Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Suggestions => Topic started by: Frosti on April 23, 2010, 07:56:53 pm

Title: PK solution
Post by: Frosti on April 23, 2010, 07:56:53 pm
I suggest PK system from others mmorpgs.

Neutral player - nick white , Hostile players - nick pink ,  Player Killer - nick red

Neutral player never drop any items upon death.

When Neutral player attack other Neutral player his nick goes Pink. For attacking Pink player you also goes as Pink and if Pink player is killed he do not lose items. For killing Pink nicked player you do not become Payer Killer (red nick). Pink nick becomes white after some time ( 1 minute exemple).

Player who succesfully kill Neutral player (player who do not fight back to have Pink nick) becomes Player Killer - red nick. Player Killer drop all items upon death and he lose level. After 1 death for 1 innocent kill he becomes Neutral again ( 2 kills of Neutral plyers is 2 levels).

Ps: Player Killer can become neutral again without losing level or items after certian of time (10 minuts exemple)

Benefits this system bring to FOnline:

- it will greatly reduce numbers of psychopatic killers that lurks on harsh wasteland
- it will encourage players militia in ungarded cities and mines
- players who have too much items will lose them as it was intended on Town Control event

Those are 3 big pros of this system.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Pandemon on April 23, 2010, 08:06:02 pm
I suggest PK system from others mmorpgs.

Neutral player - nick white , Hostile players - nick pink ,  Player Killer - nick red

Neutral player never drop any items upon death.

That's not fucking TIBIA
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: gordulan on April 23, 2010, 08:14:30 pm
and this is not beyond beta, i for one would like to see this implemented just to check how much enjoyment it will bring, after all it's a beta test, so we can check different aspects of the game.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Quentin Lang on April 23, 2010, 08:15:04 pm
Fucking hell, this is really getting on my nerves already. I recall someone saying this game aint for casual players. Right now i agree him, just because of whining like this on the forum.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: avv on April 23, 2010, 08:27:52 pm
Pk doesn't need solution, we just need a way to recognize evil dudes from the bad ones. Good and evil was one of the core features in fallouts and players in fonline should be allowed to choose their side.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: geraioptuaer on April 23, 2010, 08:28:13 pm
You are mistaken that this game can still be non-casual without as much PKing.

Take EvE for example this has both areas to kill each other and areas for those who want to do their own thing and it works beautifully.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: JustGreat on April 23, 2010, 08:32:50 pm
This game ain't for you. :(
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: vedaras on April 23, 2010, 08:50:25 pm
yeah i think you need other mmorpg this one is not for you :>
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Frosti on April 23, 2010, 09:21:18 pm
I wonder if there were 2 servers - full loot PvP and restricted loot PvP where players would go.

Or can it be that FOnline is populated 90% by players who want full loot PvP?
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: vedaras on April 23, 2010, 09:36:28 pm
wasteland is harsh, if you dont like it go wherever you want :>
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Drakonis on April 23, 2010, 10:03:51 pm
Fucking hell, this is really getting on my nerves already. I recall someone saying this game aint for casual players. Right now i agree him, just because of whining like this on the forum.

it was me dude. :D

wasteland is harsh, if you dont like it go wherever you want :>

I can't stop laughing every time I see that! haha! Anyways wasteland isn't that harsh. It's REALLY easy to get items and have shitload of spare stuff at your tent. even for a loner. BUT I STILL WOULD LIKE TO TRY  restricted PvP loot, just to see how much fun could it bring.

If partial/restricted loot would ever happen for good- I think making items would require much more resources." This is mah gun. I spent a whole day making it. I'm gonna take care of it and maintain it in good condition for weeks! Man I love my new gun :P)
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Sius on April 23, 2010, 10:20:49 pm
I think what FOnline lacks is some general conflict between factions (=> faction members) that would make natural enemies and natural friends. So something like 3 big faction alliances that fight each other cause of ideology/technology/land/resources. If you join one of these 3 alliances then you won't be able to kill another alliance members. Simple as that.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Drakonis on April 23, 2010, 10:24:39 pm
I think what FOnline lacks is some general conflict between factions (=> faction members) that would make natural enemies and natural friends. So something like 3 big faction alliances that fight each other cause of ideology/technology/land/resources. If you join one of these 3 alliances then you won't be able to kill another alliance members. Simple as that.


But instead of being UNABLE to kills a faction member- I suggest severe penalties for repeating action. I mean killing ONE player would decrease your reputation by -10(if someone annoyes you- then you still should be able to kill him), but if you kill ANOTHER guys from your faction within 20 mins from first kill, then the rep penalty will become -100. For third kill it will become -300, and so on.

Single killing could be possible from time to time... but if you betray and go on killing spree... Then you are fucked. None of the faction should want you, and you become a running target for everybody because of lack of protection from any side of conflict . Simple as that :P
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: geraioptuaer on April 23, 2010, 10:41:06 pm
Wow that wouldn't really do anything tbh, you kill someone then wait 20 mins and kill again only losing 10 per time? Not forgetting reputation reverses over time
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Drakonis on April 23, 2010, 10:50:23 pm
Wow that wouldn't really do anything tbh, you kill someone then wait 20 mins and kill again only losing 10 per time? Not forgetting reputation reverses over time

actually that was just a suggestion. penalties could be more severe and maybe there could be a REVANGE system added. if you kill someone from your faction, then this person is allowed to have his "revange" on you. Reputation loss could be bigger. It's just numbers dude. The main point is the suggestion, and you seems to be missing it.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: vedaras on April 23, 2010, 10:59:56 pm
the penalty should go not for those who kill but for those who die, so if they wouldnt lose stuff they would need to lose exp or something like that.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: bikkebakke on April 23, 2010, 11:36:14 pm
You are mistaken that this game can still be non-casual without as much PKing.

