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Author Topic: TC, lets flesh this out.  (Read 23574 times)


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Re: TC, lets flesh this out.
« Reply #30 on: February 10, 2012, 04:46:09 pm »

Sorry Destro but i must write it:

Well, i will try to be constructive, hope my opinion helps a bit :) Here is my two cents:
...Bigger swarms, more waiting, more PvMilitia...

My opinion is the same as Kilgores:
1. Take previous TC rules. - Less waiting...
2. No mercenaries adding to the militia. - It was totally gay.
3. Militia limited to max . <10 - Its about PvP not PvE
4. No high-tech in militias hands like Gauss pistols, Pulse pistols and other almost unavailable shit. - It was just stupid.

Influence SUCKS balls.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2012, 04:54:34 pm by manero »
Re: TC, lets flesh this out.
« Reply #31 on: February 10, 2012, 05:04:16 pm »

Why not split TC towns into 3 categories with different rules

I personally believe that this system, under these circumstances, will eventually come to that. What we have right now is The Hawks somewhat sustaining two cities with occasional WW2, yet still somewhat allowing people in; Klamath getting fought of by smaller gangs (one of which will eventually win and set up some scenery of their likes); and SoT constantly pwning anything that moves in 3 cities. Now sarmatians are putting up hard competition for Den, that is long-term unsustainible by SoT. When this falls, there will be redding constantly fought of because of the very giving, bugged TC box, and broken hills - constant warzone as eversince i can actually remember.

Thats the beautiful thing about influence system - it allows all of this and more, all done by itself with pure evolution.

I agree with points that there could be diffrent TC in diffrent places.

Moving PvP (along with according rewards) outside of the cities is what i suggested many times, also. There are a lot of places capable of that, even with nice background stories. You can still play king of the hill, maybe even with old tc system, in one of these places, not ruining the game for everyone else.

Also, why did you even come up with a tc system that is so exploitable? Did you really not think of hotel room overnight proxying? or was it part of the plan?

Every idea takes time, work and lot of trial/error to implement. As i said before, influence system just didnt count on SoT extreme exploitation level. Just try to imagine it without them and i am sure you will get the picture.

Looks like everyone can agree on influence cap, tc timer, less militia and influence gain areas (buildings, hotel rooms).

I cant. Influence is the only thing in this game that moves towards long-term things to do. Now, that is actually what this server needs. Capping the influence would just move it back to short-term. Can anyone agree that should not happen?
I really feel kinda alone in all this and i have no idea why.


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Re: TC, lets flesh this out.
« Reply #32 on: February 10, 2012, 05:36:04 pm »

I cant. Influence is the only thing in this game that moves towards long-term things to do. Now, that is actually what this server needs. Capping the influence would just move it back to short-term. Can anyone agree that should not happen?
I really feel kinda alone in all this and i have no idea why.

Then it boils down how infuence works. Most important is that a gang can't outdo something another gang did previously without actually meeting this other gang. Like this: gang a caps during night, gang b caps during daytime and everyone is pissed off.

Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: TC, lets flesh this out.
« Reply #33 on: February 10, 2012, 05:47:04 pm »

Then it boils down how infuence works. Most important is that a gang can't outdo something another gang did previously without actually meeting this other gang. Like this: gang a caps during night, gang b caps during daytime and everyone is pissed off.

Bigger influ decreasing is what we could agree on. Should be at least some fraction of the other gangs gain, not stable 0.005 for any gaining tick. Though in my suggestion, cutting down influ should be taken care of by them quests.

And yeah, this situation was mentioned, namecalled, whined about, ..., tons of times. And yes, i admit its not the best situation to have, but as i said, its just temporary. Consider it fighting evil with evil. Once this problem is gone, you will se completely different TC.

On another note; i dont think everyone is pissed off. I am patient. EasyGainers are pissed off (lack of ability to keep up) and PvPers are pissed off (losing grounds, which should be fixed by moving pvp opurtunities elsewhere).
« Last Edit: February 10, 2012, 05:53:55 pm by ErnestGaskin »
Re: TC, lets flesh this out.
« Reply #34 on: February 10, 2012, 07:18:15 pm »

i dont think everyone is pissed off. I am patient. EasyGainers are pissed off (lack of ability to keep up) and PvPers are pissed off (losing grounds, which should be fixed by moving pvp opurtunities elsewhere).

I'm just not in a good mood , so i will just verbally destroy you if you keep talking about things you don't know and don't understand and have not much to do with.


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Re: TC, lets flesh this out.
« Reply #35 on: February 10, 2012, 07:33:30 pm »

I'm just not in a good mood , so i will just verbally destroy you if you keep talking about things you don't know and don't understand and have not much to do with.

all bow down before T-888, master of this game. does the "T" stand for troll or something else? i really wanna know.

people don't DARE say your opinion before T-888 he will verbally destroy you! BEWARE!


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Re: TC, lets flesh this out.
« Reply #36 on: February 10, 2012, 07:36:55 pm »

And yeah, this On another note; i dont think everyone is pissed off. I am patient. EasyGainers are pissed off (lack of ability to keep up) and PvPers are pissed off (losing grounds, which should be fixed by moving pvp opurtunities elsewhere).

