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Author Topic: A farewell to FOnline.  (Read 8935 times)


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Re: A farewell to FOnline.
« Reply #15 on: September 07, 2010, 08:43:11 pm »

why should smaller lvl char gain karma after killing a higher lvl? Like WoW's honor points? This is not karma, killing NPCs should affect your karma not players.
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator
Re: A farewell to FOnline.
« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2010, 09:56:03 pm »

craft craft craft,die,stuffs gone. craft craft craft die,stuffs gone.sounds awesome if you have no life.i love it how gms  never give any cool items,jus stand there looking cool then bomb the city,stuff gone again lmao. i dont think ive ever seen this many people quit a beta.maybe something is the game is half populated by little mouthy  morons and geriatrics. lol and how do you know what a apocalyptic world would be like. you dont have the slightest clue your jus running off your mad max ideas.
I would like my enlcave skin please :D
Re: A farewell to FOnline.
« Reply #17 on: September 07, 2010, 10:07:45 pm »

There isnt much wrong with this game. Like someone else already said "If you can't protect 3k worth of gear, don't use it".
Play smart, this isn't your average MMO. It is supposed to emulate the reality of living in a wasteland. Kill or be killed. Anti-Pkers can say what they want but actions will always speak louder than words. So in conclusion, trust no one but your good friends and don't be fooled by common trolls; play smart and you may just start to enjoy this game.

Fuck your inb4 ragequit shit. You ARE rage quitting so suck it up and take it like a man.
Re: A farewell to FOnline.
« Reply #18 on: September 07, 2010, 10:19:03 pm »

craft craft craft,die,stuffs gone. craft craft craft die,stuffs gone.sounds awesome if you have no life.i love it how gms  never give any cool items,jus stand there looking cool then bomb the city,stuff gone again lmao. i dont think ive ever seen this many people quit a beta.maybe something is the game is half populated by little mouthy  morons and geriatrics. lol and how do you know what a apocalyptic world would be like. you dont have the slightest clue your jus running off your mad max ideas.

you are a carebear. you do not belong in this game, or any hardcore mmo. anyone whose game time continually involves "craft craft craft die craft craft craft" is a carebear, is missing the spirit of the game entirely, and will never understand it.

you should do yourself a favor and grow a sack, learn to lose some pixels, or just quit now and go back to hello kitty island adventure. this game and its developers make no apologies for the difficulty, if its too much for you, its your problem, because the rest of us are just A-OK. we have social lives like anyone else, the difference is we dont get butt hurt over losing time spent -IN A GAME-.

if you want to craft craft craft craft and not die, why dont you go play wow and sit in the cities all day? honestly.
Re: A farewell to FOnline.
« Reply #19 on: September 07, 2010, 10:26:14 pm »

First of all it was said NOT 3k, but 3h, 3 HOURS of work on items, not 3,000 caps.

And what with this "play smart" bullshit? How smart you need be to not get some PKer with 160hp and Hunting Rifle enter your encounter when you try hunt Brahmins for tent with your bluesuit, 10mm Pistol and 30hp? Or get robbed in Junktown while you cant even kill thief when you not have weapon who deal enough damage to finish him before he reach exit grid?

I think Developers should rethink idea of starting safe zone, where you can stay until you get your tent, some amount of spare ammo, guns and some levels or only cheaters with multilogs etc will stay and be able to play FOnline like Open Beta 2 proved.