Take EvE for example this has both areas to kill each other and areas for those who want to do their own thing and it works beautifully.

0.0 space = kill as much as you want - if your alone your more dead than my grandmothers corpse.

0.5 space and up = You can kill innocents but the concord will rape you harder than a black guy would rape a computer nerd who is in prison for downloading childporn. If you are tagged "red" (or are in a war with another corp) though and someone comes and kills you, the concord won't do anything.

Atm, fonline got more of a 0.0 space with a hint of police force (guarded cities) but damn... if 5+ guys that are heavily armed comes into town they will rape the guards.

I wouldn't mind testing this proposition (or something that is similar).

the penalty should go not for those who kill but for those who die, so if they wouldnt lose stuff they would need to lose exp or something like that.

that could work aswell, I just guess that you cannot lose xp lower than your level? don't know if that would mess things up, or atleast, if you lose xp below your lvl you don't lose as much xp.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: vedaras on April 23, 2010, 11:49:56 pm
nah, what i think is that current system is just fine. There are too much stuff in the wasteland not losing it would just suck, everyone would need just to craft 1 item of each kind and bullets for gun, you call that fun?
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: geraioptuaer on April 24, 2010, 12:03:39 am
nah, what i think is that current system is just fine. There are too much stuff in the wasteland not losing it would just suck, everyone would need just to craft 1 item of each kind and bullets for gun, you call that fun?

Well I sure don't call mining and crafting fun.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Frosti on April 24, 2010, 12:06:09 am
I sure not call fun that what is there now.

You still could lose your items as an Player Killer.
With 'whte-pink-red' system you could finnaly not shoot every player you meet in random encounter "just in case".
Players could  organize militias to make unguarded cities safe from random PKers.
There would be much more friendly interaction between players thanks to that system.

I see only pros.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: vedaras on April 24, 2010, 12:22:01 am
I sure not call fun that what is there now.

You still could lose your items as an Player Killer.
With 'whte-pink-red' system you could finnaly not shoot every player you meet in random encounter "just in case".
Players could  organize militias to make unguarded cities safe from random PKers.
There would be much more friendly interaction between players thanks to that system.

I see only pros.

i never shoot or hit any player first for just in case, and dont have problem with that:> if you dont want to shoot others you will find 1000 reasons not to, if you want to shoot then you will find 1000 excuses for your action :> And sorry mate, but its not somekinda dragon planet of elves, war is still ragging in here, war proved that people cant trust each other and if you want others to be marked you can still use name coloriser :>
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Kilgore on April 24, 2010, 12:23:23 am
is PK something bad?  ???
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Frosti on April 24, 2010, 12:33:42 am
PK is not something bad. Full loot system is bad.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: vedaras on April 24, 2010, 12:41:46 am
nah, dying is bad not loot system. Dont die, wont need to cry :>
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: bikkebakke on April 24, 2010, 01:33:17 am
nah, dying is bad not loot system. Dont die, wont need to cry :>

lols ved :P telling people not to die in fonline is like telling an obese woman not to eat anything in a candyshop where everything is free.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Sarakin on April 24, 2010, 01:45:51 am
Full loot is what makes FOnline interesting, removing it will just spoil the game
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Frosti on April 24, 2010, 01:54:51 am
Being at my miner alt whole day instead of playing the game is not very intresting. Being killed by 2 burst from surprise from bluesuit is not intresting. Being gunned down on exit grid in unguarded town is not intresting. Being 1 shot in random encounter is not intresting. Maybe few days before wipe ill mine enought items to finnaly play the game a little bit.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Sarakin on April 24, 2010, 02:00:21 am
Being at my miner alt whole day instead of playing the game is not very intresting. Being killed by 2 burst from surprise from bluesuit is not intresting. Being gunned down on exit grid in unguarded town is not intresting. Being 1 shot in random encounter is not intresting. Maybe few days before wipe ill mine enought items to finnaly play the game a little bit.
Then you must be doing something wrong...
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Sius on April 24, 2010, 02:00:54 am
Full loot is what makes FOnline interesting, removing it will just spoil the game

Well its definitely a part of the game (since there is nothing like item scaling or level requirements) but I would not be against some wicked testing with it.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Cheezy on April 24, 2010, 02:24:00 am
This game is what we call Open- PVP system.
Maybe be nice to see if some is been killing people last so much time.
Some way know hes hostile person.
Maybe have skull above his head if kill last 10-20mins.
But that something that have to be test see how that works out.
Most people like this game because PVP.
What they need is balance in pvp because its broken right now.
Maybe Rep effect for kill players.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Desert Pilot on April 24, 2010, 02:59:54 am
Urp! I hate the idea.
And to not loose items? That's plain stupid.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: VongJin on April 24, 2010, 03:27:29 am
restricted loot system was already tested  long time ago :) no need to do it again for a *new testers*
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: virus341 on April 24, 2010, 04:56:30 am
Full loot is what makes FOnline interesting, removing it will just spoil the game
Absolutely, one of the reasons I play this game. Otherwise I would just return in my lovely WoW.

Ps. bikkebakke, please, I pray you, please change your userpic, I'm too imaginative. I only need 1 fast-look at it to have nightmares all week long :P
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Mars Sultan on April 24, 2010, 05:05:18 am
here's a pk solution: kill the other person
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Wichura on April 24, 2010, 06:31:38 am
And how about battles while Town Control? Tag with pink or red players who kill each other? How to differ gang members from casual players? How to differ killing in self defence from killing "for teh lulz"? Is there really nothing better to do now, than coding such things?

