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How would you like TC to be in the next session?

Remain as it is
- 21 (21.6%)
- 30 (30.9%)
Changed (please, reply how and why)
- 44 (45.4%)
Other (please, reply)
- 2 (2.1%)

Total Members Voted: 96

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Author Topic: TC in the next session  (Read 29010 times)


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Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #15 on: October 06, 2011, 06:50:44 pm »

Id go with 2 TC windows each day for every city, separated by at least 8 hours and maintained by the city owner (city owner decides what time is the most appropriate for them). Other than that, I agree with balio, with having militia in the town that can be or doesnt have to nerfed.

If you want to preserve battle militia, I suggest no mercs, no instabuying after capture and reduce maximum limit.

Fix equip requirement for taking the town.
Change the reward to ammo, drugs, weapons, recieving only when some members are in the city.
Also I almost forgot, it wouldnt hurt to have city-wide TC zones.

3. Taking towns the second day after server update is totally imbalanced, as was proved one year ago; so make TC disabled at least during first week.
This is an interesting idea, while I agree it gives huge advantage to the taker, I think it might be part of the game. We all know that Rogues are very good at "recovering" from wipe quickly and thus I assume it as a part of those players´ skills.
Anyway, I wouldnt mind if there was a week period just for the sake of fair play.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2011, 06:59:47 pm by Sarakin »
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Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #16 on: October 06, 2011, 06:57:53 pm »

If you want to preserve battle militia, I suggest no mercs, no instabuying after capture and reduce maximum limit.

Also crit chances and max. HP reduce
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Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #17 on: October 06, 2011, 07:00:36 pm »

For me,

#town control
  #before control
   Have to kill militia : Too much for a group even 2-3 times larger than required. We success to kill them because they are not smart. (go in our trap militia!)
        It's nice to have this lapse of time for people to exit town or for defender to try make something

  #launch and during control
   Mayor to start control : Ok
   counter 10 to 15 minutes : Ok (boring when nothing happen but defender need time to prepare when warned, when timer is 10 minutes we don't have times if base is too far)
   Minimal number of guys : Ok
   Blue zone : Ok
   Minimal stuff : Need to add some weapon (rocket launcher and lsw are the most needed I think)
   Preview desatived : Ok
   Mayor dialog <Add militian> :
       Need a limit less than 20 militias, maybe between 5 and 10 militias.
       Need to remove walking militian, unarmed/melee militian, burster/roquet/grenade militian or hero militian (gauss, pulse pistol, ..). (Need militia, not army nor gecko hunter)
       Need to remove their ability to make major critic

   Chest/reward : Limit increase of reward after some days
   Add Mercenary/Slave : Remove this possibility.

   Settings of militia : Before we got option to set militia to attack robber, to warn people who don't control town to draw their weapon etc, don't remember if it's worked but can be nice if we can set some law in town for player.
   I like the idea of radio warning : Maybe if a militian attack something and still attack after 5 seconds, send an alert, when end send the stop of alert. (faction radio or custom radio on choice?)
   Number of town for one team : Limit number of town a team can control? 3-4 max? Big team have to choose what town they want (or don't want ..).
   Allow NPC faction's player to control a town : we don't really success to do it but maybe it's possible? but we have to know, it can be nice.
   TC window : Yeah i like idea of only some city which can be take in 'time windows' and other which can be take all the time

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Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #18 on: October 06, 2011, 07:06:21 pm »

This is an interesting idea, while I agree it gives huge advantage to the taker, I think it might be part of the game. We all know that Rogues are very good at "recovering" from wipe quickly and thus I assume it as a part of those players´ skills.
Anyway, I wouldnt mind if there was a week period just for the sake of fair play.
Not really. We took all towns the second day and received no action at all for two following weeks. Can't see anything fun in that, though the flow of caps was strong.

Number of town for one team : Limit number of town a team can control? 3-4 max? Big team have to choose what town they want (or don't want ..)
It won't work, you can have multiple chars added to different bases and take all towns with your "additional" faction names.


