Any restrictions to PvP is a Bad idea.
Level handicap is abusable.
But we can make it like in Ultima Online (I've never played it, but know smth about it).
So at the beginning (after whipe) all players are "blue", if "blue" player attacks "blue" he becomes "red" (pk). If "blue" attacks "red" he is still "blue". "Red" vs "red" changes nothing.
What does it give? When u meet someone in wasteland and u both are "blue" u can speak to him and wont be afraid, if u see a "red" guy u shoot or run immediately.
P.S. But I'm against any changes!
I love the way it is now. Even when I'm getting gunked
This is wasteland!
problem with that is that, every PKer is going to have to shoot some one first to get red, and that person he shoots first might just be you heh.
my personally suggestion is this.
with areas like northern towns, as it is even bluesuits can shoot each other for tiny amounts of caps. and yet, the NPCs don't seem to know the difference, from them and the big gang members that walk in to town and take over the place.
my suggestion would be that in areas like that, NPCs shoot at anyone that is either not showing any gang markings (is tagged as a faction member) but the towns better armed folks will open fire on say, a level 10 PKer, but not a level 15-21 PKer, since you need big balls to walk in to town and start shooting, and have no one shoot back. it wouldnt fix high level PKers, but it'd make you have to be a big nasty PKer to get away with being one.
as for the wastelands... generally thats to random for me to really say that needs fixing, unless you hunt where every one likes to look for player and monster groups to shoot at.
but mostly i'd say the AI could use more detail, thats what i'd vote for, rather than a system, just smarter AI, which is hard i know... trust me, i have no clue how to work with the AI on FOnline.