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Author Topic: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?  (Read 13135 times)


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Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #15 on: September 20, 2010, 11:19:36 pm »

So Fallout is only about fighting and killing Sha Enin for you?

He missed out on the real endgame experience, hunting children around klamath.
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Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #16 on: September 20, 2010, 11:28:24 pm »

So Fallout is only about fighting and killing Sha Enin for you?
Right now? Yes, but I'm not telling that FOnline will be like that whole time.
Ok, what else you can suggest? Sometimes I help 1-3 lvls by escorting them to some place as bodyguard (roleplaying), giving them brahmin hides or caps. Also I created a character with name bIubber and spending some time at NCR pushing people at alive Sha Enin and simulating steal skill by draging item from off-hand slot to inventory and opposite many times in a row, sometimes they shoot me and guards killing them, I feel really sad.
Before wipe I had 3 CH, I was completing repeatable quest at New Reno almost every day just to run there in jacket and deagle, btw never meet someone there for whole prewipe session except for few bluesuiters with 25-30 HP.
Now I have 1 CH, all I do is killing poor NPCs with SMGs, killing Sha Enin, spending time at Hinkley(not anymore, because it doesn't work), when I had > -1.5k rep with NCR I was standing at NCR and doing nothing, because blind guards never say anything about thieves, so even boring roleplaying of guard is impossible.
What else I can do? Go around NCR and shoot scorpions? Or hunt some geckos? Or run around town shouting something whole day? Or create unarmed alt again and just chase people roleplaying zombie? There must be player interaction that based on game progress, not just "don't know what to do", right now all player interaction on progress is killing poor critters in party, but I think alone is much faster, exclude when 1 aggring all critters on him, and his friend safely killing them, but it's good only for his friend.


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Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #17 on: September 20, 2010, 11:30:46 pm »

You are just limiting yourselfes. Play with a friend togethe. Talk with em ingame and in character, instead of trololo in IRC or even ugly mumble.
Dont limit yourself to only one task. If your gathering cooldown is up, go and hunt something. Craft something, repair something, go with your friends to a town, do some bartering, do some killing etc.

As this is a sandbox game you can blame yourself when the game feels like a sidedish for you. It's only a lack of creativity and imagination.

I think you've taken this discussion in the wrong light. I wasn't trying to point out flaws in the system or some other pointless thing like that. I was just hoping for a conversation about a topic that I know for a fact that alot of people do, that is multitasking while playing FOnline. I mean take this very instance for an example, I'm typing this while crafting some 5mm ammo on FOnline surely this can't be attributed to a lack of imagination.

Besides, no one that I know plays FOnline (yet  8) ). So I have the issue where anyone I meet in game could potentially PK me and take away my hard earned stuff. Last time I tried to make a friend in game he took me halfway to NCR in a car then got out and shot me, muttering something like 'if it wasn't for this random encounter I would of taken you to NCR...'. So far I have only met two people in this game who haven't tried to kill me and that's just because we were in NCR and the guards were all around.

I'm sorry if my first post appeared aggresive in nature or even this one for that matter, that was not what I intended. I just don't think it's fair to attribute the fact that I like doing something else like watching a movie while playing FOnline to a lack of imagination!


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Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #18 on: September 20, 2010, 11:33:50 pm »

Don't worry .WarChanges, it wasn't really directed to you, more to the "there is nothing to do in this game" people. ;)


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Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #19 on: September 20, 2010, 11:43:27 pm »

Well thanks for that clarification. I didn't want to get on the wrong start with anyone, I'm here to chat - not start fights.  ;)

On another note - I just found Sha Enin lying on the ground as an ash pile. Is there anyone in this forum that would like to own up about BBQing the merchant I was just about to use?   >:(


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Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #20 on: September 20, 2010, 11:54:50 pm »

I didn't want to get on the wrong start with anyone, I'm here to chat - not start fights.  ;)

If only more people'd do that here. ;)

On another note - I just found Sha Enin lying on the ground as an ash pile. Is there anyone in this forum that would like to own up about BBQing the merchant I was just about to use?   >:(

Quote from: RavenousRats-Signature
Sha Enins killed: 22
Max. damage: 377
Min. damage: 38

Hmmmmm... :D


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Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #21 on: September 21, 2010, 12:53:40 am »

Besides, no one that I know plays FOnline (yet  8) ). So I have the issue where anyone I meet in game could potentially PK me and take away my hard earned stuff. Last time I tried to make a friend in game he took me halfway to NCR in a car then got out and shot me, muttering something like 'if it wasn't for this random encounter I would of taken you to NCR...'. So far I have only met two people in this game who haven't tried to kill me and that's just because we were in NCR and the guards were all around.
You should try pking.

Its safer, cleaner (jk), funner, and Thinking of all the ways and strategies on how to kill peopel is very creative and fun :P.
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.


