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Author Topic: Another (than TC) faction pvp minigame  (Read 8345 times)


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Re: Another (than TC) faction pvp minigame
« Reply #30 on: September 23, 2011, 09:46:50 pm »

Tell me, how many players you visited in Klamath today?
I can barely meet anyone up north, mostly because these places became PvP arenas. Even if I have an idea to wander around with some newbie, helping him to make some quests, we both sooner or later gonna be smashed by bored preview-campers or bunch of apes, trying to "control" city X.

Redding is an example of well player-driven town - there is a mine, few quests, shops, and even if it's temporary dangerous due to random PK, people warn each other or gather together to defend. This is how in my not humble opinion should controlling town look like. TC box? Capture zone? What?
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  • Drugged Childkiller
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Re: Another (than TC) faction pvp minigame
« Reply #31 on: September 24, 2011, 12:33:45 am »

All of you make me laugh. You can't go to town because "it's PvP arena for evil PvP apes"! Which is totally false. Try to go at Klamath whenever you want without taking town while no counter is running. No matter who is controlling the town, you won't see anyone. No big PvP faction will ever go to Klamath without counter up/big team spotted. Same for Modoc, Gecko.... And pretty much all TC towns. TC factions were never cause of this, because they never come without a good reason.
When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk

Member of the Most Hated Faction
TTTLA, for Great Justice !


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Re: Another (than TC) faction pvp minigame
« Reply #32 on: September 24, 2011, 08:42:52 am »

No big PvP faction will ever go to Klamath without counter up/big team spotted. Same for Modoc, Gecko.... And pretty much all TC towns. TC factions were never cause of this, because they never come without a good reason.
People not bond with TC factions used to think northern towns are dangerous, because some "PvP apez shoot n00bz there omg". Klamath, Modoc, even Den are good places for shopping (unless there's bored gang member with militia's backup), been there many times, so I know these cities are most of the time empty. But I'm not the only one playing this.

What's wrong with removing TC anyway? How many decent factions can participate it? 5? 10?
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Re: Another (than TC) faction pvp minigame
« Reply #33 on: September 24, 2011, 10:57:12 am »

Removing TC would make the player counter only go lower, as there are plenty of people that don't do much else except TC.

In 1st and 2nd session TC was rather symbolic, sometimes a decoy for a fight. Back then, you had almost unlimited scouting abilities, as:
- without relog timer, you could relog through all of your 1 lvl bluesuit scouts placed in each northern town and see whether a group of players is standing there,
- with "broken" tracking feature, you knew who is standing on worldmap upon leaving the town (the list of those standing over the town appeared), so you knew that something is going on,
- instead of TC timer, town was taken immediately after bringing a group to the town's mayor and speaking to him

So basically, all it took to see whether there is some action or not, was launching the pipboy and optionally relogging through your scouts which took less than one minute. As there were plenty of players in the game, there were lots of fights in the evenings. That's how we did to get some action and it worked well; for several weeks there were battles in BH, Redding, Klamath, Den and especially in Modoc, without TC rewards (it was not worth of it) or timer or capture zone. Actually, all that you were getting from taking the town was a secured locker (I remember Orphans using it in Den for trading), fancy pipboy message and some share from players trading (mostly shit). Many newbies were going to northern towns, as there were lots of people joining the game; they would come back later if they got killed, sometimes to fight back.

Town control wouldn't do any good to the game if it was removed completely, but surely it could use many improvements.


  • Humanhunter
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Re: Another (than TC) faction pvp minigame
« Reply #34 on: September 24, 2011, 10:49:25 pm »

I dont know if your brains are overloaded or something.....

Did you ever imagined a UNGUARDED town WITHOUT TC? ::) ::)

I mean a city free of the chains of scum laws, and free of pseudometacampers (i always wanted to said that), with no reason for big gangs to go there since they had anyway TC.
Its so easy to test it, just make unguarded a southern city (if it is northern nobody will go anyway) and watch.
Current char: Oblivion, Oceansoul, Black Tears

Sorry for my bad english
Quote from: Santa Anna
Any action or inaction in a position of power will always grant you enemies


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Re: Another (than TC) faction pvp minigame
« Reply #35 on: September 24, 2011, 10:59:01 pm »

Did you ever imagined a UNGUARDED town WITHOUT TC? ::) ::)

Necropolis: quiet place, you can go there and probably nobody will annoy you. Its negative side is the lack of stuff to attrack players, except for the technical characteristics of its maps.

