Dear Solar,
first of all, i want to tell you, that i like that you want change current TC.
I have readed your suggestion and i noticed several ideas you want to implement.
a) You want to replace inactivity of gangs by their activity = scenarios. No more loitering. It is very good aproach, natural outcome of recent players and factions activities (gathering, leveling, crafting, establishing bases, and finaly player's faction scenarios).
b) Scenario system gives a great opportunity to get a life (attract players) to exact locations. Brahmin herders, gecko repairmans, .. . It is a great potential, because you can add another "TC" quests into existing system. Some of them could be more PvE, or supporting (somehow) roleplay element, others could be focused only at hardcore PVP players.
c) What is the meaning of faction controling north city? I mean if they have max influence, if they won city in combat against others, if they are able to force their rules. IMHO i dont think, that majority or most players and factions will benefit from ability to rule the city. Most wants caps, ammo, stuff, opportunity to fight, enjoy some adrenalin (would i repair gecko reactor first i would be killed first), meet randomly some friends (hey!, you are doing this quest too?) or others (hey!, dont ..#@%.) So simply, creating whole TC system, subordinate the whole mechanism to tiny group of players, is bad.
-----> I have readed other's commentary here. Most PvP players are afraid of doing something they dont want to. I understand them (i dont like loitering), but i disagree with them, that north should be only pure PvP, because scenario based "TC" offers a great opportunity for both types fo gangs (PvP only, or small gangs that wants to enjoy some risky tasks in hostile environment). And dont forget Solar, that gang PvP is also activity, you dont need to replace it by another.
My idea: Implement in every "TC" city basic repetable PVP faction quest with beacon. It could be named as s "No man's caravan". Story: In wasteland was caravan, that was attacked by raiders. All men were killed, but brahmin-drawn caravan escaped and continuied to its destiantion without any human (it is natural instinct of domesticated animal). Caravan arrived to city, where sheriff noticed it what happended (blood spots, "oh, it is johnnys caravan, he is dead!"). According to the norh city law, if possesor of property is dead, everyone who claims for the caravan's content will get it. Sheriff will declare claim (server message). If there are more claimers, acording to the wasteland law, stronger wil get it.
So every one hour (half hour?) in every city could exists PvP action created by beacon. You would need a faction of some exact strenght, discutable is kind of investition to this (500 caps?), so players would not activate it and then left.
Back to your suggestion Solar. Anyone who fires should then not be protected by the guards, so gangs can defend themselves by returning fire and similar rules are only a great opportunity how to abuse it.
I will even eliminate the milita. Militia is the reason, why you have to create hord, if you want to PvP in city, you simply cannot play 1x1 or 2x2 PvP in cities, where militia is presented, because you dont know if that person is member of city controling gang. Militia was never strong enough to protect loitering of town possesors (= to protect their roleplay) and it was always disbalancing thing when you want to attack equivalent enemy. Why we need militia? To protect final state of Town Control in cities = LOITERING! "Nice".
If anyone wants to protect their !activity! in wasteland, he should do it by own (players, mercs, diplomacy) and when anyone who is controling TC is not active in city, he should not blocade activity of others by militia (you cannot free pvp in city with militia = becuase of random hits of militia or one sniper with bb gun ruining game of others pvp groups.
And last:
I like you want to discuss your suggestions with players. But because of high trolling and ofensive enviroment in this thread, i give you little advice. About faction PvP discuss with PvP factions only. Not with other players, but not even directly with players of PvP factions. Order to all PvP factions which were able to control at least once any town this session, to choose their ONE representative player here and talk with them only.
Best egards,