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Author Topic: Ghost Farm useful like never before  (Read 30141 times)


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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #120 on: December 20, 2011, 08:43:04 pm »

In current shape Ghost Farm is a deadly trap - only one enter/exit grid, easy as hell to camp with even small pack of mercs. And yes, I am sure someone will try to camp the place sooner or later, just for teh lulz.
This would also lead to making there yet another pew-pew place. It's hard teach any newbie with all these bullets flying around.
Nie biegaj za stadem.

Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #121 on: January 15, 2012, 11:53:17 pm »

So is this still in the works? postponed? or cancelled?


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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #122 on: January 16, 2012, 02:21:53 am »

No response from devteam makes me think it's not gonna happen, unfortunately. We need to adapt and stick to known and existing in-game mechanics, to provide such "kindergarten".

And I believe there are more important things devs can do right now than prepare a "noobville".
Nie biegaj za stadem.


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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #123 on: January 16, 2012, 02:29:02 am »

i think this is best time for noobville.
we have many noobs trying game now and with the increase in how hard the game is now they need a place to learn the basic's more then ever.
Roaming the waste again.


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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #124 on: January 27, 2012, 05:58:49 pm »

Ghost Farm, small quiet place in the middle of Nowhere. It has almost all basic resources, workbench, still, some containers. And it's empty for most of the time.

We - the Orphanage - are pretty experienced in helping newcomers, hauling them around and so on. How about to start a kindergarten-like "faction", mixed NPC and player-driven one, called Slags? Except some helpful threads and Wikipedia (we all know how up-to-date it is) there is no interactive guide into Wasteland.

What's the deal? All generous people of good will, that want to help new guys, wander around hunting moo-mooz with or without them, have some time and patience to spare - are welcomed. Idea is to run the place by players for players (with a little help of AI guards to prevent trolls and apes), not yet another cave filled with item carpets. Only volunteers, MadMax Wannabes are wanted too. It won't be military faction, able to threat anyone, so fear not.

What needs to be done? Faction terminal down below Ghost Farm, to add people to "Slags" kindergarten. Add some guards, hostile to non-members or non-friends of Slags. Add entrance directly to underground level on preview window. Add exit grid leading to worldmap on underground level.
A picture made by one of my mates:

As you see, it's not much work to do.

Experienced trusted people of 2238 community could be set as important members of this faction, so they can invite/expel people there.

Thoughts? Ways to abuse? Anything?

Map with few simple modifications:

Few rules, gathered from discussion below:
- combined faction NPC-player driven, named The Slags - AI guards, experienced players as important members able to add newcomers as friends of faction
- AI guards hostile to non-members and non-friends - this prevents unwanted visitors, access is possible after being added to faction terminal
- no items storage in the place - people should learn how to get stuff by their own and keep it in their private tents/hideouts
- no quests or profession teachers - it's not fun to play whole game sitting tight underground
- no unique resources, no HQ resources - these are located elsewhere in the world and have nothing to do with beginning stage of game
- no level limit - player may leave Ghost Farm and Slags anytime, but if he wants to stay, he should be able to
- apolitical and independent community - not an army, not TC oriented, PvE > PvP, not interested in making alliances with any force of outside world

Example of preview window:

Entering directly to Cave gonna be deadly for non-members or non-friends of the Slags.

Hmm. Contrary to my previous posts, this is actually one of the best ideas I've seen for this game in a long time. I wouldn't use it personally but new players would spread like wildfire. FOnline has been around for some time and I've never seen a LOT of people in one place or in any place really. Some balances could be made of course, and I think I'm only talking about poop scoopin'. If there were a lot more players (newbies) then there would need to be more frequent defecation I think. That's such a silly think to have to say... Of course it's probably set well to avoid exploitation, but the devs have done very well so far in my opinion. If they decide to implement this hopefully they'll balance out repercussions and the server could handle it.

Nice job Wich, hopefully they'll at least try this out!


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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #125 on: January 27, 2012, 08:17:08 pm »

Dear devs...

How many more thread necromancers will haunt us animating this dead topic until you finally implement this idea?

Especially when it's such a nice idea...

craft, Craft, CRAFT! (armors)
sometimes repair dismantle stuff
...and most of all; DEATH TO NERFING!!!


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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #126 on: May 02, 2012, 03:12:37 am »

Dear devs...

How many more thread necromancers will haunt us animating this dead topic until you finally implement this idea?

Apparently one more :) Great idea, would love to see it implemented, even if only by PCs.
Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #127 on: May 02, 2012, 08:37:43 pm »

All we need is a GM who recreates Ghost Farm on a island and teleport some willing noobs over there to test it and level.
Wasteland is a tricky business.

jonny rust

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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #128 on: May 02, 2012, 11:39:04 pm »

Ok, devs don't have time for this, fair enough.

IMO the only way to do it is to;

A. find people who are interested in ferrying noobs to the farm, teaching and protecting them, create a closed network for those people.

B. Watch the Server boy, pinpoint when would be the optimal time for noob finding, ferrying, teaching.

C. Organize everyone in said network into action at the same time to recruit noobs, then teach them while others handle security.

of course it could work 'off-peak' too but things would not be as safe (or at least the protection probably won't be there as it would not be a real faction and mercs could not protect it on their own). I know it's hard but player driven events/scenarios like this are the only ones that can exist, so we need to find ways of doing it on our own. Perhaps if we show initiative and make it work to the best of our abilities the devs will begin to show some interest, afterall they are probably just as jaded by the community and past RP events etc. as some of us are.

The important thing here is we need to increase the wasteland population. The waste is far to big for the numbers we are drawing these days and it feels pretty lifeless most of the time. Obviously the only way to fix this is to keep new players around.

For that reason, if you guys decide to approach the ghost farm like this, you can count me in.   


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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #129 on: May 02, 2012, 11:49:11 pm »

IMO the only way to do it is to;

A. find people who are interested in ferrying noobs to the farm, teaching and protecting them, create a closed network for those people.

B. Watch the Server boy, pinpoint when would be the optimal time for noob finding, ferrying, teaching.

C. Organize everyone in said network into action at the same time to recruit noobs, then teach them while others handle security.
As the Orphanage we are doing this for a long time now.
Nie biegaj za stadem.

jonny rust

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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #130 on: May 03, 2012, 12:47:33 am »

Are you doing it at the ghost farm?

let me know if I can help, I play as a sort of taxi...


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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #131 on: May 03, 2012, 01:04:06 am »

In current shape Ghost Farm is a deadly trap - only one enter/exit grid, easy as hell to camp with even small pack of mercs. And yes, I am sure someone will try to camp the place sooner or later, just for teh lulz.
This would also lead to making there yet another pew-pew place. It's hard teach any newbie with all these bullets flying around.
Nie biegaj za stadem.


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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #132 on: May 03, 2012, 01:25:06 am »

I'll bring my old shovel from NCR to dig this topic up too .


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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #133 on: May 03, 2012, 02:42:49 am »

If players are really and truly interested in making this happen, I will move forward on a few merc trains to bed down there.

Also, peak time or no, we'll probably need a dedicated "quartermaster" to hold items safely down there.


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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #134 on: May 03, 2012, 10:14:41 am »

Guys, it's cool that all of you are eager about putting this to live but as Wichura (the starter of this idea) already told:
Ghost Farm project would be a main target for lulz-trolls if it would be no secure place by either immortal oneshot guards or only-visible-to-faction-member-location, which at the moment it isn't.
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