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How would you like TC to be in the next session?

Remain as it is
- 21 (21.6%)
- 30 (30.9%)
Changed (please, reply how and why)
- 44 (45.4%)
Other (please, reply)
- 2 (2.1%)

Total Members Voted: 96

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Author Topic: TC in the next session  (Read 29013 times)


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TC in the next session
« on: October 06, 2011, 02:57:48 pm »

Town Control - the feature everyone loves, hates or at least probably has an opinion about.

We've been discussing this a bit internally, but we want to ask the community as well and see what you all think about the TC system.
So, we're unsure what to do with it for the next session, and with domination mode not making it until then, there's not going to be an alternative for TC yet (mechanics wise).
Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2011, 03:14:23 pm »

Ah shit i dont know, i been so much away from game last months..
But i think most will agree on that militia should be removed, for number of reasons not even worth writing about.
Also main reason why militia came in was cause of chosen soldiers and they're multiple bluesuit capture, but that got fixed with the timezone system, i dont know why militia wasnt removed then and there..
But anyway for next season i would like to see timewindows again, maybe not 1 each day for 1 timezone, but maybe couple of times, 3 intervals or whatever.. my opinon
Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2011, 03:22:11 pm »

I think that mercs introduced in militia is not good, because can be exploited having merc leader alts, and reinforce the militia in like 10 seconds (i know this by heart, having wiped all the militia and suddenly BOOM 10 mercs transform in militia with lsw miniguns rocket launchers etc +400 hp each)
But militia should be changed, because when u buy some times get all shitty militia with knifes spears etc, and sometimes you get powerfull ones, and u have to kill the weak ones for having more slot for buying more.

I proposs that militia should have a organizated spawn rate. Lets say, when u buy militia you have more options:
Buy militia Sergeant (Max 4 ). U get RLauncher, Minigun, or LSW)
Buy militia Corporal (Max 4 ). U get Sniper rifle, Laser rifle, or Gauss pistol
Buy militia Private (Max 8 ). U get Smg, assault rifle, pk90)
The buying time should remain the same.
And MAYBE some option named "Reinforcement", that allow you fill "private" ranks with militia with shotguns or magnuns or wathever tier 1 shitty weapons. But this option can be only used 1 time per 2 hour.
Max militia total: 16
And no melee ones, because they are very very very bad. Taking out mercs, and adding a little more stronger militia it whould be better for defenders for having more options for buying, and not abusable by adding in no time 10-15 militia again with rocker launchers etc.
Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2011, 03:26:34 pm »

My thoughts about TC is that it's classic and fits to the fonline nicely you just have to adapt it correctly and people will not hate it or get bored by playing it.

First of all you could decrease the timer it's really not fun to fight the timer and gangs don't need so much time to actually reach the city and start a fight , then again new TC zones in cities wouldn't hurt , it would force players to adapt new tactics at least some change to the current TC system. Decrease the strength of militia in overall and especially nerf merc militia almost to the ground , just a simple principle when a faction gathers to take a city , they expect to fight players not npc's and come on it's not fun to do 2 one hex bursts in a militia and it doesn't die , wheres the common sense in that. I could talk about militia all day long but i guess this will do.

I can't give opinion about timewindows i don't really know what it is due to i wasn't playing at the time , didn't know the game at all :) so if someone could enlighten me i would appreciate it very much.

I have nothing else on my mind right now , if something pops up i will edit post.


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Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2011, 03:31:23 pm »

I would be all in for timewindows, seperated in 3. When it's the time when there's the lowest amount of players online (4-7 AM gmt+1), only Klamath and Modoc should be available to capture. When it's the primetime with the most players online (around 8-10 PM gmt+1), All towns including the two biggest ones (Broken Hills & Redding) would available. Rest of the times there would be 4 (Klamath, Modoc, Gecko, Den) available ones for taking.

Militia is another problem, adding mercs (and slaves) with big variety of weapons and insane amount of health has to go away.

I wouldn't like to see militia removed completely, but it can't stay as it is now. Two of the bigger towns should have the availability for good experienced militia (with lots of hp, metal / combat armors, good guns), maybe a low chance for getting a good militiant when buying them.

Gecko and Den ("tier 2 towns") should have leather armor with not-that-bad guns and metal armor ones with a bit less good guns (something like shotguns, assault rifles and such, 200-300hp).

Klamath and Modoc should have militia, but only some weak unexperienced peasants (~100hp, leather jacket, pistols, melee weapons, sawed-off shotguns).

The militia amount in the cities is also a problem, 20 is too many. Maybe put 5 to Tier 1 towns, 8 to tier 2 towns, and 12-15 to tier 3 towns.

There would also have to be a way to avoid "easy militia killing" (camping in a small house with only one entrance, drastically slowing the rate of militia's assault for attackers.)
“And we passed through the cavern of rats.

And we passed through the path of streaming flamethrowers.

And we passed through the faction of the blind.

And we passed through the slough of swarm.

And we passed through the vale of tears.

And we came, finally, to the ice caverns.
Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2011, 03:36:14 pm »

There would also have to be a way to avoid "easy militia killing" (camping in a small house with only one entrance, drastically slowing the rate of militia's assault for attackers.)

