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Whould you guys like to wipe and fix the game or keep it?

- 55 (48.7%)
- 6 (5.3%)
- 5 (4.4%)
- 15 (13.3%)
wtf is wrong with you
- 32 (28.3%)

Total Members Voted: 112

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Author Topic: Wipe the game or not?  (Read 23112 times)

Mike Crosser

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Re: Wipe the game or not?
« Reply #120 on: April 28, 2013, 02:57:39 pm »

Have you ever played other MMOs? Name one that requires you to grind simple, brain-numbing, repetitive tasks to use any gameplay mechanic. There's none. 2238 is the sole racing game that requires you to go through the motions of refueling your car before every single race. Even leveling up a lvl-24 char boils down to shooting a million of molerats, because fuck quests and fuck having fun. I wouldn't even call that playing. It's more like manual labor - and people who do manual labor actually get paid.

And yeah, Jovanka might start spouting crap about her valiant efforts to limit this pointless grind, but the fact is that the fun:work ratio isn't even close to 1:1 in this game. In that sense, it isn't free because if I spent all the time I spent crafting ammo doing actual, real-life work I'd be able to afford lifetime subscription to every single modern mmo and a monthly supply of cocaine and hookers.
Have you played any other MMOs?
Look at WoW for instance you kill X amount of creatures until they drop Y amount of items so you can finish a quest(though i heard that most of the shit like this has been removed)
Or better yet EVE online which has 10000 more players then 2238.

So many mmos are condemned for having either too much or too little grind.Since if they have too much then it's boring but if they have too little then it's either imbalanced or inconsistent.

i thought this post was if people agree to wipe the game or not :S

a big wipe with some big changesd will make this game better ,, and stop with these stupied devs ideas
A wise man once said that in order for there to be a big update one must first make the damn big update.


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Re: Wipe the game or not?
« Reply #121 on: April 28, 2013, 07:32:08 pm »

I honestly think the game would be so much better if we could somehow go back to the end of 2011 right before the wipe happened, and then worked on it from there. Changes from the wipe were very extreme and left a lot of basically half done mechanics in the mix (at least from my Perspective) like AC perks, and kamikazi for example. I know not everything in that update was horrible, but i believe we were really close to something great previously.

Actually the game is much similar as in the end of last wipe. The extreme stuff of this session had in its beginning like fastrelog waves, sd sneaks and ac trolls have been removed.

Have you played any other MMOs?
Look at WoW for instance you kill X amount of creatures until they drop Y amount of items so you can finish a quest(though i heard that most of the shit like this has been removed)
Or better yet EVE online which has 10000 more players then 2238.

Players don't like grind but they like progress. It's interesting and captivating to always have a chance to move on and advance. In fonline you pretty much grind the same things over and over. When your character is max level, you start a new character because max level char can't improve anymore.
In wow you can gather better and better equipment for your character. It's character-based game. Fonline is resource based. Characters are just resources or tools rather than centers of interest.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: Wipe the game or not?
« Reply #122 on: April 28, 2013, 08:17:58 pm »

AC trolls were nerfed but we are still left with the remnants. AC perks are still there and kamikazie is still AC based trait. I guess there are so many things that I personally do not like about that update though, like helmets, bonehead, man of steel, RBTE, ac system, bonus move nerf, kamikazi ruined, good natured. Anyways that's just my opinion, figured I would just throw it in there.
"I am condemned without end." -Crovax

Mike Crosser

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Re: Wipe the game or not?
« Reply #123 on: April 28, 2013, 08:59:01 pm »

Fair enough,you have a point there.


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Re: Wipe the game or not?
« Reply #124 on: April 29, 2013, 02:54:56 pm »

Have you played any other MMOs?
Look at WoW for instance you kill X amount of creatures until they drop Y amount of items so you can finish a quest(though i heard that most of the shit like this has been removed)
Yeah, but in WoW you never lose progress unless your account gets hacked, so once you grind your way somewhere you don't really have to repeat that process - so in the end, it's not the same repetitive, boring stuff you get here.

Or better yet EVE online which has 10000 more players then 2238.
Actually it's probably more like 100,000 and yeah, I'm playing EVE and in all honesty you can enjoy every aspect of that game without grinding if the aspect itself doesn't involve grind. So yeah, you can be a miner or an industrialist or a trader and that's somewhat grindy by definition, but then again an industrialist or a trader gets more player interaction than on 2238 due to EVE economy being a healthy laissez-faire affair instead of a convoluted mess. But if you want to PvP, you can do just that by joining a null-sec corp without doing a single mission, ever - because the corp has a huge corp-only income that allows it to refund the ships you lose in combat. If you're good, you can live by the loot in low-sec or do combat missions in faction warfare. Same shit with PvE - yeah, you can grind Lv4 missions, but you also have an option to run Incursion fleets or go for a PvE/PvP mix in wormholes. You're never forced to settle for a single solution. The possibilities are endless and it's nice that you've used EVE as an example because this game is basically 2238 in space, but it gets its shit right. EVE ran by 2238 devs would mean that everyone would have to mine Veldspar for an hour to get into frigate-only PvP fight... wonder how many of those 100,000 people would be left after a year of that. I think the biggest difference is the fact that EVE allows big entities to have a source of passive income (null-sec moons) and it has cheap ammo and expensive ships/weapons. On 2238, it's pretty much the opposite - the passive income can't really fuel your war effort fully, but is still pretty much imbalanced in terms of junk you get and the ammo is worth more than weapons, which means that pretty often even when you win, you actually lose in terms of $$$. Actually, there's a metric fuckton of gameplay mechanics that could be safely adapted from EVE to make this game not only playable, but also quite popular - but the devs respond to such suggestions with unwarranted insults.

The tl;dr version is that while EVE has its share of problems (blue donut, PvP aspect that is somewhat hard to get into etc.), it still acknowledges them and tries to deal with them in a way that is more or less logical, while 2238 is 100% in denial and applies brow-raising solutions instead of going for the tried and tested formula that is readily available in other games.
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