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Whould you guys like to wipe and fix the game or keep it?

- 55 (48.7%)
- 6 (5.3%)
- 5 (4.4%)
- 15 (13.3%)
wtf is wrong with you
- 32 (28.3%)

Total Members Voted: 112

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Author Topic: Wipe the game or not?  (Read 23546 times)

Re: Wipe the game or not?
« Reply #75 on: April 26, 2013, 02:41:56 pm »

I use to love this game so much. I played it for 3 years, I was doing sesions of 16-18 hours per day. It used to be hard and unforgiving but there were always a reward, a thrill and some fun. Now its just plain stupid. All these changes seem to be made by an autistic developer. Who in their right mind would do all these stupid changes? I mean, really? Alt for trading, alt for mining, alt for traveling, alt for crafting, alt for finding lockers(wtf!!!), alt for stealing, alt for sneaking, alt for parties, alt for quests, alt for wipeing your ass. What is wrong with you? Do you even understand the meaning of fun? After all this the developers encourage us to play with one char!?!?!? You see, this doesn't make the game harder, you don't chalenge the player in any way, you just waste his time, transforming simple tasks like selling something into hard labour. It's like there are two teams in this game, one trying to improve it introducing new content and one trying to piss people off by forcing the player to create a new alt for every new feature or to lose more and more of his time with doing something that should be as simple as a few mouse clicks. I was screaming like stupid when you "introduced" all the new combat perks, telling you you'll kill snipers while the bg lovers told me that snipers are op. Let me break this down for you, they were never op, the bg lovers were used to always own snipers/cripplers and when they got balanced they started crying so you improved bg once more. What do you have now? Only one build for pvp, exaclly what I told you that will happend. After a while you made all pvpers leave, thinking that all the NCR wankers will keep you game alive. Of course not, because all those pvp apes you all hated so much were playing the game 10 times more than any of your precious rpgers. Because to get better you always need to practice, to find new builds, to experiment and to improve. To be a roleplayer in FOnline all you need to do is to kill scorpions and vote for mayors. EVERYTHING you need to do now takes so much time, takes a different alt and THERE IS NO FUN ANYMORE. With the game that you had 3 years ago, with a few balancing issues and bugs fixed, and the content you now have, this game would be brilliant. Instead is just a dieing game that gets content more often but there is nobody left to play it because you chased away all your players by always chosing the oposite of what they want. You killed something that was suposed to be great and what is so sad is that you were so close. All the players i know didn't left because of the game but because of the bad choices made by developers. You can keep lieng to yourselves but you have 10 players that still play the game now because you never listen to players. I meet some great people here. Very intelligent guys with great suggestions. Nobody was listening to them. Instead you listen to people like Greenthumb and others like him who have problems naming the planet they are on. Yes, I rage and I am doing it in a bad and hard to follow manner but that is alright, because even if I would write the perfect post I know nobody will hear me. They will just make this game worse and worse until not even the dumb will log in anymore. You failed. But that is not a problem, everybody can fail while trying to acomplish something. The problem is you failed while we were all screaming not to go that way because that will happend. Your ignorance and conceit brought you to this point. A dead, empty game that is giving it's last breath. You destroyed everyting that was fun about this game and improved all the annoyng parts.

Wipe or no wipe, FOnline 2238 is dead! All the good players are gone playing games that are made for players and not infatuated developers with god complexes. I just hope that someone outhere will revive the Fallout we all loved so much. A Fallot where pvp and pve go hand in hand and all the players get what they want. And i know it is posible because I’ve seen it. It was not perfect but it was on a good route until someone decided for everybody that it was not what we wanted.
Those of you who think you know everything are annoying to those of us who do!

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Re: Wipe the game or not?
« Reply #76 on: April 26, 2013, 02:54:12 pm »

My hat off to you, mate.
I still can be reached over e-mail if you somehow need anything from me. Don't see a reason why you would, but if you do, e-mail remains the safest bet, as I do not visit this forum reliably anymore.


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Re: Wipe the game or not?
« Reply #77 on: April 26, 2013, 03:57:38 pm »


Cool rant. Now let's get from bullshit to specifics.

Which of the recent changes (let's say, in the last year) increased the need for alts?
Re: Wipe the game or not?
« Reply #78 on: April 26, 2013, 04:11:46 pm »

Cool rant. Now let's get from bullshit to specifics.

Which of the recent changes (let's say, in the last year) increased the need for alts?
None whatsoever. The game is perfectly playable with a single character giving ol' Bessie the reach around when you're at the brahmin pen.


