Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Suggestions => Topic started by: Wichura on October 16, 2011, 09:59:13 pm
Ghost Farm, small quiet place in the middle of Nowhere. It has almost all basic resources, workbench, still, some containers. And it's empty for most of the time.
We - the Orphanage - are pretty experienced in helping newcomers, hauling them around and so on. How about to start a kindergarten-like "faction", mixed NPC and player-driven one, called Slags? Except some helpful threads and Wikipedia (we all know how up-to-date it is) there is no interactive guide into Wasteland.
What's the deal? All generous people of good will, that want to help new guys, wander around hunting moo-mooz with or without them, have some time and patience to spare - are welcomed. Idea is to run the place by players for players (with a little help of AI guards to prevent trolls and apes), not yet another cave filled with item carpets. Only volunteers, MadMax Wannabes are wanted too. It won't be military faction, able to threat anyone, so fear not.
What needs to be done? Faction terminal down below Ghost Farm, to add people to "Slags" kindergarten. Add some guards, hostile to non-members or non-friends of Slags. Add entrance directly to underground level on preview window. Add exit grid leading to worldmap on underground level.
A picture made by one of my mates:
As you see, it's not much work to do.
Experienced trusted people of 2238 community could be set as important members of this faction, so they can invite/expel people there.
Thoughts? Ways to abuse? Anything?
Map with few simple modifications:
modoc_gstcavenew.fomap (
Few rules, gathered from discussion below:
- combined faction NPC-player driven, named The Slags - AI guards, experienced players as important members able to add newcomers as friends of faction
- AI guards hostile to non-members and non-friends - this prevents unwanted visitors, access is possible after being added to faction terminal
- no items storage in the place - people should learn how to get stuff by their own and keep it in their private tents/hideouts
- no quests or profession teachers - it's not fun to play whole game sitting tight underground
- no unique resources, no HQ resources - these are located elsewhere in the world and have nothing to do with beginning stage of game
- no level limit - player may leave Ghost Farm and Slags anytime, but if he wants to stay, he should be able to
- apolitical and independent community - not an army, not TC oriented, PvE > PvP, not interested in making alliances with any force of outside world
Example of preview window:
Entering directly to Cave gonna be deadly for non-members or non-friends of the Slags.
That is a really good idea, gives new people a place to (hopefully) safely make their basic gear and meet fellow players. Its perfect because brahmins are in that area so people could take noobs out on their first hunts so they can have tents to safely store their items.
Sounds like a place to gank some more people :-\
Sounds like a place to gank some more people :-\
How is that?
Grey Rock Village Redux!
more (
RP Mania! (
We can combine both of these, can't we?
A South one to compliment the North one?
it's looks very nice, i like it
If there wont be PC supervision and some helpful NPC guards, Izual is pretty right.
Sounds like a place to gank some more people :-\
Not at first- griefer scum will wait until the village is rich before looting it.
I forgot to mention - no precious items, caps in large amounts or any other "richie richies" will be present there. There can be locked doors with access for important members only, kind of "safe" to keep something valuable, but I don't think it's necessary. It's more reasonable to set a tent nearby and stash private stuff there.
I forgot to mention - no precious items, caps in large amounts or any other "richie richies" will be present there. There can be locked doors with access for important members only, kind of "safe" to keep something valuable, but I don't think it's necessary. It's more reasonable to set a tent nearby and stash private stuff there.
Locked doors attract Lockpickers and Bombers.
And items stocked somewhere attract thieves and vultures.
That's why both (items and locks) won't be necessary to run this place I think.
How is that?
It is like this , trolls start counting their bombs and call in other scum , ;D the thing is even if you make it fortified like ncr , it's possible to take the place over anyway some s8 clowns will go there with merceneries and shit :)
So you need those guards to respawn without any delay or they just be immortal one shot sheriffs.
btw nice suggestion
Add some guards, hostile to non-members or non-friends of Slags.
So the way I see it, it will be almost impossible to rape and pillage with anonymous alt more than once. Mercenaries at bases are killing unwanted visitors in no time, sometimes it's even faster than map loads. Known, beloved "feature" from merc traps can work here perfectly, I guess.
Turrets instead of perma-mercs.
Plus retinal scan gate.
All parts implemented already.
(If official help available.)
it could have rooms like the hotels but with some kind of limit to using it to encourage people to move on.
To make people leave... put a level limit on it. Once you reach lvl 6 you're no longer allowed inside anymore.
To make people leave... put a level limit on it. Once you reach lvl 6 you're no longer allowed inside anymore.
What would be the in-game rationale for this?
I dislike this suggestion just because it would ruin the 1v1 pvp that I have happen to me there from time to time.
To make people leave... put a level limit on it. Once you reach lvl 6 you're no longer allowed inside anymore.
Makes no sense. You may leave any time (and I personally feel proud when I see my "girls" in large well known factions), but what if you feel satisfied by "teacher" role and your character is recognized by many "Slags"? Besides to hunt or gather anything more than basic rocks and wood people need to go out - the idea is not to roleplay moles or stay underground all day long.
I dislike this suggestion just because it would ruin the 1v1 pvp that I have happen to me there from time to time.
There is so much other empty places for 1vs1 PvP, that I actually find this argument critically missed.
I find that your argument critically missed, and had it's testicles blown away due to the fact I was stating my opinion, not any sort of argument that is open for debate.
Most of the time in northern towns I encounter at least groups of 3 whereas I have never encountered more than one at a time at the ghost farm.
...the idea is not to roleplay moles or stay underground all day long...
or is it 8)
enter wave of 1 Per ghost farm alts!
It definitely sounds like a good idea, but in my opinion it can be improved further:
To protect from making this place yet another battlefield: some level limit, that restricts high-level characters to enter.
To protect from suicide-bombers: add a couple of respawning guards there that are checking your inventory and your hands for anything illegal.
To make this place more interesting to visit: a simple dungeon with low-level creatures.
You want to help newbies? Shoot them in the face and take their items. That's how they learn best.
Safety is going to be the biggest issue with your nuubland. If the npc guards are weak, they get wiped out and the place will be camped by dedicated playtesters. If they are too strong you end up having a new ncr, unless the npcs work like militia and there's players monitoring it. All hail Sheriff Wichura.
It definitely sounds like a good idea, but in my opinion it can be improved further:
To protect from making this place yet another battlefield: some level limit, that restricts high-level characters to enter.
To protect from suicide-bombers: add a couple of respawning guards there that are checking your inventory and your hands for anything illegal.
To make this place more interesting to visit: a simple dungeon with low-level creatures.
How do low level beginners can learn anything if there's no experienced dude(s) around? That's why level limit is pointless in that case.
Checking for dynamites - very good idea, I don't know if possible to implement tho.
Place should be interested, yes, but not self-sufficient at all. To gain exp from killing things people gonna go out, not sit tight in one location.
You want to help newbies? Shoot them in the face and take their items. That's how they learn best.
This is what most of pr0 playahs do, I think it's enough.
Safety is going to be the biggest issue with your nuubland. If the npc guards are weak, they get wiped out and the place will be camped by dedicated playtesters. If they are too strong you end up having a new ncr, unless the npcs work like militia and there's players monitoring it.
