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Author Topic: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?  (Read 13144 times)

Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #45 on: September 23, 2010, 05:09:26 pm »

I already played in group, the problem is they all bored now, so I'm left alone.
And even if they still played, it'll be the same as alone, but... mass boring.
I suggested them to just create lots demo alts, create 1000000 dynamites, and explode NCR 24/7, but they don't want to.
I suggested them to make lots CH alts, buy 100000 muties and terrorize NCR 24/7, but they said mercs/slaves AI sux after wipe.
Also explain what to do, even in group?
The only interesting thing is when a gang has a traitor, then the game become really interesting. It's almost like player-made quest, find out who stealing stuff for most players, and not get cought for traitor.
Anything else player-based (This is MMO as you said, and yes, it is) at this game is boring yet.
Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #46 on: September 23, 2010, 05:27:31 pm »

The faction points I mentioned earlier would be a way of gaining rank, faction specific equipments and possibly unique upgrades - making it possible to earn stuff, gain exp and other things completely inside your faction.

Vault City Inoculations shall rise, like a Phoenix from the ashes.

I am feeling increasingly optimistic, but I'd insist the factions and their bonuses are carefully considered - pick two or three skills as the basis for each factions' reward. In terms of both crafting and combat.

For example, Vault City is the intellectual faction. Their members are doctors and scientists and their main combat skill is energy weapons. The faction specific bonuses are mainly based around these skills, with a few generic ones thrown in (Bonus damage resistance, or whatever). The NCR are grunts, so I'd suggest they're slightly more pragmatic - small guns, throwing and repair. For example. Their faction rewards are more combat orientated, but their equipment is very much mass produced standard issue. So on, and so forth.

This brings me to one tiny side point. Try making repair the small and big guns crafting skill, and science the energy weapons crafting skill. Increase the skill requirements, sure, but simplify the number of skills required. It'll make crafting more streamlined and enjoyable - you won't have to spread your skills as thinly. You could also blow us away with your pragmatism and merge first aid and doctor, but I won't hold my breath for that.
Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #47 on: September 23, 2010, 07:45:16 pm »

I think that Ravenus and StoneBalls have the same problem here.


MMOs are not a single player RPG where you can be a loner, do some quests, level a bit, do some side quests, kill some things, recruit some followers and then watch the game ending after saving the princess/killing the princess/abandoning the princess and marrying her captor.

MMOs generally depend on GROUP FUN. ie playing with your friends. The amount of fun for a loner comes from doing the usually limited quests and then getting "achievements". Loners and people who dont join guilds do not get to experience most of the really fun content in ANY game... no group pvp, no end game etc.

In FOnline 2238 endgame = TC (remember the faction mode anyone?). If you dont want to join a gang or create a new one and spend time making it big and strong well then regardless of if you play WoW, Guild Wars, Dungeons&Dragons Online or FOnline the amount of fun you will have will be limited.

Are there flaws in the game? Yes there are numerous. Are there unbalances which make PvP situational? Certainly.

Is that part of a beta-test process? A thousand times yes.

Even when FOnline is finished no matter how many quests there are if you play on your own you will end up being bored in the end as it may keep you 1-2-3-5 months until you explore all content. There is no way devs can produce more content in the time it takes for a player to go through it. Even major corporations that have dedicated paid teams to churn out new content cant do it!

As for the fact that its time consuming! Well... welcome to MMO's... games that you play and play and play and they NEVER end. There is no big flag at the end that says "grats Stoneballs. You did it. You killed the bad guy, here is a video and some designer credits you will never read".

So overall my question is, taking that into consideration, what are your expectations from an Online game especially when you want to be a loner?


I find it amusing that you earned 21 levels killing molerats and then say you are bored... well yes off course you are bored... it takes a special kind of mind scrubbed individual to do that and you win at it. Gratz! You levelled quickly and now can be peacefully bored.

Personally with my "newbness" I enjoy the challenge of going to Warehouse and killing RT Deathklaws, trying to kill the raiders and save a Caravan and in the future I will be trying to save the NCR army from the mutants. Overall killing mobs, looting mobs, travelling and exploring the map is what you do in any and every online game. FOnline cant and wont be diffrent when it is finished... and until that time it would be even less.

