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Author Topic: PK solution  (Read 18296 times)

Re: PK solution
« Reply #60 on: May 14, 2010, 02:15:53 am »

Give us some status! A number near the name that say how many players you killed! You killed 675 players, I will be more cautious, hey he is Wild Bill, kill him with a hit from the back!
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Re: PK solution
« Reply #61 on: May 14, 2010, 06:25:51 am »

The main reason people hate PK's is because they lose all their items. It's the inconvenience that's annoying.

You can't bar players for killing each other, it's the wastes, if someone wants your shit he's gonna kill you for it.

I know, I know, it's a pain getting all your shit back. There's plenty of times when I'm gathering things to build stuff and someone just comes up and shoots me. It pisses me off but you can't do shit about it, other than hunting them down for revenge ;)

There is really no real satisfactory solution to this issue that wouldn't either take away from game play or anger players.

The only thing I can think of, is a level handicap. Make it so high level players can't harm the noobs who are just trying to get shit together to make a living. That would at least stop, lets say, a 10th level character from running into a town and smoking a whole bunch of shit farmers.

Or maybe have it so if you die in the wastes your shits gone, but if you die in a populated area basic items are saved. So if you die in town, due to replication, you can hold your basic items like shovels, sharpened poles, rocks, maybe a randomized major item from your inventory, and possibly a few caps. That way it would be as if someone murdered you and in a hurry grabbed what he could (the PK'er would take the items and the server would sort what he grabs) and because people are around some items are left as he doesn't have time to do a full search of the body in a heated situation. Then when you respawn it would seem as if the people who tossed you in the replicator set what you had left on you to the side for your return.


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Re: PK solution
« Reply #62 on: May 14, 2010, 08:22:27 am »

The main reason people hate PK's is because they lose all their items. It's the inconvenience that's annoying.

You can't bar players for killing each other, it's the wastes, if someone wants your shit he's gonna kill you for it.

I know, I know, it's a pain getting all your shit back. There's plenty of times when I'm gathering things to build stuff and someone just comes up and shoots me. It pisses me off but you can't do shit about it, other than hunting them down for revenge ;)

There is really no real satisfactory solution to this issue that wouldn't either take away from game play or anger players.

The only thing I can think of, is a level handicap. Make it so high level players can't harm the noobs who are just trying to get shit together to make a living. That would at least stop, lets say, a 10th level character from running into a town and smoking a whole bunch of shit farmers.

Or maybe have it so if you die in the wastes your shits gone, but if you die in a populated area basic items are saved. So if you die in town, due to replication, you can hold your basic items like shovels, sharpened poles, rocks, maybe a randomized major item from your inventory, and possibly a few caps. That way it would be as if someone murdered you and in a hurry grabbed what he could (the PK'er would take the items and the server would sort what he grabs) and because people are around some items are left as he doesn't have time to do a full search of the body in a heated situation. Then when you respawn it would seem as if the people who tossed you in the replicator set what you had left on you to the side for your return.

Handicap is a good idea. But if a team of 6 newbs take the PvPer in a group hug, he wouldn't be able to shoot his way out. Would you really like that? I won't.


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Re: PK solution
« Reply #63 on: May 14, 2010, 09:38:40 am »

Deleted spam.

This is not a place to show off with your "PVP skillz".


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Re: PK solution
« Reply #64 on: May 14, 2010, 09:48:27 am »

sorry  ;)
Anti-pk, protector of the law in wasteland.


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Re: PK solution
« Reply #65 on: May 14, 2010, 03:06:48 pm »

Any restrictions to PvP is a Bad idea.

Level handicap is abusable.

But we can make it like in Ultima Online (I've never played it, but know smth about it).
So at the beginning (after whipe) all players are "blue", if "blue" player attacks "blue" he becomes "red" (pk). If "blue" attacks "red" he is still "blue". "Red" vs "red" changes nothing.

What does it give? When u meet someone in wasteland and u both are "blue" u can speak to him and wont be afraid, if u see a "red" guy u shoot or run immediately.

P.S. But I'm against any changes!  ;D I love the way it is now. Even when I'm getting gunked  :) This is wasteland!


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Re: PK solution
« Reply #66 on: May 14, 2010, 03:24:59 pm »

why don not we put a list of PKs on the forum,to try and run from them when encountered
Re: PK solution
« Reply #67 on: May 14, 2010, 04:44:20 pm »

Any restrictions to PvP is a Bad idea.

Level handicap is abusable.

But we can make it like in Ultima Online (I've never played it, but know smth about it).
So at the beginning (after whipe) all players are "blue", if "blue" player attacks "blue" he becomes "red" (pk). If "blue" attacks "red" he is still "blue". "Red" vs "red" changes nothing.

What does it give? When u meet someone in wasteland and u both are "blue" u can speak to him and wont be afraid, if u see a "red" guy u shoot or run immediately.