I thought about guards behaviour like Enclave or Brotherhood does - shoot on sight anyone out of faction. It's easy, makes sense and prevents merc-leader rapists or other trolololo bored kids from camping the place. Player X acts like an asshole? One of important members changes his status in terminal (that's why it's required) and boom! Who was player X anyway?
All hail Sheriff Wichura.
It's not only my idea and for sure not military organization. No sheriffs, drill sergeants, nano-penis leaders and so on.
Interesting idea, in fact you could start it right now only thing you need is lots of mercs and people you want to invite have to be signed in one base. These mercs can be your guarding NPCs, shooting only non-members. I think it works even when you put someone as a friend, doesn't have to be a pure member. This base (probably a cave) should be somewhere near to Modoc I guess. Hard to say if it's abusable, you could test it and publish a report on this forum like WWP did.
Yeah, but trying such thing now, with mercs, mercleaders and cave will lead just to make yet another battlefield there - "hey, some n00bs with lame mercs on ghost farm, go pwn them nao!". It is possible to keep the place running that way, but it's too much time consuming to make all necessary alts, put mercs, camp grid and stuff.
Map with screenshot added, feel free to download and modify it.
Checking for dynamites - very good idea, I don't know if possible to implement tho.
Already is if im not mistaken. They'll just need to up the value for checking it to the max.
... but it's too much time consuming to make all necessary alts, put mercs, camp grid and stuff.
That's true.
Good wichura,if help is needed,i remember i owe you more than a single one.
Just pm me and i will teach the kids the Holy Art of crippling Pro peekays hands with shitty weapons.
I have a couple leaders characters i do not use to lend,if mercs are needed.
Time to start farming brahmins,yeah. ;)
I think this is an awesome idea.
Few ideas from my side:
Tweak for the bomber/guards issue = Dynamite is forbidden, Slags are afraid the cave could crumble, so everyone having dynamite in INV or hands gets shot by guards.
Griefer/Gankers = Same as already mentioned, Guards are hostile to non-member/friends - Guards need to be fast respawning, average high in numbers, well equiped (or just 1-shot godmode guards). This would also bring free stuff for the beginners and their mentors if someone enters the cave with evil intentions.
Level requirement: max lvl is 21 to enable mentors, mentors (as suggested by wichura - experienced, known for their friendly non-aggro non-troll behaviour, members of the 2238 community) decide when someone is experienced enough to set out in the harsh wasteland. New mentors could be decided/voted by the existing ones too. (Faction Terminal rights for the mentors suggested by Wichura could handle this)
I would love to see this ingame. Great opportunity to have the newb-area many people always suggested, that isnt run by game mechanics, but by real players actually. Mentor behaviour should be checked by GMs from time to time to prevent some people taking over the place.
+1 from me I like the idea especially if its expanded by what Andr3aZ said.
I don't think the scripting for this should be hard after all Vault city has a terminal too and as member you can check and see that it has quite a lot of member and settings.
this game just neeeeeeds that idea to be implemented. Now its extremly newbies-hostile. A lot of newcomers just ragequit after some time of constant "trying and dying" at the beginis where they know absolutely no game mechanics etc.
This idea has a chance to help this game more than u can imagine.
Its gona be a natural ingame "tutorial" phase for newcomers.
Well the suggestion is about to start a villie for newbies or noobs which cannot search a PVE or other team.
It would be basic place without pr0 high guns and etc.
Then If Slags-players will allow player inside they will have to face doors like on Hinkley - If they got bombs or loaded burst weapons - they might not enter. And the rules would be like inside the NCr - no weapons in hand - so KoS on the guys with it - simple and easy. There is nothing to abuse, we do not want next pr0 project with GM leader - because it could get more whines and so on.
Edit: There could be also guys selected from forums which got much game experience and are much time online to be "members-teachers" which could add new newbies to the underground.
About lockpicks - Containers would be unlockpickable like the black doors which were there for some time in Ghost Farm (if its able)
And about the trolling inside - there is an option in SDK to give nonPVP inside one location - why do not give it underground?
Say no more, im in
The idea od RolePlay and helping newbies is something what im looking for
Meaby there should be an guard at entrace [like at hinkley] wich checks your inventory [bombs lockpicks and smt else is not allowed]
And the rules would be like inside the NCr - no weapons in hand - so KoS on the guys with it - simple and easy. There is nothing to abuse, we do not want next pr0 project with GM leader - because it could get more whines and so on.
Hammer is considered a weapon by AI, so how do you want to allow people to dig rocks? Negative to this idea, mister.
It's not like "NCR with own mine wolololo" crap, with being unable to defend yourself from thieves, bombers and suicide bursters. However it's totaly free to come in after asking selected, trusted important members of Slags from 2238 community. Before searching for those we all need to know if this idea has any chances to be implemented.
Supervising GM could be useful, we are all just humans and we make mistakes. For example logs from different situations would help not to hurt innocent players due to random trolls.
One more important thing - no items storage on Ghost Farm! Idea is to help people find themselves in dangerous world and learn to be self sufficient, not feed vultures and lazy bastards. Items stashed in one public place, no matter how guarded, restricted and all, sooner or later gonna be stolen. Shared tent might be solution for keep common caps and basic tools, but I am qualified nurse and I know what I'm saying - it's a waste of time and also senseless to give people fish instead of fishing rod.
One more important thing - no items storage on Ghost Farm! Idea is to help people find themselves in dangerous world and learn to be self sufficient, not feed vultures and lazy bastards. Items stashed in one public place, no matter how guarded, restricted and all, sooner or later gonna be stolen. Shared tent might be solution for keep common caps and basic tools, but I am qualified nurse and I know what I'm saying - it's a waste of time and also senseless to give people fish instead of fishing rod.
Yes you got right - thats we do not need more containers for nubz but just only one for hammers etc.
But we could get some more containers in the room "nur fur memebers" Inside some room for other things like spears, simple guns etc.
The whole idea is to get some people in Northen towns and learn to play in teams/parties (party experiencing instead of solo boring powerleveling) and to farm in team.
Are the forcefields from F2 available? maybe they could be implemented in some way for a storage area that only important members could access so that tools, basic weapons and such could be stored safely, maybe even at the entrance so that banned items cannot pass through.
Incubator for PKs avengers?! ;)
No, seriously. I like this idea from different reasons. From my VSB faction experience, i know how hard is to start and how usefull is every advice for new player. Also i think that idea that locations that are not populated (and were not) are good to populate. This current form could work. Also there exists relation between F2 location purpose and current project. Also i like concept, that empty location are "gifted" to players, if they fullfill some purpose.
But i think Wichura, that you will experience hot moments. First era of VSB (Union of Atomic Workers), our base worked on concept, that evey czech or slovakian player, who wanted to be enlisted in faction, was added. This lead to situation, that we had cca 50-70 players in our base (and their ALTS!) during first era. Thievery was normal behave from many members. We created alts only to store our stuff, until the core of our players bought new base. So be prepared for this bahaviour and dont expect that every newbie has good character, because his character is not ruined by 2238 experience.
