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Author Topic: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?  (Read 13152 times)

Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #30 on: September 22, 2010, 07:51:22 am »

Maybe its time you get into roleplaying.
Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #31 on: September 22, 2010, 03:21:15 pm »

so that you CANNOT be a prof3 crafter in a player faction.

what is the point of this ?

I just cant understand that, for exemple, we have to be VC citizen to craft drug?

why cant we craft drugs in New Reno? that's nonsens.
why not some medical terminals in SF ot NCR? they have the technology

why players faction must have to stay without prof3 crafters? it is just best way to support alting behavior. not an improvement at all, not supporting economy at all.

maybe we have to devellop NPC factions, but not that way, not by nerfing PC faction in a non effective way (alting is the answer).


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Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #32 on: September 22, 2010, 05:46:42 pm »

Indeed, Prof 3 is already slated to disappear.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
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Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #33 on: September 22, 2010, 07:42:03 pm »

Indeed, Prof 3 is already slated to disappear.

this means players will be able to craft without needing to join the NPC factions at all? care to elaborate?


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Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #34 on: September 22, 2010, 08:23:43 pm »

They won't need to join NPC factions to craft, no.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #35 on: September 22, 2010, 09:18:05 pm »

Well what are factions for then? Perhaps if players could join both - NPC and Player faction at the same time, this would make sense.
Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #36 on: September 22, 2010, 09:47:17 pm »

They won't need to join NPC factions to craft, no.

many of us are curious about the intention of the removal of this feature -- player factions without dependancy on NPC factions is interesting but of course has obvious problems.

if you are at liberty to discuss, what is the reasoning behind this change? will there be other features added later to improve and update the current player faction system?


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Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #37 on: September 22, 2010, 11:06:15 pm »

You pretty much have to have a doc alt to craft drugs because the downside of being VC is so huge. Having mutants become hostile guarantees you're going to get instakilled in encounters on a regular basis.
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The cult leader, and I'll never stop until I got you locked in


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Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #38 on: September 23, 2010, 01:24:10 am »

It may be a sidedish, but its the best damn sidedish evarz! ;D
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Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #39 on: September 23, 2010, 01:48:22 pm »

Well what are factions for then? Perhaps if players could join both - NPC and Player faction at the same time, this would make sense.

Well, it all depends, the final details haven't really been nailed down, so don't take this as 100% confirmed.

What will be happening is faction scenarios. This is where you will be able to turn up, get equipment for free, head out to a map and fight against another faction's players for control of a tier2+ workbench, perhaps some XP or faction points reward for participation too.

Then, an obvious one is to have quests specific to the faction ... quests to level up, PvE quests, repeatable quests etc. Through these you can earn faction points/xp.

I'm pretty sure free storage will happen, in the same way bank locker rooms worked in obt2, if you were round for that. Communal storage areas where you can only see your own items. Basically a free hotel room. Nothing really decided on if you could respawn there, though I've always liked the idea. If that does come to pass then it would be the same as a hotel room.

The faction points I mentioned earlier would be a way of gaining rank, faction specific equipments and possibly unique upgrades - making it possible to earn stuff, gain exp and other things completely inside your faction.

Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.


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Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #40 on: September 23, 2010, 02:02:06 pm »

I can definitely see that the game is up for huge improvement, quite interested in seeing some form of "report" once you've finalized the features in a bit more detail, but from what I've read here I'm feeling quite excited for them to be implemented, in the meantime though...

« Last Edit: September 23, 2010, 02:03:47 pm by gordulan »
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Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #41 on: September 23, 2010, 02:53:46 pm »

my 5 kopecs here

first im totaly agree with RavenousRat.

At the moment there are no challange in gameplay. It only consumes time - thats it.

The problem numba 1 here is a lack of content:

quests - nope

NPC factions - nope

There is basicaly nothing to do, especially for a loner.

Leveling on mutated rats is boring. Any other way of levelling (crafting, repeateble quests) is very slow and even more boring.