You would be pretty damn pissed off if every night every week some other group underdid whatever you did during your gaming time.

That's why the tc rewards must be situational and directly dependent on what was done inside the town during the tc. What happened before the gang entered shouldn't matter and what will happen once they leave shouldn't concern them or their enemies in any way. Maybe the long term plan suffers but it's impossible to uphold because people have to sleep and work sometimes.

That's why all sorts of "hold town for x days without interrupt to get more rewards" features should be out of picture.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: TC, lets flesh this out.
« Reply #37 on: February 10, 2012, 07:44:03 pm »

all bow down before T-888

Very clever i'm like speechless now , anyway i already proved that he doesn't understand anything what makes a solid TC system in one of the topics that touched this matter and yet again he is pointing out the same nonsense he did before.

If thats what you call fun, then you just have to be eradicated. Simple as that. And you will. If your players dont want to stand around the town, this TC system is not for you.

There's more nonsense i could show you , as he stated he understand what the system need to be and how it has to be played that those who just like to PvP in cities are obsessed and don't understand anything.

So yes if he starts talking again i will just utterly verbally destroy him.

Nobody wants to spend hours in cities afk'ing grinding up some influence , none cares about fake RP in TC that could be only optional wouldn't hurt me.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2012, 07:49:28 pm by T-888 »


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Re: TC, lets flesh this out.
« Reply #38 on: February 10, 2012, 07:46:36 pm »

Re: TC, lets flesh this out.
« Reply #39 on: February 10, 2012, 07:51:03 pm »

The greates TC conception i v seen. Make's sense of defention of town and game can be more interesting at all, maybe small gangs can participate after this too. I even have small opinion about task can be really hard, and based on gang members, and town control can be fixed per 4-12 hours (based on task-complete-points50%-100%). Also i think if other gangs cant participate (by help or be against of mission-making-gang) in same time it can be even better.

Let the Force be with You.
Re: TC, lets flesh this out.
« Reply #40 on: February 10, 2012, 08:16:40 pm »

You would be pretty damn pissed off if every night every week some other group underdid whatever you did during your gaming time.

That's why the tc rewards must be situational and directly dependent on what was done inside the town during the tc. What happened before the gang entered shouldn't matter and what will happen once they leave shouldn't concern them or their enemies in any way. Maybe the long term plan suffers but it's impossible to uphold because people have to sleep and work sometimes.

That's why all sorts of "hold town for x days without interrupt to get more rewards" features should be out of picture.

You bet i would be pissed, anyone would. As i said - right now its just evil ways of fighting worse case of evil; eventually, better organized/more timezone spread gangs/aliances will prevail. And there will be no need for this, or it could be easily prevented; even character with tagged gambling, speech and outdoorsman can defeat an idler army.

I suggested earned TC rewards numerous times; we all know there is something as global money pool; separating it (purely for statistical reasons) to each city/area, paying percentage given by influence (and influencing influence by little, inner city tasks) would be a beautiful way to pay out for in-city activities and make them towns working again - players (even those that claim they do that for PvP) would change their minds about pwning slavers/questers/traders pretty quickly.

Adding on it, running further from the topic, the system of "upgrading" the city for controling, continuously victorious faction, could include things like "unlocking" further player facilities, upgrading local traders tier and much more.

Just imagine that, cities working again.

And sure. People need to sleep, people need to work, so on. Thats why is TC done in gangs, not by single person. When i say hard work, i surely do not mean a single nolife doing everything. If enough people with common interest - that being sustain a city and make it work - get together, they should be allowed to achieve this goal.

Influence, as it is (maybe without the rogues, as stated above) is providing for both; for them spread/"nolife" gangs to sustain, or for others to constantly fight over cities as in your vision.

So yes if he starts talking again i will just utterly verbally destroy him.

Im so afraid im actually shaking here.
Very quickly, as the reply to you. Other than you constantly trying to insult me, i have no beef with you. In my opinion, Rogues (means not only you, understand?) are sole reason why this TC system does not work and their constant spaming about it is just annoying. (Trolling in constructive threads, really?) I have stated this fact numerous times and i stand by it.

The very same goes for the fact that there is no place for you to try insulting me as a person. I get it, i am the stupidest guy around, i dont understand anything and i make everything worse. Thats why my idea is being considered to implement, cause, you know, for sure, developers are idiots too. The only clever people around are Rogues and they know how this system should work, because then it will be better for everybody. Considering them Rogues as everybody.

We all know you dont like it. Can you, please, let us discuss it anyways? You know, just for the heck of it.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2012, 08:22:40 pm by ErnestGaskin »
Re: TC, lets flesh this out.
« Reply #41 on: February 10, 2012, 09:05:22 pm »

2238 community doesn't want RP-TC nor spend enormous time loitering in cities or doing quests to just have some quality PvP what you can't appreciate.

