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Author Topic: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?  (Read 13138 times)


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FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« on: September 20, 2010, 11:05:39 am »

I was surfing (funny term) the forums recently, while playing some FOnline and I came across a topic that had begun to dwell on an unrelated but none the less interesting discussion. The original topic is irrelevant but what some people were chatting about was the fact that FOnline isn't so much a game as it is a... sidedish. What I mean is that no one plays the game and nothing else. It would appear to be a game that many people go off and do other things while travelling and waiting for cooldowns such as playing a different game (such as internet poker) or watching a TV show on the computer so they can switch back and forth between the two.  I thought that since it was a good question so I decided to give it a place of it's own so that everyone can discuss...

So what do you do while playing FOnline?  :)

Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2010, 11:09:37 am »

Playing Fallout or watching MacGyver, what else?  ;D


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Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2010, 11:12:15 am »

Mine for full cd. Watch 1 episode of a 20 minute-series. alt-tab. mine. repeat until 124 kilo in inv. travel to base. go back to mine. repeat. :D

btw: you can gather electronic parts for ~6,5 hours straight with a 10 ST char untill he is full.


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Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2010, 12:39:30 pm »

I watched an entire season of Flight of the Conchords while mining once. I left the ambient sounds for FOnline on and they went surprisingly well with the show, the occasional 10mm gun shot fitted the New York inner city setting perfectly!  ;)
Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2010, 01:25:41 pm »

I watch p0rn and listen to bullshit on our Mumble.  ;D
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Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2010, 02:20:45 pm »

Watched all episodes of Unsolved Mysteries available in youtube while crafting 2 wipes ago. Encounter hunting demands more attention so no more sidedishing.
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Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2010, 03:30:48 pm »

what, u cant hunt or craft while waiting for CD.
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Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2010, 03:34:41 pm »

in general, it's far more dull in general, I for one alt-tab between M&B WB and FOnline depending on the situation...
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Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2010, 05:42:17 pm »

You are just limiting yourselfes. Play with a friend togethe. Talk with em ingame and in character, instead of trololo in IRC or even ugly mumble.
Dont limit yourself to only one task. If your gathering cooldown is up, go and hunt something. Craft something, repair something, go with your friends to a town, do some bartering, do some killing etc.

As this is a sandbox game you can blame yourself when the game feels like a sidedish for you. It's only a lack of creativity and imagination.
Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2010, 05:55:11 pm »

You are just limiting yourselfes. Play with a friend togethe. Talk with em ingame and in character, instead of trololo in IRC or even ugly mumble.
Dont limit yourself to only one task. If your gathering cooldown is up, go and hunt something. Craft something, repair something, go with your friends to a town, do some bartering, do some killing etc.

As this is a sandbox game you can blame yourself when the game feels like a sidedish for you. It's only a lack of creativity and imagination.
Kill something for what?
Craft something for what?
Hunt something for what? Only if junktown scouts/regulators/marauders for SMGs, so I can kill Sha Enin regulary.
Go with friends to a town for what?
Gather resources for what?
The only way how I can be creative is to make an alt with traps and scienece tagged, dig HQ minerals and explode Sha Enin instead of bursting him, but it time consuming, and isn't fun after ~30th explosion.
Hinkley arena doesn't work, Sha Enin is dead or I have more than -1.5 rep, means there's nothing to do.
Going into unguarded town for PvP in gear is useless, because you'll be instakilled by some bluesuit with hunting rifle, so I going there in bluesuit too, but it's not that fun because everyone dying too fast.
In Hinkley you don't care about gear, because it's not yours and it's infinite, so you can wear BA and if die by instakill, then just  wait till one of teams win, and next round you'll probably not die by instakill, because it's like only 1/3 / 1/4 of rounds, taking in account that I have 10 LK, and as I know insta chance depending on it, so I can't imagine how someone with 6 LK can wear something valuable at TC, because some moron with a mauser can simply click "the head" or "the eyes" and he'll die.
So gear is nothing.
Crafting is useless, you'll die by instakill anyway.
Use bluesuit and huting rifle/SMG/Minigun/Laser rifle.
Everything is possible to get on encounters.
In RT with 200 HP, bluesuit and x1 thoughness and 10mm SMG with x2 BRD and 15% critical chance, I alone can kill master army and get laser rifles and miniguns (mostly of stupid AI and slowly walking muties in RT).
SMGs are easy to get.
Hunting rifles are junktown scounts and crazies.
If you don't like bluesuiter model, you can buy jacket for 250 caps each almost at any vendor, or exchange it for some loot.


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Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2010, 06:42:32 pm »

The 20 minute cd's are perfect for watching athf or smoking a joint. Once I hit 21 and have gear though my interest fades pretty fast as the only thing left to do is buy cars or bases.
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Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2010, 08:13:53 pm »

plenty of things to do... you limit yourself, noone else does. plenty of people happy playing fonline because they're not losers with nothing to do who have to sit and kill sha enin when bored because lack of creativity kicks in.

if you're too lazy to figure out how to entertain yourself then you should go to some other game where everything is laid out in front of you and you can go to your pvp arenas and raids without any fear of lack of things to do.

oh wait.
Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #12 on: September 20, 2010, 09:15:27 pm »

Played poker, and still playing)


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Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #13 on: September 20, 2010, 11:03:52 pm »

okay, ive got IRC client with 10 tabs, TeamSpeak client with 3 tabs, gadu-gadu(polish msn-alike) with 10 tabs, firefox with 10 tabs, Civilization 4 windowized and fonline client usually when my PC is on : >
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Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #14 on: September 20, 2010, 11:06:28 pm »


So Fallout is only about fighting and killing Sha Enin for you?
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