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How would you like TC to be in the next session?

Remain as it is
- 21 (21.6%)
- 30 (30.9%)
Changed (please, reply how and why)
- 44 (45.4%)
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- 2 (2.1%)

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Author Topic: TC in the next session  (Read 29005 times)

Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #165 on: October 16, 2011, 03:09:31 pm »

Just a switch with cooldown of 30sec-1min. 30min is too much because you might go to another town where you don't want to have influence.
But if you can switch it at any time, you can troll poor APK guys who aren't killing non-influence visitors.

Gang A controling town, they don't want to kill wastelanders who is visiting town to trade/shovel shit/RP or doing other useless crap.
I'm a member of gang B. I'm visiting town, smiling and saying that I'm poor wastelander who don't want to get any influence, and want everyone be happy, while have metal and LSW in inventory (or whatever min. requirements to get influence).
Then I'm going into some toilet, wearing metal and LSW and switching to get influence and silently laughing.
Gang A: "wtf someone is here, need to find and kill him!"
Then in 30 seconds I switching back, removing armor and LSW, walking on street and smiling and saying that I haven't seen any players in metal and with LSWs! Then I staring to shovel shit and then I asking my friend who is on other part of town to do the same and then we're doing it again and again and they don't get any influence, while we're getting fun playing Mafia-online in FOnline, APK guys become angry and start to kill everyone on sight and then towns just become arenas where everyone kill anyone whom they don't know, because they can be members of gang, who can enter some toilet and wear min. required items and if someone could see them, switch back, items can be hidden in those toilets or behind barrels incase if they start kill you on entering town, so they wouldn't know who to kill and who not to kill after seeing that you don't carry any items.
While dogtags can be removed from game after log off/death/drop, and can be get only from faction terminal. So if you enter town with dogtag, you're already known enemy, if you die/log off or drop it, you'll need to return to faction again. Also dogtags can be used in othe interaction like if you have a dogtag and loot someone's dogtag and he's not from your gang, thier gang will lose some influence, of course you won't get anything, as benefit can be abused, while penalty not, if only you're mazohist. To prevent droping dogtags before death, you'll get even more penalty to influence if you drop it in town. Again, dogtags will simply disappear if droped or looted, also disappear after log off and body disappearing.
Or switching should be possible only on special conditions to prevent switching on/off when noone looks to prevent controling faction gain influence.


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Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #166 on: October 16, 2011, 04:24:53 pm »

Toilets shouldn't be influence zone. And trust me, apk players have experience how to track down people who are against them. They may have a sneaker looking for troll like that and once that troll is caught, he pretty much has to make a new char. Besides, that's what life of "not shooting everyone on sight" player is like, being target of trolling and dealing with it. They don't go batshit and start a massacre but if they do, well that's when they lose influence by not allowing people to participate in activities intown. Choices and consequences.

Dog tags wouldn't be that bad either, depending on how hard they were to get. If you could make for example 10 dog tags from one junk without any skill requirements, it wouldn't be that much of an issue honestly. People will forget proper tc gear, their drugs or ammo much more often than the dog tags.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #167 on: October 16, 2011, 06:58:34 pm »

Just a switch with cooldown of 30sec-1min. 30min is too much because you might go to another town where you don't want to have influence.

3 minutes i think should be optimal or 5 minutes and for gangs to influence the town , i don't know if it was mentioned or not it would be wise to implement at least 3 faction members at town from one faction to gain influence at all.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2011, 07:00:06 pm by T-888 »
Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #168 on: October 17, 2011, 11:13:03 pm »

Hmm... I see the problem of faction players who want to gain control and other people coming into the town just for visit. Maybe include some things, like:

Who is the first one that begins to earn influence? Like gang A enters town with 7 people, gang B enters the town with 5 people a bit later. The gang B must kill gang A to stop them gaining the inluence and to start gaining influence themselves. That will make it clear who is defender and who is attacker. Aswell as Gang A people inside dont have to worry that 5 visitors would all of the sudden remove the reputation gain...

Alliances would help a lot in this i think ;P Factions set to enemy could be reducing eachother influence grow if in same town at the same time, neutrals could just stay neutral without damaging eachother, but not gaining both at same time still. Alliances could have one joint reputation, beggining with a middle reputation of both gangs (one gang got 500 in Den, second got -500, final = 0), and the alliance could have a name on their own.

How will random players know who controls the town btw? If the "fixed" control is changed to more dynamic, how will random people know that Faction B holds the town? Will it still apear on statistics? My suggestion is to make it appear in statistics after militia is present maybe? I mean, i assume only 1 faction can be the one who gains the militia level of reputation at one given time.

I think it looks intresting the whole thing :)

One more addition idea: What about making special workbenches in central areas of towns, that after a specific amount of reputation gained can be used to craft some uniqe things :) Like a better version of FN FAL, or Assault rifle mk2. Maybe tier 3 stuff aswell, a BA with +2% resistence. Then, this item could be given faction name in description. Maybe the faction with high Reputation would need to work a lot to extend the workbench facilities in the town, and the reward would be this uniqe item? Well, an idea :)
Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #169 on: October 18, 2011, 09:16:43 am »

You are trying to adjust to your own gameplay style.
I think it is better to make more opportunities and freedom of action. Not trying to standardize the TC.
As the proposal. Faction that currently controls the city to give the opportunity to buy entertainment. Local arena like Hinkly. Directly in the place where you can not shoot. and where do pvp from such "transfer" of boxes. Or open a new store, with NPC-trader, who will sell what they would give him the price of his skill.