So again, i like your idea, but i have few little suggestions:
1) Add another room that could be locked somehow. You will need it to store items.
2) Think about mumble, because n.1 truth is, that if you talk with people, you can establish better relationship than if you only text to them.
3) Add some resource, that could be harvested (crafted,..) only in your project location, resource that is at least quite usefull for players. Two reasons. Monopol for that resource will motivate your members to not behave like morons but (hopefully) ,they will behave little responsible, if they will know they can lost direct acces to that resources. Second reason is that "noPK pvp apez" will try to make bussiness connection rather than hostilities.
4) Create your own radio channel and send me your channel number, i will listen it :)
But on the other way. VSB and almost every gangs provides and provided help for newbies during all eras. So your project should have another purpose, that every major gangs fullfil automaticaly. I would also like granted and guarded public location for VSB gang somewhere in the wasteland, more steadily than Town Control (Like on Requiem, where long existind and active gangs has bases under or in public locations), but i know that VSB since first era was not contributing so much as you, Wichura, so we dont deserve this privilege (and even stupid graffiti) :/
But still, i like and support your idea Wichura.
2) Think about mumble, because n.1 truth is, that if you talk with people, you can establish better relationship than if you only text to them.
Rather Radio/IRC
It definitely sounds like a good idea, but in my opinion it can be improved further:
To protect from making this place yet another battlefield: some level limit, that restricts high-level characters to enter.
How would the World/Guards know the level?
It is like the measuring board at an amusement park: "You must be this tall to go on this ride", but in this case it is "you must not be taller than this".
How would they know?
Are the forcefields from F2 available? maybe they could be implemented in some way for a storage area that only important members could access so that tools, basic weapons and such could be stored safely, maybe even at the entrance so that banned items cannot pass through.
Good idea.
Giving all guards max or magic perception to detect banned items is lame, but a forcefield that detects items that pass through would be a technology that the pre-war people would have developed for airport and other secure locations.
A special location might have a rebuilt device functional.
Mumble, Tree Control, business connections ... Wait, what?
No. No no no. It's not yet another faction of well geared fellas with combat ape chars and so on. It's not the TTTLA, BBS, CS, DVD, HDMI or GTFO minions, recruits, fresh meat, whatever. We want to make something totally different from what was on 2238 so far - apolitical and independent community, not based on orders, ranks nor pew-pew focused l33t d00dz, these are already here.
If anyone joins the Slags and after some time decides to leave - go ahead. I repeat, I will be personaly proud seeing "my" former noobs having fun from playing with large, well known faction of pwnz0rs, no matter what or who they will be. If player didn't throw the game after a week, we won.
Communication - except IRC channel and maybe one thread on this forum, containing rules, nicknames of important members ("teachers"? "nurses"?) and announcements I don't see the point. Let me underline this - we don't want to create military organization there.
Again - no items keeping on Ghost Farm, so no lockers/forcefields/safety rooms are needed. We have to learn people how to get stuff, not how to beg and/or wait for someone else to bring it to them.
As for dynamite detection - sure, if it's possible, why not.
Unique resources mean a reason to fight for. Negative, it's not the idea to defend Unique Itanz Tower from waves of orks wanting to get them. It would be like starting a kindergarten in unguarded mine, simply unfair to rest of people, who may don't give a crap about what Brilliant MadMax Wannabes Project is running inside.
Ghost Farm has recources that can be found anywhere else, I think this is good.
Well, I'm up to help ya. Sounds like the thingies I'm doing since I gained some experience to share with the others.
About itanz, it's nothing to say more than you said on #SQ channel, Wichura. Even if you brings tons of so-called basic stuff there, all will be looted prolly by one lusty guy who will die with it on first encounters. So it's totally pointless to have some stuff there excpeting some basic tools like sledgies, knifes...
My proposition is to add an NPC who works like homesteader in bases. You know you gives him knife, he'll give you some fibers etc. etc.
how about move all those tutorial NPCs there - the ones that give quests like Emma in Boneyard
Rather than such tutorial Npcs, surely part of the idea would be that some of the "tutor" players would take a few new guys out to find those fibres etc?
I'm very strongly in support of this idea, by the way.
AFAIK if we speak about basic resources, only junk and flint have to be gathered outside. Fibers, wood, LQ rocks, meat, fruits are already there, it's more than enough for crafting basic stuff for beginners.
Placing quests or profession teachers on Ghost Farm - no, it's not the way to learn people about Wasteland. Quests, professions, HQ resources, glory and fame are all outside, we can only help you to know how to walk for them.
Main problem with noobs in 2238 is that they have whole world from start at hand. And they go like "oh i can go to any city! what do i do there? and what is my goal and purpose?" If all bluesuits would spawn in ghost farm after creating character this suggestion would be good. But if they spawn around the whole wasteland like now, what is the difference from founding standart noob faction and signing noobs in your base?
OK, maybe this homesteader isn't best idea. But about quests, I'm against the NPC Questgivers, but the "teachers" could give some quest to rookies. Well sounds like Cordon from S.T.A.L.K.E.R. universe. Once again I have to say I'm up for it.
Main problem with noobs in 2238 is that they have whole world from start at hand. And they go like "oh i can go to any city! what do i do there? and what is my goal and purpose?" If all bluesuits would spawn in ghost farm after creating character this suggestion would be good. But if they spawn around the whole wasteland like now, what is the difference from founding standart noob faction and signing noobs in your base?
Interesing idea, but not anyone is interested in having such "tutorials", especially experienced players don't give a crap about some n00bs hidden in underground hole. Still it's worth consideration, maybe as an option while creating a char ("Do you wish to go through Interactive Vault-Tec Tutorial 3000? Yes/No") or short line in spawn dialogue, like "Hey rookie, looks like you could use a help from those freaks living underground near Modoc". Anyone able to read can choose himself then.
We can use this trustful players to be some kind of Slags' messengers in the towns.
"Oh, it's against RP! Slags are supposed to stay underground"
Well, this messengers could be just wastelanders who visited Ghost Farm but aren't Slags and can walk during the day. :)
Interesing idea, but not anyone is interested in having such "tutorials", especially experienced players don't give a crap about some n00bs hidden in underground hole. Still it's worth consideration.
Well surely it could be arranged so that where you spawn the Ghost farm is nearest place, maybe inside one of the zones surrounding Ghost farm - NW, N, NE, E, SE. Or it might be possible to choose to skip tutorial like in some other games so that you start in one of the existing start locations.
how about move all those tutorial NPCs there - the ones that give quests like Emma in Boneyard
Move their dialogue there, or the substance of it.
The actual NPCs need an in-game reason to be there.
NPCs on Ghost Farm are Slags, underground farmers who just live there. Besides the idea is to run the place by players, so I prefer to give people "quests" to f.e. bring me item X in amount Y myself, not by NPC "That Bitch In Dress Near Workbench".
About the Slags in gang meanings - as we read, after wipe there will be some influence fancy feature, allowing to perform Tree Control. I think it's reasonable (dunno about technical issues here) to disable influence for Slags, as they are peaceful community, not blood-thirsty warriors.
