once again...there is a REASON humanity evolved PAST swords and shields.the "best" shield today, the full riot shields used by swat teams or combat squads to hide their colleagues behind are extremely heavy and unwieldy so that the person carrying them only carries the shield while other people shoot from behind him.Even so a dedicate assault rifle/sniper rifle, MINIGUN would pass it like paper after a couple of shots.
a super cattle prod is a deadly melee weapon, but most posters are correct, melee weapons are rather out of place in an environment where guns are supreme. of course, that is true of the real world as well.... which is why we need to change it.fallout is not the real world, and it needs some gimmicky hilarious option for melee users to be on even grounds with gun users because this is afterall a GAME. if i want to simulate a real knife vs gun fight i will go play COD with my knife out charging guys with m60s. i'm sure you can imagine the outcome.
fallout is not the real world, and it needs some gimmicky hilarious option for melee users to be on even grounds with gun users because this is afterall a GAME.
Meele is useless in PvP combat. But should it be usefull in PvP? I use meele qiet often and have two meele chars. Meele is cheap (in means of ammo, weapons and required skill levels) option for crafters which need to exp or farm. Cause who can afford to slay a golden gecko with hail of 40 5mm APs? But nothing is better than supersledge when hunting geckos and brahmins or clearing toxic caves.
using ur arguement, the player with better equipement will always be the winner , is it fair?you could respond: yes it is becouse he invested more money... but wheres the skill?i say skill should decide the winner
It's always luck that defines the outcome of a battle, sometimes, lvl and equipment differences, circumstances (drugged/crippled/out of ammo/whatever) but generally speaking it's luck in real life.
luck in real life?
The major point about melee place is in the postapo background.Melee/unarmed should be the most popular in this way.We have too much weapon/ammo quantity in my mind.This breaks the repair need balance for gun also.