I pretty much agree to Nexxos , some very nice ideas.

Militia should remember hostile players for a short time period for example 15 minutes , it would make it a hell of a lot harder to suicide burst militia to the last one and it just makes sense.

By the way i like how people vote for tc to be removed but don't give any explanation why , i think those votes should be ignored :)
« Last Edit: October 06, 2011, 03:42:50 pm by T-888 »


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Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2011, 03:46:16 pm »

What about let the militia system as it is while the town is not possible to be taken and remove militia while town is in a timewindows. That way TC will happen without PVE but factions handling the town can still organize events or whatever RP outside from the timewindows without the need of 10 BAs players to protect the town. There is also bugs to solve like militia killing each other and adding militia while timer is on.

Balio, Sunder, Snooky, Nopa, Lanza, Wyrn, Slevin, Avarice, Nevins, Alistar
Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2011, 03:59:24 pm »

1 - fix militia bug - u can add militia when ur taking city when the timer is on - fix it
2 - disable possibilty to add mercs to militia
3 - nerf militia -> total ammount up to 6, without that sick crit chance/dmg output, 200hp max, leather armors, no gaus/pulse/sniper/RL/avenger/lsw/g11/bozar etc   <-> the purpose of militia should be just to take out some trolls during holding the city for some longer time - not to be even a factor in PvP overall
4 - add timewindows like Nexxos propose
5 - delete/hard nerf mercs

about those silly people who'r voting for -> "remove tc", ur mad rp maniacs wanna to kill this game even more ?, without PvP oriented players this server gona be antoher TLA like ghostown without real interaction with other players - u wanna pve ? play F1/F2
Im surprised that devs are even considering such options in poll....
« Last Edit: October 06, 2011, 04:35:34 pm by Rascal_ »
Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2011, 04:07:05 pm »

I like more the nexxos suggestion. Tumbs up
Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2011, 04:25:18 pm »

my suggestion is a mix of what you guys said already:
1 - disable mercs/slaves militia
2 - nerf militia according to Nexxos' suggestion, make them smarter and less numbered, TC is about pvp after all, not pve
3 - add time windows (1 hour every 3 hours)
4 - reduce the timer, from 15 to 10 minutes
5 - radio-militia, when the town is under attack (if militia is alive) the militia calls for help in the official gang radio channel

// edit
ah, didn't write the "whys"... well:
1 - it can lead to the possibility to have merc leaders waiting in world map to add militia as soon as the attacking gang manages to kill the militia
2 - a more balanced and less numbered militia will make things easier for the attacker and less time consuming
3 - that way all the pvp oriented players will concentrate to do TC only during some times of the day, which won't result in "attacking the timer"
4 - 15 minutes are way too much, 10 minutes should be enough to gather players and attack
5 - another feature that would help the gang to better protect their town
« Last Edit: October 06, 2011, 04:31:22 pm by killar_vortex »
Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #10 on: October 06, 2011, 04:58:44 pm »

TC time for every town
no militia at all

Avatar: Equality of rights for ghouls!
Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #11 on: October 06, 2011, 05:26:12 pm »

I voted for "other", because my reasons are many. My opinions and reasonings will be stated underneath,
in the catagories A-a, B-b, C-c and so forth.

Captial Letters A: = Opinion.
Normal Letters a: = Reason.

A: I think town control should be moved to small areas outside the towns, like an outpost, power plants or fields, as an exsample, but not the current places which already exsist, but new small areas, which are well built and defendable, naturally dependt upon the nieghbouring towns resources and income, so a lower town income, would give a worse bunker,power plant, jet fields and so forth, while one with a higher town income, would have alot more benefits.

a: What you earn from a town normally has to be scavenged from somewhere or planted and harvested or in some cases feed, doing this will make the towns more safer, for the lower level players and role players, and the town controll players would not loose anything at all, except a new change of scenery.  :)

B: Mercenaries and Guards, should have lower tier weapons as the higher tier weapons are harder to scavenge, and make. Their price should also be lowered then.

b: Well if they have lower tier weapons, people would not be so dependent upon them, also if you wish to invest the time(As a player.) to give and make them better weapons and amour you(As the player.) should do that, this will also give the crafting characters more work.

Signed Roin.


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Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #12 on: October 06, 2011, 05:36:32 pm »

current tc system is begins to remind me "old mariage". we all have lost moments of delight and fun, long time ago. time for radical changes, or maybe even divorce ;)

at present time, the biggest problem is definitely militia. they are just simple to powerful, we need to gather really large number of people to handle them without any fails. this is one of many things which _MUST_ to be changed. we can remove militia, that will also remoeve problem of militians as a pk tool. of course there is some gangs who actaully trying to care about their town, milita can be really useful in right hands, but they definitely need some nerfs.

few suggestions:
- reduce maximum number of milita to [6-8], [4] after obtaining control.
- fix of bug with adding mercenaries to militia during timer.
- fix in 'gear check' - i can bet, every gang had a lot of problems with taking control with RL's and LSW's.
- changes in 'tc-zones' old are just simple to schematic (especialy when other teams cant invent something new, and they are just coping other gangs :). that will be a playing tc on new-old maps.