Added example picture of preview window.
There will be an army of immortal AI guards standing near cave's exit? Because if you can enter cave from world map, it means that an army of players with mercs can do it too, of course if they know that guards are killable, even if heavy armed and have alot HP.
I think you can do it without guards, simply non-members or kicked members won't be able to use ladder, so they simply won't get into cave, also when you entering farm, spawn points can be placed through out whole farm, so it'll be almost impossible for PKs to camp there and wait for poor bluesuiters to appear, the same with exit grid, make it at edges of map at all directions, not only at south-west. Without preview, without ability to enter cave directly. Because you'll need to make really many guards immune to all crit effects, alot HP (or even immortal) and with super puper 1-kill always crit weapon. Or only 1 guard with all those abilites, but with infinite APs, so he alone can kill an army before they kill all innocent bluesuiters + while guard(s) are killing one evil guys, some of them could be sneakers who will use that moment to hide in cave and then troll innocent in dark corners! If that place will be really popular for newcomers, then trolling them will be really fun.
1) either gear checking guards or what Id like more entry mode like in hinkley for non-members and a few guards in bot.
2) I think hexes around ghost farm should have increased chance for brahmin encounter, to help newbs set up the first tent
I like your idea, keep it up!
There will be an army of immortal AI guards standing near cave's exit? Because if you can enter cave from world map, it means that an army of players with mercs can do it too, of course if they know that guards are killable, even if heavy armed and have alot HP.
I don't know a lot about setting AI guards' stats, however I believe it's possible to make them "immortal" or "unkillable". They won't be used to fight anyone (like Tree Control militia or whatever), but only for security vs unwanted visitors.
Yes, but devs always avoided to use immortal guards - hence the "reinforcements" system in guarded towns. However I doubt any "reinforcement" can come to Ghost Farm if needed...
It suppose to be tutorial location, so no need to worry about 'different' rules, such as immortal guards.
I have a little idea about Wichura's suggestion. How about, create small pve location there, working like a hinkley. the only differ is, that you fighting against CPU critter. You can easily, and without any stress, learn how to fight in real-time mode, and how different guns working in 'real' fonline life.
It suppose to be tutorial location, so no need to worry about 'different' rules, such as immortal guards.
I have a little idea about Wichura's suggestion. How about, create small pve location there, working like a hinkley. the only differ is, that you fighting against CPU critter. You can easily, and without any stress, learn how to fight in real-time mode, and how different guns working in 'real' fonline life.
maybe it could be like klamath, a field of brahmin and maybe some mantis...
You want to help newbies? Shoot them in the face and take their items. That's how they learn best.
Actually he has a strong point.
That is how i learned things and now look at me 2D counter strike fan , i'm proud of myself. ;D
But people should have a choice , play some tutorial and go easy mode or do it the hard way.
How about, create small pve location there, working like a hinkley. the only differ is, that you fighting against CPU critter. You can easily, and without any stress, learn how to fight in real-time mode, and how different guns working in 'real' fonline life.
And what about XP gained by killing those? No, I think it's way better to haul Mr Newbie on the desert and show him living Wasteland, instead of closed shooting range with lame creatures. Tiger would never become a self-sufficient predator, if you constantly feed him with dead chickens.
I agree with it the place shouldn't contain such a zone. Adventure should start in the desert.
One little thing however I would like to add it should be possible to enter the ground place for everyone except those who set as enemies in the terminal entering the underground area should be limited only.
Well, it's another solution - make ladder unusable for non-members or non-friends, including enemies of course. This still won't help if someone wants to camp the top level, with only one exit grid, also adding direct exit to worldmap from cave and direct enter from worldmap (preview) seems necessary.
Well wichura, its your decision of course.
But i remember my first char. I was really happy when get first gun and go on desert. You can imagine result:]
So, place where i can learn how to use gun (i mean, ME, not my char) would be nice. And of course, no exp points, because everything there would be 'fake' (guns, critters etc).
Wichura, do you have any promise from devs? Or this thread is only empty talking?
i think this is a good idea
if you need some help with this give me a message.
Wichura, do you have any promise from devs? Or this thread is only empty talking?
I have an answer from scypior so far. They gonna read this thread. Soon.
But if this idea ever has to become reality, it needs to be discussed before.
Very interesting idea, but we need more info will this become real or not :<
Devs should say something for this..
Personnally, i don't think citizenship is a good thing to make the town apolitic.
You could have struggle for leadership, betrayal, spies, gangwar to hold the cave and other stuff.
As i see it :
- Free access to upperground area, with a lot of random spawn point. So there is no camping abuse as you don't know where bluesuits gonna spawn.
- The two access to the underground are guarded by npc who attack those who attack others. No reinforcement, no superguards, but you can see them from afar. So if you don't see them it means the entrances are not safe.
- Generic glowing ghouls during night, who help the guards. (more falloutish)
- When you goes underground, there are doors that you must pass to enter the cave itself. To pass the door, you must give your weapons to the guards. (they will disapear, forever) If you kill the guard, you can't pass the door. (those inside could leave by a red exit)
- If you attack someone inside, you'll be killed and loose 500 reputation. You go under 1000 you will be shot on sight. So there will be no unarmed gang rush. (or less)
- No citizenship, no computer, no faction, no stuff, no ressources, no traders, no containers, no idolated reputation for players. Maybe some homesteader or generic quest guys. So there will be no struggle for the leadership of this place.
- Mini questmap around the ghost farm. (quest given from inside the cave. the reward are never weapons)
Almost all above sounds exactly as copy of NCR, with reputation, "holster ur weapon!!111" shouting by so called "guards", inability to defend yourself against thieves, trolls, bombers etc. Besides if there's no resources or possibilty to keep your weapon in hands, what's the use of such place? To chit-chat? To "roleplay" the talking mole? Makes no sense.
You won't have to defend yourself agains't bomber, as the bomber will stay right in front of the door.
You won't have to defend yourself agains't thieves as you don't bring valuable stuff. (no trader)
You won't have to defend yourself agains't troll as troll do not harm.
You won't have to worry about who's there as there is no reputation or citizenship.
Unless you want an abusable system, or a base for you own, seems the only way to have safe place to meet...
Personally I think the player driven npc faction idea is better then making it to hinkly like area sure it would be safe and all but it was planed to be some kind of tutorial area where the new players would be able to get general direction and for that I think the original idea from Wichura is more useful for a place like that.
The problem is that a player driven faction is highly abusable, and can't be apolitic.
Plus, we already have player driven faction dedicated to help the newcomer. It was WWP. It is BHH. It would be another faction tomorow.
yes avusable after playing 2 -or more years after fo238 faws releasde u shit bricks nowh and say scukcy things.
You do not know what has been done by over the early of the 2238 now te know what to do to imprveo the 2238 but the devs are still dnun hy gut they got their ieasd to do but the true facts S HTEIR are afraid to do some imvpres "logic" tp the 238 and they do shits that it wil bye satyng ALIVE "FOR NOW" and it wont be stable I wish if developer team invite more people to the team.