Too easy for ya? Gather your friends and take over NCR! How? Well the guards are finite... kill them all. Kill president tandi and her son and terrorize NCR for a few hours.

finally this guy makes a good point.

although one previous poster did put it best: there is no challenge to the game, only time requirements. taking over NCR wouldn't be HARD, it would be time consuming gathering the required materials for the 10 suits of BOS, super stims, psycho, and mercs you'd need to be successful.

but once you were actually THERE, with the stuff you need, taking over NCR would be similar to leveling off molerats -- its only a matter of time before its over.

the game needs dynamic and challenging situations, and what solar described about having to fight over work benches etc for faction points seems right on the money.

we need all kinds of stuff like that. i swear if i didnt have to work my ass off and handle a lot of RL shit daily, i'd hop on that editor and see what i could whip up. sadly, im likely both terrible and inexperienced, so i'll just have to wait for the real pro's to add content. -.-

John Ryder

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Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #48 on: September 24, 2010, 01:33:07 am »

I remember some group taking over NCR just before wipe. Anyone knows how it ended?
 - It's intended!
Typical FOnline roleplayers


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Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #49 on: September 24, 2010, 01:42:43 am »

NCR isn't takeable like other Town Control towns by players.
It was triggered by admins/GMs just for the (prewipemadness) fun.

Also, what has this to do with this thread?


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Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #50 on: September 24, 2010, 08:43:59 am »

Surf Solar has got a point. This thread was originally created to discuss what people enjoy doing while they play FOnline (if anything).
Instead people have mistaken it as me saying the game is boring and starting a fight about how to make it 'interesting', which is what not I intended.
Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #51 on: September 24, 2010, 10:30:49 am »

Surf Solar has got a point. This thread was originally created to discuss what people enjoy doing while they play FOnline (if anything).
Instead people have mistaken it as me saying the game is boring and starting a fight about how to make it 'interesting', which is what not I intended.

Yeah, and there are lots of "boring" subjects on the forum. Cuz itsa fact you know)
life goes on...


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Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #52 on: September 24, 2010, 08:56:14 pm »

Most the time in game i spend waiting for cooldowns.
If i'm dedicated to mine materials and craft a minigun and ammo, why the hell should i suddenly start doing something else? I'm not going to spend 3 hours to make virtual things which are required to have some fun. And my teammates aren't always online and near me, either.

So, playing FOnline is a hard work. And i work IRL hard enough, i want some fun.

Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #53 on: September 24, 2010, 09:33:43 pm »

the guy above is right, welcome in fo2238:settlers where u have to spend days crafting good ammo and guns or get a shotgun and a leather armor and die a sec later, people stop playing b/ of this "settlers" stuff


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Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #54 on: September 24, 2010, 09:37:18 pm »

No one is forced to craft. There are other ways to aquire gear.
Also, a beautiful line: If you don't like the game, just leave and don't whine here like a little beaten stepchild.
Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #55 on: September 24, 2010, 09:47:04 pm »

everyone who doesnt think in the one "proper" way supposed to leave, then right?
i dont really know what this forum is for ...
and if u want to play u are forced to craft, u cannot get caps if u dont have atleast tier 2 guns and armor, withour caps u cannot get a car, cave, proffesions if u craft in city, theifs will take everything out of u and so on
« Last Edit: September 24, 2010, 09:51:23 pm by Surf Solar »


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Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #56 on: September 24, 2010, 09:50:35 pm »

No. All I am saying is, that everyone who is inpatient, not open for changes and not comfortable to the general rules of a beta game shouldn't play this game. Either you like the game and stay, or you dont like it and leave it be for a few weeks/months/ etc. Countless whining and raging posts about feauture XY are not even pointless, they only cause annoyance and dont help anyone.

EDIT: Don't doublepost.
Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #57 on: September 24, 2010, 10:17:43 pm »

Also, a beautiful line: If you don't like the game, just leave and don't whine here like a little beaten stepchild.
I still want to test this game and be tester, also I'm never saying that this game sux, I only said that this have too much PvE character development, oh wait, no, it's totally 100% PvE character development. That's why getting XP isn't fun and that's why everyone is able to get 21st so fast. Making XPing slower, much much much slower, but based on player interaction on any level will make this game fun on every character level and even raising to max level isn't must-have, because it'll be easier on lower levels and harder on high levels. If someone will say "The main thing in this game isn't your character level", well, character is your character.. it's a guy who you control and doing all actions, may be for pure RP like "Hello, my name is John! How do you do? Do you want to go gather some flowers with me?" you don't need much combat skills, but even for boring crafting you need character skills, for stealing, for lockpicking, for walking on world map avoiding encounters, for everything you do you need character's skills. And player interaction XPing doesn't mean slaughtering PvP and getting XP for this, it also meant quests, with different random roles, of couse it'll require alot work.. but it's still possible. Also caravans and raiders on caravans, winner getting XP, totally random raids with character level checking and without meeting the same player twice at the same day and so on. Right now player interaction mostly brings whining, especially for lower levels... because they're dying alot, while whole game can be based on player interaction and mostly fair on ~same character levels, so being 21st level won't be the must for combat, 21st will simply fight against other ~21st's, and only during wasteland encounters, or unguarded towns, or guarded towns or something else there will be fights like it is now. Because there's no game in whole world where you can get fun at multiplayer game without player interaction, and current player interaction doing nothing with your character, it looks moslty like cosmetic optional feature, getting items - yes, there's a player interaction because you can pick it up from someone's body, gathering.. well almost the same, so yes, you can get items without gathering and crafting if you're PK, probably that's the way how to not get bored with getting items in this game, but what if I don't want to get items from someone else only because I don't want to spoil someone's fun, who don't do that with others? I can kill PK, and that's good that there're such people who kill others, because if there were no PKs, I could become one. And again, it's all fighting, fighting, that's all player interaction, but only because this game isn't completed yet.