- TC WINDOWS ! - till we dont have any other ideas for TC, its only one solution for the 'timezones' problem

some time ago, we was speaking aobut it with other gang leaders. everyone agreed - tc windows are really needed. dont want to discriminate other timezones then european GMT+1 but we need to find some compromise. so i sguestin something like that:

- 'biggests , most importants' cities like Broken Hills, Redding and maybe DEN should be able to capture once per day,
for example. (time in GMT+1)
Den 19:00-20:00
Broken Hills 20:00-21:00
Den 21:00-22:00
other cites like Gecko, Modoc and Klamath should be able to control 2-3 times per day

of course thats create some problems with reward, which is very important aspect of TC. that should be changed but not that much. reward cant give too much advantage over other players who dont give a shit about TC and cant force them for doing TC

at the moment, nobody cares about reward but its very important thing after 1-3 weeks after start of the new season, any ideas ?

probably thats all for now, i will write something more if discusion deve;ops in good direction, ahh and sorry for my english.


A: I think town control should be moved to small areas outside the towns, like an outpost, power plants or fields, as an exsample, but not the current places which already exsist, but new small areas, which are well built and defendable, naturally dependt upon the nieghbouring towns resources and income, so a lower town income, would give a worse bunker,power plant, jet fields and so forth, while one with a higher town income, would have alot more benefits.

i would really like to see this in fonline. controling some places like - stables for drugs, mariposa for energy weapons/mfc and sierra for ammo and totaly changed TC - workbenches should be availble only in towns and you will get money for every % of crafted items. you can pick to sides - bad and eas - shoot everyone on side, block wasteland technological developnet or good and harder path - protect the town and get some profits ;)

« Last Edit: October 06, 2011, 05:55:40 pm by maszrum »
Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #13 on: October 06, 2011, 06:49:07 pm »

How to fix current TC a bit:

1. Balance militia. Max 4-6 of them, 160-250 HP, without crazy critical hit rate, _without_ weapons like: all unarmed/melee, gauss pistol, pulse pistol. Also disable merc/slave adding.

2. Keep the old timer. Some people don't remember but there was long discussion long ago about it, when the timer was 20mins long. 10mins is minimum, longer than 15mins is boring.

3. Taking towns the second day after server update is totally imbalanced, as was proved one year ago; so make TC disabled at least during first week.

4. Timewindows suck deeply if they happen once per 24h, let's say 1h long. It's just about who gathers bigger swarm over the town for a short time, then the town can be left totally unguarded. Also, some people will be unable to participate in it: work, school, another timezone or sth. If anything, time windows should happen every 6 or 8 hours, 1-1.5 hour long. Also it would be nice if they were overlapping.

5. Fix gear check; not accepting Rocket Launchers or Light Support Weapons is stupid, as mentioned.


Now I'll post a bit different approach to TC, similar to what was in 2nd session but improved.

1. Remove TC timer.
2. A faction can take the town anytime (gear/number check applies), but the control is changed to "None" after they leave the town. For example: 6 people needed to capture the town, but if at any given time there will be less than 2 of them present in the town, the control is lost. The check for faction members could happen each minute, not a big deal I guess;
3. When there is no controlling faction, the militia acts like typical NPCs in the town (hostile only if attacked). Militia doesn't attack the team that wants to capture the town.
4. The reward is given more frequently (let's say, 15 or 30 minutes) but only when the town is controlled by a faction.
5. Remove TC zones. So, if some gang would be smart enough to capture the town and hide in a small room while waiting for the reward, you could come with your team and take the town back from them.

This way, we would have following issues fixed:
- the need of time windows, completely;
- small-squad runs taking all towns while other teams are sleeping; it would give them absolutely nothing;
- taking the town only for pipboy status and locker reward, as you would have to actually be present in the town;
- towns that are controlled by a faction but no one stays there;
- partially swarms; well, you could always swarm the controlling team, but remember that hardly anyone can keep a swarm present in the town for a longer time (as opposed to TC time windows);
- probably easier to implement, test and balance.

In my opinion it's stupid that the town can be controlled with no gang member present in the town, showing up only occasionally for the reward and when somebody starts pvp beacon (capturing).
Re: TC in the next session
« Reply #14 on: October 06, 2011, 06:50:08 pm »


i would really like to see this in fonline. controling some places like - stables for drugs, mariposa for energy weapons/mfc and sierra for ammo and totaly changed TC - workbenches should be availble only in towns and you will get money for every % of crafted items. you can pick to sides - bad and eas - shoot everyone on side, block wasteland technological developnet or good and harder path - protect the town and get some profits ;)

Precisly...  ;) Though I am a little bit wary, if all the current small areas, like the mines would be conquerable. Then it would be a really harsh wasteland to live in.  :)

Though if some of them where conquerable like the Mordino stables, and the Sierra army depot, and the Energy plants. Like you said Maszrum, it would be good. To put it in a short term all minor areas, except the already guarded mines.  ;)
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