You won't have to defend yourself agains't bomber, as the bomber will stay right in front of the door.
They will anyway, with instant dynamite-check. I wrote about it already.
You won't have to defend yourself agains't thieves as you don't bring valuable stuff. (no trader)
So if I want to give newcomer a hammer or 10 mm pistol, I am unable to do so there. I wrote about it already. Brilliant idea.
You won't have to defend yourself agains't troll as troll do not harm.
Sure, especially bored kids, spamming chat with //////////yourmomma///////////xd. Brilliant idea #2.
You won't have to worry about who's there as there is no reputation or citizenship.
You wrote something else before. And it's not dumb AI or game mechanics for decide who can be in or out the Slags, but people. Brilliant idea #3.
Unless you want an abusable system, or a base for you own, seems the only way to have safe place to meet...
Meet and what? "Let's go out, it's shitty dark cave here and I can't do single crap." Brilliant idea #4.
The problem is that a player driven faction is highly abusable, and can't be apolitic.
Plus, we already have player driven faction dedicated to help the newcomer. It was WWP. It is BHH. It would be another faction tomorow.
You are speaking about PvP-apes Tree Control business, which I never participated and I don't want to, neither the Slags would. Brilliant idea #5.
Anyway, no response from dev team brings me to conclusion it's only waste of time. Well, at least we tried.
You're still ignoring the guards problem ::) What if 20 pro-pvpers decide to camp the location and kill its guards?
You are still ignoring what I wrote above in this thread. That makes me sad.
First of all, Ghost Farm map needs changes, which I did already (first post). Preview needs to be done, I added a dull project of that (first post). Also AI guards have to have stats boosted and Kill-on-Sight everyone out of the Slags faction, so no "pro-apez" gonna camp the place. It won't be abusable at all, like Enclave or BoS bases aren't. Also (I know for some people every group of players is n00bz-to-pwn if they win or foking-proxy-cheaterz if they loose, but just try to imagine) the idea is totaly out of current or future PvP or Tree Control mechanics and stuff.
So we're just back to what I wrote earlier: you'll need immortal guards, and this is rather unusual in FOnline 2238. You could solve the thing by adding reinforcements (like in most guarded towns) but it does not exactly match the Slags background. Not saying your idea is bad, just pointing out some security flaws.
Also (I know for some people every group of players is n00bz-to-pwn if they win or foking-proxy-cheaterz if they loose, but just try to imagine) the idea is totaly out of current or future PvP or Tree Control mechanics and stuff.
Tell that to the people that like to raid public locations :/
It's useless. Nobody is going through forums to find this thing out. Even automatic radio0 spam would not make this thing useful, because radio is still Fonline specific and unrelated to Fallout which will all potential players know.
So we're just back to what I wrote earlier: you'll need immortal guards, and this is rather unusual in FOnline 2238. You could solve the thing by adding reinforcements (like in most guarded towns) but it does not exactly match the Slags background. Not saying your idea is bad, just pointing out some security flaws.
So let it be usual at Ghost Farm. We need clear situation there that says "go pew-pew elsewhere, it's pointless there anyway".
Pointing out security flaws and ways of abusing is welcomed, this is the purpose of the thread as well.
Tell that to the people that like to raid public locations :/
I don't see many volunteers raiding Klamath, Junktown or SF mine, and these are all guarded.
It's useless. Nobody is going through forums to find this thing out. Even automatic radio0 spam would not make this thing useful, because radio is still Fonline specific and unrelated to Fallout which will all potential players know.
I'm afraid you are totally wrong sir. Our Orphanage runs for over year and a half now, we use forums, in-game chat and IRC to inform people what we are doing. It works and will work, have no fear.
Because you totally can't have any positive idea about people missing it.
For someone who want to keep trolls away, you should not behave like one. I won't quote all those "useless" "brilliant ideas" or "did you read?"
I present my opinion about what i think should work.
How much bomber did you see at Hinkley ?
Can a bomber create magically a bomb in the area, all his dangerous stuff had been taken away, when entering the safe area ?
You still can give that damn 10 mm pistol to that noob, but outside the cave.
Inside, there is no way to camp and kill, as you can break the door, if the guards are dead.
Outside, you still can do it, but it is uneasy because of multiple spawn point, big map, and living guard, who would be away from their position if something bad happens.
The slag camp would be the only total safe place. The other areas (done and futures) would be less safe.
And i didn't say there would be nothing to do in the very safe area. Just that it would be safe AND open for everyone who behave correctly faction or not.
Personnally i remain skeptical with that player driven faction AND totally safe place.
If you want to occupy a place with your buddies there should be a minimal risk. (close area with weak guard, or open area with strong guards, like TC town)
A place that can be totally safe, shouldn't be safe only for members of your faction.
Or call it a public base. It could be better, as anyone could have a chance to get one.
It's OK if that is NPC faction. You wouldn't see PKs in Enclave base either. And honestly, this is how every faction should work, to help you do things, there shouldn't be a thing like "noob faction", instead all the NPC factions should be somewhat helpful to players. That should include at least: Vault City Citizenship, Enclave membership, Brotherhood of Steel membership, being a Khan, NCR related forces (be it rangers or regular army, who cares...), being a security for Water Traders and Followers of Apocalypse membership, being a slaver.
This should cover nearly entire map, though it will require quite some work to get done.
For someone who want to keep trolls away, you should not behave like one. I won't quote all those "useless" "brilliant ideas" or "did you read?"
I present my opinion about what i think should work.
I just feel tired of repeating the same things over and over, especially when I've already wrote about them before.
I present my experience as Mother Theresa of Wastes and I know what would, and what would not work. Orphanage runs long enough to tell this, longer than most of "alliances" or many pew-pew gangs. Besides who forbids you to make an alt of "Mad Max Wannabe" type, get access to Slags and roleplay a nurse for a while? Newcomers need many teachers, also experienced PvPers, to show them how to defend and attack vs other players.
A place that can be totally safe, shouldn't be safe only for members of your faction.
Or call it a public base. It could be better, as anyone could have a chance to get one.
We need to make all faction bases visible and public then. It's not fair to have a safe place only for members of faction, isn't it?
But seriously - I don't want that "safe" place be the same as "boring" one. And having access is easy - you just need to ask to be added to faction terminal. Thieves, assholios and retards gonna be eliminated pretty fast, after reporting them to trusted members of the Slags, by screenshot for example. This is the reason to keep "uber" AI guards there too.
This should cover nearly entire map, though it will require quite some work to get done.
We are offering all NPC-faction mechanics driven and maintained by players, real people, using existing in-game solutions, expanded on empty public location. So far "helpfulness" of NPC factions limits to buy professions and leave immediately.
Sure the idea is not "falloutish" or consistent with Fallout lore. But whole Tree Control isn't as well, yet no one whines about it.
I like this, nice idea.
I just feel tired of repeating the same things over and over, especially when I've already wrote about them before.
I hear you , this is common when you make good suggestion people don't read enough before they start participating in discussion , then you start telling all the same stuff over and over...