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Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #58 on: September 25, 2010, 02:14:22 am »

For me the best part of FOnline is player interaction. Because let's face it, without player interaction this game is simply Fallout 1 and 2 stuck together with a few more features. Sure, you can hoard items by yourself and hole up in your tent trying to make as many caps as possible by crafting for hours on end. But where's the fun in that?

I'm going to have to disagree with you RavenousRat, I think their is plenty of player interaction that goes further than simply whining bluesuits. When I first played the game I met this guy with about 5 mercs and full metal armor (there is no point mentioning his name because he isn't on the forum and if he is then he will know it's him). Now I had been a bit down on my luck but I wasn't whining about it, instead I just went up to him and complimented him about his impressive private army of mercs. After that I expected him to tell me to piss off but I was pleasantly surprised when he gave me a SMG, some bullets and some leather armor. He then invited me to his party and showed me some great money making tips and even took me to where his tent is. Now, I'm pretty sure that's a different player interaction then simply some whining bluesuit pleading for 'phat lewt'. He could have easily pked me but I think he has understood that the best part of the game isn't murdering level ones or killing Sha Enin but interacting with other people.

One of the selling points of this game will always be a selling point of this game no matter how far it gets in developement, and that's the ability to play Fallout with friends and mabye some enemies. You can say 'They should add some more quests' but I don't think FOnline is meant to revolve around quests, just like some other MMOs. Quests are meant to be like a 'launching pad', getting you started with some decent gear so you don't have to 'spend days crafting tier 2 armor and weapons'.

I also like FOnline because there is no 'main goal'. You don't have to destroy some 'evil dragon' or 'save the princess'. Everything is up to you. I think anyone who likes achieveing some sort of superficial end should not be playing FOnline.

That's just my opinion
Re: FOnline, the game equivalent of a sidedish?
« Reply #59 on: September 25, 2010, 12:38:06 pm »

I'm going to have to disagree with you RavenousRat, I think their is plenty of player interaction that goes further than simply whining bluesuits. When I first played the game I met this guy with about 5 mercs and full metal armor (there is no point mentioning his name because he isn't on the forum and if he is then he will know it's him). Now I had been a bit down on my luck but I wasn't whining about it, instead I just went up to him and complimented him about his impressive private army of mercs. After that I expected him to tell me to piss off but I was pleasantly surprised when he gave me a SMG, some bullets and some leather armor. He then invited me to his party and showed me some great money making tips and even took me to where his tent is. Now, I'm pretty sure that's a different player interaction then simply some whining bluesuit pleading for 'phat lewt'. He could have easily pked me but I think he has understood that the best part of the game isn't murdering level ones or killing Sha Enin but interacting with other people.
What do you mean? So the player interaction for you is just "Meet someone on encounter, he gives you SMG. Wow! Yeah, cool player interaction, yes, in FOnline players can give items to each other, they can even barter! So what?" If appearing and disappearing items in your inventory is very enjoyable and you like this game because you can give items to other players and then can give them to you, then yes, it's good for you.
In game progress itself there's no player ineraction at all... ok, there's a player ineraction, you can achieve some items if you meet a guy in metal with 5 mercs, nice.
Probably it's easier to be PK, because that's really player interaction when you getting all items from other players, not boring NPCs or critters, but anyway, then don't getting XP for this for obvious reasons, but it can be done by other way, and without even killing "innocent", but fair PvP. Where you'll get real progress.

One of the selling points of this game will always be a selling point of this game no matter how far it gets in developement, and that's the ability to play Fallout with friends and mabye some enemies. You can say 'They should add some more quests' but I don't think FOnline is meant to revolve around quests, just like some other MMOs. Quests are meant to be like a 'launching pad', getting you started with some decent gear so you don't have to 'spend days crafting tier 2 armor and weapons'.
Launching pad what for? For doing pointless things whole life?

I also like FOnline because there is no 'main goal'. You don't have to destroy some 'evil dragon' or 'save the princess'. Everything is up to you. I think anyone who likes achieveing some sort of superficial end should not be playing FOnline.
That's why noone likes MMOs, everyone know that they are wasting time playing MMO, but they still playing it, they know that there's no point in this, but they still playing it, only because of players, it's like chat, but even better, because you may kill someone at this chat, if you don't like him, also you can be better or worst than other player there, that what MMO is.
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