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Author Topic: A farewell to FOnline.  (Read 8936 times)


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A farewell to FOnline.
« on: September 07, 2010, 02:24:33 am »

INb4 rage.  ;)

"What if you really are a jerk and tard and your fate was to get killed because you deserved it?
And why don't you find him, kill him, and shit on his dead body, its more fun then what he wrote"

When you roleplay as a Doctor with no combat skills.

Two distinct arguments are made clear:
"SUPPORT THE PVP, which is the main functioning design of fonline 2238"
"First its a game , second its Role Play ."
Are people drawn by the PVP or Roleplaying?

Here, the problem is we have people that take the game too seriously:
"- Racism or other hostile speech"
I am legitimately confused to who Brain is and why one might deserve death before spawning on a map to see about 6 mercs standing over your cold, dead body. I assume that's the genius roleplaying kicking in, with adolescent children going V-tech (excuse my expression) on everything they see in plight of the world near ending. The guise of nationalities is untrue; generalism doesn't apply. I've been killed more times by people who speak my native language than any Russian, Pole or Czech. Also, you have not-to-be-specified persons that carry a false visage and call themselves "anti PK" acting self-rightous while they themselves do the acts which they vehemently claim to oppose. I know the wasteland is harsh but now I prefer to a much more simple, college life.

This is a good game for just a beta and hope to see it continue in the future.

P.S The in-game tutorial at Boneyard is indeed a noble effort to teach newbies without relying too much on an OOC wiki, better to learn IC and ingame while giving 2238 that immersive, realistic feel.

edit: My steam ID is Bagombo Snuff Box, you can catch me playing GMOD, TF2 or CSS. :)
« Last Edit: September 09, 2010, 06:36:57 pm by Y0ssarian »
Re: A farewell to FOnline.
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2010, 02:35:56 am »

was this your first time on the internet today?


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Re: A farewell to FOnline.
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2010, 06:23:44 am »

I understand about that game got 'too serious' players, but about get killed.. This game make you character death almost million times, so like it or hate it :P
Re: A farewell to FOnline.
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2010, 06:27:46 am »

I've been killed more times by people who speak my native language than any Russian, Pole or Czech.

Clearly your native language is German.

Also, you have not-to-be-specified persons that carry a false visage and call themselves "anti PK" acting self-rightous while they themselves do the acts which they vehemently claim to oppose.

I can actually agree with this. I love how "anti-PKers" PK you because they don't know you and they "can't be too carful". Drop the damn pretext already, you're not fooling anyone. Clearly I'm going to rush you with my flamer despite the fact that I'm outnumbered 6 vs 1 and just used HALF MY STIMPACKs to heal a few bluesuits trying to get electronic parts. I really have no problem with getting killed, it's part of the game. It's people who RP as anti PK but kill everyone they meet "just in case" who piss me off.


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Re: A farewell to FOnline.
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2010, 12:35:29 pm »

I get it if people get mad after losing stuff which was worth 3h of their gaming time.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


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Re: A farewell to FOnline.
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2010, 12:37:53 pm »

About that picture and those words..
These remind me one guy from 2238fin irc channel..
Re: A farewell to FOnline.
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2010, 12:48:49 pm »

You can always (or nearly always) trace those mistakes back to yourself. + if you can't defend your 3k worth of stuff, you should just leave it in your tent or someone stronger/more skilled/numerous then you will. I don't see any problem with that. If this game ever gets stuff that does't drop when you die, I'm out. Ultima Online's been ruined that way, WoW was poop (concerning pvp) from the start, all mmos these days are for pussies who don't want to lose their pixels.

I agree idiots are a problem though.
"“Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.”


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Re: A farewell to FOnline.
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2010, 12:56:36 pm »

How long have you been playing this beta MMO-Mod ?
I have seen far more people shouting things that would make a classic german sarge look like a choir boy.

Some peeps need teh raeg. They just want to cool down with it.
Some stay quiet and think about the situation and how to do it better in future, some go mad. We are all human.

Im playing Counter-Strike for a long time with the same dudes every session. These are fulltime hardcore ragers who scream "fuck you you fucking son of a bitch" and stuff every time they get killed (CS <> FOnline, you dont loose stuff that u worked for). Its gets amusing after a time, like that picture of "Brain" beeing shouted at amused me.

Dont take it too hard lad, the game is too much fun to get it spoiled by some dudes who take it too srs.
Maybe you give it a try again sometime.

« Last Edit: September 07, 2010, 12:58:20 pm by Andr3aZ »
Re: A farewell to FOnline.
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2010, 01:04:10 pm »

You can always (or nearly always) trace those mistakes back to yourself. + if you can't defend your 3k worth of stuff, you should just leave it in your tent or someone stronger/more skilled/numerous then you will. I don't see any problem with that. If this game ever gets stuff that does't drop when you die, I'm out. Ultima Online's been ruined that way, WoW was poop (concerning pvp) from the start, all mmos these days are for pussies who don't want to lose their pixels.