I already gave a green light from my side , should be implemented and see how this all goes , if something would be wrong fixes can be made sooner or later anyway. Some dumb speculations about " 20 pvp tree control apez " etc. etc. are not good enough excuses to not try.
There must be a choice for new players , to start playing the hard way or to join some ingame " community " for a short while to get a hang of this game. I haven't read anything better than this suggestion so i won't degrade it because some possible flaws.
For those who are concerned by security flaws , i think wasteland APK's will have something more to do they should be the reinforcements :) At least it would be nice for them to have more to do ? Right ?
For those who are concerned by security flaws , i think wasteland APK's will have something more to do they should be the reinforcements :) At least it would be nice for them to have more to do ? Right ?
Exactly, for now APK mostly are doing something like: "we kill pk on TC, that's why we harr anti pk", so even Chosen Soldiers, Rogues, etc can call themself "APK"
Maybe some blindrats have not yet noticed, but all the people who ever wanted to really protect "weak" from malicious personas, were always raided back by groups of other people, who were never able find their own challenge.
In other words, protecting "noobs" from small groups of PKs will always attract big groups and make life of noobs as miserable as it was before. There is nothing what can players do with it, that's why it is good idea to allow NPC factions handle newcomers instead, and work on troll countermeasures (we all know that NPC factions as they are now are completely helpless vs bursts, dynamites or stealing for example).
You still don't get it, do you?
AI can never handle humans, especially creative trolls, no matter how advanced mechanics you're gonna implement. That's why we'd like to combine "unkillable and uberpwnz0ring" AI guards (for protection from unwanted visitors) with player-driven place, to keep spoiling people's fun at minimum. I bet after dozens of failed attempts to "pwn sum n00bz in da cave", without a single frag or a piece of l00t, even the most stubborn ape will surrender.
Jesus Christ, AI can handle everything it's only matter of how good and complex it is.
Jesus Christ, AI can handle everything it's only matter of how good and complex it is.
So implement this "good and complex AI" and share it.
Jesus Christ, AI can handle everything it's only matter of how good and complex it is.
We need:
- faction terminal - it's in game already
- fancy location - it's in game already
- AI uber guards with KoS non-members or non-friends of faction - it's in game already
- preview to enter the cave directly - it's in game already
Do you see here any complex, rocket-science AI, which will require shitload of work and time, just for some crazy bunch of roleplayers, woodsmen and noobs?
I hear you , this is common when you make good suggestion people don't read enough before they start participating in discussion , then you start telling all the same stuff over and over...
I already gave a green light from my side , should be implemented and see how this all goes , if something would be wrong fixes can be made sooner or later anyway. Some dumb speculations about " 20 pvp tree control apez " etc. etc. are not good enough excuses to not try.
There must be a choice for new players , to start playing the hard way or to join some ingame " community " for a short while to get a hang of this game. I haven't read anything better than this suggestion so i won't degrade it because some possible flaws.
For those who are concerned by security flaws , i think wasteland APK's will have something more to do they should be the reinforcements :) At least it would be nice for them to have more to do ? Right ?
Yeh, this is good idea, and as usually most of the critiques are unproductive. The way it will be done (AI/human mixed) can work fine with responsible people at the lead of the project.
Also, yes. APK gang should sometimes leave the battlefields and get more useful. But also, I think that many mature guys from the other side of the barricade would be glad to help. For a PVPer, having more people equals to more enemies/allies, and so more fights. Apes are okay, RPers are okay. Everythings fine. My 2nd favorite suggestion after the random junk spawning in containers.
weird that i didnt even get an warning...Nigga please why not a GM repsects the rules?
To support Johnny i would say that npc faction couldn't be affected by trolls. IA doesn't care if you yell bad words on it.
Plus npc control only, is the only way to remain neutral and stay an ingame feature. Otherwise, let's allow other factions to take it. If not, it would become too much unbalanced.
Naossano is your stupidy level 9000 or its just your ignorance and trolling in this topic, we are saying to you all the things but you still remain at your shitty arguments which arent even strong. Please stop this posting because its pointless/useless.
Second thing let's get back to the Wichura last post
We need:
- faction terminal - it's in game already
- fancy location - it's in game already
- AI uber guards with KoS non-members or non-friends of faction - it's in game already
- preview to enter the cave directly - it's in game already
Do you see here any complex, rocket-science AI, which will require shitload of work and time, just for some crazy bunch of roleplayers, woodsmen and noobs?
One more before you will post more shit
IA doesn't care if you yell bad words on it.
Read again
But seriously - I don't want that "safe" place be the same as "boring" one. And having access is easy - you just need to ask to be added to faction terminal. Thieves, assholios and retards gonna be eliminated pretty fast, after reporting them to trusted members of the Slags, by screenshot for example. This is the reason to keep "uber" AI guards there too.
And please :
Thats all from me for now.
To support Johnny i would say that npc faction couldn't be affected by trolls. IA doesn't care if you yell bad words on it.
Plus npc control only, is the only way to remain neutral and stay an ingame feature. Otherwise, let's allow other factions to take it. If not, it would become too much unbalanced.
Oh, now I get it. Such kindergarten on Ghost Farm will be unbalanced, because of being player-driven and player-supported, but NPC guarded? And these "unfair" players aren't from your faction (however could be, as I wrote before - I don't care where nurses/teachers are from, as long as they want to help newcomers without expecting any reward or itanz in exchange), so you are afraid of "unfairness", due to some noobs sitting in a cave, protected by immortal guards? And you are afraid of unknown raising swarm force, that could pwn whole Wasteland someday, with unrapeable base?
You should write that at the beginning, without forcing dumb AI as a solution. This however ensures me you didn't read even the first post or you didn't understand it. Pity.
Again putting aside your great trolling skills i still don't get why you keep so badly a player driven faction with no ability to take back from them, but i still deeply think that this aspect could prevent the idea from being implemented, as i am far from being the only one to tell you that.
Personally i don't feel like raging agains't your proposal or fighting agains't it. I wouldn't be posting on that thread if i didn't think your idea couldn't be fine. I just propose some alternatives/adjustements which i think should fit better.
As far as I see all AI solution can be bypassed in Hinkly if you have high unarmed you can kill people inside or finish the guards its not something that is allowed to do just like killing in respawn area but its possible. Also there are ways to kill guards without getting attacked the only thing that is needed a blocked path. Also what about spamming AI can't handle that either but setting the wise guy enemy on the terminal could solve it he won't come back saying nonsense with his/her character he/she can make a new one but I doubt that anyone would register 20 char a week just to spam he/she would probably go to NCR to do it there. About thieves same as spam posters its solved the same way although I wouldn't remove thieves they give a nice touch to the game but it can be done.
AI is surely works to some extents but it isn't be able to suppress the above things on side note the terminal system can solve it.
We already have player-driven factions. We (the Orphanage) already are a faction that actually helps newcomers, unfortunately only Polish ones, not international. We all know how such factions work, you need to establish a base(s), craft itanz, put mercs to secure, whatever. It's well tested, it works, "we happy Vincent", cool.
But now what I'd like to see is something beyond, something more than "player-driven pew-pew" and NPC "gimme profession plox kthx bye" factions, something that let people to feel they actually play a RPG-based game, something out of "woodsmen vs apes" dividing (what is dumb as hell, even if sometimes funny).