Bad idea, just face that Wasteland is harsh.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Mr Feltzer on April 24, 2010, 09:30:19 am
This game ain't for you. :(

Agreed With JustGreat Dont Play FOnline if you want to Stop PKing, PKing is gotta be The BIGGEST Important, if Not one of the Most Important Things,
So STFU, and GTFO.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Zpider on April 24, 2010, 10:09:03 am
I agree with that one who said that good and evil is a big part of fallout, if it wasn't then the whole karma system would be useless, and it seems that it is, except in the case for stealing in cities.

But there should always be an option of going good or bad.. in any real terms of a wasteland scenario, a "good" guy would never kill anyone saying that the wasteland is harsh as an excuse to do so. I say there need to be some sort of penalty, to make players think a little bit before blasting, like "is it worth a severe karma drop to kill this guy in leather jacket using a 10mm?" And it needs to be severe, not -10 for a few minutes.. these guys are murderers!! (:P)

I don't like the proposition about having about three big factions fighting eachother as a general game plan, i feel it gets too linear, and that is the worst thing that can happen to fallout.

As for dropping loot when you die, it is truly annoying as hell, but i've seen that the annoyance is not that annoying in higher levels because, if you are not unlucky as hell, you get a chance to collect extra guns, ammo, armors and store in a tent.. just die then suit up again.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: RavenousRat on April 24, 2010, 12:42:47 pm
I can't understand, you want to make PKs recognizeble, or be able to shoot at them without being punished? If second - then it's the worst idea ever. If first, then global karma can be implemented, and you can just see he's neutral/good/bad by scaning him with binocular-cursor.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Desert Pilot on April 24, 2010, 05:29:01 pm
Oh it'd be great is using the binocular cursor on the character and it says something like: "He looks like one mean mofo" "He's some sort of tough ass" "He has a charming smile" or something like that. Not just "Bad" "Good". Then the player could use a role playing approach to him.

And I don't mean to contradict RavenousRat because I know that's what he meant. I just wanted to add my two cents :P
(Oh and I just wanted to say I used to have ravenous rat magic card :D )
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: RavenousRat on April 24, 2010, 05:32:27 pm
Oh it'd be great is using the binocular cursor on the character and it says something like: "He looks like one mean mofo" "He's some sort of tough ass" "He has a charming smile" or something like that. Not just "Bad" "Good". Then the player could use a role playing approach to him.
I just said an example, of couse there can be used other words, but the idea is same: allowing you to see player's karma.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: avv on April 24, 2010, 05:49:52 pm
I can't understand, you want to make PKs recognizeble, or be able to shoot at them without being punished? If second - then it's the worst idea ever. If first, then global karma can be implemented, and you can just see he's neutral/good/bad by scaning him with binocular-cursor.

Well the binoculars are hard to use on running character so name colouring would be also required. Unless we get easier binocularing in the future.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Desert Pilot on April 24, 2010, 05:57:08 pm
Have you ever thought that it is actually good that binoculars are hard to use on running characters? You won't know if he's good or bad! You may think "How is that good?" But it shouldn't be so easy to tell if he's good or bad and he should be able to try and hide it.
You need to inspect him if he's good or not. Just like to see how much hp he has.
Maybe this would be only available to people with awareness perk? I think that'd be pretty neat.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: RavenousRat on April 24, 2010, 06:10:17 pm
Have you ever thought that it is actually good that binoculars are hard to use on running characters? You won't know if he's good or bad! You may think "How is that good?" But it shouldn't be so easy to tell if he's good or bad and he should be able to try and hide it.
You need to inspect him if he's good or not. Just like to see how much hp he has.
Maybe this would be only available to people with awareness perk? I think that'd be pretty neat.
It's not that hard to check running character's HP and even tag him(no, I'm not a tent-robber ;p), so looking his karma is the same as looking HP, so not so hard. And of couse yes, awareness perk must affect this. But it was suggested many times, so I don't think someone interested in this.
Also it was suggested with faction membership, as you can see: if you attack a BoS-member, you getting penalty reputation with BoS, but what if BoS-member is a PK and you just protecting yourself? So, if karma will be implemented and it'll work like suggested, then BoS-membership will require very high karma. Any kill neutral/good character, and having very good karma will make lower very much, I mean, if you're neutral who kills other neutral you'll get (for example) -100, but if you're good and killing neutral you will get like -500. So there will be no PKs in BoS faction, or else they will be resigned. Also it requires reworking in PvP to recognize self-defence and offence, so if BoS-member attacks you first, and you're not evil character, then you can kill him and don't get your reputation fall.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Desert Pilot on April 24, 2010, 06:25:02 pm
Sounds good
And of course to keep the BoS from being corrupt, they kick their members out if they drop below some karma.
And member of one faction has the right to kill a member of another faction but can't kill a member of no faction.
So if someone doesn't want trouble he shouldn't join any faction.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Frosti on April 24, 2010, 08:12:07 pm
I can't understand, you want to make PKs recognizeble, or be able to shoot at them without being punished? If second - then it's the worst idea ever. If first, then global karma can be implemented, and you can just see he's neutral/good/bad by scaning him with binocular-cursor.

What an twisted logic! So killing crafter bluesuits or random leather jacket users with 10 mm pistol, or 'an good - freindly guy' who do not shoot you a soon as he see you witchout being punished is awwwright?

