believe it's the best/closest to the final product they want and that's that. If you want YOUR changes to be implemented in the game, well, try getting some unanimity for a change. The FOn:2238 community isn't unanimous about anything. Whichever side the devs pick, the other side will always be upset.If 60% of the server population flipping them the bird and leaving isn't a convincingly unanimous response, than I don't know what is.
So they can't do anything for you, if you didn't like the changes, you have several options: play another server, wait for other changes that please you, or just keep playing and whining.It's not and never was about me, you or anyone else because we all have a crapload of cool games to play and 2238 isn't really the special snowflake some people have been led to think it is. The issue here is the dropping player count, which is, you know, rather troublesome for any multiplayer platform. So yeah, the devs can make the autistic Mad Max adventure of their dreams anytime they want, but if there's no people left to play it by the time they're done, than there's no escaping the fact that they objectively messed something up - especially since it used to be pretty popular back in the day.
If the game is a beta, please answer the following:
- what gameplay features were they trying to balance;
- why was there a major redesign of SPECIAL and armors (I guess that's what a normal dev would call an expansion pack);
- what were the goals of this beta, particularly in terms of its completion;
- why did it last 4 years?
- All gameplay features. Remember FOnline:2238 was one of the first (if not the first) Fallout 2 online. Ever. There were TONS of things to balance (and there still are).Please, don't do that. If there were tons of things to balance, why were so many features scrapped and redesigned even when this course of action was objectively uncalled for since nothing was blatantly broken? That's not what you do in a beta, that's what you do with a mature game when you feel it's getting stale.
- Erm, because having everyone walk around in power armors is silly? The game was entirely designed for offline, single-player campaign, there would have more things to redesign and adapt. Messing with the SPECIAL is risky but anything you change in a game when you adapt it to online play, there WILL be people to complain (another completely unrelated example is the PokeMMO, it's pretty much FireRed online but there are changes and not implemented stuff).I meant the perk overhaul and helmet/body armor redesign. No matter how you look at it, that was an expansion pack. You don't do that shit when you're running a beta.
- Probably to have a pleasurable, balanced game for most people. Yeah, this is tough.But this isn't really a development goal, it doesn't give you standards to measure your progress.
- Well, dude, I've seen Alphas lasting for more than 4 years. There are several games in Alpha stage after a half dozen years. These things are not defined. And the beta will end when the devs said it ended, not us. They're the ones to estimate development stages, because they're the ones developing.Yeah, the argument that if the devs say it's a beta than it's a beta is impossible to refute, but I don't think they're using the word in its original meaning because in all honesty there's no actual testing going on... ie. there's no "test a feature, gather feedback, modify feature to match the goals" loop in use anywhere, it's just a bunch of knee-jerk nerfs, buffs and redesigns. All it does is introduce confusion, because I'm pretty sure you're aware that your answers weren't specific at all and nobody including the devs themselves would be able to provide the community with something more satisfactory.
Some people seem to have forgotten that grind is a crucial part of every mmorpg.
When you think of it grind is the only think that keeps you going.
You grind your weapons,you grind your armor,you grind your drugs,you grind your alts,you grind your fun.
Have you ever played other MMOs? Name one that requires you to grind simple, brain-numbing, repetitive tasks to use any gameplay mechanic. There's none. 2238 is the sole racing game that requires you to go through the motions of refueling your car before every single race. Even leveling up a lvl-24 char boils down to shooting a million of molerats, because fuck quests and fuck having fun. I wouldn't even call that playing. It's more like manual labor - and people who do manual labor actually get paid.Have you played any other MMOs?
And yeah, Jovanka might start spouting crap about her valiant efforts to limit this pointless grind, but the fact is that the fun:work ratio isn't even close to 1:1 in this game. In that sense, it isn't free because if I spent all the time I spent crafting ammo doing actual, real-life work I'd be able to afford lifetime subscription to every single modern mmo and a monthly supply of cocaine and hookers.
i thought this post was if people agree to wipe the game or not :SA wise man once said that in order for there to be a big update one must first make the damn big update.
a big wipe with some big changesd will make this game better ,, and stop with these stupied devs ideas
I honestly think the game would be so much better if we could somehow go back to the end of 2011 right before the wipe happened, and then worked on it from there. Changes from the wipe were very extreme and left a lot of basically half done mechanics in the mix (at least from my Perspective) like AC perks, and kamikazi for example. I know not everything in that update was horrible, but i believe we were really close to something great previously.
Have you played any other MMOs?
Look at WoW for instance you kill X amount of creatures until they drop Y amount of items so you can finish a quest(though i heard that most of the shit like this has been removed)
Or better yet EVE online which has 10000 more players then 2238.
Fair enough,you have a point there.
Have you played any other MMOs?Yeah, but in WoW you never lose progress unless your account gets hacked, so once you grind your way somewhere you don't really have to repeat that process - so in the end, it's not the same repetitive, boring stuff you get here.
Look at WoW for instance you kill X amount of creatures until they drop Y amount of items so you can finish a quest(though i heard that most of the shit like this has been removed)
Or better yet EVE online which has 10000 more players then 2238.Actually it's probably more like 100,000 and yeah, I'm playing EVE and in all honesty you can enjoy every aspect of that game without grinding if the aspect itself doesn't involve grind. So yeah, you can be a miner or an industrialist or a trader and that's somewhat grindy by definition, but then again an industrialist or a trader gets more player interaction than on 2238 due to EVE economy being a healthy laissez-faire affair instead of a convoluted mess. But if you want to PvP, you can do just that by joining a null-sec corp without doing a single mission, ever - because the corp has a huge corp-only income that allows it to refund the ships you lose in combat. If you're good, you can live by the loot in low-sec or do combat missions in faction warfare. Same shit with PvE - yeah, you can grind Lv4 missions, but you also have an option to run Incursion fleets or go for a PvE/PvP mix in wormholes. You're never forced to settle for a single solution. The possibilities are endless and it's nice that you've used EVE as an example because this game is basically 2238 in space, but it gets its shit right. EVE ran by 2238 devs would mean that everyone would have to mine Veldspar for an hour to get into frigate-only PvP fight... wonder how many of those 100,000 people would be left after a year of that. I think the biggest difference is the fact that EVE allows big entities to have a source of passive income (null-sec moons) and it has cheap ammo and expensive ships/weapons. On 2238, it's pretty much the opposite - the passive income can't really fuel your war effort fully, but is still pretty much imbalanced in terms of junk you get and the ammo is worth more than weapons, which means that pretty often even when you win, you actually lose in terms of $$$. Actually, there's a metric fuckton of gameplay mechanics that could be safely adapted from EVE to make this game not only playable, but also quite popular - but the devs respond to such suggestions with unwarranted insults.