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Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #19 on: October 06, 2011, 07:20:16 pm »

2. A faction can take the town anytime (gear/number check applies), but the control is changed to "None" after they leave the town. For example: 6 people needed to capture the town, but if at any given time there will be less than 2 of them present in the town, the control is lost. The check for faction members could happen each minute, not a big deal I guess;
3. When there is no controlling faction, the militia acts like typical NPCs in the town (hostile only if attacked). Militia doesn't attack the team that wants to capture the town.
This I love.
5. Remove TC zones. So, if some gang would be smart enough to capture the town and hide in a small room while waiting for the reward, you could come with your team and take the town back from them.
I see something... Bad in it, idea is good, TC zones could be removed, but in some town (for example Redding, Klamath) people will just camp inside Sheriff/Mayor building.

Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #20 on: October 06, 2011, 07:35:45 pm »

In my opinion it's stupid that the town can be controlled with no gang member present in the town, showing up only occasionally for the reward and when somebody starts pvp beacon (capturing).

Have some imagination they took and control the city the inhabitants are loyal because they are " protected " by players and militia that is under player command so they don't give up the their loyalty any second until some other team shows up and holds the city for a while , imagine the tc timer as a period you have to hold the city to gain the people trust in order to actually claim the city , why would the inhabitants give up the protection to anyone who enters the city ?

Still it would make sense if the timer would appear to only the faction witch is controlling the city , imagine some civilian or mayor contacting your faction and notifying you :)

« Last Edit: October 06, 2011, 07:44:13 pm by T-888 »


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Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #21 on: October 06, 2011, 08:06:30 pm »

Now I'll post a bit different approach to TC, similar to what was in 2nd session but improved.

1. Remove TC timer.
2. A faction can take the town anytime (gear/number check applies), but the control is changed to "None" after they leave the town. For example: 6 people needed to capture the town, but if at any given time there will be less than 2 of them present in the town, the control is lost. The check for faction members could happen each minute, not a big deal I guess;
3. When there is no controlling faction, the militia acts like typical NPCs in the town (hostile only if attacked). Militia doesn't attack the team that wants to capture the town.
4. The reward is given more frequently (let's say, 15 or 30 minutes) but only when the town is controlled by a faction.
5. Remove TC zones. So, if some gang would be smart enough to capture the town and hide in a small room while waiting for the reward, you could come with your team and take the town back from them.

This way, we would have following issues fixed:
- the need of time windows, completely;
- small-squad runs taking all towns while other teams are sleeping; it would give them absolutely nothing;
- taking the town only for pipboy status and locker reward, as you would have to actually be present in the town;
- towns that are controlled by a faction but no one stays there;
- partially swarms; well, you could always swarm the controlling team, but remember that hardly anyone can keep a swarm present in the town for a longer time (as opposed to TC time windows);
- probably easier to implement, test and balance.

In my opinion it's stupid that the town can be controlled with no gang member present in the town, showing up only occasionally for the reward and when somebody starts pvp beacon (capturing).

THIS. One hundred times THIS. Also, it'd make those gay 15 person+ swarms go away and actually reward skillful play instead of skillful IRC diplomacy.


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Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #22 on: October 06, 2011, 08:26:05 pm »

How to fix current TC a bit:

On Requiem, as you probably know, TC works like this and would work fine here.

The thing I dont like is that any gang could retake the town instantly. I think there should be a time zone and TC time lets say 1 or 2 minutes. Defending team should have a chance to interupt the taking if they patrol the city, not just camp sherrifs house.

But in general, with this we would see 2nd era back, but better!

Hmm, second era, better...Who could not love that?

« Last Edit: October 06, 2011, 08:30:00 pm by Bantz »
Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #23 on: October 06, 2011, 08:29:27 pm »

Well I'm not TCer, but after hearing about "they came at night and captured town because we were sleeping" and "they came at day and captured town because we were at work" and "you can't even come to fight players and doing only PvE" etc.
I said some days ago how to fix it there:

Kilgore said this:
A faction can take the town anytime (gear/number check applies), but the control is changed to "None" after they leave the town.
And that's enough, other paragraphs can be removed. Of course I said about players total in town, not faction members only.
And to make people stand in town I said there:
But further I've been told that I'm not TCer and words about "removing TC is good" are really silly, while there were no word about TC at all, so I don't know what they commented, may be they read something else.

