But what would be the downside of not eating/drinking (it shouldnt be too harsh), and how long a period b4 char suffers from it.
Maybe Run is disabled and 1 ap loss after a month or 2 of in-game time of not eating, and a message should inform u of ur chars starvation.1 food item should restore it.
Serious penalties to crafting but not fighting or gathering. Just for starters. Maybe something else later when new features are implemented. You must realize that hunger must create conflicts. An ap-less and walking man cannot fight deperately. We don't even have non-combat aps so a hungry enough man couldn't even gather more food. There's no reason to make the feature hellish or annoying for players but just necessary.
Just because we're not ripping off the other system. As i said, keep trying. (to invent something more original than Tamagotchi or Ultima). The main point is: not having food as absolute necessity to play. For example, lower the maximal HP a bit. By eating something like a hot brahmin steak, you raise your maximal HP again and fill it up. A mutfruit would also do the trick, even if not if same dimensions.Now, dear PvP fans, steak before a battle, anyone?
thats not a very good argument...
I do think food should have a use, but be optional. Like drugs but with smaller bonuses and no downsides.Food cures weakness, increases your heal rate. Maybe even the best stuff gives you bonus hit points/strength/whatever for a while.
When you first make ur character you are fuly nourished, it woud take 1 hour and 30 minutes RL to become slightly Hungry, 1 hour 30 min for hungry, etc.
What I don't want any of this "you have to go farm fruit every day or else you die or are seriously crippled". You are trying to turn it into a simulation game, when it just isn't.For the most part, I once again agree with Badger.
Hell-lo, Mr. Genious Argument Expert, lacking words for explaining why my post is "not a very good" one, except for that one is written by Alvarez?Critique disregarded.
looool classic statement of any trolldisregarding a sugestion that as proven effective just becouse its used on another system isnt the way to go.look how this game is evolving... now ever1 is talking about furniture to put in houses.. hm.. im pretty sure this was also in ultima so by ur line of thought they should remove this since its not original hm? nevermind if it helps the game, just cut it is that it?so again, unless im missing something, "Just becouse we are not ripping another system" is just a bunch of BS.
Am i a troll now? That was something new! Now since you haven't bothered to reply first, i supposed you have nothing NEW to say or suggest, as you lack ideas. Instead, you propose "lol, let's BLATANTLY rip off a bit from this and a bit from that and call it a invention." Yea sure.Also, you made me laugh with GAME EVOLVING. Because the game EVOLVES in the SUGGESTION TREE? Haha, oh wow. It's a claim of devs, not of the players. No matter how "effective" it is, lol. And anyway, as user, you can only help the game if you create content. By listing up your wishes you achieve nothing.Also, my line of thought that the food system isn't implemented, hence it can't be deleted. And for the last time, if you want a food system, do your own!
And I agree with both of you. I don't have much time to play recently, so feeding my char as a must seems simply discouraging. From duties and hard work I have job, from "realistic behaviour" I have real life, from feeding I have my own stomach to fill. Don't get me wrong, I would love to play a farmer/gardener someday, as it fits my pacifist soul, but not as a necessary gamestyle.