P.S. But I'm against any changes!  ;D I love the way it is now. Even when I'm getting gunked  :) This is wasteland!

problem with that is that, every PKer is going to have to shoot some one first to get red, and that person he shoots first might just be you heh.

my personally suggestion is this.

with areas like northern towns, as it is even bluesuits can shoot each other for tiny amounts of caps. and yet, the NPCs don't seem to know the difference, from them and the big gang members that walk in to town and take over the place.

my suggestion would be that in areas like that, NPCs shoot at anyone that is either not showing any gang markings (is tagged as a faction member) but the towns better armed folks will open fire on say, a level 10 PKer, but not a level 15-21 PKer, since you need big balls to walk in to town and start shooting, and have no one shoot back. it wouldnt fix high level PKers, but it'd make you have to be a big nasty PKer to get away with being one.

as for the wastelands... generally thats to random for me to really say that needs fixing, unless you hunt where every one likes to look for player and monster groups to shoot at.

but mostly i'd say the AI could use more detail, thats what i'd vote for, rather than a system, just smarter AI, which is hard i know... trust me, i have no clue how to work with the AI on FOnline.




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Re: PK solution
« Reply #68 on: May 14, 2010, 06:13:21 pm »

Handicap is a good idea. But if a team of 6 newbs take the PvPer in a group hug, he wouldn't be able to shoot his way out. Would you really like that? I won't.

Simple. You make it so the noob can't attack a player 2 levels higher than him.

It works both ways.

Basically if you're level 5 you can only attack players level 4-7. Level 19 can only attack 18-21. You get the idea. Because there's that chance that a level 4 player can kill a level 5 or 6 player with some luck, just as a level 3 can take on a 4-5 level player.

In a battle between a level 3 player, level 5 player, and a level 7 player. 3 can attack 5 and 5 can attack 7 but 7 can't attack 3.

On that note, maybe implement a system so if the level 3 player wants to take on the level 7 he can ask. A dialog pops up asking both players, if they agree, battle on. Kinda like Wow (blech I hate WoW) for PvP but levels are taken in to account.


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Re: PK solution
« Reply #69 on: May 14, 2010, 06:17:30 pm »

Give us some status! A number near the name that say how many players you killed! You killed 675 players, I will be more cautious, hey he is Wild Bill, kill him with a hit from the back!

Good idea. Not abusable, can be interpreted in both ways, but still useful. I like it - even if I don't know if "a number next to the name" is the best thing to show it.
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"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
- J.E. Sawyer
Re: PK solution
« Reply #70 on: May 14, 2010, 06:44:51 pm »

Numbers is bad idea for PK marking couse anti PKers will be getting numbers while eliminating PK players (when defending HQ mine exemple) and there will be no diffrence.

Unless for killing any player with number next to his nick you will not get PK points. Then numbers as PK mark will be good.

Also those numbers should be going down to 0 after some time ( 48 hours for 1 kill exemple) in case of accidental kills ( bursts, rocket kill etc) when you kill somoene in not PK purpose.


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Re: PK solution
« Reply #71 on: May 14, 2010, 06:59:09 pm »

That's your role to pay attention not to kill other people "accidentally".

Numbers is bad idea for PK marking couse anti PKers will be getting numbers while eliminating PK players (when defending HQ mine exemple) and there will be no diffrence.

The difference is, with time people will know anti-pkers since they will be the "high numbers guys" that won't kill them.
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"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
- J.E. Sawyer


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Re: PK solution
« Reply #72 on: May 14, 2010, 06:59:35 pm »

Numbers is bad idea for PK marking couse anti PKers will be getting numbers while eliminating PK players (when defending HQ mine exemple) and there will be no diffrence.

Pure numbers are indeed misleading. In fallout you always had a chance to choose between right and wrong. Why not in fonline too?

But then again choosing between good and bad was the luxury of chosen one's because he had the power to change things so radically. We here in fonline are just average dudes who just do what they gotta do to survive.

Hopefully in future we will have more npc factions to join and some of those npc factions are at war against each other. This creates natural enemies and allies, where you are allowed to shoot the members of your enemy faction without remorse. Then we no longer have pks, only justified killing. If someone is vilified in your your faction, he has red nick. You then have the right to shoot this person.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: PK solution
« Reply #73 on: May 14, 2010, 07:09:39 pm »

I think spliting players for those who PK and for those who dont is good enought. I think we should not split players by factions - simply not enought players to balance factions.


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Re: PK solution
« Reply #74 on: May 14, 2010, 08:29:44 pm »

I think spliting players for those who PK and for those who dont is good enought. I think we should not split players by factions - simply not enought players to balance factions.

That's another way too, nothing against it mechanics-wise. It just makes me wonder how's it possible to be nice slaver, raider or enclave. Those factions are based on violating human rights and immoral activities? Or does it make sense that BoS are killing bluesuits in modoc?
Faction based status would force players go along with the story. They wouldn't need to care about it at all but they still had people to fight against. Then again being a faction member doesn't mean you absolutely have to pvp it just means that you'd better stay out of the sight of your enemies.

Here's what scypior wrote about his fonline vision.

Quote from: scypior
I could only say one thing - the goal is a game where words(abbreviasions in fact) such as 'RP' and 'PK' don't exist. Because when I kill someone(PK), I did it for a reason(RP).

Hopefully that vision still applies.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
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