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Author Topic: Ghost Farm useful like never before  (Read 30370 times)


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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #90 on: October 31, 2011, 05:17:56 pm »

You still don't get it, do you?

AI can never handle humans, especially creative trolls, no matter how advanced mechanics you're gonna implement. That's why we'd like to combine "unkillable and uberpwnz0ring" AI guards (for protection from unwanted visitors) with player-driven place, to keep spoiling people's fun at minimum. I bet after dozens of failed attempts to "pwn sum n00bz in da cave", without a single frag or a piece of l00t, even the most stubborn ape will surrender.
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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #91 on: October 31, 2011, 07:44:07 pm »

Jesus Christ, AI can handle everything it's only matter of how good and complex it is.
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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #92 on: October 31, 2011, 08:19:24 pm »

Jesus Christ, AI can handle everything it's only matter of how good and complex it is.
So implement this "good and complex AI" and share it.


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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #93 on: October 31, 2011, 08:21:21 pm »

Jesus Christ, AI can handle everything it's only matter of how good and complex it is.

We need:
- faction terminal - it's in game already
- fancy location - it's in game already
- AI uber guards with KoS non-members or non-friends of faction - it's in game already
- preview to enter the cave directly - it's in game already

Do you see here any complex, rocket-science AI, which will require shitload of work and time, just for some crazy bunch of roleplayers, woodsmen and noobs?
« Last Edit: October 31, 2011, 08:39:24 pm by Wichura »
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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #94 on: October 31, 2011, 09:13:44 pm »

I hear you , this is common when you make good suggestion people don't read enough before they start participating in discussion , then you start telling all the same stuff over and over...

I already gave a green light from my side , should be implemented and see how this all goes , if something would be wrong fixes can be made sooner or later anyway. Some dumb speculations about " 20 pvp tree control apez " etc. etc. are not good enough excuses to not try.

There must be a choice for new players , to start playing the hard way or to join some ingame " community " for a short while to get a hang of this game. I haven't read anything better than this suggestion so i won't degrade it because some possible flaws.

For those who are concerned by security flaws , i think wasteland APK's will have something more to do they should be the reinforcements :) At least it would be nice for them to have more to do ? Right ?

Yeh, this is good idea, and as usually most of the critiques are unproductive. The way it will be done (AI/human mixed) can work fine with responsible people at the lead of the project.

Also, yes. APK gang should sometimes leave the battlefields and get more useful. But also, I think that many mature guys from the other side of the barricade would be glad to help. For a PVPer, having more people equals to more enemies/allies, and so more fights. Apes are okay, RPers are okay. Everythings fine. My 2nd favorite suggestion after the random junk spawning in containers.


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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #95 on: October 31, 2011, 09:42:31 pm »

weird that i didnt even get an warning...Nigga please why not a GM repsects the rules?
Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #96 on: October 31, 2011, 11:51:13 pm »

To support Johnny i would say that npc faction couldn't be affected by trolls. IA doesn't care if you yell bad words on it.
Plus npc control only, is the only way to remain neutral and stay an ingame feature. Otherwise, let's allow other factions to take it. If not, it would become too much unbalanced.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2011, 11:52:58 pm by naossano »


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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #97 on: October 31, 2011, 11:54:35 pm »

Naossano is your stupidy level 9000 or its just your ignorance and trolling in this topic, we are saying to you all the things but you still remain at your shitty arguments which arent even strong. Please stop this posting because its pointless/useless.
Second thing let's get back to the Wichura last post
We need:
- faction terminal - it's in game already
- fancy location - it's in game already
- AI uber guards with KoS non-members or non-friends of faction - it's in game already
- preview to enter the cave directly - it's in game already

Do you see here any complex, rocket-science AI, which will require shitload of work and time, just for some crazy bunch of roleplayers, woodsmen and noobs?

One more before you will post more shit
IA doesn't care if you yell bad words on it.
Read again
But seriously - I don't want that "safe" place be the same as "boring" one. And having access is easy - you just need to ask to be added to faction terminal. Thieves, assholios and retards gonna be eliminated pretty fast, after reporting them to trusted members of the Slags, by screenshot for example. This is the reason to keep "uber" AI guards there too.
And please :
Thats all from me for now.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2011, 12:02:03 am by Tomowolf »


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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #98 on: November 01, 2011, 05:26:45 am »

To support Johnny i would say that npc faction couldn't be affected by trolls. IA doesn't care if you yell bad words on it.
Plus npc control only, is the only way to remain neutral and stay an ingame feature. Otherwise, let's allow other factions to take it. If not, it would become too much unbalanced.
Oh, now I get it. Such kindergarten on Ghost Farm will be unbalanced, because of being player-driven and player-supported, but NPC guarded? And these "unfair" players aren't from your faction (however could be, as I wrote before - I don't care where nurses/teachers are from, as long as they want to help newcomers without expecting any reward or itanz in exchange), so you are afraid of "unfairness", due to some noobs sitting in a cave, protected by immortal guards? And you are afraid of unknown raising swarm force, that could pwn whole Wasteland someday, with unrapeable base?