But when another group takes gotod. All complemented by entertainment - disappear.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2011, 10:18:42 am by Graf »


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Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #170 on: October 20, 2011, 01:26:03 pm »

No millitia and decent rewards. Pre-calculated rewards for all the people staying in towns, so people won't think that doing something else elsewhere will give them higher material reward than staying in town. (I can craft 5 miniguns or so which value 5000$ while I'm staying in town for 500$ for same time; people in that case won't waste time in towns, i hope you understand) Town control which balances economy, rewards players for their time spent there, and no millitia guards, only players.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2011, 01:28:16 pm by Marko69 »
Anti-pk, protector of the law in wasteland.
Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #171 on: October 20, 2011, 03:21:04 pm »

Hello, "DEV"-s and wastelanders!

I think if you need lot of active players, you need delete all militia, becouse the players can't go inside to towns, becouse one shot and militia kill they... -.-' It's very shit. Only we can play single PvP in Reno... Not enought city for PvP. Before ~1,5-2 years you dont made the militia and:
And Now? NObody in Modoc, BH, Redding (only whos controling the towns).

And what about the towns sence? If you take the town the population give you mony and 1-2 little drugs? Fakin' nice... And the ppls go to take the town whit BA (15k), Avenger (11k), Durgs (~2k), ammos (~1k)(=25K+). And if they win they get ~600caps/hour and other low stuffs... Why not QH ores? 5k/hour? Lot of man have mare million caps, becouse you broke this whit FLC.... Who had brain get out before you froze the banks. They now go whit mecs around San F. and kill the players who cant play from mercers... Its not enought! They can lvling the mercs! 255 HP! Not bad! 1 man can kill 7-8 in RT encounter... Ohh other problem! PROXY!!!!!! They use always proxy! Not one 2-3 proxy alt. Little math: 3x1 character= 15 MERC! 3 fakin' character!! They sand distress and If we go inside the trap and if we can kill the mercs he coming whit his proxyS and kill us whit other 10 merc OR he stand all character inside the trap. 1 trap whit 15 mercs who have 15 rocket launcher... Great job DEVs! Watch the status checker! 220 players! GOOOD!?!? No, 220 character... this game is dead! And you cant heal, BUT you can make some things what good the players!
Example: Delete all militia! Concern somebody when time you do the militia system? NO! Delete and do what need the players, they pay your server or not? Have deleterious effect? NO! Hmm... and what effect have? Good effects:
The players can go anyone town to play PvP whitout Controlling.
On requiem where you saw militia? And what fights there? Watch This video: In RT you cant use proxy, exept, if you are very hardcore :)
And here? We need 40 player and mercs  to kill the militia and ~8-14 enemy player? Where you find other 60 vs 60 video from 2238? Haha, not anywhere... It is good for you for us? NO!
Make something or the players going to go other servers (example Req. or !!Desert Europe, yes come here, we know what need the players :P!!)!

Can you give me back my banned characters? PredoPedo93 and Predator93 ^^ I got lot of year banns... Correct!! Thanks Voland! You are the best! All players like you! Keep It Up! One day you will DEV! But, you can't bann anyone, becouse the server will empty.... HAHA-HA!

Thats all "DEV"-s! Cogitethe this suggestions, and do something! This server need little changes, what need the players and they will come back to play FOnline:2238!!!


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Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #172 on: October 20, 2011, 03:46:54 pm »

Archon93 what are you trying to say exactly?

Militia best not disappear entirely. That's because it encourages players to stay inside the town. If you want player interaction in towns, there has to be npcs doing the guard duty, no player gang will uphold a garrison of 10 players all the time. Militia creates a feeling of relative safety so that when only some gangmembers are online, they dare to enter the city and hang around.
If there was no militia at all, small number of gangmembers would never enter the city because they would be good bait for enemy gang. Attacking is generally more effective in fonline pvp because they get the advantage of surprise.
What needs to be done to militia is to be made sure that it's never stronger than the gang that upholds the town. Currently a gang of 5 can cap a town and raise incredibly strong militia that can devastate a swarm of players in open ground combat.

What comes to players using militia as pk tool, well that's because they are not encouraged not to shoot random towngoers. A guy who wants to mine, shop or buy a profesion is no use to the guys who control the town.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


  • So long and THANKS for all the fish!
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Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #173 on: October 21, 2011, 08:58:33 pm »

On the other hand, I dont like the idea with dog tags, just another item you must not forget to bring on fight, making soldierĀ“s life a little bit more complicated. Id prefer a switch maybe, with a certain cooldown (30m?)

 Switch means, that "switch" place will be the guarded place and most of fights will be around this place. So again, instead of using whole maps, players will fight in the same locations again and again. Boring aproach :P

 But if you dont like dog tag idea, because od another useless stuff that players would forget to take, i have different idea.

 Influence will raise only if you have weapon in active hand. That means, that you can simply tell newbies or other players to hide your weapons. Also so called roleplayers will need to protect players with hidden weapons, if they dont want to loose their influence. Also it is very real life related idea. You can scare people with weapons in your hand, not without it.
So long and THANKS for all the fish!
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