Well, I have in mind part of you two said and came up with this:

Has nuka cola, Jet and Cigarrette. The only thing i dont like is 9 LK, but its ok.
The "sniper" issues are: Sharpshooter (10 PE +2), 1 More Criticals and Better Criticals, but LK 9.
Im goig to shoot 2 eye shot with AR, and maybe 1 shot of sniper rifle (if that have any sense), so i dont go after 14 AP.
But also i do this:

Uses the same 3 drugs.
I insist with other builds because im doing them based on RavenousRat concepts (of this thread
Thats why I take only one Most Crit or none in the last build:
"More Critical perk just gives you 5% critical chance, it's must have perk for bursters and arm-cripplers, it almost has no effect for double shooting sniper and very small effect on snipers. It equals to 1 LK for standart sniper, so if you're not going to 2nd toughness or x1 BRD on 6th level, then pick More Critical, and this is enough if you're not crippler/burster.
Logically you can see that even with 10 LK and x3 More Critical you'll have only 85% critical chance in the eyes.
While with 8 LK and x1 More Critical, but 12 AP you'll have 2 shots and 89.89% that atleast one of 2 will be critical. I'm not sure how much % gives that x1 MC, don't want to calculate again, but practice shows me that I wasted perk slot on it, and it would be better if I took 2nd toughness on 6th level, screw this more critical.
Focusing build on constant things based on rolls/real life luck is better than maximizing rolls. Making lots HP and x2 shots per once is better than stupidly increasing chance of critical."
"More Critical - for bursters simulates 5 LK, with base 6 LK it roughly increasing chance to do x1.5/x2/x3 damage in two times, other 2 MCs will increase it in two times again, so x3 MC will make critical bursts x4 times more frequent, while for sniper it equals to 1 LK, it means with this crappy more critical perk your chance to score critical will be increased in 1.07 times (for 10 LK sniper), hell yeah! In 1.07 times! Damn it! You fucking wasting your perk slot just to score criticals in 1.07 times more!"
"if you can live without awareness (if you're not paranoic) this is the only perk you can take on 3rd level and may be on 6th too, because you won't see this 5% critical chance on practice by shooting heads and eyes, while toughness is passive perk which is always active and works good vs bursts."
BUT, I can put 1 of these perk.
About Sharpshooter:
"PE 10
(Increases your % to hit, and increases your max range of sight)
(Sharpshooter only increases 2pe to RANGE OF SIGHT, and 8% to chance to hi, but remember some weapons multiply PE by 16 others by 8, so either take 9 PE and sharpshooter, or take 10PE)" this is from Jhazard
I´ve heard that Sharpshooter with high PE is to have the advantage vs others snipers, its ok, i can live without that. I mean, is really really esencial take Sharpshooter having 10 PE (with the cig)

Well, I can change a little the perks of my last build: The original have 2 toughness and 2 lifegiver, but can have 1 toughness 1, 1 More crits and 2 LFG or 1 toughness, 1 LFG and 2 more crits or maybe Bonus Ranged Damage instead of 2nd TOughness/More crits but i dont know much of BRD...
I care more about Toughness & Lifegiver than sharpshooter or more crits becuase i run into much more bursters PKs than snipers (in my few experience) and I belive in the comments of the two friends i quote, asumming that I dont loss much critics and damage...
So, what do u think folfs?