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Re: Wipe the game or not?
« Reply #79 on: April 26, 2013, 04:15:16 pm »

None whatsoever. The game is perfectly playable with a single character giving ol' Bessie the reach around when you're at the brahmin pen.
This. I am actually doing quite well in PvP with my lockpick alt. ;)
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Re: Wipe the game or not?
« Reply #80 on: April 26, 2013, 04:21:20 pm »

I will take the lack of upfront answer and hiding behind sarcasm as
"yes, you devs did not increase the need for alts in the last year".

Next question. Would you agree that the idler feature and removing profession limit,
reduced the need for alts, respectively in PvP and crafting? Please answer. If in your
opinion it didn't, please say why.

« Last Edit: April 26, 2013, 04:24:20 pm by JovankaB »
Re: Wipe the game or not?
« Reply #81 on: April 26, 2013, 04:27:12 pm »

Sure, Idler "feature" reduced the need for any characters to zero.
Re: Wipe the game or not?
« Reply #82 on: April 26, 2013, 04:32:22 pm »

I will take the lack of upfront answer and hiding behind sarcasm as
"yes, you devs did not increase the need for alts in the last year".

Next question. Would you agree that the idler feature and removing profession limit,
reduced the need for alts, respectively in PvP and crafting? Please answer. If in your
opinion it didn't, please say why.

I would agree, but also, for exemple, why do we need to use an alt with high IQ to be able to get gear at hinkley?


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Re: Wipe the game or not?
« Reply #83 on: April 26, 2013, 05:08:27 pm »

I would agree, but also, for exemple, why do we need to use an alt with high IQ to be able to get gear at hinkley?

... I'm pretty sure it was something like that.


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Re: Wipe the game or not?
« Reply #84 on: April 26, 2013, 05:28:07 pm »

I would agree, but also, for exemple, why do we need to use an alt with high IQ to be able to get gear at hinkley?

I guess long time ago someone thought it's a good idea. But this is old stuff (from 2010),
if we change this as well, it will just add one more point to my argument that we reduce
alt requirements (and I think generally make the game better) not the other way around :P

Edit: After the next update IN requirement in Hinkley will be gone
« Last Edit: April 26, 2013, 07:42:50 pm by JovankaB »

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Re: Wipe the game or not?
« Reply #85 on: April 26, 2013, 08:29:26 pm »

I guess long time ago someone thought it's a good idea. But this is old stuff (from 2010),
if we change this as well, it will just add one more point to my argument that we reduce
alt requirements (and I think generally make the game better) not the other way around :P

Edit: After the next update IN requirement in Hinkley will be gone
The lack of certain stats can cripple a character for good.
Int for one
Take an example from the first 2 fallouts,your character was still able to do quests,talk to npcs,barter(more or less) and do certain activities that other characters couldn't (IE talk to torr).
Now the Devs of 2238 seem to think that charisma is all about good looks this is very wrong(it is connected to it,im not denying that,just that its overstated in the game).
NPCs usually overreact to low charisma and once again cripple him.
Make it so that he can still talk to NPCs and take quests just get smaller (or maybe in some cases bigger) rewards,just change a few dialog replies and options so it looks legit.

The awareness perk is a must have for every alt,this kinda bothers me.
Now I understand that in most cases it's a fair trade off but i'd honestly prefer it to require 5 PE instead of 6
(yes i know about the skill req too,but i'm not here to talk about that)

Crafting is a pain and gives less reward then simple PvE farming.

I can go on and on with this but my clicky finger hurts.


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Re: Wipe the game or not?
« Reply #86 on: April 26, 2013, 08:39:58 pm »

I can go on and on with this but my clicky finger hurts.

Map the Z/Y key as mouse button.


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Re: Wipe the game or not?
« Reply #87 on: April 27, 2013, 01:48:17 am »

iam glad you shared your feelings and emotions. Sometimes its realy necessary to release them, no matter what. But then people usualy calm down and overview things with detachment.
If you would be able to name wrong things, i would gladly read next textwall with a content.
Re: Wipe the game or not?
« Reply #88 on: April 27, 2013, 02:36:01 am »

Cool rant. Now let's get from bullshit to specifics.

Which of the recent changes (let's say, in the last year) increased the need for alts?

He did mention  lot of things you need alts for. What about blueprints? Why do we need them in the game? Why do we have to have a lockpicker to obtain them?

I don't think we need to narrow it down to recent changes there are plenty of old ones that could be discussed and hopefully fixed/removed like the failed AC system that resulted in a lost trait for TB players which now seems rendered pretty useless.
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Re: Wipe the game or not?
« Reply #89 on: April 27, 2013, 08:37:48 am »

Fucking wipe it before it's too late.
English is not my native language, go easy on me.
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