Problem numba 2 - Economy:

Its not working - gun sellers dont have guns, bartenders dont have beers, money is a uniqe artifact needed only for uniqe things

And yet we are tweaking weapon damages and PvP shit like drugs and towncontrol already for a year (i started playing a year ago, dunno what was before that)

This game desperately needs content. Thats it
life goes on...


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Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #42 on: September 23, 2010, 03:03:31 pm »

grab the editors and make content, submitting it to the devs, if it is good enough then they might implement it. The devs don't get paid for it, so it is more of a community endeavour to increase the level of content...
Logged Over, Boyo II&b=Shoot 150 people as they are running away from you... In the arse&c=56&d=150&e=1703&f=1
Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #43 on: September 23, 2010, 03:34:47 pm »

I think that Ravenus and StoneBalls have the same problem here.


MMOs are not a single player RPG where you can be a loner, do some quests, level a bit, do some side quests, kill some things, recruit some followers and then watch the game ending after saving the princess/killing the princess/abandoning the princess and marrying her captor.

MMOs generally depend on GROUP FUN. ie playing with your friends. The amount of fun for a loner comes from doing the usually limited quests and then getting "achievements". Loners and people who dont join guilds do not get to experience most of the really fun content in ANY game... no group pvp, no end game etc.

In FOnline 2238 endgame = TC (remember the faction mode anyone?). If you dont want to join a gang or create a new one and spend time making it big and strong well then regardless of if you play WoW, Guild Wars, Dungeons&Dragons Online or FOnline the amount of fun you will have will be limited.

Are there flaws in the game? Yes there are numerous. Are there unbalances which make PvP situational? Certainly.

Is that part of a beta-test process? A thousand times yes.

Even when FOnline is finished no matter how many quests there are if you play on your own you will end up being bored in the end as it may keep you 1-2-3-5 months until you explore all content. There is no way devs can produce more content in the time it takes for a player to go through it. Even major corporations that have dedicated paid teams to churn out new content cant do it!

As for the fact that its time consuming! Well... welcome to MMO's... games that you play and play and play and they NEVER end. There is no big flag at the end that says "grats Stoneballs. You did it. You killed the bad guy, here is a video and some designer credits you will never read".

So overall my question is, taking that into consideration, what are your expectations from an Online game especially when you want to be a loner?


I find it amusing that you earned 21 levels killing molerats and then say you are bored... well yes off course you are bored... it takes a special kind of mind scrubbed individual to do that and you win at it. Gratz! You levelled quickly and now can be peacefully bored.

Personally with my "newbness" I enjoy the challenge of going to Warehouse and killing RT Deathklaws, trying to kill the raiders and save a Caravan and in the future I will be trying to save the NCR army from the mutants. Overall killing mobs, looting mobs, travelling and exploring the map is what you do in any and every online game. FOnline cant and wont be diffrent when it is finished... and until that time it would be even less.

Too easy for ya? Gather your friends and take over NCR! How? Well the guards are finite... kill them all. Kill president tandi and her son and terrorize NCR for a few hours.
Strength through unity,
unity through Faith.
Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #44 on: September 23, 2010, 04:04:00 pm »

Indeed, Prof 3 is already slated to disappear.

Well, it all depends, the final details haven't really been nailed down, so don't take this as 100% confirmed.

What will be happening is faction scenarios. This is where you will be able to turn up, get equipment for free, head out to a map and fight against another faction's players for control of a tier2+ workbench, perhaps some XP or faction points reward for participation too.

Then, an obvious one is to have quests specific to the faction ... quests to level up, PvE quests, repeatable quests etc. Through these you can earn faction points/xp.

I'm pretty sure free storage will happen, in the same way bank locker rooms worked in obt2, if you were round for that. Communal storage areas where you can only see your own items. Basically a free hotel room. Nothing really decided on if you could respawn there, though I've always liked the idea. If that does come to pass then it would be the same as a hotel room.

The faction points I mentioned earlier would be a way of gaining rank, faction specific equipments and possibly unique upgrades - making it possible to earn stuff, gain exp and other things completely inside your faction.

That's a VERY GOOD news!!
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