I agree idiots are a problem though.

so your saying if a newbie who got a lucky break and found a trader to sell him crap to, but has no tent to stash the shit in and having only 30~ hp is at fault himself if another player who already has a MA/CA armor and minigun thinks he needs your stuff more than you do or just shoots you for shits and giggles?
i agree that some stuff has to be dropped if youy die..... but i was thinking along the lines of not loosing caps or not dropping 2-3 most expensive items because it can reaaaly piss people off  when they loose hours worth of work to some jerk who just happens to be higher level than they (and there are those who still dont know shit about making tents and have a snowballs chance in hell to get a hotel room because those are always taken)
Re: A farewell to FOnline.
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2010, 01:13:27 pm »

In other MMO's you may not drop stuff but even if you did high level pcs tend to not go to lowbie areas.

Ussually there is protection for that short of thing... ie opposing faction high level players are auto-attacked by guards in a city. Hence a Horde level 80 guy that goes to Stormwind end up being chased by lvl 80 guards,,,

In this game there is no "karma" for killing pcs, there is no global karma that precludes you from staying a "villain" and away from cities if you decided to take that role, nor is there any protection for even the player who just started the game and is killing rats outside NCR...

There are people that will show up and shoot you without a word for the two flints and 9mm mauser with 5 bullets that you are carrying... there are others who will laugh at you on top of that and there are those that will show up, shoot you with a burst and then say "oups sorry, I did it just in case"... yes yes... you killed the 40 hp blueshirt in case he had a hidden enclave armor and plasma rifle in his pocktet but decided to kill rats for the precious challenge they pose.

In the end I dont care though...this morning I just made my tent and got my combat shotgun and a nice leather armor so I can actually start enjoying the game...

But overall , and this is important more for whenever this game will go live and not for beta, not many games offer hard start and less hard future... its something that will drive away even a non-casual gamer if he doesnt LOVE the fallout feeling and concept. MMO games are supposed to reward new players and make the start easy for them otherwise people will just drop out.
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Re: A farewell to FOnline.
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2010, 01:32:22 pm »

In other MMO's you may not drop stuff but even if you did high level pcs tend to not go to lowbie areas.

Ussually there is protection for that short of thing... ie opposing faction high level players are auto-attacked by guards in a city. Hence a Horde level 80 guy that goes to Stormwind end up being chased by lvl 80 guards,,,

In this game there is no "karma" for killing pcs, there is no global karma that precludes you from staying a "villain" and away from cities if you decided to take that role, nor is there any protection for even the player who just started the game and is killing rats outside NCR...

There are people that will show up and shoot you without a word for the two flints and 9mm mauser with 5 bullets that you are carrying... there are others who will laugh at you on top of that and there are those that will show up, shoot you with a burst and then say "oups sorry, I did it just in case"... yes yes... you killed the 40 hp blueshirt in case he had a hidden enclave armor and plasma rifle in his pocktet but decided to kill rats for the precious challenge they pose.

In the end I dont care though...this morning I just made my tent and got my combat shotgun and a nice leather armor so I can actually start enjoying the game...

But overall , and this is important more for whenever this game will go live and not for beta, not many games offer hard start and less hard future... its something that will drive away even a non-casual gamer if he doesnt LOVE the fallout feeling and concept. MMO games are supposed to reward new players and make the start easy for them otherwise people will just drop out.

yea... is why they really need to bring back the usual negative karma system(with a few modifications like revenge and stealer killings)...... at the moment people only loose karma if you are part of BoS or Enclave, but that means you cant be part of any player factions.... nor is there a negative effect from killing bluesuits
Re: A farewell to FOnline.
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2010, 02:50:57 pm »

yea... is why they really need to bring back the usual negative karma system(with a few modifications like revenge and stealer killings)...... at the moment people only loose karma if you are part of BoS or Enclave, but that means you cant be part of any player factions.... nor is there a negative effect from killing bluesuits

Revenge would be hard to manage.
You already don't lose karma when shooting unprotected thieves.
You also lose karma if you shoot a member of the VC faction.

In my opinion the way it works now inside a guarded town or area can stay the same.
Outside guarded areas you would lose karma depending on the level difference between you and you victim .
For instance a level 21 shooting or killing a level 5 character would lose (21-5)*? karma (? being a not too high number).
Off course a level 5 shooting a level 21 would lose (5-16)*? karma thus gaining karma.
Re: A farewell to FOnline.
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2010, 04:46:40 pm »

gaining karma for killing higher level would be highly abused.
Kill them all and let the god sort them out.


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Re: A farewell to FOnline.
« Reply #13 on: September 07, 2010, 04:47:33 pm »

gaining karma for killing higher level would be highly abused.

give it a cooldown -> fixed
Re: A farewell to FOnline.
« Reply #14 on: September 07, 2010, 07:28:05 pm »

there is no fix needed. this situation happens a thousand times a day, to everyone.

infact, the NPC's take far more gear from players than other PC's ever will. :)
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