And adding something that make "psycho-killers' think before they press the trigger and make some consequences for being "murderer" is bad thing?
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Surf on April 25, 2010, 02:39:31 am
This is no thread to discuss about "Players versus Player Killers" or "Playerkillers are bad." ;)

It's a suggestion. So please don't use phrases like "The Wasteland is harsh" without anything added, else I'll delete such posts in the future.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Badger on April 25, 2010, 02:54:20 am
There was a system like this in the early days of FOnline. The more players someone had killed, the worse their karma. The worse their karma, the darker red their nickname. It was incredibly simple and probably a bit misleading in some cases, but it worked. You had a rough idea of who to avoid.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: corosive on April 25, 2010, 07:08:24 am
karma system colour system would be cool.... players that have a high amount of other player kills should show up as dark gray or red or something its just sometimes alot of us shoot first assuming that the other guy is guna shoot us.... but if we somehow knew if he was a PK or not we wouldnt have to shoot every player we see.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: RavenousRat on April 25, 2010, 11:42:49 am
Nope, after yesterday I understood that karma system based on PKs and defenders won't work.
You can see at this image group of players killing other group of players. In room one of that guys are angry PK, others his friends, probably PKs too, but atleast 1-2 non-PK. Of couse they will defend thier friends, so they will act like PK, even if they're not. Or we will act like PKs when killing his friends, so... depends on who shoot first and if kill, then he'll get -karma. So I don't think this system will work well. It'll work in 1v1 system, but now with group of players, where PKs/non-PKs are together.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: corosive on April 26, 2010, 07:04:19 am
what if like someone said if they killed a player within the past 10min or so a skull shows up above their name or something ? or lol a sound plays in the background when you encounter them... like an old western sound effect to symbolize a showdown... dun dun dun!
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Frosti on April 26, 2010, 11:18:52 am
Bump for having player killers noticable by adding nick colour change or icon for killing players, that will stay much longer then mentioned above 10 minuts - more like 10 days.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: gordulan on April 26, 2010, 11:23:57 am
i'd say 3.5 hours since the last PK, mindless PKs are like pixel junkies, they want to see little red hued pixels slosh around on the screen.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Solar on April 26, 2010, 01:16:37 pm
Theres the Karma list, its all thats needed. The mistrust of strangers you meet is a great part of the atmosphere ;)
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Frosti on April 26, 2010, 01:20:49 pm
But there is no mistrust - its paranoia - you have to shoot first if you have occasion to shoot first in random encounter couse if other player is PKer you have only little chances to survive second turn.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: gordulan on April 26, 2010, 01:25:38 pm
yep, i take most people i meet down and leave them down with 2 weak healing powders next to their bullet riddled body, so they owe me one for not killing em, however, if the guy is wearing metal i slaughter the guy as brutally as possible, the only person you can trust not to steal your stuff (if you wear anything apart from metal armour, if you do, i assume you're a PK) while wearing metal MK2 would be me.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Solar on April 26, 2010, 01:33:39 pm
When societies rules fail ... ;D
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Frosti on April 26, 2010, 01:44:11 pm
When societies rules fail ... ;D

...there will stay only CHA1 characters gunning down everything that moves and then reloging on alt to sell all obtained loot to traders.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: gordulan on April 26, 2010, 01:45:54 pm
and that's the truth i_i
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: avv on April 26, 2010, 02:49:59 pm
There was a system like this in the early days of FOnline. The more players someone had killed, the worse their karma. The worse their karma, the darker red their nickname. It was incredibly simple and probably a bit misleading in some cases, but it worked. You had a rough idea of who to avoid.

Wtf why was it taken away D:! Their names became too dark and couldn't be seen in dark areas properly  ;)?
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Frosti on May 14, 2010, 12:07:25 am
i'd say 3.5 hours since the last PK, mindless PKs are like pixel junkies, they want to see little red hued pixels slosh around on the screen.

3,5 hours mark for 1 kill is still too short time - couse 3,5 hour is time when you meet someone to randomnly PK, so PKer will be PKing unnoticed. Mark for PKing need to stay at last 48 hours for 1 kill.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Flick on May 14, 2010, 02:15:53 am
Give us some status! A number near the name that say how many players you killed! You killed 675 players, I will be more cautious, hey he is Wild Bill, kill him with a hit from the back!
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Sashi on May 14, 2010, 06:25:51 am
The main reason people hate PK's is because they lose all their items. It's the inconvenience that's annoying.

You can't bar players for killing each other, it's the wastes, if someone wants your shit he's gonna kill you for it.

I know, I know, it's a pain getting all your shit back. There's plenty of times when I'm gathering things to build stuff and someone just comes up and shoots me. It pisses me off but you can't do shit about it, other than hunting them down for revenge ;)

There is really no real satisfactory solution to this issue that wouldn't either take away from game play or anger players.

The only thing I can think of, is a level handicap. Make it so high level players can't harm the noobs who are just trying to get shit together to make a living. That would at least stop, lets say, a 10th level character from running into a town and smoking a whole bunch of shit farmers.

Or maybe have it so if you die in the wastes your shits gone, but if you die in a populated area basic items are saved. So if you die in town, due to replication, you can hold your basic items like shovels, sharpened poles, rocks, maybe a randomized major item from your inventory, and possibly a few caps. That way it would be as if someone murdered you and in a hurry grabbed what he could (the PK'er would take the items and the server would sort what he grabs) and because people are around some items are left as he doesn't have time to do a full search of the body in a heated situation. Then when you respawn it would seem as if the people who tossed you in the replicator set what you had left on you to the side for your return.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Alvarez on May 14, 2010, 08:22:27 am
The main reason people hate PK's is because they lose all their items. It's the inconvenience that's annoying.

You can't bar players for killing each other, it's the wastes, if someone wants your shit he's gonna kill you for it.

