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Author Topic: Extracting food from dead animals and hunger system  (Read 22154 times)

Re: Extracting food from dead animals and hunger system
« Reply #45 on: September 17, 2010, 08:13:46 pm »

Someone said condoms are just junk i the only responsible one that has a green one in my inventory whenever i go around lorrainne?


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Re: Extracting food from dead animals and hunger system
« Reply #46 on: September 17, 2010, 08:21:56 pm »

So, if you're away from the game for a week and you can't feed your char, it starves.
2238: the Wasteland Tamagochi. Keep trying.


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Re: Extracting food from dead animals and hunger system
« Reply #47 on: September 17, 2010, 08:28:42 pm »


Ofcourse not. Only if you're ingame.
Re: Extracting food from dead animals and hunger system
« Reply #48 on: September 17, 2010, 08:52:39 pm »

Hmmm when the 3d era comes if you eat too much you become the fat bastard and too little you become the skinny one  ;D


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Re: Extracting food from dead animals and hunger system
« Reply #49 on: September 18, 2010, 03:28:46 pm »

So, if you're away from the game for a week and you can't feed your char, it starves.
2238: the Wasteland Tamagochi. Keep trying.

Aw man, even you know you are exaggerating. Nobody wants a FOnline: Tamagochi.

As for those who childishly keep yelling that "players have said no to hunger system", I recommend you read all the comments in this thread.

I think some one already said this, but I can't find the comment, that with a hunger system, dying of starvation would not be a problem if you could just say "ok im going to my tent to drop my loot before I die and replicate". That is a very strong point. Hunger (and thirst if it is added) should never kill you. The hunger system would work more if hunger had effects like -1 STR or -1 END or both. And maybe even get to -2 or -3 if you keep being hungry. There's a Fallout 3 mod called "Basic Needs" which works like this. I think it affects STR, END and INT but I'm not sure. It introduces Hungry, Thristy and Tired effects.

Tired is out of the question, before PvP addicts start bithing about it.


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Re: Extracting food from dead animals and hunger system
« Reply #50 on: September 18, 2010, 07:55:34 pm »

This game needs something to keep players going. Because there's not even the tiniest things we HAVE to do or else... players start doing the weirdest things that's totally out of place when it comes to living in wasteland. Food or water could be that thing that kept drives players to thinking with the wasteland.

I don't really care how food system works in micro level as long as it's smoothly integrated in the rest of the game, fun, creates conflicts and drives players into desperate actions.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


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Re: Extracting food from dead animals and hunger system
« Reply #51 on: September 19, 2010, 12:32:34 am »

Aw man, even you know you are exaggerating. Nobody wants a FOnline: Tamagochi.

Yeah, that was my full intent.
"Keep trying" i said, because there's a better solution than a electronic pet system.

Like yours.

Hunger (and thirst if it is added) should never kill you. The hunger system would work more if hunger had effects like -1 STR or -1 END or both. And maybe even get to -2 or -3 if you keep being hungry. There's a Fallout 3 mod called "Basic Needs" which works like this. I think it affects STR, END and INT but I'm not sure. It introduces Hungry, Thristy and Tired effects.

That's about maluses of being in "growling stomach" condition and i think it's great. Unfortunately, it was already chewed on here on 2238, as well as on NMA. SurfSolar, i remember your thread.

I certainly think that some players will revolt if it would be implemented, since there are even more gameplay reasons, which don't belong in this topic.



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Re: Extracting food from dead animals and hunger system
« Reply #52 on: September 19, 2010, 01:58:49 am »

I already expressed myself about the concept of food in another thread.
I just think the idea should differ from Fallout 3 or Ultima Online - something original would be appropriate.

i know this isnt ultima but so what? if it works whats the problem? its the simple yet most effective way to give food some use, later maybe we could do something more creative but for now its the best thing imo
Aku Soku Zan


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Re: Extracting food from dead animals and hunger system
« Reply #53 on: September 19, 2010, 10:27:04 am »

i know this isnt ultima but so what? if it works whats the problem? its the simple yet most effective way to give food some use, later maybe we could do something more creative but for now its the best thing imo

Just because we're not ripping off the other system.  ::)
As i said, keep trying. (to invent something more original than Tamagotchi or Ultima).
The main point is: not having food as absolute necessity to play. For example, lower the maximal HP a bit. By eating something like a hot brahmin steak, you raise your maximal HP again and fill it up. A mutfruit would also do the trick, even if not if same dimensions.

Now, dear PvP fans, steak before a battle, anyone?