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Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #22 on: September 21, 2010, 01:37:06 am »

On another note - I just found Sha Enin lying on the ground as an ash pile. Is there anyone in this forum that would like to own up about BBQing the merchant I was just about to use?   Angry

Quote from: RavenousRats-Signature
Sha Enins killed: 22
Max. damage: 377
Min. damage: 38


I made that connection too. Now the midget has got a hole blown into him as well.  :o

You should try pking.

Just joined an anti-pk group. Thats proberly not the brightest thing to do and very hypocritical!  :)
Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #23 on: September 21, 2010, 01:09:07 pm »

Kill something for what?
Craft something for what?
Hunt something for what? Only if junktown scouts/regulators/marauders for SMGs, so I can kill Sha Enin regulary.
Go with friends to a town for what?
Gather resources for what?

maby for fun?

it seems your only fun is to kill Sha Enin, sad for you.
but you may try something else, dont you think?

You should try pking.

Its safer, cleaner (jk), funner, and Thinking of all the ways and strategies on how to kill peopel is very creative and fun

false, it's just easier.

there is two ways to not be Pked all the time: being Pk or play with friends.
the second choice is more interresting IMHO, but there are also PKs teams.

Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #24 on: September 21, 2010, 03:36:43 pm »

maby for fun?
Hey look! I just shot scorpion with rocketlauncher! Wow! It's so fun!
Or look! I bursted pigrat with minigun! Hell yeah! I'll laught whole day because of that!
Do you really finding it fun? -_-
Killing for fun? Only players and only if you have unlimited equipment, because you'll die by stupid accidents 1/3 of fights.
Crafting for fun? Sadomazohism?
Gathering resources for fun? Only if HQ resources, and some moron coming to you, saying "Now you'll die!" and then his weapon exploding, that's the only how gathering can be fun.
Killing Sha Enin is fun, because I'll hear alot messages about me after that, which are really fun, also when I spending time there with my alt I still hear curses about person who killed Sha Enin, so yes, it's fun.
Trying something else? What? Killing mobs isn't fun. Killing random players for me is impossible, I had many chances to PK poor noobs in leather armors who find me on encounter bursting poor muties with SMG, but I simply can't kill innocents, killing PKs? Where? They're usually 10, and I'm 1, before wipe I could atleast cripple hand, then knock out him, and then ~6 his friends shot some rockets into me and then minigun burst, oh yeah, that's really fun, but anyway I never had anything valuable to lose. Hinkley, again, it doesn't work. What fun you can get there?
Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #25 on: September 21, 2010, 04:16:55 pm »

so dont play

im sorry for you but i found it fun to play with friends, hunt pks, protect mine or town, giving stuff to noob, talking, etc...
also I found it fun to play a imaginary character in a post-apo universe.
gathering ressources and crafting to get my equipement is a part of it. you can call it masochism, I call it fun, but I know it is not necessaryto have this equipement to kill Sha Enin.

unlimited equipment isn't needed until you craft.

I must advise you that there are other kind of encounter, like SF caravn, BOS patrol, remnant of master army, etc...
a little bit more difficult and interresting than pigrats and radscorpions.

did you even explore some deathclaws caves?

i must say, try something else cause there IS something else to do

maybe try to find a FCC and buy a cockroach, then go explore the wasteland before saying "killing pigrats is boring"

I never went to hinkley yet, always something to do since the wipe
Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #26 on: September 21, 2010, 04:29:07 pm »

im sorry for you but i found it fun to play with friends, hunt pks, protect mine or town, giving stuff to noob, talking, etc...
I did that.
I must advise you that there are other kind of encounter, like SF caravn, BOS patrol, remnant of master army, etc...
I did that, and it's not a challenge, super muties are morons in RT, they are walking away from you if they have laser rifles, and they doing that very slow, flamer muties... just hit and run, minigun muties... well it's always 0 or 1 of them, he's dying 1st from point blank burst with SMG, then I running to walking away mutie and bursting him, then 2nd mutie, mutie with flamer... just running away from him and shooting his eyes. So you'll take a scratch or only one shot from laser rifle, but my 200 HP is enough, and yes, I was in bluesuit, with deteriorated fully loaded 10mm SMG in main hand and 30 additional 10mm bullets on off-hand.
did you even explore some deathclaws caves?
maybe try to find a FCC and buy a cockroach, then go explore the wasteland before saying "killing pigrats is boring"
Well it was just an example, the only critters I killed after wipe are:
mutated molerats from 1st level to 21st level.
regulators for SMGs and 10mm ammo from 4th level till now.
junktown scouts, same reason +hunting rifles,
marauders, same reason,
muties, really don't know why, because I don't need miniguns and laser rifles and flamers... just muties.
also some random NPCs like raiders and followers of apo.