I know, I know, it's a pain getting all your shit back. There's plenty of times when I'm gathering things to build stuff and someone just comes up and shoots me. It pisses me off but you can't do shit about it, other than hunting them down for revenge ;)

There is really no real satisfactory solution to this issue that wouldn't either take away from game play or anger players.

The only thing I can think of, is a level handicap. Make it so high level players can't harm the noobs who are just trying to get shit together to make a living. That would at least stop, lets say, a 10th level character from running into a town and smoking a whole bunch of shit farmers.

Or maybe have it so if you die in the wastes your shits gone, but if you die in a populated area basic items are saved. So if you die in town, due to replication, you can hold your basic items like shovels, sharpened poles, rocks, maybe a randomized major item from your inventory, and possibly a few caps. That way it would be as if someone murdered you and in a hurry grabbed what he could (the PK'er would take the items and the server would sort what he grabs) and because people are around some items are left as he doesn't have time to do a full search of the body in a heated situation. Then when you respawn it would seem as if the people who tossed you in the replicator set what you had left on you to the side for your return.

Handicap is a good idea. But if a team of 6 newbs take the PvPer in a group hug, he wouldn't be able to shoot his way out. Would you really like that? I won't.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Surf on May 14, 2010, 09:38:40 am
Deleted spam.

This is not a place to show off with your "PVP skillz".
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Marko69 on May 14, 2010, 09:48:27 am
sorry  ;)
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: AlienS2 on May 14, 2010, 03:06:48 pm
Any restrictions to PvP is a Bad idea.

Level handicap is abusable.

But we can make it like in Ultima Online (I've never played it, but know smth about it).
So at the beginning (after whipe) all players are "blue", if "blue" player attacks "blue" he becomes "red" (pk). If "blue" attacks "red" he is still "blue". "Red" vs "red" changes nothing.

What does it give? When u meet someone in wasteland and u both are "blue" u can speak to him and wont be afraid, if u see a "red" guy u shoot or run immediately.

P.S. But I'm against any changes!  ;D I love the way it is now. Even when I'm getting gunked  :) This is wasteland!
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: LagMaster on May 14, 2010, 03:24:59 pm
why don not we put a list of PKs on the forum,to try and run from them when encountered
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Ulrek on May 14, 2010, 04:44:20 pm
Any restrictions to PvP is a Bad idea.

Level handicap is abusable.

But we can make it like in Ultima Online (I've never played it, but know smth about it).
So at the beginning (after whipe) all players are "blue", if "blue" player attacks "blue" he becomes "red" (pk). If "blue" attacks "red" he is still "blue". "Red" vs "red" changes nothing.

What does it give? When u meet someone in wasteland and u both are "blue" u can speak to him and wont be afraid, if u see a "red" guy u shoot or run immediately.

P.S. But I'm against any changes!  ;D I love the way it is now. Even when I'm getting gunked  :) This is wasteland!

problem with that is that, every PKer is going to have to shoot some one first to get red, and that person he shoots first might just be you heh.

my personally suggestion is this.

with areas like northern towns, as it is even bluesuits can shoot each other for tiny amounts of caps. and yet, the NPCs don't seem to know the difference, from them and the big gang members that walk in to town and take over the place.

my suggestion would be that in areas like that, NPCs shoot at anyone that is either not showing any gang markings (is tagged as a faction member) but the towns better armed folks will open fire on say, a level 10 PKer, but not a level 15-21 PKer, since you need big balls to walk in to town and start shooting, and have no one shoot back. it wouldnt fix high level PKers, but it'd make you have to be a big nasty PKer to get away with being one.

as for the wastelands... generally thats to random for me to really say that needs fixing, unless you hunt where every one likes to look for player and monster groups to shoot at.

but mostly i'd say the AI could use more detail, thats what i'd vote for, rather than a system, just smarter AI, which is hard i know... trust me, i have no clue how to work with the AI on FOnline.


Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Sashi on May 14, 2010, 06:13:21 pm
Handicap is a good idea. But if a team of 6 newbs take the PvPer in a group hug, he wouldn't be able to shoot his way out. Would you really like that? I won't.

Simple. You make it so the noob can't attack a player 2 levels higher than him.

It works both ways.

Basically if you're level 5 you can only attack players level 4-7. Level 19 can only attack 18-21. You get the idea. Because there's that chance that a level 4 player can kill a level 5 or 6 player with some luck, just as a level 3 can take on a 4-5 level player.

In a battle between a level 3 player, level 5 player, and a level 7 player. 3 can attack 5 and 5 can attack 7 but 7 can't attack 3.

On that note, maybe implement a system so if the level 3 player wants to take on the level 7 he can ask. A dialog pops up asking both players, if they agree, battle on. Kinda like Wow (blech I hate WoW) for PvP but levels are taken in to account.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Izual on May 14, 2010, 06:17:30 pm
Give us some status! A number near the name that say how many players you killed! You killed 675 players, I will be more cautious, hey he is Wild Bill, kill him with a hit from the back!

Good idea. Not abusable, can be interpreted in both ways, but still useful. I like it - even if I don't know if "a number next to the name" is the best thing to show it.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Frosti on May 14, 2010, 06:44:51 pm
Numbers is bad idea for PK marking couse anti PKers will be getting numbers while eliminating PK players (when defending HQ mine exemple) and there will be no diffrence.

Unless for killing any player with number next to his nick you will not get PK points. Then numbers as PK mark will be good.

Also those numbers should be going down to 0 after some time ( 48 hours for 1 kill exemple) in case of accidental kills ( bursts, rocket kill etc) when you kill somoene in not PK purpose.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Izual on May 14, 2010, 06:59:09 pm
That's your role to pay attention not to kill other people "accidentally".