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Re: Extracting food from dead animals and hunger system
« Reply #54 on: September 19, 2010, 06:41:43 pm »

Now, dear PvP fans, steak before a battle, anyone?

I'm only saying that food will add realism and immersion. In a postapocalyptic RPG, PvP could make players fight for food. Player gangs could attack other players to steal their food. If a player is hungry and is far from a city (so he can't buy food) a comes across another player who might bring food, this would encourage PvP. In other words, even PvP would be more realistic.

Big gangs in a post apocalyptic world would need food to do their actions. Think about raiders, they raid food along with other stuff. That's how they survive. Without a hunger system, right now we can gather in big groups and kill each other to get some high tech or caps, when it's supposed to be a harsh world, not easy to live in, where surviving should be the one of the most important goals and most people are "lucky" if they get to live at least as a bum.


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Re: Extracting food from dead animals and hunger system
« Reply #55 on: September 19, 2010, 06:55:07 pm »

The main point is: not having food as absolute necessity to play.

There has to be some necessity to keep players going and thinking with the wasteland. Every respected game has such feature. Most games have simple win or lose conditions which works fine, some mmo games have very high ceiling to become powerful which could also work in fonline but along with food system. The fact that we don't have the tiniest thing to reach for, players start doing whatever they want and then it's no longer fallout themed game but a sandbox with fallout graphics.

Food could be just one step in the stairway to power. It could be the first step to achieve for everyone, just like tent is now. Finding a constant supply of food would be required for everyone. How he gets his food makes his status. Npc factions could provide free food for anyone who does their dirty work so they would be easy solution. If you want to build your own gang with its own ideology, it would be much harder because all major food sources are occupied by powerful npc factions. This way player won't dedicate their life on ridiculous behaviour because their life is guided by the moral of their masters, the npc factions who give them food.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


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Re: Extracting food from dead animals and hunger system
« Reply #56 on: September 19, 2010, 07:31:24 pm »

There has to be some necessity to keep players going and thinking with the wasteland. Every respected game has such feature. Most games have simple win or lose conditions which works fine, some mmo games have very high ceiling to become powerful which could also work in fonline but along with food system. The fact that we don't have the tiniest thing to reach for, players start doing whatever they want and then it's no longer fallout themed game but a sandbox with fallout graphics.

Food could be just one step in the stairway to power. It could be the first step to achieve for everyone, just like tent is now. Finding a constant supply of food would be required for everyone. How he gets his food makes his status. Npc factions could provide free food for anyone who does their dirty work so they would be easy solution. If you want to build your own gang with its own ideology, it would be much harder because all major food sources are occupied by powerful npc factions. This way player won't dedicate their life on ridiculous behaviour because their life is guided by the moral of their masters, the npc factions who give them food.

Awesome comment. You expressed what I wanted to say, but waaaay better.


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Re: Extracting food from dead animals and hunger system
« Reply #57 on: September 20, 2010, 09:22:13 am »

I think its worth looking into.

But what would be the downside of not eating/drinking (it shouldnt be too harsh), and how long a period b4 char suffers from it.
Maybe Run is disabled and 1 ap loss after a month or 2 of in-game time of not eating, and a message should inform u of ur chars starvation.
1 food item should restore it.

I think the only players who wouldnt like this idea, are the pure PKers. who only worry about kill count.

Dont post response if ur going to mention Sims/Tamagochis. It not like u hav to wipe ur characters arse or something.

Ranger of the Wastes. The Wastes still needs civilised people.


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Re: Extracting food from dead animals and hunger system
« Reply #58 on: September 20, 2010, 10:03:46 am »

Something more simple about food system :

If you lack of food you have a sentence in your chat box saying " you are hungry, you need to eat" (for example). The sentence comes every 5 minutes at the beginning and if you don't feed sentence will appear more often. If you don't feed for a long time you won't be able to see any combat informations in the chat box because of " you are hungry, you need to eat".

So you character can't die because of hunger but you will be a bit disapointed.


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Re: Extracting food from dead animals and hunger system
« Reply #59 on: September 20, 2010, 11:30:29 am »

as for the topic: if i would be an omnipotent devgod i would do the game unplayable if you starve too much (i dont know what kind of mali i would give maybe -50% maxHP) . so you always have to look out for food. also player trade would be enhanced and sure player relations would gain a new level , save someone from starvation and he will be gratefull for sure. Or kill you. Waestlund is hursh.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2010, 05:05:29 pm by Surf Solar »
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