I know the idea like "yo devz make us cool place to roleplay Mad Maxes and put some magic AI clever as fuck lol" would be flushed directly to Junk, as way too complicated and time consuming. That's why I suggest to combine AI strength for security with unpredictable human factor to keep the place running and living.
Yeah I knew about that I have heard about the Orphanage before though as far as I know I haven't yet met with them in game but knew about them with some pals we even wanted to copy an open base idea well it never succeeded anyway my post was mainly about why it wouldn't be a good thing to turn Ghost farm to Hinkly or Ncr. Personally my reason to welcome your idea is that it suggest a complex NPC faction which is player driven and would probably give the impression I was hoping to get from the normal NPC faction.
my idea of guards is not the human ones but Dogs!
anyway AI for those guard is looking like Merc [guard stance kill everyone who isnt member of a faction] so whats the problem?
Place for Great RPG wich will grow up with some time and become a good place to be if you dont want to get ape-raped or nut-bombed
Again putting aside your great trolling skills i still don't get why you keep so badly a player driven faction with no ability to take back from them, but i still deeply think that this aspect could prevent the idea from being implemented, as i am far from being the only one to tell you that.
Personally i don't feel like raging agains't your proposal or fighting agains't it. I wouldn't be posting on that thread if i didn't think your idea couldn't be fine. I just propose some alternatives/adjustements which i think should fit better.
Yes we will use Ghost Farm to take enemy towns and we will rule the wasteland, and noone from the other side of game could join before we will invite them MUAHAHAHA.
Stop posting there, btw are you from TTTLA(no offense)?
Yes we will use Ghost Farm to take enemy towns and we will rule the wasteland, and noone from the other side of game could join before we will invite them MUAHAHAHA.
I think, that devs can easly do "forbid this faction to take town", so it's not problem.
I think, that devs can easly do "forbid this faction to take town", so it's not problem.
But you can treecontrol it and "just" occupy it. What is, from a pure noob-faction, highly unprobably, especially if the faction is checked ocassionally by GMs. (not controlled, like NCR army)
My 2 cents. Otherwise, the idea is cool, Wichura.
But you can treecontrol it and "just" occupy it.
It does not matter really, because everyone can occupy town without controlling them, does not matter who they are.
Like if you get your Vault City buds go and shoot everything and everyone in say Redding, there is nothing wrong going on.
It does not matter really, because everyone can occupy town without controlling them, does not matter who they are.
Like if you get your Vault City buds go and shoot everything and everyone in say Redding, there is nothing wrong going on.
And who is doing that? TTTLA? Rogues? CS? Hawks? Someone else? I've never seen such situation... And such situation can't happen. I don't have any words to describe you... Did you EVER played longer in Town Control?
I don't think so, because yes, "everyone can occupy town without controlling them", but only for some seconds/minutes, 2 sneakers and again militia is full, don't you get it?
It can happen and does not matter when it happens. Besides there are also towns without militia, but that's not the point. Point is, there is no need to control NPC factions or restrict them from participating in PvP. Though the reputation loss shouldn't happen, but that's not really what is this topic about.
Anyway, with this attitude, this has zero chance to happen, and it's really a good thing. If even just the only one most stubborn grumpy malicious guy had problem with it, why would he have to deal with it? Because there is a faction that is entitled to have something special without competing for it? And really why should it be like that?
Oh my gosh... I won't discuss with you longer, talking like with a tree. -.-
I don't think that the Ghostfarm would be a particulary good object to insert this suggestion into, seeing what is (was?) planned for this location.
Anyway, with this attitude, this has zero chance to happen, and it's really a good thing. If even just the only one most stubborn grumpy malicious guy had problem with it, why would he have to deal with it? Because there is a faction that is entitled to have something special without competing for it? And really why should it be like that?
There is no faction that is entitled to have something special, but I see you don't understand what you are reading.
There was never such thing on 2238 before (well, maybe Cathedral stuff back in the days, yet almost no one remembers it now), I see nothing against that idea so far. Your babytrolling ("no coz I no want!!11") is not the reason for sure.
I don't think that the Ghostfarm would be a particulary good object to insert this suggestion into, seeing what is (was?) planned for this location.
I have no idea what is planned there, except "something" is. Any leaks?
>>I have no idea what is planned there, except "something" is. Any leaks?
That's pretty interesting to hear. (Forgive my wakaba-style quoting, i received a warning for quoting (commenting and referring) too much.)
To make people more sympathetic to our plans about the Ghost Farm, I'm publishing few screens from first try of... seattle in this place with (un)official logo. Two rifles represents the brutal nature of the post-nuclear reality, where fight is the most popular lifestyle. The brahmin skull represents the most usual rookie trade offer "WTB 10 Brahmin Hides". ;) I hope you like it.
These pics look good a little side note on the logo the gray contour is missing from the other pictures also I miss the rotated text from the other pictures. The logo is surely a fitting one I like how you made it.
Though as Surf said they have something planed for that location already however this idea was surely one that was planned out well and clear beside the thing that it belongs to the group of suggestion I consider good.
I havent read all of the answers to this topic as I havent noticed this very interesting idea before and I am to lazy to read 8 pages :) but...
In my opinion, if you want such a project, it cant be done without GM supervision to avoid trolls and abusers. I think many MMORPGs have many GMs online at all time to avoid rule abusing and thats what this game needs. There should definetly be more GMs, but of course, ACTIVE GMs, while some of them would have responsibility for such a project. I have no idea how access rights in FOnline are done, but maybe this needs some remake so Devs could set some "special" rights (for some location, not allowed to spawn items, etc) for these trusted people so there can be more projects like this one.
But anyway, is this idea still alive? I would like to contribute, as I tried it once in Ghost Farm and met some new players, who I could help with the game a little. And, really, Ghost Farm is great place for this.
But anyway, is this idea still alive?
No response from devteam makes me think it's not gonna happen, unfortunately. We need to adapt and stick to known and existing in-game mechanics, to provide such "kindergarten".
OK, I knew this would not happen at least until wipe. But, what I had on mind was, if we could gather enough trustworthy people to do something like TC in Ghost Farm. And we can collect newbies from VC and teach them what it means to be a Wastelander on Ghost Farm. Huh?
In current shape Ghost Farm is a deadly trap - only one enter/exit grid, easy as hell to camp with even small pack of mercs. And yes, I am sure someone will try to camp the place sooner or later, just for teh lulz.
This would also lead to making there yet another pew-pew place. It's hard teach any newbie with all these bullets flying around.
So is this still in the works? postponed? or cancelled?
No response from devteam makes me think it's not gonna happen, unfortunately. We need to adapt and stick to known and existing in-game mechanics, to provide such "kindergarten".
And I believe there are more important things devs can do right now than prepare a "noobville".
i think this is best time for noobville.
we have many noobs trying game now and with the increase in how hard the game is now they need a place to learn the basic's more then ever.
Ghost Farm, small quiet place in the middle of Nowhere. It has almost all basic resources, workbench, still, some containers. And it's empty for most of the time.