Numbers is bad idea for PK marking couse anti PKers will be getting numbers while eliminating PK players (when defending HQ mine exemple) and there will be no diffrence.

The difference is, with time people will know anti-pkers since they will be the "high numbers guys" that won't kill them.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: avv on May 14, 2010, 06:59:35 pm
Numbers is bad idea for PK marking couse anti PKers will be getting numbers while eliminating PK players (when defending HQ mine exemple) and there will be no diffrence.

Pure numbers are indeed misleading. In fallout you always had a chance to choose between right and wrong. Why not in fonline too?

But then again choosing between good and bad was the luxury of chosen one's because he had the power to change things so radically. We here in fonline are just average dudes who just do what they gotta do to survive.

Hopefully in future we will have more npc factions to join and some of those npc factions are at war against each other. This creates natural enemies and allies, where you are allowed to shoot the members of your enemy faction without remorse. Then we no longer have pks, only justified killing. If someone is vilified in your your faction, he has red nick. You then have the right to shoot this person.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Frosti on May 14, 2010, 07:09:39 pm
I think spliting players for those who PK and for those who dont is good enought. I think we should not split players by factions - simply not enought players to balance factions.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: avv on May 14, 2010, 08:29:44 pm
I think spliting players for those who PK and for those who dont is good enought. I think we should not split players by factions - simply not enought players to balance factions.

That's another way too, nothing against it mechanics-wise. It just makes me wonder how's it possible to be nice slaver, raider or enclave. Those factions are based on violating human rights and immoral activities? Or does it make sense that BoS are killing bluesuits in modoc?
Faction based status would force players go along with the story. They wouldn't need to care about it at all but they still had people to fight against. Then again being a faction member doesn't mean you absolutely have to pvp it just means that you'd better stay out of the sight of your enemies.

Here's ( what scypior wrote about his fonline vision.

Quote from: scypior
I could only say one thing - the goal is a game where words(abbreviasions in fact) such as 'RP' and 'PK' don't exist. Because when I kill someone(PK), I did it for a reason(RP).

Hopefully that vision still applies.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Ulrek on May 15, 2010, 05:48:27 pm
But then again choosing between good and bad was the luxury of chosen one's because he had the power to change things so radically. We here in fonline are just average dudes who just do what they gotta do to survive.

but you can change things.. you can shoot all the ghouls in the reactor in gecko and make the lights turn off in vault city...

Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Frosti on May 19, 2010, 10:43:43 am
Bumping marking PKers couse I dont want to shoot every player I meet in random encounter and I dont wanna suffer for not shooting every player I meet in random enocuter.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: solid snake on May 19, 2010, 11:09:50 am
Bumping marking PKers couse I dont want to shoot every player I meet in random encounter and I dont wanna suffer for not shooting every player I meet in random enocuter.

bluesuit right. i don't want to shoot them. oh damn, they whip out a SMG and go to town on me. :/
player in armor, they are obviously evil... because they are wearing armor at lvl 1-21 **aims for eyes**
in this environment you know who someone is or you don't. you may know someone cause they've killed you or someone you know.
so you just become a pk and kill everyone because you work hard and live in fear?
an enemy of an enemy is not a friend of mine.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Nice_Boat on May 19, 2010, 12:19:34 pm
bluesuit right. i don't want to shoot them. oh damn, they whip out a SMG and go to town on me. :/
player in armor, they are obviously evil... because they are wearing armor at lvl 1-21 **aims for eyes**
in this environment you know who someone is or you don't. you may know someone cause they've killed you or someone you know.
so you just become a pk and kill everyone because you work hard and live in fear?
an enemy of an enemy is not a friend of mine.

The society is gone. No police, no government to speak of. You live in a country that pre-war had more firearms than people. You meet someone you don't know in the desert. That's not a pretty scenario. I'd say players in FOnline are pretty better off than real people in such a situation would be. I mean living in fear is great and is a part of the setting, and you can still tag someone you know is a PK and have an "unfair" advantage because of that - make it any easier would simply ruin the delicious suspense of encountering another human being, lol. You can still make a list of outlaws by exchanging namecolorizing and consistent tagging - why don't you use that instead of opting for the easy way out? You already have a very powerful tool...
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: dskpnk on May 19, 2010, 02:51:28 pm
no no no very bad suggestion !
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Dark Angel on May 19, 2010, 03:30:48 pm
it'll be abus . My colorzing will dont work , if someone will have red nick and he is green in colorzing 0o
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: avv on May 19, 2010, 03:58:49 pm
The society is gone. No police, no government to speak of. You live in a country that pre-war had more firearms than people. You meet someone you don't know in the desert. That's not a pretty scenario. I'd say players in FOnline are pretty better off than real people in such a situation would be. I mean living in fear is great and is a part of the setting, and you can still tag someone you know is a PK and have an "unfair" advantage because of that - make it any easier would simply ruin the delicious suspense of encountering another human being, lol. You can still make a list of outlaws by exchanging namecolorizing and consistent tagging - why don't you use that instead of opting for the easy way out? You already have a very powerful tool...

All the same, players should be allowed to pick sides and recognize their enemy. Besides in real world you have more time to talk because you can cover 90% of your body behind a concrete wall and discuss things with the stranger without the fear of getting eyeshotted with 95% accuracy.