Re: A farewell to FOnline.
« Reply #20 on: September 07, 2010, 10:31:58 pm »

play smart means do not hold 3000 worth of items on you when you don't have a tent. play smart means that you get your tent before you mass items.

if you think it is easier to get a tent with having 3000 worth of items, then that is the risk you take. there are plenty of risk-free or small risk ways to make money and get a tent without having to have 3 hours worth of gear on you. not anyones fault but your own if you cant figure it out.

a thief can only steal an item from you if you let him. its your fault if he does.

no new player before you has ever needed a safe zone, most skilled players actually appreciate the interesting starting difficulty of this game. making a new character from scratch is one of the most entertaining things to do in fallout because there is great challenge there, but it is not impossible.

play smarter. don't be a carebear. my bullets cost 17 caps per shot. you want to avoid getting shot? make sure you're not worth a bullet then. pk'ers are pk'ers and will kill you no matter what. they exist in every game and you will pk yourself from time to time if you continue to play.

but nobody wants to see these ridiculous "OMG FALLOUT GAVE MY MOTHER CANCER AND KILLED MY DOG" threads anymore. the game isnt that hard, you just have to think, which is difficult for people like you who are used to games like wow.
Re: A farewell to FOnline.
« Reply #21 on: September 07, 2010, 11:10:36 pm »

@Thread Starter

The question you need to ask yourself is are you masochistic??

I am assuming the difficulty is due to it being non-profit (there not making money as player base grows larger), and I think because its a beta.  When you beta test, one of the things I think is important is to look at what players do and try to prepare for as much as you can.  That means people using exploits, campers, gankers, whatever the hell you want to call it.

Re: A farewell to FOnline.
« Reply #22 on: September 08, 2010, 12:25:44 am »

There isnt much wrong with this game. Like someone else already said "If you can't protect 3k worth of gear, don't use it".
Play smart, this isn't your average MMO. It is supposed to emulate the reality of living in a wasteland. Kill or be killed. Anti-Pkers can say what they want but actions will always speak louder than words. So in conclusion, trust no one but your good friends and don't be fooled by common trolls; play smart and you may just start to enjoy this game.

Fuck your inb4 ragequit shit. You ARE rage quitting so suck it up and take it like a man.

Respawning kinda makes it not much of a wasteland "reality" emulation. If people were killed as much as they are in game, it would be an empty wasteland if it mirrored reality. Though a smart use of ammo would be to conserve it for a bigger threat in such a more realistic emulation.
Re: A farewell to FOnline.
« Reply #23 on: September 08, 2010, 03:06:48 am »

Zato1  So you agree that this game is not only not worth playing but the effort you put forth in it should be equal to or less than the amount of gear you can lose.  Because small groups can only get so far in a few hours of play, and make so little money because the large groups have taken it all.  And as you have put it, you're foolish to take [anything] from your tent that is worth anything or could be lost.  This is a point proven in [many] posts, that things aren't worth the effort.  And yes pk is part of this game, but unlike every single other game that has pk, there isn't a system to punish or limit the pk field.  In this game the only group of people who are penalized are people who are NOT pk'rs  Everything in the game takes longer to create, it takes longer to level up.  Most of that revolves around [nice] people being a minority.  But ALL the benefits and perks go to the people who can grief the most and cause the most BS to other players.  They get the gear, the caps, and the help to do whatever they want.  At least in any other game that bares the Fallout name, you get a CHOICE.  there is no choice in this game, pk or don't advance.
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Re: A farewell to FOnline.
« Reply #24 on: September 08, 2010, 04:34:55 am »

thats incorrect, but i dont care to keep posting to someone who will never understand the spirit of pvp.
Re: A farewell to FOnline.
« Reply #25 on: September 08, 2010, 05:18:56 am »

Zato1  So you agree that this game is not only not worth playing but the effort you put forth in it should be equal to or less than the amount of gear you can lose.  Because small groups can only get so far in a few hours of play, and make so little money because the large groups have taken it all.  And as you have put it, you're foolish to take [anything] from your tent that is worth anything or could be lost.  This is a point proven in [many] posts, that things aren't worth the effort.  And yes pk is part of this game, but unlike every single other game that has pk, there isn't a system to punish or limit the pk field.  In this game the only group of people who are penalized are people who are NOT pk'rs  Everything in the game takes longer to create, it takes longer to level up.  Most of that revolves around [nice] people being a minority.  But ALL the benefits and perks go to the people who can grief the most and cause the most BS to other players.  They get the gear, the caps, and the help to do whatever they want.  At least in any other game that bares the Fallout name, you get a CHOICE.  there is no choice in this game, pk or don't advance.


thats incorrect, but i dont care to keep posting to someone who will never understand the spirit of pvp.

