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Author Topic: Another (than TC) faction pvp minigame  (Read 8331 times)


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Another (than TC) faction pvp minigame
« on: September 19, 2011, 08:54:05 pm »

Hello wastelanders,
at this moment, there is only one faction pvp minigame = TC. TC works in two ways: beacon that convenes hostile gangs to fight, background for roleplay in cities.

 I think that most players knows disadvantages of this concept. Thing i a miss a most are pvps with small number of players.

 So my idea is to add another faction pvp layer into the game. It could be named as "enforcement of protection money". (=google translate, so i hope it does sense). The name is not important, important is gameplay.


1) support small pvp fights
2) bring back players into pvp cities (for other reason that TC)


 In PvP cities, there should be located NPCs (10-15 in each norhern city, it should be possible to use current NPCs) with possibility of dialogue. Result of dialogue could be a small caps income to faction player, that talked with that NPC (i.e. VSB). Income shloud be one time and relatively small (max. dozen of caps). After that, only players from another gangs could talk with that NPCs. Because of reason of abusing this with 2 different friendly or proxy gangs, NPCs should have a cooldown (10 minutes?), not too short, but not too long.

 The result i see is that players in time, when they dont have enough players for TC, would visit cities, checked NPCs for avaiability for this small quest. They would met other groups of (hostile?) players doing the same thing. Oposite to TC, i believe that lower caps reward would not attract massive PvP groups, but only small groups of players.

 This system could exist together with TC, or it could be somehowe connected. What do you think?
« Last Edit: September 20, 2011, 12:02:32 am by Lordus »
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Re: Another (than TC) faction pvp minigame
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2011, 09:20:48 pm »

There are already NPCs giving out quests out there.


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Re: Another (than TC) faction pvp minigame
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2011, 09:28:38 pm »

Basic quests:
 purpose = to help chars in their leveling
 requirements = lvl, skill, item, not repeatable (mostly)
 output = xp, caps, item.,,

My idea:
 purpose = attract more players to pvp cities evenly throughout the day
 requirements = faction membership
 output = caps, more pvp fights among small groups (or solo players) in pvp cities
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Re: Another (than TC) faction pvp minigame
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2011, 09:30:46 pm »

So lovely idea. That would ease the 'ghost town' phenomena. And it would give people stuff to do who don't join some mammoth-faction.


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Re: Another (than TC) faction pvp minigame
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2011, 09:53:02 pm »

I don't get it. What's the point of caring about it when you already have it?
I mean you go, get caps, and buzz out. Fighting over it would be no different to camping mines and stuff.
In fact if you cannot get reward again before someone else takes encourage you to leave and return when it's taken, hopefully stopping others from leaving.

It's not really that bad, but since it discourage you from defense, it'll result in worldmap camping with preview/sneak intel.
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Re: Another (than TC) faction pvp minigame
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2011, 10:16:58 pm »

I re-read the suggestion and I still don't understand how going to a town to get a quest which gives 300xp and 200 caps would not make people meet in towns, while going to a town to talk to a NPC dude who throws 12 caps at you would mean small groups of players fighting each other in incredibly fun skirmishes over those 12 caps.

If the oh so great problem is that the already existing quests are not repeatable, you can still go to those towns to trade with NPC merchants, and that's a good reason to travel there in a small group and not to do TC, even better than talking to some punk who'll throw 12 caps at you.

You should try hanging around with a 3+ Charisma character from time to time, Lordus. Or at least chew some Mentats: starting the TC countdown is not the only reason to talk to NPCs.
Re: Another (than TC) faction pvp minigame
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2011, 10:57:06 pm »

Just return interest rate which will be 0% on default. Mining in BH/Redding and donating ore/minerals to governement will increase your interest rate, rate should work every 10 minutes, if you die, log off or leave town it'll be set to 0% again. If there will be quests, they should be inside town and, again, each time you get more and more XP, if you die/log off/leave town multiplier will reset. In Klamath it can be gecko-hunting on south of town, in Den slave run, unfortunately it can't be done inside town, etc.
This way you can exp your character and become richier without leaving town, just living there.
This way you can PK innocent miners/hunters/slavers to make them suffer because they won't get more caps/exp after death.
This way factions could protect thier friends/members doing those things or protect innocent if they're good guys.
This way small evil factions can invade town and kill all innocent while good guys aren't looking.
I think "quests" like "Bring me X, kill for me X mobs, go to X then Y then Z and then take there item A and bring it to B" aren't good and boring, exp and wealth should be accumulated by common tasks that players are doing already and those tasks should be done inside town without forcing player leaving it, and upong leaving/dying there should be a penalty (reseting multiplier and/or interest rate) to force players stay there and value character's life, not only items.