We - the Orphanage - are pretty experienced in helping newcomers, hauling them around and so on. How about to start a kindergarten-like "faction", mixed NPC and player-driven one, called Slags? Except some helpful threads and Wikipedia (we all know how up-to-date it is) there is no interactive guide into Wasteland.
What's the deal? All generous people of good will, that want to help new guys, wander around hunting moo-mooz with or without them, have some time and patience to spare - are welcomed. Idea is to run the place by players for players (with a little help of AI guards to prevent trolls and apes), not yet another cave filled with item carpets. Only volunteers, MadMax Wannabes are wanted too. It won't be military faction, able to threat anyone, so fear not.
What needs to be done? Faction terminal down below Ghost Farm, to add people to "Slags" kindergarten. Add some guards, hostile to non-members or non-friends of Slags. Add entrance directly to underground level on preview window. Add exit grid leading to worldmap on underground level.
A picture made by one of my mates:
As you see, it's not much work to do.
Experienced trusted people of 2238 community could be set as important members of this faction, so they can invite/expel people there.
Thoughts? Ways to abuse? Anything?
Map with few simple modifications:
modoc_gstcavenew.fomap (
Few rules, gathered from discussion below:
- combined faction NPC-player driven, named The Slags - AI guards, experienced players as important members able to add newcomers as friends of faction
- AI guards hostile to non-members and non-friends - this prevents unwanted visitors, access is possible after being added to faction terminal
- no items storage in the place - people should learn how to get stuff by their own and keep it in their private tents/hideouts
- no quests or profession teachers - it's not fun to play whole game sitting tight underground
- no unique resources, no HQ resources - these are located elsewhere in the world and have nothing to do with beginning stage of game
- no level limit - player may leave Ghost Farm and Slags anytime, but if he wants to stay, he should be able to
- apolitical and independent community - not an army, not TC oriented, PvE > PvP, not interested in making alliances with any force of outside world
Example of preview window:
Entering directly to Cave gonna be deadly for non-members or non-friends of the Slags.
Hmm. Contrary to my previous posts, this is actually one of the best ideas I've seen for this game in a long time. I wouldn't use it personally but new players would spread like wildfire. FOnline has been around for some time and I've never seen a LOT of people in one place or in any place really. Some balances could be made of course, and I think I'm only talking about poop scoopin'. If there were a lot more players (newbies) then there would need to be more frequent defecation I think. That's such a silly think to have to say... Of course it's probably set well to avoid exploitation, but the devs have done very well so far in my opinion. If they decide to implement this hopefully they'll balance out repercussions and the server could handle it.
Nice job Wich, hopefully they'll at least try this out!
Dear devs...
How many more thread necromancers will haunt us animating this dead topic until you finally implement this idea?
Especially when it's such a nice idea...
Dear devs...
How many more thread necromancers will haunt us animating this dead topic until you finally implement this idea?
Apparently one more :) Great idea, would love to see it implemented, even if only by PCs.
All we need is a GM who recreates Ghost Farm on a island and teleport some willing noobs over there to test it and level.
Ok, devs don't have time for this, fair enough.
IMO the only way to do it is to;
A. find people who are interested in ferrying noobs to the farm, teaching and protecting them, create a closed network for those people.
B. Watch the Server boy, pinpoint when would be the optimal time for noob finding, ferrying, teaching.
C. Organize everyone in said network into action at the same time to recruit noobs, then teach them while others handle security.
of course it could work 'off-peak' too but things would not be as safe (or at least the protection probably won't be there as it would not be a real faction and mercs could not protect it on their own). I know it's hard but player driven events/scenarios like this are the only ones that can exist, so we need to find ways of doing it on our own. Perhaps if we show initiative and make it work to the best of our abilities the devs will begin to show some interest, afterall they are probably just as jaded by the community and past RP events etc. as some of us are.
The important thing here is we need to increase the wasteland population. The waste is far to big for the numbers we are drawing these days and it feels pretty lifeless most of the time. Obviously the only way to fix this is to keep new players around.
For that reason, if you guys decide to approach the ghost farm like this, you can count me in.
IMO the only way to do it is to;
A. find people who are interested in ferrying noobs to the farm, teaching and protecting them, create a closed network for those people.
B. Watch the Server boy, pinpoint when would be the optimal time for noob finding, ferrying, teaching.
C. Organize everyone in said network into action at the same time to recruit noobs, then teach them while others handle security.
As the Orphanage we are doing this for a long time now (
Are you doing it at the ghost farm?
let me know if I can help, I play as a sort of taxi...
In current shape Ghost Farm is a deadly trap - only one enter/exit grid, easy as hell to camp with even small pack of mercs. And yes, I am sure someone will try to camp the place sooner or later, just for teh lulz.
This would also lead to making there yet another pew-pew place. It's hard teach any newbie with all these bullets flying around.
I'll bring my old shovel from NCR to dig this topic up too .
If players are really and truly interested in making this happen, I will move forward on a few merc trains to bed down there.
Also, peak time or no, we'll probably need a dedicated "quartermaster" to hold items safely down there.
Guys, it's cool that all of you are eager about putting this to live but as Wichura (the starter of this idea) already told:
Ghost Farm project would be a main target for lulz-trolls if it would be no secure place by either immortal oneshot guards or only-visible-to-faction-member-location, which at the moment it isn't.
If players are really and truly interested in making this happen, I will move forward on a few merc trains to bed down there.
Also, peak time or no, we'll probably need a dedicated "quartermaster" to hold items safely down there.
you would need to stick around, otherwise your mercs would be useless without knowing who to shoot and who not to shoot...
Guys, it's cool that all of you are eager about putting this to live but as Wichura (the starter of this idea) already told:
Ghost Farm project would be a main target for lulz-trolls if it would be no secure place by either immortal oneshot guards or only-visible-to-faction-member-location, which at the moment it isn't.
yea, I figured that was a given though. I mean anytime you set anything like this up it's going to be a trolling ground sooner or later.
but that's what I meant in my earlier post about having a dedicated time which only a select group of people know about during which rookies are brought to the farm and protected by high level players while taught by others. Sure there might be attacks, and we might even lose the farm with a few pro's defending the place, but hey, that's the wasteland. And I don't think it would detract from the over all experience, we could strap some guns on the rookies and they join in on the defence by which point we would have already taught them that dying is ok.
and lets not forget that the new re log time can make defence much easier than it used to be...
all in all I see a lot of good ideas get shot down or abandoned because of the troll factor, which I completely understand, but it would be nice to stand up for something like this. Imo, it would bring some merit to the game.
FYI: Slags already exist as a faction as per wiki.
in that case isn't it possible to join their faction and receive added protection from them while inside the cave?
only the designated guards would even need to bother doing this and they could be alts for that purpose, not even necessarily good ones, just to get the slags involved in the defence... every little bit helps I suppose. It could even just be one character (Slag Chief) who gets them to pitch in.
I haven't been there since it became a faction and I don't have time to investigate at the moment, so I don't even know if they have any real guards in there, but I'm assuming they do.
anyway, just an idea.