Many people are using name colorizing, it just doesn't recognize the alts of an enemy. There's been many reports of players dual logging with their another combat char when their main dies. In addition:
Quote from: Lordus
At the start of this era, we were discussing our policy. To be PK or not. I told to our members, that one half of players we meet in mines, are alts of our enemies. But because we cant recognize tham, we will not shoot them, if they will not attack us or we will have enough info from our inteligent agency Smiley) confirming that they are PK.
If our game is based on factions and players trying to break or maintain order, then why would the anarchistic side have to have so many advantages in various ways? The freedom to do everything they want is advantage already.

no no no very bad suggestion !

This is a good example how not to answer to a suggestion.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Nice_Boat on May 19, 2010, 04:21:32 pm
All the same, players should be allowed to pick sides and recognize their enemy. Besides in real world you have more time to talk because you can cover 90% of your body behind a concrete wall and discuss things with the stranger without the fear of getting eyeshotted with 95% accuracy.

You don't get concrete walls, rocks, trees etc. every time you meet someone. You could always end up being on the road or in some other place in the open taking fire from unknown location, as is most often the case with ambushes. Besides that's like the problem with the maps, and not player alignment recognition - it's just that the random encounter spawn points sort of suck and can easily be camped. Anyway most "bad guys" will just shoot you no questions asked, so I'd say that them choosing not to is a pretty good indicator that they mean no harm ;D I just really dislike the notion of some scripts doing the job players can do themselves - it makes the game more of a no-brainer and really messes with the atmosphere. The uncertainty you face meeting a stranger is precisely what keeps the random encounters with players interesting... unless it instantly deteriorates into a shooting incident, but the way this game deals with spawning it can't really be helped - maybe some bigger maps and more randomized spawn points could help so that you can't camp everything?
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: avv on May 19, 2010, 06:12:27 pm
You don't get concrete walls, rocks, trees etc. every time you meet someone. You could always end up being on the road or in some other place in the open taking fire from unknown location, as is most often the case with ambushes. Besides that's like the problem with the maps, and not player alignment recognition - it's just that the random encounter spawn points sort of suck and can easily be camped. Anyway most "bad guys" will just shoot you no questions asked, so I'd say that them choosing not to is a pretty good indicator that they mean no harm ;D

Yeah the maps kinda suck, but it's not about that only.

The alignment recognition is problematic because if I run to a pk in disguise when he doesn't want to fight, he gets away. It's a discouragement for pk hunters because they can't get the first shot and pks can pick their fights.
Same goes for guarding the mines, maybe you can take control over a mine, but surely your enemy's alts will be free to mine there aswell.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Sarakin on May 19, 2010, 08:13:35 pm
I totally agree with avv in this, its hard for anti-pk players to recognize pk players ( please no trolling concerning this statement ). Sure, for someone like Nice Boat (PK), who attacks everyone (weaker) , its good "feature" that he has first shot in almost every encounter.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Roachor on May 19, 2010, 08:19:27 pm
the solution to pking is killing them before they kill you.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Nice_Boat on May 19, 2010, 09:40:59 pm
I totally agree with avv in this, its hard for anti-pk players to recognize pk players ( please no trolling concerning this statement ). Sure, for someone like Nice Boat (PK), who attacks everyone (weaker) , its good "feature" that he has first shot in almost every encounter.

And you are basing the statement that I attack weaker players on...? I don't really pk in encounters unless provoked or during a group action, besides when I feel like doing it it's way more entertaining to see the victim sweat first ;D I think most people who met me outside of town control/mining the miners can testify to that, lol. Anyway it's bad manners to make it personnal on the forums like that - because really, if we ever had contact in game it was probably during a friendly exchange of gunfire between consenting adults during a TC fight.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Frosti on May 19, 2010, 10:11:00 pm
The society is gone. No police, no government to speak of. You live in a country that pre-war had more firearms than people. You meet someone you don't know in the desert. That's not a pretty scenario. I'd say players in FOnline are pretty better off than real people in such a situation would be. I mean living in fear is great and is a part of the setting, and you can still tag someone you know is a PK and have an "unfair" advantage because of that - make it any easier would simply ruin the delicious suspense of encountering another human being, lol. You can still make a list of outlaws by exchanging namecolorizing and consistent tagging - why don't you use that instead of opting for the easy way out? You already have a very powerful tool...

But those are players...immortal players that is who use alts!  Thats why marking PK's is justified.
While PKing you have nothing to lose and adventage of not being marked is in my opinion way too big bonus for immortal, alting PKers.

Ps. There is no delicious suspense , you shoot first or risk losing all your stuff. And it makes players start to shoot anyone who is not on their friend list.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Archaeon_dude on May 20, 2010, 12:09:43 am
 The ingame recognition of an enemy would take a lot from what an ideal roleplaying scenario would be, where you get to know this person is an enemy because he does things that do not fit in your moral codes. I think this system works fairly enough. Towns should be guarded (camping should have a certain difficulty), bounty hunts should be improoved and reputations should be a weight factor.

You guys remind me of Freud's myth of the tyrant father. Establishing penalties for transgressions might work as a common foe is missing.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Dylan Fraser on June 13, 2010, 11:44:39 am
Jesus H. Christ.  This is possibly the worst idea I've ever seen.  The whole white, pink, red was bad enough.. but LOSING A LEVEL when you pk?  You talk about pking like it's a flaw or something.. it keeps the goddamn game interesting.  The wasteland is harsh.  Stop playing if you don't like it.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Quentin Lang on June 13, 2010, 11:48:05 am
Jesus H. John... Why the hell did you awaken this god-forgotten topic :/ Check the dates lol.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Michaelh139 on June 13, 2010, 11:25:09 pm
You took this idea from Runescape.... And we all know how that game turned out.....   >.>...  Nuff said.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: kraskish on June 14, 2010, 12:26:37 am
if there was no name colorizing Id like to see the colors depending on your overall karma, killing bad karma guy would add to your karma and make the pkr karma go up a little depending on the difference of karmas I dont know, the thing is as for now this game is a grief competition, no one is punished for killing players just for no-one-caring NPCs yes its ludicrous a bit, but at least factions with name colorizing have fun :/
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: corosive on June 14, 2010, 04:40:05 am
lol just make it so level 21 players cant shoot a level 1 player until he reaches atleast level 3 or shoots first.....