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Re: Another (than TC) faction pvp minigame
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2011, 11:16:39 pm »

long post

That makes a lot more sense, I like the idea of getting xp and caps from Fallout world's "everyday activities".


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Re: Another (than TC) faction pvp minigame
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2011, 11:56:19 pm »

The point is, how to involve small faction players, or small groups of players into PvP in northern towns again. In few first eras, there was a custom, to get 2 or 3 friends and check all pvp cities, if there is not any enemy. This disapears. IF YOU DONT TEAM PVP, than it is hard to explain you, that this could work. But try it: very often there are few players that wants PvP and there is no opportunity. Ok, you can try Reno, or Hinkley. But northern cities are empty without any reason.

1) Number of NPCs providing the protection money quest:

  The number of NPCs with dialogue i suggested could be high, i.e. 10-15 in each city or more. That would motivate players to check NPCs in all PvP cities. Players could go alone, or in small group. I expect, that they would not gather 10 players with best equip to check NPCs for few caps. But small gangs, or small group, that are not able to TC at that moment, can do something else than camping mines. I think that those groups would meet each other and it could result in PvP with small number of players.
 Basic quests are not repetable, if they are, they need specific requirements (level, charisma, ...) and because of this only tiny fraction of players are making them. => still cities are empty.

2) Attract players to cities, but also hold them for some time.

  In comparsion to classic quests, my idea expects that players searching for avaible NPCs would stay much longer. If i do classic quest (or trade), i try to get out as soon as possible to avoid PKs. My idea executions needs to check NPCs in city that should be in different places (not in one house), so you would stay there longer (because of movement, searching, checking,...). Also luring attention away from mines could improve gameplay, but this is not main reason.

3) This quest should be aimed for PvP chars. So no charisma requirement, no other, than faction membership requirement should be implemented. Again. This should support PvP among small groups or small gangs..

4) Everyday quests.. yes, but this needs a lot of scripting, inventing, writing ... My idea needs one script and many NPCs acroos northern cities. Again.. the purpose is to bring back classic small PvP fights.

P.S.: I have barter char (every era), even sneak barter char.. but there is not anyone except NCR :(

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Re: Another (than TC) faction pvp minigame
« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2011, 03:20:13 am »

The point is, how to involve small faction players, or small groups of players into PvP in northern towns again. In few first eras, there was a custom, to get 2 or 3 friends and check all pvp cities, if there is not any enemy. This disapears. IF YOU DONT TEAM PVP, than it is hard to explain you, that this could work. But try it: very often there are few players that wants PvP and there is no opportunity. Ok, you can try Reno, or Hinkley. But northern cities are empty without any reason.

There is still no real reason to send just a small squad to check those NPCs. A gang could unleash its whole army, even dual-log to send more powerbuilds to crush any competition they might run across. Remember that PvP apes just want to win, not to have fun.

1) Number of NPCs providing the protection money quest:

  The number of NPCs with dialogue i suggested could be high, i.e. 10-15 in each city or more. That would motivate players to check NPCs in all PvP cities. Players could go alone, or in small group. I expect, that they would not gather 10 players with best equip to check NPCs for few caps. But small gangs, or small group, that are not able to TC at that moment, can do something else than camping mines. I think that those groups would meet each other and it could result in PvP with small number of players.

Gangs don't take risk in TC if there aren't enough of them online to counter the possible threat. If they don't take chances for TC, why would they take chances only for a small amount of caps which can be obtained by farming? Remember that PvP apes are efficient: they will prefer the less risky and more productive way of getting caps, instead of the less boring.