New Reno: turned into a non-TC arena by players, its maps let you use slightly different tactics (preview, moving from an area to another, etc.)

Actually, I think that Necropolis and Reno are enough if you are looking for what Lordus says he wants: a faction PvP minigame, different from TC. No need to implement anything new, just go to Reno or arrange a fair fight in Necropolis.


  • Humanhunter
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Re: Another (than TC) faction pvp minigame
« Reply #36 on: September 24, 2011, 11:20:19 pm »

Guess i didnt explain myself.

Why would you like to go to Necropolis? there are two interesting things there:
-Ghouls genocide, the first thing i learned to do with other guys, but thats PvE with no rewards or loses, like Hinkley.
-Buy robes, in a guarded place wich is accesible without go to the main area.
if there is not a reason to go to Necropolis, then nobody will go there, and we dont want to implement stuff in another city, we have many cityes.

Why would you like to go to New Reno? Travel across the whole map from the n00blands and the crafting, trading sites to the northern cityes just for search fights in New Reno. the problem with that city is that is far from everything and too close to TC Towns. wich are avoided by non-TC players.
If we can just teleport Reno to a place between Junktown and NCR, then problem solved, but thats is unaceptable. So i suggest to convert one of the Southern cityes in unguarded town because its close to everything that low players want: resources, workbench, idleing places, cave bases. Many potential pvps live in south.

Current char: Oblivion, Oceansoul, Black Tears

Sorry for my bad english
Quote from: Santa Anna
Any action or inaction in a position of power will always grant you enemies


  • Drugged Childkiller
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Re: Another (than TC) faction pvp minigame
« Reply #37 on: September 24, 2011, 11:34:32 pm »

Uh, what would be the difference between this new unguarded town and necropolis? None... So would there be action there? No...

It's very easy: want PvP? Go to Reno, or start a TC.
When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk

Member of the Most Hated Faction
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Re: Another (than TC) faction pvp minigame
« Reply #38 on: September 25, 2011, 01:49:56 am »

You answer yourself...
You want pvp? go to New New Reno. conveniently ubicated near Scum Town (AKA NCR) and Junktown. Wich means more guys there.
What will you obtain? nothing but FUN, and maybe stuff from fallen foes.
Current char: Oblivion, Oceansoul, Black Tears

Sorry for my bad english
Quote from: Santa Anna
Any action or inaction in a position of power will always grant you enemies


  • Drugged Childkiller
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Re: Another (than TC) faction pvp minigame
« Reply #39 on: September 25, 2011, 04:05:49 am »

You answer yourself...
You want pvp? go to New New Reno. conveniently ubicated near Scum Town (AKA NCR) and Junktown. Wich means more guys there.
What will you obtain? nothing but FUN, and maybe stuff from fallen foes.

So, your point is: move Reno to south, to allow noob from NCR to go there easily, and make life of north PvPer harder?
This is retarded.
When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk

Member of the Most Hated Faction
TTTLA, for Great Justice !


  • High-Tech Troll
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Re: Another (than TC) faction pvp minigame
« Reply #40 on: September 25, 2011, 09:34:17 am »

Makes no sense. Noobs are
a) not interested in killing
b) not able to kill anyone
c) afraid to loose precioussss itanz like shovel and 30 caps

Besides there is Necropolis already, empty, unguarded, down south. There is Hinkley, south, they gief itanz free!!111
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  • Humanhunter
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Re: Another (than TC) faction pvp minigame
« Reply #41 on: September 25, 2011, 11:02:03 pm »

So after of infathomable and countless topics we reach to the same conclussion (and i said that first ;D):

PvP is ruined because players are cowards.
Current char: Oblivion, Oceansoul, Black Tears

Sorry for my bad english
Quote from: Santa Anna
Any action or inaction in a position of power will always grant you enemies
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