So all you need to make TC better is create a reason for players to stay at town without leaving it + income from controling town based on alive players in town and/or alive faction members in town. No players = no income, no faction member = no control.

The thing I dont like is that any gang could retake the town instantly.
Forget about sheriffs office, who cares about sheriffs office. Noone need to talk to sheriff, if you want to capture town, go and kill all faction members in location, when they are dead, controling faction = none, then well.... then go to sheriffs office ;p and take control. If you'll just come to sheriffs office, it'll be useless until atleast one (or 2 or 3 or whatever number) of faction members of controling faction are alive and in town. So they (controling faction) don't need to live in sheriffs office.


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Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #24 on: October 06, 2011, 08:37:19 pm »

Forget about sheriffs office, who cares about sheriffs office.
You are wrong there.

If three players hide in Redding somewhere, its much easier to retake the town through sherrif. Same goes for lot of other towns.

If we want to keep current system of rewards increasing in time, which would be great for such system, we should keep little timer.
Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #25 on: October 06, 2011, 08:41:46 pm »

Then they not only need to be in town location but in "alive" part of town, a TC zone that covers all used buildings (traders, prof teachers, etc.) and land near and between those buildings, so if some faction member will hide in toilet or mine or behind rocks at border of screen, he'll be counted as he left town. Because it's a bit hard to control and hold town sitting in toilet on edge of town.
Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #26 on: October 06, 2011, 09:26:36 pm »

I vote for remove.
Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #27 on: October 06, 2011, 09:40:08 pm »

So here`s one penny from me:
militia - should be removed from the game at all (mercs too);
area zone - remove;
time zone - never;
Taking the control of a city should be like 3-5 hours and the gang has not to be inside it. For retaking it should be like gang can come and talk to sherif about taking control, then the owning gang must arive to city in about for example 20 minutes and say `we are still owners`;P(of course they could do that after win the gang tries take it). One gang can try take city once per 3-5 hours. That can make situation that nobody will take city, but it`s good replacement for militia. Of course system like that is something very new and different so it needs to think about it for make it working usable. In my opinion with system like this could be lots of PVP.


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Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #28 on: October 06, 2011, 09:41:59 pm »

I think it should not be redone, but there definitely needs to be more emphasis on player faction as well as much less involvement of NPCs.

Also it would probably make sense if cooperation was double sided, like NPCs protecting towns would have full personas, accept different kind of equipment, including armor and weaponry, and the town could be possibly victim of NPC attack.
Rewards from doing TC would be then related to various NPCs working in the town (eg. no uranium if mutant miners keep biting dust).

In other words, player like to destruct and kill that is right, but they want to construct much as that. Control should not be question of presence, but of care - think of those zillion web games.
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Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #29 on: October 06, 2011, 09:48:21 pm »

Well I'm not TCer
Neither I am.
Because it's a bit hard to control and hold town sitting in toilet on edge of town.
Toilet Control? :>

By town actually controlled by faction X I'd like to see something like it was in Redding - apes guarding streets, citizens wandering around, miners coming in and out. City was alive, people were gathering together, travelling to their hideouts and coming back, city was alive. This was pretty unique, last time something similiar was in Broken Hills.
But regular Tree Control looks and means, that bunch of d00dz swarms at city being ... erm ... "ultimate battlefield" or "solid warzone" to shoot militia and/or another swarm, making "Fallout" nothing more than just a word in game's name. Cheaters are welcomed, as more = better. Funny thing is that factions actually able to participate are like 5? 10?
So if it has to stay like this - remove plox, as many other features were gone due to constant abusing (bank interest, caravan TB traps or mutant mercs for example - thank you, PvP apes for such great improvements).
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