Also I'm not saying that this is stupid broing senseless game. I'm here to test, find bugs, exploits, abuse bugs and exploits until they are fixed. I only say my opinion about current gameplay, that it lacks... it.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2010, 04:42:06 pm by RavenousRat »
Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #27 on: September 21, 2010, 11:01:33 pm »

what hes trying to say is that there is nothing for veterans of the game if you don't play in a faction and do TC... which is mostly true. after you've got your main, your crafter, and your powerbuild of choice, the game gets a lot more stale. what we need is some seriously strict faction rules, so that you CANNOT be a prof3 crafter in a player faction.

we need to encourage the NPC factions to be a major part of the game. if you join the BOS, you should have to go on BOS patrols with them and help them collect technology, weapons, and ammo, so they can one day revitalize the wasteland. If you join NCR, you should have to go out with the army and hunt mutants and clear out hostile areas of raiders/slavers/etc so that NCR can continue to expand... otherwise these factions should not let you in. How many secret organizations teach their secrets to willing applicants, and then let them leave? None. (lol you know any secret organizations?) This game would benefit highly from a heavy faction-based reputation grind. If anything, reputation for a place you join should go DOWN as you're in it, unless you do something to make it go up.

It only makes sense. Back to the BOS. If you were a 'knight' in the BOS, and you just joined and never showed up at base, never reported to your superiors... they'd eventually grow distant, and you will no longer be considered a member of their faction. To stay in a faction, you should have to earn it. Further, the lvl 3 professions should be difficult to obtain, and one should be forced to remain in the NPC faction, so as to avoid crafter alts. This way, only people dedicated to crafting, and the people dedicated to helping those crafters so they can get crafted equipment, will join the NPC factions. This will force PC factions to heavily specialize, or with proper leadership, the PC faction can still function the same as it does today, although with increased organizational cost.

There are many things needed to fully realize the faction aspect of the game. For example, if you're a non-crafter in a NPC faction, they should "sell" you the prof-1-2-3 equipment of the faction for "reputation points", so that the factions are not entirely consisting of crafters.

If this were implemented in any fashion, most player factions would simply crumble under the new rules, because they are random PK factions with a few guys making alt after alt to support an infinite crafting-pk-crafting cycle.

However, the few player factions able to withstand the increased pressure would benefit highly from it- and become more powerful than before, due to increased control of rare resources.
Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #28 on: September 22, 2010, 03:52:07 am »

what hes trying to say is that there is nothing for veterans of the game if you don't play in a faction and do TC... which is mostly true. after you've got your main, your crafter, and your powerbuild of choice, the game gets a lot more stale. what we need is some seriously strict faction rules, so that you CANNOT be a prof3 crafter in a player faction.

we need to encourage the NPC factions to be a major part of the game. if you join the BOS, you should have to go on BOS patrols with them and help them collect technology, weapons, and ammo, so they can one day revitalize the wasteland. If you join NCR, you should have to go out with the army and hunt mutants and clear out hostile areas of raiders/slavers/etc so that NCR can continue to expand... otherwise these factions should not let you in. How many secret organizations teach their secrets to willing applicants, and then let them leave? None. (lol you know any secret organizations?) This game would benefit highly from a heavy faction-based reputation grind. If anything, reputation for a place you join should go DOWN as you're in it, unless you do something to make it go up.

It only makes sense. Back to the BOS. If you were a 'knight' in the BOS, and you just joined and never showed up at base, never reported to your superiors... they'd eventually grow distant, and you will no longer be considered a member of their faction. To stay in a faction, you should have to earn it. Further, the lvl 3 professions should be difficult to obtain, and one should be forced to remain in the NPC faction, so as to avoid crafter alts. This way, only people dedicated to crafting, and the people dedicated to helping those crafters so they can get crafted equipment, will join the NPC factions. This will force PC factions to heavily specialize, or with proper leadership, the PC faction can still function the same as it does today, although with increased organizational cost.

There are many things needed to fully realize the faction aspect of the game. For example, if you're a non-crafter in a NPC faction, they should "sell" you the prof-1-2-3 equipment of the faction for "reputation points", so that the factions are not entirely consisting of crafters.

If this were implemented in any fashion, most player factions would simply crumble under the new rules, because they are random PK factions with a few guys making alt after alt to support an infinite crafting-pk-crafting cycle.

However, the few player factions able to withstand the increased pressure would benefit highly from it- and become more powerful than before, due to increased control of rare resources.

Best suggestion I have read in my entire life.
Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #29 on: September 22, 2010, 06:18:16 am »

Something to be aware of War.  The pkr's only have fun with themselves, kinda like another solo pass-time teens do when bored.  And like that other [fun-time] it's never fun for the person who walks in on it.  You may think you have done something wrong by joining an anti-pk group, really you just made a lot of friends.

I tend to play with a pal, we have a hard time doing things with some of the aspects of the game, and certain fail noob types causing us issues.  But generally it's a fun 4 hours of full in-game time.
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