noobie protection for the first couple of levels nuff' said every other game does it lol
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Quentin Lang on June 14, 2010, 08:36:07 am
Just let this terrible topic die, please.  :-\
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: kraskish on June 14, 2010, 11:13:14 am
lol just make it so level 21 players cant shoot a level 1 player until he reaches atleast level 3 or shoots first.....

noobie protection for the first couple of levels nuff' said every other game does it lol

I dont think thats possible, but would be nice. At the moment Fonline has no newbie policy...
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: JovankaB on June 14, 2010, 01:03:20 pm
lol just make it so level 21 players cant shoot a level 1 player until he reaches atleast level 3 or shoots first.....

noobie protection for the first couple of levels nuff' said every other game does it lol

Then 21 level players wouldn't be able to shoot enemy scouts or suicide bombers.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Michaelh139 on June 14, 2010, 06:13:14 pm
Then 21 level players wouldn't be able to shoot enemy scouts or suicide bombers.
Suicide bomber part doesn't make sense because you would need a high Trap skil anyways to do any damage or make the bombs.

Scout thing I can't really comment on....
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Jeoshua on June 14, 2010, 08:08:23 pm
The End-all Be-all solution to PK:

More options for non-PK play.

As it is, there are a few quests, shit-cleaning, box-moving, and some crafting.  If there were far more quests, and ones that could be done without killing anyone, the game would naturally attract less PKers.

Other than that, the other solution is just not to trust anyone until you can take a few punches.

Tho it would be nice for lvl 1 characters to be un-pk-able... It would give people a chance to get used to the controls and the game before they got totally pwnt.  I died 5 times in 5 minuites when I first started... but then again I expected that.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Roachor on June 14, 2010, 09:42:33 pm
Suicide bomber part doesn't make sense because you would need a high Trap skil anyways to do any damage or make the bombs.

Scout thing I can't really comment on....

oh yeah it's so hard to make that and give it to an alt. Take a whole 2 minutes.
Title: A vindictive solution....
Post by: rax on June 19, 2010, 03:55:13 pm
I got a big list of pk-s I am going to destroy. I don't want their stuff although it is vitally important that they lose it. I just want an option that when I kill someone I can decide to either open loot dialog of him or dump on him without looking in. So he will stink for let's say two days, and everyone notices it including NPCs coments like: Did you notice that smell?. It is an expensive option but it's great for role playing, it also disables dumping on someone if he is without lootable items. It also defines who is a looting pk and who is a pk psycho.
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Surf on June 19, 2010, 04:57:05 pm
With that option in 2-3 days the whole server would "stink". :)
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Kilgore on June 19, 2010, 04:57:40 pm
Then 21 level players wouldn't be able to shoot enemy scouts or suicide bombers.

Yep + everyone would have 1 lvl char looting everything from every battlefield in the north
Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: Swinglinered on June 19, 2010, 08:59:55 pm
I suggest PK system from others mmorpgs.

Neutral player - nick white , Hostile players - nick pink ,  Player Killer - nick red

Neutral player never drop any items upon death.

When Neutral player attack other Neutral player his nick goes Pink. For attacking Pink player you also goes as Pink and if Pink player is killed he do not lose items. For killing Pink nicked player you do not become Payer Killer (red nick). Pink nick becomes white after some time ( 1 minute exemple).

Player who succesfully kill Neutral player (player who do not fight back to have Pink nick) becomes Player Killer - red nick. Player Killer drop all items upon death and he lose level. After 1 death for 1 innocent kill he becomes Neutral again ( 2 kills of Neutral plyers is 2 levels).

Ps: Player Killer can become neutral again without losing level or items after certian of time (10 minuts exemple)

Benefits this system bring to FOnline:

- it will greatly reduce numbers of psychopatic killers that lurks on harsh wasteland
- it will encourage players militia in ungarded cities and mines
- players who have too much items will lose them as it was intended on Town Control event

Those are 3 big pros of this system.

How do people "know" which are which, and how do items drop or not drop, levels get lost, etc.? I mean, the in-game rationale?

Is it magic?

(Yes I know we respawn after death)

Title: Re: PK solution
Post by: rax on June 20, 2010, 03:32:59 pm
It should stink. It should stink in the bunkers, and in the wastes, it should stink in bazaars and in the hunting grounds,stench should never surrender ... I got myself carried away};->
Right now I am interested only in my hit list and I want to send message.

You know, in one Islamic country before war with its neighbor it used to be a shame to not have a hand because it generally meant a guy was a thief. After war started it changed to a common thing, no shame, there were a lot of people that did not have an arm because of fighting. But it stayed in the back of the mind of everyone that a said person might be a thief.

Being saved by some farmers in the middle of nowhere actually fits well with preservation of stench. And it would give an idea of how many truly vindictive guys are there.

And you can apply brahmin manure for it. That way it would stil have use even though some new new guy did not know how to use the showel... he he he  ... carried away again....
And besides, if somebody treats that way a fallen enemy he has to do it in time before replication so both parties know what happened and by whom.
It is a clean, but stinky solution, to personal vendetas.

Hope you had as much fun reading this post as I had writing it. I am very vindictive, but I hope at least I have some sense of humor.