No. You wrong. And the gameplay style pk in fonline have nothing of spirit of pvp.
All mmo have penality for pk, also Ultima online. Ultima online had karma system also.
But you who hide behind the fine words of the spirit of PvP (which does not even know what it is, if not a simple frag to the quake) does not agree that to be
included of malus for pk and a system of karma.

I playing online game since of Ultima Online. So do not tell me what is the spirit of PvP. Certainly this is not.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2010, 05:41:16 am by joshwa »
Re: A farewell to FOnline.
« Reply #26 on: September 08, 2010, 05:57:39 am »

Exactly this is a system of abuse.  The more you abuse other players the more you get for yourself.  In any game where there is pvp, there is a CHANCE and in some cases a rather LARGE chance that you get to keep your gear/money/standing.  And that your death while annoying and troublesome does not cost you EVERYTHING, or whatever you may be holding to take somewhere.  But yeah I'll never understand pvp... 
City Encounters:  269
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Data collection start: 1-24-13
Re: A farewell to FOnline.
« Reply #27 on: September 08, 2010, 06:25:30 am »

no you wont. you lose, you win. ive killed people with 100k on them, ive lost 25k/death. you get over it and you stop crying like little boys, or you can quit the game and tell us how its too hard and its only for abusive serial killers and rapists.

Ned Logan

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Re: A farewell to FOnline.
« Reply #28 on: September 08, 2010, 06:48:35 am »

You guys have some weird idea about a "chance"... You can build a fortune playing a good guy, it just is harder. Yeah the harsh wasteland clique...
I have no problem with the game being realistic in this aspect, eventhough I am "good" mostly too (part of "anti-griefer" faction).
It is up to us players to create tolerant virtual society, not tweak the world rules to our image (not to mention we "good" might be a voice of minority).

If you have suggestions how to improve the world rules to better reflect the possible postapocalyptic reality, post them reasonably worded in different thread (if devs are interested in such vision, which I hope).
Re: A farewell to FOnline.
« Reply #29 on: September 08, 2010, 08:24:02 am »

no you wont. you lose, you win. ive killed people with 100k on them, ive lost 25k/death. you get over it and you stop crying like little boys, or you can quit the game and tell us how its too hard and its only for abusive serial killers and rapists.

I find it quite humorous how it seems to be always 'our way is right or you can leave.'  In either case, I'm not stating just about this game's pvp system because it is already flawed.  So much so that they wiped the server in an effort to try and fix it.  Sadly it's still a work in progress.  My statement is based on ALL the pvp I have encountered in the variety of MMOs I have played over the years.  And in all of those games pvp only really works when it is just not possible to completely ruin some unlucky persons time.  It is often troublesome, annoying, and time consuming.  But it doesn't let some group of ubers get together run around and make it near impossible for others to get anywhere.  In fact in MANY of those games you can't even pvp with people unless they're close enough to your lvl range to make it a decent fight.  In here we have 21's with nearly 300hp camping outside towns blowing away anything that moves.

You say it's just a little harder to play a good character.  Sadly it is so close to impossible that it's got people quitting the game.  They try to make it on their own, or in small groups.  And are hunted down slaughtered laughed at and then sent on their way.  Now this is still a beta-test, so it ain't perfect.  But just because [YOU] benefit from a somewhat broken system don't assume the whole game is peachy-keen and everyone is happy.  If I really wanted to play a game where pvprs could spend their day taking things I needed, getting in my way and griefing everyone just because it's funny for them, I'd go back to playing WoW.

If you are going to make a [GAME] usually you try and make it fun for as many types of players you can.
City Encounters:  269
Footlockers:  60
Blueprints:  8
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Fuel CC:  0
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