Again... So, Me and Ernest kind of people are not part of community but you are? :D

Adding on it, running further from the topic, the system of "upgrading" the city for controling, continuously victorious faction, could include things like "unlocking" further player facilities, upgrading local traders tier and much more.

Think this is great idea, and would make the gangs that want to do something with town acually feel that there is progress in their doings. This could include extra traders, bars opened, extra companions maybe (like 15% max more chance that they will show up in the town). Maybe even money and experience gotten from quests could be increased (ofc with a max amount so it doesint get all to high, maybe max multiplicated by 1.5). Another awesome thing that i would presonally love is that some buildings could be destroyed, and the faction in control could do a quest or gathering mission to help it run again.

Sorry Destro but i must write it:

My opinion is the same as Kilgores:
1. Take previous TC rules. - Less waiting...
2. No mercenaries adding to the militia. - It was totally gay.
3. Militia limited to max . <10 - Its about PvP not PvE
4. No high-tech in militias hands like Gauss pistols, Pulse pistols and other almost unavailable shit. - It was just stupid.
No problems man, thank you for commenting :) we all have diffrent ideas of the game i am sure that no-one has exacly same view on how tc or game overally should look like :)

I also know you enjoy mostly pvp in the game (with some rp, but mostly pvp i think, heh, i never forget how well you fitted into the caravan run from redding with wwp, when you took role as the robber leader that assaulted the caravan), so i really think in making few locations more pvp like (pre session) and in other the way its now, i think then most people will be happy :)

I definetly agree about high-tech militia, but i would say that this works both ways, why not have ability what kind of militia you want to buy? who wants a spear leather jacket militia? dunno, but the militia buying could be reworked a lot i think. Simple rework would be like manero said here, remove the high-tech, and i would add, also remove the useless militia :) Hell, maybe have some quest on training the militia? ;) Or, experience they get from combat or quests? Possiblities are endless :)

Like this: gang a caps during night, gang b caps during daytime and everyone is pissed off.

I think you are wrong avv, the only one pissed off are SoT in den (i take Den as exemple). Becouse they dont see a point in standing in town. We like to stay in town, for us its natural, but SoT only want pvp and the box. I understand them, its fine, but i am just pointing out why they are pissed, its becouse we force them to stay in town at days, thats it nothing more :)
« Last Edit: February 10, 2012, 11:50:22 pm by kttdestroyer »
Re: TC, lets flesh this out.
« Reply #42 on: February 11, 2012, 12:19:51 am »

nor spend enormous time loitering in cities
Would rather loiter in the open, but sneak bursters hoping to inch influence keep that from happening. Loitering was fun, meet random people, meet people not scared of coming to a unguarded town or dying a few times.

First of all you don't hang around in cities , you hang around in small spaced buildings sometimes even toilets , furthermore you do that in nights when we can't do anything about it when day comes you simply are offline or have to few members to do anything. What you achieve is many afk characters from SoT in metzegers house , doesn't really hurt as that much , but it's simply stupid ( yesterday i left 2 characters unchecked for 4 hours in den and nothing happened to them ). Is this how you want TC to be ?

Its not called hanging around, its called going afk to achieve game goal. Even though goal can never be achieved(goal being to hang out in town on main street, meet people and such.) Last season we could even let non-agressive enemies hang out in town, but due to influence rules...this will never happen again. Entire time in town is TC time, so there is no time to just loiter on main street in rp alts. Always need someone, somewhere in full gear.

« Last Edit: February 11, 2012, 02:16:58 am by Catoptromancy »


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Re: TC, lets flesh this out.
« Reply #43 on: February 11, 2012, 01:27:43 am »

Sometimes i wonder if this game has only 14 year old players.

Solar asked no trolling and first page it starts, What he suggested is just that suggestions.

I agree with what many said yes a max cap on flu.

But this game is made up of both pve gangs,rp and pure pvp. So why not try as suggested some towns pvp some rp.


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Re: TC, lets flesh this out.
« Reply #44 on: February 11, 2012, 02:00:39 am »

But this game is made up of both pve gangs,rp and pure pvp. So why not try as suggested some towns pvp some rp.

u have all south to do ur "rp" wonder why there are no such thing there... hmmm I know - couse those are just empty words
and please stop bullshit about - "no no ur wrong those towns are protected so u cant really do anything creative there" - u have necropolis no protection, whole city to do ur rp the hell as u just want... but ofcooz not.
and why all those "rp" projects were about Bh and Redding ? couse those towns give tons of profits like minning/shops etc gues what sherlock - nice "RP" excuse to just gain loot and feel cocky standind in the main street on redding ... geez.

north is for pvp only, period. only hypocrites or idiots think in other way.

To summ it up:
"PvE gangs" (are there really such?) kill ur muties in encounters - stay away from north cities
"RP gangs" - do ur mythical "RP" on south which is dedicated for it and if u try to do such nonesense in some north city dont cry u got raped by evil PvP apes
PvP gags - should have solid working PvP promoting system in north to have FUN in this game - otherwise server number just gona drop.. drop.... and the end is easy to predict.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2012, 02:13:11 am by Rascal »
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