yes,true dope, but whats the real objective reason/s they left?
-stealing nerfed
-bombing nerfed
-trade broken
-encouragement of pounding rocks day in and day out to slowly get gear to be able to pvp
-unsafe crafting locations to craft even 10mmSMG
-pointless grinding to get access to "safe" advanced workbenches.
-ninja "fixes"(e.g. randomly changing shit in mid-session to make your characters obsolete)
-pointless blueprints grinding to craft even shit gear
-incomplete crafting
-bad NPC balance in random encounters
-NPCs ninja-loot
-awful character imbalance
-useless skills
-lack of improvement on the generated maps on the world map, which leads to shit respawn spots and lack of variety to world map pvp.
-lack of vision
-lack of dev/player interaction
-boring repeatable quests
-lack of game content that wouldn't break game balance (bozar, yk32 pulse pistol, NCR armor etc)
-useless nerfs (e.g.. crippling mutants at gunrunners quest and not being able to pick up their weapons)
-pointless lockers that can't be opened.
-abusive GMs
-pointless alting (e.g. getting gear from hinkley for a low intelligence character)