You should write that at the beginning, without forcing dumb AI as a solution. This however ensures me you didn't read even the first post or you didn't understand it. Pity.
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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #99 on: November 01, 2011, 10:26:08 am »

Again putting aside your great trolling skills i still don't get why you keep so badly a player driven faction with no ability to take back from them, but i still deeply think that this aspect could prevent the idea from being implemented, as i am far from being the only one to tell you that.

Personally i don't feel like raging agains't your proposal or fighting agains't it. I wouldn't be posting on that thread if i didn't think your idea couldn't be fine. I just propose some alternatives/adjustements which i think should fit better.
Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #100 on: November 01, 2011, 11:39:20 am »

As far as I see all AI solution can be bypassed in Hinkly if you have high unarmed you can kill people inside or finish the guards its not something that is allowed to do just like killing in respawn area but its possible. Also there are ways to kill guards without getting attacked the only thing that is needed a blocked path. Also what about spamming AI can't handle that either but setting the wise guy enemy on the terminal could solve it he won't come back saying nonsense with his/her character he/she can make a new one but I doubt that anyone would register 20 char a week just to spam he/she would probably go to NCR to do it there. About thieves same as spam posters its solved the same way although I wouldn't remove thieves they give a nice touch to the game but it can be done.
AI is surely works to some extents but it isn't be able to suppress the above things on side note the terminal system can solve it.


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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #101 on: November 01, 2011, 11:40:41 am »

We already have player-driven factions. We (the Orphanage) already are a faction that actually helps newcomers, unfortunately only Polish ones, not international. We all know how such factions work, you need to establish a base(s), craft itanz, put mercs to secure, whatever. It's well tested, it works, "we happy Vincent", cool.

But now what I'd like to see is something beyond, something more than "player-driven pew-pew" and NPC "gimme profession plox kthx bye" factions, something that let people to feel they actually play a RPG-based game, something out of "woodsmen vs apes" dividing (what is dumb as hell, even if sometimes funny).

I know the idea like "yo devz make us cool place to roleplay Mad Maxes and put some magic AI clever as fuck lol" would be flushed directly to Junk, as way too complicated and time consuming. That's why I suggest to combine AI strength for security with unpredictable human factor to keep the place running and living.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2011, 11:42:55 am by Wichura »
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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #102 on: November 01, 2011, 11:54:31 am »

Yeah I knew about that I have heard about the Orphanage before though as far as I know I haven't yet met with them in game but knew about them with some pals we even wanted to copy an open base idea well it never succeeded anyway my post was mainly about why it wouldn't be a good thing to turn Ghost farm to Hinkly or Ncr. Personally my reason to welcome your idea is that it suggest a complex NPC faction which is player driven and would probably give the impression I was hoping to get from the normal NPC faction.


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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #103 on: November 01, 2011, 03:43:38 pm »

my idea of guards is not the human ones but Dogs! 

anyway AI for those guard is looking like Merc [guard stance kill everyone who isnt member of a faction] so whats the problem?

Place for Great RPG wich will grow up with some time and become a good place to be if you dont want to get ape-raped or nut-bombed
« Last Edit: November 01, 2011, 03:45:25 pm by Wieprz »


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Re: Ghost Farm useful like never before
« Reply #104 on: November 01, 2011, 04:42:21 pm »

Again putting aside your great trolling skills i still don't get why you keep so badly a player driven faction with no ability to take back from them, but i still deeply think that this aspect could prevent the idea from being implemented, as i am far from being the only one to tell you that.

Personally i don't feel like raging agains't your proposal or fighting agains't it. I wouldn't be posting on that thread if i didn't think your idea couldn't be fine. I just propose some alternatives/adjustements which i think should fit better.

Yes we will use Ghost Farm to take enemy towns and we will rule the wasteland, and noone from the other side of game could join before we will invite them MUAHAHAHA.

Stop posting there, btw are you from TTTLA(no offense)?
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