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Whould you guys like to wipe and fix the game or keep it?

- 55 (48.7%)
- 6 (5.3%)
- 5 (4.4%)
- 15 (13.3%)
wtf is wrong with you
- 32 (28.3%)

Total Members Voted: 112

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Author Topic: Wipe the game or not?  (Read 23619 times)

Re: Wipe the game or not?
« Reply #60 on: April 23, 2013, 05:34:41 am »

I can honestly say I played back in 2010.  The game was better.  I came back this March to try again.  Here is what's wrong...

1. No caps - run all over world map trying to find the right guy to buy your loot.
2. Blueprints - Really?  How many alts do I really need to make to play this game?
3. Advanced workbench - Why is this necessary?  Was not around back in the day and things were fun.
4. Aggressive Brahmin - This is a minor annoyance, but I'm not sure what this added to the game.
5. Needing a Perk to get Pelts - Minor annoyance, not sure why this is necessary either. 

What's weird is that in the old days the devs wanted to reduce the use of alts, now they encourage it.

Get rid of this stuff and keep the improvements (Tent Management especially), THEN wipe the server.
Re: Wipe the game or not?
« Reply #61 on: April 23, 2013, 07:37:38 am »

I can honestly say I played back in 2010.  The game was better.  I came back this March to try again.  Here is what's wrong...

1. No caps - run all over world map trying to find the right guy to buy your loot.
2. Blueprints - Really?  How many alts do I really need to make to play this game?
3. Advanced workbench - Why is this necessary?  Was not around back in the day and things were fun.
4. Aggressive Brahmin - This is a minor annoyance, but I'm not sure what this added to the game.
5. Needing a Perk to get Pelts - Minor annoyance, not sure why this is necessary either. 

What's weird is that in the old days the devs wanted to reduce the use of alts, now they encourage it.

Get rid of this stuff and keep the improvements (Tent Management especially), THEN wipe the server.

Agreed, 100%


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Re: Wipe the game or not?
« Reply #62 on: April 23, 2013, 09:36:42 am »

I can honestly say I played back in 2010.  The game was better.  I came back this March to try again.  Here is what's wrong...

1. No caps - run all over world map trying to find the right guy to buy your loot.
2. Blueprints - Really?  How many alts do I really need to make to play this game?
3. Advanced workbench - Why is this necessary?  Was not around back in the day and things were fun.
4. Aggressive Brahmin - This is a minor annoyance, but I'm not sure what this added to the game.
5. Needing a Perk to get Pelts - Minor annoyance, not sure why this is necessary either. 

What's weird is that in the old days the devs wanted to reduce the use of alts, now they encourage it.

Get rid of this stuff and keep the improvements (Tent Management especially), THEN wipe the server.
1.Caps are easily obtainable via quests, so please try explore the game before you ll whine about its features.
2.I never searched for a single BP, except those found in ares, but still i got multiple copies of all of them... REALY
3. AWBs are on right places, the easiest one in mariposa, force players to interaction most, but there are still other AWBs which are 95% safe.
4.its a feature, it does not make game more fun, but its not any issue, definitely not if you play game longer than till level 3...
5.Need a perk for skinning is reasonable, you had to get perk in f1 aswell as in f2 and also in many other fonline servers, everything you point out here, makes me feel you simply dislike way the game is made.

Suggestion, put an effort into game and enjoy result, if you cant... then you should not bother yourself playing game.

Also i would like to mention that people who do NOT support "wipe soon" are still here. I believe iam not alone. And i basicaly refuse to counteract every wipe whiner in every thread, so it might look like this Wipe is  needed and wanted by players, but its not needed and most likely not even wanted, just those who want wipe are loud, thats all.
Re: Wipe the game or not?
« Reply #63 on: April 23, 2013, 11:42:02 am »

how many people are on average online? haven't played in years,was thinking of coming back


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Re: Wipe the game or not?
« Reply #64 on: April 23, 2013, 11:47:20 am »

3. AWBs are on right places, the easiest one in mariposa, force players to interaction most, but there are still other AWBs which are 95% safe.

they are safe because:
- people don't like wasting time to craft.
- the server is mostly empty.

1.Caps are easily obtainable via quests, so please try explore the game before you ll whine about its features.

he wasn't talking only about caps, but also the traders that mostly don't accept anything .

Also i would like to mention that people who do NOT support "wipe soon" are still here. I believe iam not alone. And i basicaly refuse to counteract every wipe whiner in every thread, so it might look like this Wipe is  needed and wanted by players, but its not needed and most likely not even wanted, just those who want wipe are loud, thats all.

if wipe brings more people and/or decent updates, then i'll support it as long as i can log into the game without having to search for players for hours without finding them. the only reason YOU don't support it is because you can travel the map safely and kill all the NPCs and mine all the stuff you want without encountering those EVIL pk's.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2013, 11:55:41 am by DeputyDope »


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Re: Wipe the game or not?
« Reply #65 on: April 23, 2013, 11:54:59 am »

how many people are on average online? haven't played in years,was thinking of coming back

50 on workdays, 100 on weekends.
Small amount but most of this people is active in the gameplay so you can meet them in other plays than NCR.
Scamers: Grimmi
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Re: Wipe the game or not?
« Reply #68 on: April 23, 2013, 01:23:29 pm »

Let's wipe this madness !!!
Re: Wipe the game or not?
« Reply #69 on: April 23, 2013, 04:12:49 pm »

50 on workdays, 100 on weekends.

100 on weekends? When, where, what? ~40/50 monday - friday, ~60 weekend. Only noobs play.


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Re: Wipe the game or not?
« Reply #70 on: April 23, 2013, 04:30:58 pm »

Sigh yes nobody plays at middle of the night and nobody plays in the early morning. Thats why avarage numbers are so low. But take a look at number of persons in good, prime time.

Scamers: Grimmi
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Re: Wipe the game or not?
« Reply #71 on: April 23, 2013, 05:53:15 pm »

I actually like the fact that most of the "philosophers" left.Now most people can enjoy the game without having some random bloke spout out crazy shit in words that do not exist about how the server is bad and we should stop playing it.


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Re: Wipe the game or not?
« Reply #72 on: April 24, 2013, 02:39:01 pm »

i vote about WIPEdevs brains they screwed good 4fun server
Re: Wipe the game or not?
« Reply #73 on: April 25, 2013, 10:48:21 pm »

yes yes wipe the game :D i agree

im not whineing im just saying that mayeb a wipe would be good, not just because it will bring players back, but because certain features have been ruined, if you wipe the server start fresh add the good updates into the game and delete the bad ones the bad features of the game, and also add new ones and if players dont like it take a vote, personal i think that before you add something to the game or delete something you should make a vote system and see who wants it and what vote is the highest this way you are putting gamers interest into consideration, maybe stop the whineing threads, if you wipe the game gamers will then realise that you are trying to make things better for the game and it will bring them back, once players are back you can then start with the updates add certain things with vote system . this game perssonal needs a big wipe, there isnt many people playing anymore and you have other servers now to compete with and you need to do something fast before its too late
« Last Edit: April 25, 2013, 11:15:02 pm by Lotus_ »


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Re: Wipe the game or not?
« Reply #74 on: April 26, 2013, 09:45:41 am »

a wipe would be good, not just because it will bring players back, but because certain features have been ruined, if you wipe the server start fresh add the good updates into the game and delete the bad ones the bad features of the game

Did you know? Updates have to be developed first!
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