Basic quests are not repetable, if they are, they need specific requirements (level, charisma, ...) and because of this only tiny fraction of players are making them. => still cities are empty.

It's the player's choice to always and only use powerbuilds. The quests are there, if your character doesn't meet the requirements don't whine about it: this game allows you to alt and people are always alting for everything. Why not make an alt to enjoy the quests? Just because PvP apes hate playing with "noob" hybrid builds...  ::)

2) Attract players to cities, but also hold them for some time.

  In comparsion to classic quests, my idea expects that players searching for avaible NPCs would stay much longer. If i do classic quest (or trade), i try to get out as soon as possible to avoid PKs. My idea executions needs to check NPCs in city that should be in different places (not in one house), so you would stay there longer (because of movement, searching, checking,...). Also luring attention away from mines could improve gameplay, but this is not main reason.

It doesn't solve the problem: people will still enter city -> do what they gotta do as fast as possible -> run away. It will only take them a few more minutes (which would make it risky so they'd prefer farming, etc, as I already said). They will open dialogue with those NPCs and they won't even read the dialogue, they'll just learn the "instant win" combination of dialogue lines and run like hell. PvP apes think that wasting time talking to NPCs is for "Mad Max Wannabes"®.

3) This quest should be aimed for PvP chars. So no charisma requirement, no other, than faction membership requirement should be implemented. Again. This should support PvP among small groups or small gangs..

As already said, it's your problem if using non-powerbuild characters hurts your PvP ape ego, and it's your problem if you won't face another player in combat unless you have your perfect max level minimaxed fully drugged powerbuild.

4) Everyday quests.. yes, but this needs a lot of scripting, inventing, writing ... My idea needs one script and many NPCs acroos northern cities. Again.. the purpose is to bring back classic small PvP fights.

Quests are already there. Yes some are bugged, but don't complain about that if you refuse to do them just because they demand the use of non-powerbuilds chars. Devs have already worked and are working on already existing quests - but you won't give a fuck about that because your powerbuild can't do them. Instead, you want them to start doing "getting 12 caps" quests from scratch just as an excuse for you to have some PvP and not for the quest itself.

Imo the root of the problem can be seen in your post title: all you expect from the game is some "faction PvP minigame". Like I said in that other post, what you and most PvP apes ask for is already available in Tactics Multiplayer: no gathering, no crafting, no powerleveling, and you can even arrange how many members each team is allowed to bring, the gear they can use...
« Last Edit: September 20, 2011, 06:40:54 am by Eternauta »


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Re: Another (than TC) faction pvp minigame
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2011, 04:23:51 pm »

Sooner or later some swarm with proxies will come to fight over 12 caps with another swarm. Flamewars, "your momma" jokes, e-penises again, as all of those can be seen in Tree Control threads. What's the difference?

How about remove TC once and for all? Now that's a revolution! :>
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Re: Another (than TC) faction pvp minigame
« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2011, 03:56:26 pm »

Sooner or later some swarm with proxies will come to fight over 12 caps with another swarm. Flamewars, "your momma" jokes, e-penises again, as all of those can be seen in Tree Control threads. What's the difference?

How about remove TC once and for all? Now that's a revolution! :>
And instead of removing, making it a sort of perma-fight? with only little time between a capture and the other?
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Re: Another (than TC) faction pvp minigame
« Reply #12 on: September 21, 2011, 05:34:14 pm »

How about remove TC once and for all? Now that's a revolution! :>

Yes, this seems to be the only way to make northern towns "populated".

As long as TC exists, it will be the main interest of poweful gangs, and their members won't enter towns unless it's for taking them, and then leave. Which makes me laugh everytime I read "there should be no guarded towns, in [insert "cooler" FOnline server name] players guard the town, we could have the same here" - yeah right.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2011, 10:07:14 pm by Eternauta »


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Re: Another (than TC) faction pvp minigame
« Reply #13 on: September 21, 2011, 06:04:02 pm »

How about remove TC once and for all? Now that's a revolution! :>

I love the idea.


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Re: Another (than TC) faction pvp minigame
« Reply #14 on: September 21, 2011, 10:05:12 pm »

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